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In China, many people are leaving the countryside to find jobs in the cities, because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isn't much work there. Services such as hospital and transport are usually much better in the city than in the countryside. They hope that their lives will improve when they move to the city.

    But in the big cities of Europe like London or Paris, people are moving out of the city. These rich families want to live a quieter life. They are tired of the noise and the dirt of the city, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses. They don't want to live in the cities any more. They want a house with a garden in the countryside, and breathe the fresh air there.

    So they move out of the cities. Some don't go very far, just a little way out of the city, to the towns near the cities. Other people move to the real countryside with sheep, cows and green fields. There, they start new lives and try to make new friends.

    Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy. After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it was a big mistake. They don't make so much money and there isn't much work to do. People in the countryside are very different and aren't always very friendly.

    As a result, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city. "It's wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights," they say.

1.Which is NOT the reason for people moving to the cities in China?

A.The countryside is much poorer than the city.

B.People in the countryside have nothing to eat.

C.People in the countryside don't have much work to do there.

D.Services in cities are usually much better than those in the countryside.

2.Why do some rich families in Europe move to the countryside?

A.Because they will find good jobs.

B.Because they are tired of living in the city.

C.Because they can make more money there.

D.Because they like feeding sheep and cows in the green fields.

3.After moving to the countryside, some people in Europe feel unhappy because ___________

A.they can't make much money

B.there isn't much work for them to do in the countryside

C.some people in the countryside aren't always very friendly to them

D.A, B and C

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph shows __________

A.they are happy to move back to the city

B.they miss their friends in the countryside

C.they still want to move to the countryside

D.they are tired of the noise and the crowded streets in the city

5.The best title of this passage may be “__________”

A.A happy life!                        B.Living in the city!

C.Moving out or moving back ?          D.Living in the countryside!


Every day, in all kinds of weather, a lot of men and women go jogging (running slowly). Why has jogging become so popular? Most people start jogging___48___they hear it is a very good form of exercise. Jogging makes one’s heart strong and helps people control their weight or stay slim. If you keep jogging regularly, you needn’t take pills__49__ skip meals to lose weight. Jogging can__50__make you feel better about yourself.

  Donald Robbins,___51__ is 42 years old and works in an office, began jogging a few years ago because he felt he was overweight. At first he could only run about 300 meters,__52__two years later, he ran a marathon- over 42 kilometers.

  Do you jog? If you do, be sure to ask your doctor for advice. Does jogging cost much? Almost__53__. But __54__ is very important to have a good pair of shoes that are made especially for jogging. If not, when you run on hard ground for a long time it may cause your feet__55__ hurt.


A woman came out of her house and saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be 36. Please come in and have something to eat."

  "Is the man of the house home?” they asked. "No", she replied, "He's out." "Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her 37 came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in!" The woman went out and invited the men in. "We do not go into a 38 together," they replied. "Why is that?" she asked.

      One of the old men gave an 39 that their names were Wealth, 40 and Love. Then he added, "Now go in and 41 with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

      The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was 42and he suggested inviting Wealth to fill their home with money,talking and laughing.“With riches,we buy new houses,expensive furniture,and colourful clothing. We will look much better in the eyes of both ourselves and our neighbours ”he said. And his wife wanted to invite Health; but their daughter-in-law 43 they should invite Love so that their home would be full of warmth. “With that,we will feel much better in our family and our neighbourhood as well. That’s of more importance.”she argued. 44 the husband said to his wife. "Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman 45 and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest."

      Love 46 and started walking toward the house.

      The other two also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Health: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"

      The old men replied 47: "If you had invited Wealth or Health, the other two of us would have stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Health!"

1.A.frightened        B.starving      C.upset         D.confused

2.A.friend            B.adolescent    C.husband       D.daughter-in-law

3.A.House         B. Dinner       C. System       D.Scene

4.A.performance       B.approval      C.argument      D.explanation.

5.A.Success           B.Cash          C.Health        D.Recovery

6.A.discuss           B.defend        C.exchange      D.challenge

7.A.selfish           B.overjoyed     C.upset         D.energetic

8.A.informed      B. suggested    C.worried       D.included

9.At the beginning.   B.Somehow       C.As a matter of factD.At last

10.A.went out     B.came in       C.stayed out    D.went in

11.A.stayed up        B. got up       C.mixed up      D.looked up

12.A.together     B.properlyly    C.altogether    D.hard


-You look upset.

         -Yes, this is the first time I________ form home.

                   A. leave    B. left                          C. have been away           D. is away


The police________ already_______ his house but haven’t found any evidence against him.

         A. has; searched      B. have; searched    C. has; searched for                  D. have; searched for


We should consider the students’ request________ the school library should provide more books on popular science.

                   A. that                                  B. when                         C. which              D. where


He was heard________ three songs in the next room.

                   A. sing                                  B. to sing             C. singing            D. sung


-Young man, come off the grass; we forbid________ on the grass here.

         -Sorry, I didn’t notice it.

                   A. to stepping           B. stepping                   C. why                  D. which


Christina wasn’t saying anything, but the professor smiled at her _______she had done something very clever.

A. as if              B. now that         C. while         D. though


No matter what I do, my efforts ________always end in failure.

A. lose weight         B. to lose weight   C. losing weight   D. lost weight


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