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TUVALU, a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean, has asked for help as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea.Storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of Tuvalu’s nine little islands is more than five meters above sea level, Salt water is already entering the country’s drinking water supply, as well as damaging plants that produce fruit and vegetable.__51___

___52___. Venice, a historic city in Italy best known for its canals, has sunk about 24 cm over the past 100 years. Experts say that it will have sunk another 20-50cm by 2050. A century ago, St. Mark’s Square, the lowest point in the city, floodedd about nine times a year, Nowadays, it happens more than 100 times. While Venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands, Tuvalu’s rising sea level is caused by global warming.

The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degrees over the past century; scientists expect it to rise by extra 1-3 degrees over the next 100 years.

Warmer weather makes glaciersmelt, adding more water to the ocean. The warmer temperatures also make water expand, so it takes up more space, causing the sea level to rise. The sea level has risen about 10-25 cm in the last 100 years.

___53___. Through burning coal, oil and gas, people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2. This adds to the power of the greenhouse effect, making the planet even warmer.

Many scientists believe that, if the warming is not stopped, there will be huge climate changes.___54____.____55____, the sea will swallow up millions of homes and the world will be flooded with “climate refugees” looking for somewhere to live.

A.The main cause of global warming is human pollution

B.Should this come true

C.Without urgent help, the country’s days are numbered.

D.But Tuvalu is not the first place to face sinking into the sea

E. The sea level could rise by one meter this century.

F. people face a lot of pollution.

G. much has been done about our planet .


Environmentalists said our planet was doomed to die. Now one man says they are wrong.

"Everyone knows the planet is in bad shape," thundered a magazine article last year. Species are being driven to die out at record rates, and the rivers are so poisonous that fish are floating on the surface, dead.

But there's a growing belief that what everyone takes for granted is wrong: things are actually getting better. A new book is about to overturn our most basic assumptions about the world's environment. Rivers, seas, rain and the atmosphere are all getting cleaner. The total amount of forests in the world is not declining. The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg, professor of statistics at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, is an attack on the misleading claims of environmental groups, and the "bad news" culture that makes people believe everything is getting worse.

Now the attacks are increasingly coming from left-wing environmentalists such as Lomborg, a former member of Greenpeace. The accusation is that, although the environment is improving, green groups — with profits of hundreds of mil-lions of pounds a year — are using scare tactics(谋略)to gain donations. Lomborg's book doesn't deny global warming — probably the biggest environmental threat — but destroys almost every other environmental claim with many official statistics.

The Worldwatch Institute claims that "deforestation(沙漠化) has been accelerating over the last 30 years". But Lomborg says that is simply rubbish. Since the dawn of agriculture the world has lost about 20 per cent of its forest cover, but in recent decades the forest area's depleting has come to a stop. According to UN figures, the area of forests has remained almost steady, at about 30 per cent of total land area, since the 1940s. Forests in countries such as the US, the UK and Canada have actually been expanding over the past 40 years. Despite all the warnings the Amazon rainforest has only shrunk by about 15 per cent.

Nor are all our species dying out. Some campaigners claim that 50 per cent of all species will have died out within 50 years. But other studies show only 0.08 per cent of species are dying out each year. Conservation efforts have been successful. Whales are no longer threatened and the bald eagle is off the endangered list.

Environmental groups claim that many of the improvements are the results of the success of their campaigns. Stephen Tindale, director of Greenpeace UK, said, "There are important examples, such as acid rain and ozone, where things aren't as bad as predicted, and that's because behavior has changed."

1.In his book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, what is Lomborg's main argument?

A.Our planet is in bad shape.

B.The world's environment is improving.

C.The total amount of forests in the world is not declining.

D.Conservation efforts have been successful.

2.What is Lomborg's main accusation of environmentalists?

A.They scared people into making donations.

B.They overturned our basic assumptions about the world's environment.

C.They changed their behavior toward the environment.

D.They only told people bad news about the environment.

3.The underlined word "depleting" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to "____".





4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.The total area of forests in the world has increased significantly.

B.The effects of global warming are not as bad as first expected.

C.It appears that the bald eagle will now survive.

D.In the last 50 years the number of whales has increased.


