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The elderly patients still prefer the traditional way, ______ online booking system is supposed to be convenient and fast.

A. while                       B. though                            C. unless                      D. as







注意:1. 词数150左右

2. 不要逐条翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:碳排放carbon emission



1.She has lived in France, and as a c__________ speaks French fluently.

2.She wants to enter the teaching p________ after graduation.

3.A__________ towards older people and their role will have to change.

4.We will continue the race, r________ of the weather.

5.C________ to supporting the growing number of students finding jobs, we will provide them with the information they need.

6.Their strange behaviour was enough to have my doubt _________ (确认).

7.Children are running around, _________ (假装) to be aeroplanes.

8.Over the centuries, they gradually __________(汲取)Islamic ideas about design and architecture.

9.She is very ________ ( 挑剔的)  about what she eats.

10.________ (简言之), there are three principal challenges.


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A god has a horse. The horse was beautiful and also it had many good qualities.   1    It especially wanted to become the most beautiful horse in the world.

One day the horse said to the god, “You have given me beauty. You have given me other good qualities.2   But how I wish you could make me more beautiful! I would be extremely, extremely grateful if you could make me more beautiful.”

The god said, “I’m more than ready to make you more beautiful.  3  ” Then the horse said, “My neck is too short .If you can make neck a little longer, my upper body will be more beautiful. And if you can make my legs much longer and thinner, then I will look more beautiful in my lower body.”

Then immediately the god made a camel appear in place of the horse. The horse was so sad that it started to cry, “Oh, no, I do not want to become a camel.  4 As a horse, everybody appreciated my good qualities. Nobody will appreciate me as a camel.”

The god said, “This is exactly  what you asked for. You have become a camel.

5   if you cry for a longer neck and legs, this is what will happen. Each thing in my creation has its own good qualities. The camel is not as beautiful as you are, but it carries heavy loads and has a great sense of duty.”

A.I’m so grateful to you.

B.Why not remain a horse?

C.I wish you to change me into a horse again.

D.Tell me in what way you want to be changed.

E.  But it wanted to be more perfect in every way.

F.  Never try to receive more than I have given you

G.  I am glad to know that you feel good with yourself now


As is known to all, colors appear in every language to express people’s feeling and thoughts.Then, what is the situation in American English?

Red is a hot color.Americans may say they are red hot about something unfair.They are red hot when they are very angry about something.The small hot-tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hot for their color and their fiery taste.Fast loud music is popular with many people.They may say the music is red hot, especially the kind called Dixieland Jazz.

Pink is a lighter kind of red.People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health.The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century.It comes from the fact that many babies are born with nice pink skin that shows that they are in good health.

The color black is often used in expressions.People describe a day on which everything goes wrong as a black day.People or things on a blacklist are connected with things illegal now.But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for belonging to unpopular organizations.

The color green is natural for trees and grass.But it is an unnatural color for humans.A person who has a sick feeling in his stomach may say he feels a little green.A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green.

Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has.That person may say he is green with envy.Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars or greenbacks.Dollars are called greenbacks because green is the color of the back side of the paper money.

1.Americans use “red hot” to describe the following EXCEPT _______.

A.something unfair

B.small hot-tasting peppers

C.the person who is very angry

D.popular music like Dixieland Jazz

2.People use “in the pink” to express they are in good health because _______.

A.the expression has a very long history

B.the color pink makes people feel happy

C.people think the color pink is gentler than red

D.healthy babies are born with nice pink skin

3.When we say someone feels a little green, it means he/she _______.

A.enjoys himself in boating

B.is hit by a high wave

C.has a stomachache

D.likes trees and grass

4.In the writer’s eyes, what is related to a black day?

A.Being sent a beautiful gift.

B.Passing a very difficult test.

C.Failing in an important interview.

D.Being invited to an exciting party.


Office workers should know that long periods of sitting at your desk may be a killer. Scientists have shown a new threat from this lifestyle that they call  “muscular inactivity (肌肉迟钝)”.

Sitting still for long periods of time leads to the buildup of substances (物质) in the blood that are harmful to health. And exercise alone won’t drive them away.

Millions of people spend their days between car,office desk and the sofa in front of the TV. While the bad influences are well rocognized,it has been thought that they can be changed by regular trips to the gym or swimming pool.

Now researchers say that is not enough. In addition to regular exercise,office workers need to keep moving while they work,by making regular trips to the printer,coffee machine or to chat with workmates.

Elin Ekblom­Bak,an expert on health,says research shows long periods of sitting and lack (缺乏)  of “whole body muscular movement”  are strongly linked to obesity,heart disease and cancer,and a higher risk of death,regardless of (不管) whether they take enough exercise.

“Everyone knows about the health benefits of regular exercise. But what we haven’t realized before is that long­period sitting down carries an extra risk that cannot be dealt with by taking exercise,” Dr Ekblom­Bak said,adding that sitting still should be recognized as a risk to health.

