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. If I had got back 5 minutes earlier, I _________ him.

  A. would see      B. would have seen      C. will have seen     D. had seen




 With the rapid growth of Cyberspace, everyone should be encouraged to use ______ Internet as ______ tool, making it a trend to study in virtual schools in the future.

A. 不填;a                        B. 不填; the                      C. the; the                           D. the; a




 ----Bruce, I really appreciate your painting.  

----          .   

A. I practice every day                B. Thank you very much  

C. No, I don’t think so                 D. Well, it’s not good enough  






      1. 由于昨晚睡觉太迟,早上起床晚了;

      2. 匆忙出门,却发现自行车没气了;

      3. 决定跑步上学,却撞了一个老人;

      4. 到学校后已经迟了;

      5. 下午放学回家却发现钥匙丢了,只好在门口等父母下班。

注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;

        2. 首句已给出,不计入总词数;

        3. 词数:100-120

September 1, 2008 was a bad day I will never forget.








阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)汉语提示; 2)首字母提示; 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在短文下面相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确

Helen Keller was a great writer and ___1____(教育家)  in the world,

whose most famous work is The Story of My Life. When she was young, Helen was a very special girl, who couldn’t s____2____, read, or write, because she couldn’t ____3____ or hear. Because of those severe _____4_______(限制) on her communication, her temper was often unbearable.

It was her teacher Anne Sullivan who completely ___5_____ her life.

She herself had also e____6_______ problems, so she related to Helen’s

difficulties. Anne’s first goal was to change Helen’s ____7____(引起麻烦的) behaviors, which gave her valuable preparations to learn language.

Helen learned words by t__8____ objects. It was the word “water” that

she completely understood for the first time. From then on, she learned

many basic words. Later on , she was e____9____to learn  more

__10_____(复杂的)words which need the thinking process.




Children are keen Internet shoppers with more than half having bought something online, research has shown.

   Around 53 percent of children aged between 7 and 16 said they had bought something over the Internet, 10 percent more than in 2004, according to Halifax.

   Boys were more likely to be Internet shoppers than girls, with 60 percent of boys saying they had bought items online, compared with just 46 percent of girls.

   Unsurprisingly, older children were more likely to use the Internet to shop than younger ones, with nearly three quarters of 12-16-year olds shopping online, compared to just 29 percent of 7-to-11-year olds who said they had bought something.

  More than half of children preferred buying things over the Internet to buying them on the high street, while 61 percent of those who had bought things online said it was easier to buy certain items over the Internet than in shops.

   However, boys were more likely to always prefer buying things online, while girls were more likely to still like the actual high street shopping experience.

   The most common items for young people to buy over the Internet were CDs, tapes and computer games and equipment. Some children had bought DVDs and videos, while some had bought gifts.

Children spent most money on computer games and equipment, with 13 percent saying they spent more than $20 online on these items a year, followed by 12 percent who spent more than $20 a year on mobile phones and 11 percent who spent the same amounts on clothes.

Cheryl Millington, head of savings at Halifax, said, “ We are not only seeing the emergence of a generation of young consumers, but also keen cyber-consumers. While children often lead the way in Internet use within the family home, parents have an important role to play in ensuring they stay safe while online.”

73. From the passage, which of the following is NOT correct?

A. Children are keen on internet shopping              

B. Boys are more likely to buy things over the Internet than girls

C. Older children want to buy things in actual streets                   

D. Children like to buy some fashionable items over the Internet

74. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________

A. Cheryl Millington is against children’s online shopping         

B. parents should play an active role in ensuring their children’s safety

C. Cheryl Millington holds a conservative (保守的) view about children’s online shopping            

D. children will become the main composition of online shopping

75. Which of the following can best show the organization of the text?

a. the number of children’s online shopping      b. items bought over the Internet

c. money spent on online shopping             d. safety problems

A. a, b, c, d       B. a, d, c, b      C. a, c, d, b       D. d, a, c, b




What makes a house a home?

Not size, of course. I’ve been in some of the grandest houses in America and it’s readily apparent no one lives there. Earlier this year in a mud hut in Ethiopia, where we sat on chairs next to the hostess’s bed—a home that had more warmth than any house I’ve been in since.

