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English is difficult________. Nobody can learn to use it in a few minutes.


B.to be learned


D.to learn


The fact that she told a lie had a great influence on her ________.   






“How could you lose so much money?” John asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from ________ the kitchen table.  






I prefer to work here because salaries are higher here than ________ in my country.



C.the ones



 The moment ________ Leo will never forget is________ Mr. Smith gave him a lot of valuable advice on how to improve his writing.

A.that; when

B.that; that

C.when; that

D.when; /


---Have you heard of ________ death of Steven Jobs?

--- Yes. It must be________ shock to Apple fans.

A.the; the

B.a; the

C.the; a

D.a; /


---What do you say to a weekend in New York?  ---­________.

A.Sounds like fun

B.I think so

C.It doesn’t matter

D.I really envy you


假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。十月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:  










修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



Dear Brown,

Last summer I take a part-time job in the International Camp for children. I have been told one more worker will be needed in this year and I think you are fit to it. How about join us? The camp is at the foot of a small hill close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five hours a day, so we will have plenty of spare time visit the area and have a fun. I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience. If you are interesting in it, reply to me soon.


Li Hua  



Have you ever seen any students whose trousers hang so low you can see their underwear? What do you think of that? Fashionable? Some of today’s teenagers are big fans of such a look. 51. __________

The headmaster of a school in central Italy has asked students to stop wearing low-rise jeans that expose underwear and parts of the body. His request came after a class trip. One day, he saw one boy’s baggy trousers slide to his feet. 52. ____________    

But in Italy, a nation that takes fashion very seriously, the suggestion caused a debate among parents, teachers and students. The issue is whether the headmaster's request will limit students' freedom— or whether dress in Italian schools is too casual.

53. _________ “We do not want to kick fashion out,” the headmaster explained, “but extremes (极端) of fashion like this are not right in school.” Many other schools have now requested that their students also stop wearing such trousers.

54._________ Ludovica Gaudio, 14, wore extremely low trousers exposing orange underwear in class. It was cold, so she wore a matching orange scarf. 55._______________ “I don't really feel comfortable in those sort of jeans,” said Sarah Lattanzi, “in winter, when dressed like that, it's quite cold and I am afraid my stomach will ache.”

A.But recently this trend has been at the center of an argument in Italian middle schools.

B.A parents’ group praised the move in favor of good taste, while others advised schools to stop worrying about fashion and fix up old school buildings.

C.He pointed out that this way of dressing is not suitable for school.

D.Most students have simply ignored the request.

E. Another 14-year-old said she would probably respect the request, simply for practical reasons.

F. Let us see that Italian students react differently to schools’ requests.

G. Schools should pay attention to things more important than students’ clothes.


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