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Filled with sorrow, I didn’t notice the hardness of the chair I was sitting on. I was at the funeral of my  21  . The sadness was so great that I found it hard to  22  _ at times.

Suddenly, I heard a  23  open and shut at the back of the church. Quick  24  hurried along the floor. A young man looked around in a  25  and then sat next to me. His eyes were full of tears.

“I’m    26 ,” he explained, though no explanation was   27  . After several eulogies (悼文), he leaned over and commented, “ Why do they keep   28   Mary by the name of ‘Margaret’?” “Because that was her name, Margaret. Never Mary,” I  29  . “No, that isn’t correct,” he insisted. “Her name is Mary, Mary Peters.” “That isn’t    30   this is,” I replied. “Isn’t this the Lutheran church?” “No, the Lutheran church is across the street. I believe you’re at the   31   funeral, sir.”

The solemnness (庄严) of the occasion    32  with the realization of the man’s mistake amused me and I could not help    33  . I looked at the man seated beside me. He was laughing,  34   . I imagined Mother laughing. At the  35  “Amen”, we ran out of the door and into the parking lot.

“I do believe we’ll be the   36  of the town,” he smiled. He said his name was Rick and that   37   he had missed his aunt’s funeral, he asked me out for a cup of coffee. That afternoon began a lifelong    38  for me with this man who attended the wrong funeral. A year after our meeting, we were   39  at a country church. This time we both arrived at the same church, right on time.

Whenever anyone asks us how we   40  , Rick tells them, “Her mother and my aunt Mary introduced us.”

1.       B.neighbor        C. mother     D.  aunt                    

2.                A.imagine        B.breathe         C.explain   D.sit


3.                A.box            B.bottle          C.door D.window


4.                A.noises          B.claps           C.songs D.steps


5.                A.mood          B.rush           C.mess D.row


6.                A.angry          B.anxious         C.full  D.late


7.                A.necessary       B.natural         C.impossible D.uncertain


8.                A.confusing       B.calling          C.asking    D.questioning


9.                A.shouted        B.cried           C.whispered D.reported


10.               A.who           B.when          C.why D.where


11.               A.special         B.wrong          C.same D.different


12.               A.filled          B.covered        C.stocked   D.mixed


13.               A.laughing        B.wondering      C.worrying  D.singing


14.               A.yet            B.too            C.either D.though


15.               A.first           B.middle         C.second    D.final


16.               A.talk            B.eye            C.word D.idea


17.               A.till            B.since          C.if D.before


18.               A.waiting         B.dream         C.thought   D.journey


19.               A.freed          B.protected       C.married   D.disturbed


20.               A.lived           B.met           C.stayed D.grew



—Let's go Dutch for this supper, OK?

—No,________this time, as a reward for all your help.

A.it's up to you                           B.it's my treat

C.let's talk about it                        D.it doesn't matter


At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the UN Secretary General points out that,________, the climate situation will get worse and worse.

A.if not dealing with properly

B.unless dealing with properly

C.if properly dealt with

D.unless properly dealt with


—Who should be responsible for the accident?

—The boss, not the workers. They just carry the orders________.

A.as told                                B.as are told

C.as telling                              D.as they told


I can't thank you _______ much because without your help I _______ have won the first prize.

A.too; wouldn't                          B.very; shouldn't

C.that; might not                         D.so; couldn't


Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy________.

A.would have been saved                 B.had been saved

C.will be saved                           D.was saved


—My uncle suggests I ________ abroad.

—I would rather you ________ at home.

A.go; stay           B.went; stayed       C.go; stayed         D.went; stay


I want to sell the house,but ________ I can’t bear the thought of moving.

A.in other words                         B.on the other hand

C.for one thing                           D.as a matter of fact


Strict measures have to be ______ to protect______ children from family abuses.

A.adapted; adopted                       B.adopted; adopted

C.adjusted; adjusted                       D.attached; adopted


Now a lot of new technologies can ________ problems in industry.

A.be applied to solve                      B.be applied to solving

C.apply to solve                          D.apply to solving


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