  Now John Edwards is exploring what makes a house a home in his just-released book-- The Blueprints of Our Lives. There Edwards writes, “ This is a book about homes, the values they rest on, the dreams they are filled with, and the people they have shaped. The houses and circumstances (环境) are different, but much of what you find inside will be familiar.”

  Whether you’re sitting in an airport right now, waiting to fly to your childhood home for Thanksgiving, or in your own home waiting for the relatives to arrive, you know what he’s talking about.

   We’ve lived in our townhouse for 21 years--the loose windows that make noise in the wind, the fireplace so shallow it holds only one log, the kitchen window that offers a view of the world passing by. It is where friends sit on the kitchen counter drinking wine while dinner is being fixed. I lived there for only 18, but it will always be my true home. Even the lamp in the west living room window, which I could see far down the road when driving home late at night, still shines.

   While all this talk about childhood memories can be warm and comforting, home is whom you’re with, not where you are. As Edwards writes, “ Home is family. Home is safety. Home is faith.”

69. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Home means everything            B. What’s inside makes us feel at home

C. Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives   D. The importance of Houses

70.   The purpose of the second paragraph is to _________.

A.     mean the author likes living in grandest houses 

B.    prove the author got along with the hostess

C.    mean the feeling of a home isn’t related to the size

D.    show the author’s different feelings about houses

71. We know that The Blueprints of Our Lives ________

A.    is the description of Edwards’s houses

B.    is mainly about houses

C.     helps us to understand the concept of home

D.     is written by the author of the text

72. According to the text, which of the following can make a house a home?

A. The atmosphere you feel                B. The color of the walls

C. The number of family members           D. The position of the home




Having one of those days or weeks----when everything seems to annoy you? Even

if you do nothing about it, your bad mood will probably go away after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much faster---often within a day or two.

   Walk it off

   Exercise is the most popular bad-mood buster(破坏者). A person who is in bad mood has low energy and high tension. Taking a fast ten-minute walk, or doing some quick exercises can do wonders towards changing that bad mood.

Tune it out

Listening to your favorite music for a while can also make tension go away quickly, because music starts associations with past positive experiences we’ve had.

     Give yourself a pep talk

Stop and listen to what is on your mind. Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper; the pessimistic (悲观的) messages you’ve been giving yourself and then give optimistic answers. (“ I still don’t have a job” v.s “ I have two interviews next week.”)

      Reduce your stress

Relaxation techniques are wonderful mood-lifters. These include deep breathing, stretching and visualizing (想象),all of which sound complicated but aren’t. One easy way to visualize: close your eyes and picture a favorite place, such as the beach. Another simple way to against distress is to make a to-do list. One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have no choices. By taking control over certain areas, you realize you’re not helpless. You can make changes in your mood and life.

     Avoid things that won’t improve your mood

TV may not help much: You need to increase your energy level and stimulate(刺激) your mind -----something that the TV show “Neighbors” won’t do. And before you reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how mood and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine(咖啡因) contribute to depressed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydrates, such as potatoes and pasta, produce a calming effect in people who have a desire for them.

65. We learn from the text that it might help rid us of a bad mood________.

A. to do nothing about it                   B. to take a long walk on the beach

C. to do some exercises with light music      D. to talk it to neighbors

66. Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?

A. It is not complicated to do so               B. It is an area to be easily controlled

C. It helps beat a bad mood                      D. It brings us a new technique

67. TV may not improve your mood because _____.

A. it sometimes shows what happens around you

B. it keeps you stay unmoved

C. it reminds you of eating and drinking

D. it produces a calming effect

68. This text most probably appears in _______

A. a book on physical exercises                 B. a doctor’s handbook

C. a notice                                  D. a magazine




Have you ever heard the story of the four-minute miles? Many years ago, people believed that it was impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it wrong in 1954.

   What happens if you put an animal in a pond? Any animal, big or small, will swim its way through. What happens when someone, who doesn’t know how to swim, falls in deep water? They drown. If an animal who has not learnt swimming could escape by swimming, why not you? Because you believe you will drown while the animal doesn’t.