More Chinese are seeking out the surgeon’s knife to improve their looks.Yet the tragic death of the former Super Girl Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular.  Wang Bei,24,is said to have gone under the knife in Wuhan,to jump-start her stage-show career. It seems that the ambitious singer has finally achieved the fame and influence after her death.

For years Miss Lu expected a plastic surgery to make her jaw fashionable narrow and her face smaller. She finally decided against it after hearing of the death of Wang Bei. "Wang Bei’s death rang the warning bell for me,"Miss Lu said in her blog." It was frightening and I gave up the plan. "

A common thread of online discussion is why someone considered beautiful was so dissatisfied with her looks. Some netizens said Wang was a victim of society’s impractical standard of beauty:double eyelids,and the pointed chin typical of Western actresses. Others said her death indicated the limits to which people would go to achieve fame and fortune.

Last year 15 billion yuan was spent on cosmetic surgery and the figure is expected to rise  20% annually. The International Society of Plastic Surgery ranks China first in Asia in terms of the number of cosmetic surgeries in 2009. Worldwide, China is third, after Brazil, while the United States is first.

Nowadays,people are living longer and better. But the effect of aging off their appearance affects their mood and confidence. Many older women want to look young and beautiful. Young people, on the other hand, see cosmetic surgery as the key to wealth and love. "They want to improve their appearance to find better opportunities at work and in marriage,"says a famous plastic surgeon. "We’re living in a highly competitive society. People regard appearance as a weapon in life battle. Those who are young and naturally good-looking tell me,‘I don’t care how much I spend. Just make me look more beautiful.’ "

Advice from a surgeon and psychologist:

1.Choose regular, qualified hospitals with a good reputation.

2.Try to find an expert surgeon who will not suggest several operations over time.

3.Don’t expect too much from changing your appearance. Safety should be the first.

4.Have a realistic understanding of the risks of the surgery (death,injury and failure)and make a balanced decision.

1.What’s the influence of Wang Bei’s death on the public?

A.People will feel alarmed at cosmetic surgery.

B.Young people will have no interest in beauty.

C.Doctors will be afraid to perform operations.

D.No one will dream of becoming a Super Girl.

2.It is mentioned in the passage that________.

A.Miss Lu’s face is narrow and small

B.Wang Bei is a victim of the Internet

C.all Westerners have the pointed chin

D.the US ranks first in cosmetic surgery

3.What’s the main idea of the 5th paragraph?

A.People are living 1onger and better nowadays.

B.People are living in a highly competitive society.

C.Social competition leads females to seek beauty.

D.Cosmetic surgery is the key to wealth and love.

4.According to a surgeon and psychologist,it is better to________.

A.change your appearance sooner

B.make a reasonable decision

C.do several operations over time

D.try some different hospitals


After graduation I returned home to my small town in Indiana. I didn’t have a job yet. Mr. Hobbs, a friend of my father’s, owned a small shirt factory in town. Within the past five years it had grown from twenty to eighty workers. Mr. Hobbs was worried that his plant was getting too big and inefficient, so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant.

I went to the plant and spent about a week looking around and making notes. I was really a mazed at what I saw.

Most curious of all, there was no quality control at all. No one inspected the final product of the factory. As a result some of the shirts that were put in boxes for shipment were missing one or two buttons, the collar, and even a sleeve sometimes!

The working conditions were poor. The tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable. Except for a half hour at lunchtime, there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work. There was no music. The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color. I was amazed that the workers hadn’t gone on strike.

Furthermore, the work flow was irregular. There was one especially absent-minded young man in the assembly(组装)line who sewed on buttons. After a while I recognized him as "Big Jim", who used to sit behind me in math class in high school. He was very slow and all the shifts were held up at his position. Workers beyond him in line on his shift had to wait with nothing to do; therefore, a great deal of time and efficiency were lost as Big Jim daydreamed while he worked. All week I wondered why he wasn’t fired.

After I made observations for a week, Mr. Hobbs asked me for an oral report of my findings.

1.The shirts from Mr. Hobbs’ factory can be described as ____.

A.of low quality

B.of high quality



2.Why did Mr. Hobbs ask the writer to the factory?

A.The factory was too big.

B.The factory was not producing fast enough.

C.The factory was not big enough.

D.The writer was a college graduate.

