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Some passers-by witnessed the car accident____ five passengers were killed, a baby included.

A.that              B.which            C.in which          D.in that


The girl got nothing in ______ for her kindness, which made her very sad.

A.prize           B.award           C.reward          D.medal


—Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that?

—Yes, but I _______her husband first.  

A.can have told      B.should have told    C.need have told     D.must have told


— Let's give up. It's too late. I don't think any bus will come.

— I don't care. I'll get there ________ I have to walk all the way.

A. as if             B. so that           C.even if            D.now that


—Have you heard of ________ death of Steven Jobs?

— Yes. It must be________ shock to Apple fans.

A.the; a            B.a; the             C.the; the           D.a; /


Saturday or Sunday. Are you coming?

— ________. I’ve got rather a busy day this weekend.

A.I hope so          B.Sounds great       C.You’d better not   D.I’m afraid not


假定你是某中学生英语报的小记者, 以下漫画内容是你的所见所闻,谙根据要求写一篇英语短文投稿。


1.描述漫画内容;    2.发表个人感想

说明: 满分5 manfen5.com


1. 短文标题与开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 考生可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯

3. 词数120左右;

4. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息。



短文改错 (共10分,每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改十处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

I like eating fruit and vegetables what are of great benefit to our healthy. Not only do they prevent us from falling into ill, but they help us lose weight. I used to hate vegetables, but follow the doctor’s advice, I gradually kicked the bad habit. Just as an old saying going, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. However, there are still many children dislike fruit and vegetables. On contrary, influenced by this or that kind of advertisement, many were crazy about junk food. Consequently, they become weaker and weaker instead of getting strong. In my opinion, we must take action to change them.


The Most Direct Solution to Any Problem

When trying to solve various problems in life, an approach I find very useful is to first identify what I’d consider the most direct solution, regardless of how I feel about actually implementing (实施) it. What is the clearest, most direct path to my goal or the most efficient way to get around an obstacle?

Many problems will have multiple direct solutions, but often these solutions will be unpleasant at first glance because they’ll require courage, self-discipline, creativity, or persistence to implement.  1. 

For example, suppose you want to lose weight. And suppose we can say that one of direct solutions is to eat the same as you’re eating now and increase your exercise output by 500 calories a day.   2. It may require discipline and persistence, but most people would agree that it will work if you follow through.

Another example:   3.  However, you don’t know how that person feels about you. One direct solution would be to simply walk up, explain your thoughts and feelings, and ask if she or he is interested in discussing the possibility of a closer relationship. This will take less than a minute to say, and whatever the outcome is, at least you know where you stand.   4.          Anyhow it’s very simple and straightforward.

  5.  What’s the simplest and quickest way to reach your goal, assuming that you had limitless courage and discipline?

A.Of course this solution may require a lot of courage toovercome the possibility of rejection.

B.But if we can get ourselves to follow through, we know the solutions will actually work.

C.See if you can identify the most direct solution to some of your problems.

D.So the best way to overcome the difficulty is to ask your friends for advice.

E. If you implement this rather simple solution, you’ll lose weight.

F. Suppose you’re interested in starting a relationship with someone.

G. However, the solution implemented does not work.


While success is surely sweeter than failure, it seems failure is a far better teacher, and organizations that fail miserably often flourish (繁荣) more in the long run, according to a new study by Vinit Desai, assistant professor of management at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. Researchers have found that people missing their goals perform much better in the long run. That is because they gain more knowledge from their failures than their successes and the lessons are more likely to stay longer in their minds.

“We found that the knowledge gained from success was often fleeting while knowledge from failure stuck around for years,” said professor Desai, who led the study. “But companies often ignore failure. Managers may fire people or turn over the whole workforce while they should treat the failure as a learning opportunity.”

Prof Desai compared the flights of the space shuttle Atlantis and the Challenger. During the Atlantis flight last year, a piece of insulation (绝缘体) broke off and damaged the left solid rocket booster (助推火箭) but didn’t influence the program. There was little investigation. The Challenger was launched next and another piece of insulation broke off. This time the shuttle and its seven–person crew were destroyed. The disaster led to a major investigation resulting in 29 changes to prevent future disasters.

The difference in response in the two cases came down to this: Atlantis was considered a success and the Challenger a failure.

“Despite crowded skies, airlines are extremely reliable,” he said. “The number of failures is extremely small. And past researches have shown that older airlines, those with more experience in failure, have a lower number of accidents.”

Prof Desai doesn’t recommend finding out failure in order to learn. Instead, he advises organizations to analyze small failures to collect useful information rather than wait for major failures.

1. Why did experts pay little attention to the problem of Atlantis?

A.Because it worked perfectly.

B.Because the right booster was still OK.

C.Because nothing serious happened then.

D.Because fewer people died in the flight.

2.Fewer accidents happen to older airlines in that ________.

A.their planes couldn’t fly high in the sky

B.they gained much from experience in failure

C.their planes were often checked by the experts

D.they were unpopular among passengers

3.The passage is written mainly to ________.

A.show failure is a better teacher than success

B.explain why Challenger failed

C.introduce something about Prof Desai

D.tell managers how to achieve success

4. Which writing strategy is NOT used in developing the passage?

A.Giving definitions.

B.Making comparisons.

C.Analyzing causes.

D.Providing different examples.


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