   Have you ever wondered why the letters are organized in a particular order on your keyboard? You might have thought it is to increase the typing speed. Most people never questioned it. But the fact is that this system was developed to reduce the typing speed at a time when typewriter parts you jam if the operator typed too fast.

   These three cases show the power of our beliefs. There is no other more powerful force in human behavior than belief. Your beliefs have the power to create and to destroy. A belief delivers command to your nervous system.

   I used a snake in my workshop for children to show them how unrealistic some of their beliefs are. Students of a school in India said snakes are slippery and slimy and poisonous. After doing an exercise for changing beliefs, they took my snake and found it to be dry and clean. They also remembered that only three types of poisonous snakes exist in India.

   Did this story end the way you thought? Review your beliefs now and find out which ones you need to change.

60.In the author’s opinion, if a person in deep water doesn’t know how to swim, he will drown because_________.

    A.he is afraid of water               B.he believes he will drown

    C.he hasn’t learnt to swim before      D.he doesn’t want to live in the world

61.The author thinks that the letters are organized in a particular order on your keyboard in order to _________.

    A.save more space                  B.satisfy the operator

    C.reduce one’s typing speed           D.increase one’s typing speed

62.The author’s experiment shows that________.

    A.snakes are dry and clean            B.snakes can be caught easily

    C.snakes are slimy and poisonous      D.snakes in India aren’t poisonous

63.According to the passage, we know that_________

A.students from India have unrealistic beliefs on how to live a better life 

B.an animal who hasn’t learnt how to swim will drown if you put it in pond

C.most people don’t like the order the letters are arranged on the keyboard

D.Roger Banister was the first person who ran a mile in less than four minutes

64. The main idea of this passage should be that________.

A. beliefs are very powerful           

B. beliefs make us seem stupid

C. changing your beliefs now is necessary

D. people should always believe in themselves




第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)

For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. One of the reasons people love it so much is that you get presents. But like presents, Christmas needs to be unwrapped so that you can understand the true meaning behind the day.

Many Chinese believe everyone in Western countries celebrate this holiday. That is not true. Christmas is an important religious holiday for Christians. December 25 represents the birthday of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God.

Christianity (基督教) is a very popular religion in America and Europe. However, there are many other religions, too. People who celebrate those religions don’t celebrate Christmas. But during the winter season they usually have their own important holiday. That is why when talking to a foreigner it is safer to say, “ Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” because you never know his/her religious background.

The image of a fat, happy man in red---Santa Claus---has come to represent the idea of goodness and love instead of religious part or the “Christmas spirit”. Santa Claus is based on a man named Saint Nicholas who was a 4th century Greek Christian.

Saint Nicholas bought presents for children and gave them away anonymously(匿名地). This is where the idea of gift on Christmas began. But the Santa Claus didn’t exist until the 19th century when an American named Thomas Nast drew cartoons of him. So really, Santa has nothing to do with the religious holiday.

In fact, some people who celebrate Christmas don’t really care about Santa Claus.

Christmas is a special day for Christians but the ideas of being good and loving your neighbors are not limited to Christianity. So buy a gift for your friend, tell your mother you love her and have merry Christmas. I mean ,”Happy holidays!”

56. Christians believe December 25 represents the birthday of _________.

A. Santa Claus     B. God    C. Jesus Christ     D. Thomas Nast

57. In the passage, the author thinks __________.

A. Santa Claus was a real person in the past

B. everyone should believe in Christianity

C. all people in Western countries celebrate Christmas

D. Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christmas holiday

58. What is “the true meaning” in the first passage?

A. For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year

B. The Westerners have different religious backgrounds

C. Some like to say “Merry Christmas”, and others like to say “Happy holidays”

D. Being good and loving our neighbors are the virtues of all humans

59. What is the CORRECT explanation of Santa Claus?

A. He was a Greek Christian in the 4th century

B. He was an American who was born in the 19th century

C. His image represents the “Christmas spirit”

D. He was a cartoon figure drawn by Thomas Nast


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