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--- What did he say?   ---- He said he ________ the sentence in his own words.

A. was considering to explain         B. considered how to explaining

C. would consider to explain          D. was considering explaining


I have no doubt in my mind______ they will be glad to see me.

A. if            B. whether      C. that           D. about


Eric received training in computer for one year, _______ he found a job in a big company.

A. after that         B. after it          C. after which        D. after this


______ is know to us all, good friends ______ happiness and value to our life.

A. It; add          B. As; add up       C. It; add up       D. As; add


Letterboxes are much more _______ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.

A. common         B. ordinary         C. normal           D. usual


I’m certain David’s told you his business trouble. ________, it’s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank..

A. However        B. Anyway         C. Therefore       D. Though


---- Will Joe attend the party?  ----- If his wife won’t go to the party,_________.

A. he will either     B. neither does he   C. he neither will   D. neither will he


Every one, please remain________ ; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

A. seating         B. seated      C. to seat          D. to be seated


----- Can I go back home now? ----- You______ to leave until you ______ your work.

A. won’t allow; finish                  B. won’t be allowed; will finish

C. won’t be allowed; have finished       D. won’t allow; will finish


----- Are you used to______ in the north with the old couples?

   ----- Yes, I am glad to find out that coal is used______ electricity for home use.

A. live; to produce    B. living; to produce   C. to live; produce   D. living; producing


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