“It is important to have a five­minute break from desk work every 45 minutes. Don’t email workmates—walk across the office to give them the message. Take a coffee break or put the printer in the next room. I am a desk worker and I try to do it. It is not difficult but sometimes you get lost in your work and you forget about it.”

However,more studies are needed to confirm the ill effects of sitting for too long and ways of fighting them. But at present they conclude that  “keep moving”  should be added to the advice to “keep exercising.”

1.Nowadays,many office workers wrongly think that________.

A.long periods of sitting has bad influences on them

B.regular exercise benefits them after long periods of sitting

C.they are living a lifestyle called “muscular inactivity”

D.it’s unfair for them to sit in the office for too long

2.What does the author suggest office workers should do?

A.Chat with workmates often.

B.Send emails instead of chatting.

C.Keep moving in the office regularly.

D.Take more exercise after work.

3.The last paragraph suggests that the result of the study is________.





4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.A new threat :long­period sitting

B.Office workers should keep exercising

C.Taking exercise benefits a lot

D.Keep moving,it could save your life


Three quarters of Britain’s parents are too busy to read bedtime stories to their children,according to a study. The study was carried out by CITV to start their new children’s show Bookaboo,which is designed to encourage anyone to pick up a book and read with their children at any time of the day.

Worryingly,the study showed that only three percent of fathers now find the time to read to the kids compared to 89 percent of mothers. Lucy Goodman,creator of Bookaboo,said,“It’s important for young boys to be able to share a book with dads,granddads or male carers and it can be fun and rewarding,too.” Of the dads who said they didn’t read to their kids,87 percent blamed work while more than a third said they were too tired. While 89 percent of mums said they did read to their children,more than half of them said cleaning distracted (使分心) them and 49 percent were distracted by other household things.

Researchers also found parents are now relying heavily on other people to lend a hand with reading to their children with grandparents doing the most,followed by sisters and brothers,aunts and uncles. While 95 percent of parents read to their children at some point,only five percent read to their children during the day. More than one in ten said they read every couple of weeks or less,and five percent could not remember the last time they shared a book.

The study found parents also seem content with allowing their children to immerse (使沉浸) themselves in TV programs or playing computer games rather than reading.

Ex­goalkeeper David Seaman,who is a dad of two,has been a guest in Bookaboo.He says,“I think it’s important that fathers do read to their children because it’s a special time. Sometimes my two children will come to listen to the same book—it’s a magical moment and I advise fathers just to try it.”

1.We can know from the passage that Bookaboo________.

A.is a daily show

B.is an adults’ show

C.is a popular show

D.aims to encourage people to read to their children

2.According to the study,fathers don’t read to their kids mainly because________.

A.they are too busy with work

B.they don’t think it necessary to do so

C.they are distracted by household things

D.they like to play computer games in their free time

3.Which group of people helped parents read to the kids the most?

A.Aunts and uncles.


C.Children’s carers.

D.Children’s sisters and brothers.

4.According to the last paragraph,David Seaman________.

A.is a goalkeeper now

B.has only one child

C.is the creator of Bookaboo

D.thinks it is great to read to children


AAAGH! The Generation 90s is coming!

Wearing earphones, using complex Net language and constantly text messaging friends, the Gen-90s following the Gen-80s begin to make their world debut (初次登台).

Each generation or age group has its own symbols and lifestyle.Read on and judge for yourselves if you fit the Gen-90s group.               


These little devices seem to grow on the heads of the Gen-90s.They might lead to MP3, MP4 or MP101 players, giving these young people a plugged-in, cool and perhaps self-addicted look, of course, life is not always music to the ears.     

Martian language

They have created their own code-like online language.It’s a mixture of English, Japanese and Chinese that perhaps only Martians can understand.This is an imaginative generation, though they need to be careful to keep it out of their term papers.                


Saying “cheese” to their own digital cameras is usual for this generation.A little bit of narcissism (自恋) never hurts anyone.It helps them reflect a little on their own lives.But be aware of the risks of posting private photos online.


They can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speak.This is a generation that respects efficiency.However, oral communication is important and will never go out of style.

1.According to the text, the writer will choose ______ as a good example to the Gen-90.

A.Li Hua likes music and always wearing ipod

B.Zhang Chao is not only an imaginative boy but do everything efficiently.

C.Lily is a shy girl and she doesn’t like making friends.

D.Fangfang likes being taken photos and often posting them on line.

2.According to this passage, which is FALSE?

A.Not all teens are cautious about posting photos.

B.They type their mobile phones so fast that it can catch the speed of speaking.

C.The Gen-90s have a preference for some music players, and even regard them as a necessary part of life.

D.They don’t use the cool and complex online language in formal writing.

3.The main idea of the passage is about________.

A.the Gen-90s’ happy life

B.the difference between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s

C.the Gen-90s’ unique lifestyle and some practical warnings

D.the similarities between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s


When talking about the Mid-autumn Festival, we ______ think of mooncakes and family reunion.






In China, farmers are ______ from the central government’s new policies on agriculture.






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