3.Which is not likely to happen in the factory?

A.The workers will have more rest in the day.

B.Someone will examine the final product.

C.New machines will be bought.

D.The factory will be repainted.

4.Big Jim may get fired mainly because ____.

A.he was slow

B.he wasted much time

C.he was absent-minded

D.the work flow was irregular


Australian Flag Designs by Readers of the Sun-Herald

We received dozens of responses after inviting readers to send in their designs for a new flag. The designs we received include:

James Anthony, Drummoyne

James reduces the Union Jack down in size and changes its shape to become a reminder of the British tradition rather than canceling it altogether. At the same time he suggests enlarging the stars of the Southern Cross. His design attempts to use the best of both worlds in a newly designed flag.

As he says, “the British part of the Australian Flag is too big and the Australian bits are too small. When you make the stars bigger the Australian flag can look impressive.”

Joe Bollen, Turranmurra

Joe’s flag has the main elements of a risen sun, white horizon(地平线), red earth at the base and the Southern Cross. He intends to make the risen sun a special Australian symbol on the flag. He believes it represents life. The Southern Cross shows that we live in the Southern Hemisphere. (半球)

Maria Ieraci, Sydney

Maria deleted the Union Jack but otherwise kept the flag as is with the Southern Cross and Federation Star. She says, ‘There is only one correct way to change the Australian flag” and that is “to drop the Union Jack ---- when Australia becomes a Republic”, which she hopes will be before 2010.

Ron Bennett, Sydney

Ron recommends using the Aboriginal colors but replacing their image of the sun with the map of Australia. He says, “Australia is unique being an island continent with an instantly recognizable outline at that” and “this will leave no doubt as to which country the flag belongs.”

1.Which of the four designs can remind you of the past of the country?





2.The Southern Cross in some of the designs represents _________.

A.the spirit of the nation

B.the position of the country

C.the tradition of Britain

D.the expectations of the people

3.What does the Union Jack refer to?

A.the British flag

B.A former British ruler

C.group of stars

D.A former symbol of Australia


A few weeks after my first wife, Georgia, was called to heaven, I was cooking dinner for my son and myself. For a   16 , I had decided on frozen peas. As I was cutting open the bag, it   17  from my hand and crashed to the floor. The peas, like marbles,   18  everywhere. I tried to use a broom,   19  with each swipe they just rolled across the kitchen.

For the next week, every time I was in the   20 , I found a pea---in a corner, or behind a table leg. They kept   21 . Eight months later I pulled out the refrigerator to clean behind it, and   22  12 frozen peas hidden underneath.

At the time I found those few remaining   23 , I was in a new relationship with a wonderful   24  I’d met in a support group. After we married, I was reminded 25  those peas under the refrigerator, and realized that my   26  had been like that bag of frozen peas. It had shattered(破碎. My wife had died; I was in a new city with a busy job, and with a son having trouble   27  his new surroundings and the  28  of his mother. I was a bag of spilled frozen peas; my life had come apart and scattered.

When life gets you   29 , when everything you know comes apart, and when you think you’ll never  30 , remember that it’s just a bag of scattered frozen peas. The peas can be  31 , and life will move on. You’ll find all the peas   32 , including the ones that are hardest to find. And when you’ve got them   33  you’ll start to feel whole again.

The life you know can break apart at any time. But you’ll have to   34 , and how fast you collect your peas depends on you. Will you keep scattering them around with a broom,  35  will you pick them up one by one and put your life back together?



























B.living room





A.getting up

B.turning up

C.taking up

D.using up

































A.turning to

B.leading to

C.adjusting to

D.adding to















A.get it

B.make it

C.take it

D.leave it





















A.call on

B.put on

C.bring on

D.move on








--- You must find one exam after another very tiring.

--- __________. In fact, they offered me good chances to apply what I had learned

A.It’s up to you

B.Not in the least

C.It just depends

D.Don’t mention it


Without my glasses, I couldn’t _______ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.

A.make out

B.make up

C.make for

D.make off


I wonder what will become of my daughter.  _____ endless homework, she also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation.


B. As well as


D.Rather than


It was March 11, 2011 ____ magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck Japan and subsequent tsunami triggered the large-scale crisis.



C.in which



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