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In the reading-room, we found Winifred ____at a desk, with her attention _____on a novel.

A.sitting; fixing       B.seating; fixed       C.sitting; fixed       D.seated; fixing


No matter where he is, he makes_____ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.

A.him              B.this              C.that              D.it


___ to give up smoking, he threw away his _____ cigarettes.

A.Determined; remained                   B.Determined; remaining

C.Determining; remaining                  D.Determining; remained


By the time he retires, professor Baker _____ for almost forty years.

A.will have taught     B.had taught         C.has taught         D.is teaching


The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.

A.to carry out                            B.to be carried out

C.carried out                            D.being carried out


Mr.White, who comes from ____ European country, has formed _____habit of attending ____ church on Sundays.

A.an; /; the          B.a; a; a            C.an; the; /          D.a; the; /














Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long.                              





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My name is Bruce Hall. I'm happy to being your English teacher. First, I'd like to tell you

something about myself. I was born in Paris which the winter is cold. So I went to a warm place—Egypt and lead camels for tourists under the pyramids. Before some time,I went to study at California State University,with the money I had earned it in Egypt. Late,I went to Salt Lake City and became high school teacher. It is five years since I came to China as a teacher of English. My classes are designed special to meet the needs of each student whether they want to prepare for various exam or generally learn to speak English. So if you have any difficulties in learning English,please don't hesitate to come to me.



There's an old saying, “You can put more salt in the soup,but once it's in there,you can't get it out.”__1__ And your child can help!Here's an exciting experiment for your child to try:

Start by helping your child to mix salt into the water in the mixing bowl and stirring until it is fully dissolved溶解).

___2__ Make sure that you don't let any of the salty water into it.

___3__ Then take a small rock,and place it right on top of the center of the plastic wrap,so that all of the plastic leans slightly toward the middle of the bowl where the cup is.

Put the whole setup in full,hot sun,and wait. Within an hour, you should see water droplets begin to form on the underside of the plastic. __4___

Wait, and then take the plastic off. A good amount of water should be in the small cup.

__5__ Guess what? No salt!The water vaporized蒸发)in the heat of the sun,and then returned to its liquid state. Salt doesn't do that一it stayed behind. You really can take the salt out of salt water!

As it happens,this is an excellent lesson in the way matter can change states.

A.Fresh water is scarcer than ever.

B.Invite your child to taste with you.

C.Water can go from liquid to gas and to liquid again.

D.Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and seal the edges.

E.Then place a cup or a smaller bowl into the center of the bowl.

F.They'll flow and drip into the center of the bowl,and into the cup.

G..Today, scientists are busy exploring ways to take the salt out of salt water in large quantities.


Does being rich make you happy? Many studies on happiness give negative answers. Here are some points in being happy.

Basic Human Needs Must Be Met

People whose basic needs for shelter, clothing and food are not met will find it very difficult to feel happy. Of course,there are exceptions,but for most of us,we can only be happy once our basic needs are met.

The Joneses Cannot Be Escaped

People's happiness is not determined by how much they have, but by how much people around them have. So, we tend to feel happy once our basic needs are met and we have more than the people surrounding us.

This means that while keeping up with the Joneses could be destructive if we let it go too far, it is also part of human nature to want to feel at least on the same level,financially,as those surrounding us.

You Should Escape The Rat Race

We should know the importance of staying out of the rat race. So yes, you need to work hard,get the education you need to land a good job and work long enough and hard enough to get to a place where you can easily meet your basic needs. What are basic needs? For most middle or upper middle class Americans, basic needs are not very basic anymore.

For most of us,once our basic needs have been met, happiness is achieved when we engage in activities we like,spend time with friends and family and stay active. Making money for the sake of making money does not make people happy.

Ideally, these questions should be answered when you're still young and just starting out. Don't wait until your midlife crisis to realize that half your life has passed you by and you're still unhappy.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The research on what determines happiness

B.Being rich makes people happy

C.What makes people feel unhappy

D.Key points on being rich and being happy

2.What does "the Joneses" in Paragraph 4 probably stand for?

A.Expensive things                        B.Neighbors

C.Money                               D.Richer people

3.From the passage,what people probably do in "the rat race"?

A.To enjoy their life with family.

B.To get high education for better jobs.

C.To work too hard for money only.

D.To work hard for basic needs.

4.What's the attitude of the author towards the passage?

A.Money is happiness.

B.The love of money is the root of all evil.

C.Money doesn't grow on trees.

D.Money is a big problem, but money isn't everything.


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