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 –I’m glad to be offered the job. Shall I start tomorrow?

– ______. See you tomorrow.

A. That’s hard to say           B. That depends

C. That’s all right         D. That would be great



 In a family, ______ really works is ____ there is one person who understands the finances and takes care of it.

A. that; what                B. what; that      

C. it; that                  D. as; that



 After decades of effort, the city is still trying to _____ how to ban smoking in public places.

A. look through              B. get through     

C. figure out                D. take out



 It was on ________ Saturday in _______ July of 2009 that the famous scholar of Chinese traditional culture, Ji Xianlin, passed away.

A. /; /                      B. /; the          

C. a; the                    D. a; a



 When she was doing the cleaning yesterday, Mum found the ring that she _____ years ago.

A. loses                 B. has lost    

C. lost                  D. had lost











Marie:Jerry,is today Tuesday the fifth,or am I(1.)m            ?

Jerry:I'm not(2.)q           sure,either.Let me have a look.Oh,I am afraid you're mistaken.Marie.It's Tuesday the seventh.

Marie:Oh,my God! I hope this afternoon Miss Defoe will stay at the(3.)t     office.I must tell her that I'm going to give up my biology.Do you think the teacher will(4.)a                me to do so?

Jerry:But why are you stopping biology? You're(5.)f          of it, aren't you?

Marie:Yes,but I've(6.)m         too many classes because of my part-time job.I'm so far(7.)b         everyone and maybe I will(8.)f        the exam.So it's better for me to give it up this term.

Jerry:That's a(9.)S             

Marie:Yeah,but(10.)l            biology is only a course for us to choose this term.I hope I can start again next year.




Four pieces of News

News Item 1

ChongQing—A man has received compensation of more than 130,000 yuan(US&15,662)for being wrongly convicted of murder and serving nearly seven years in jail.Tong Liqing,who is now 41,was jailed for killing his brother's maid.At his trial,Tong said he had admitted to the crime to escape further police beatings.His case attracted the attention of a local lawyer who spent six years finding evidence to prove Tong's innocence.

News Item 2

Tokyo—An earthquake shook Tokyo on Wednesday but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.National broadcaster NHK said there was no danger of tidal waves.The earthquake measured a moderate 6.5 on the Richter scale.NHK said the epicenter was off the coast of the Kii peninsula in western Japan.

News Item 3

Hong Kong—More women from the Chinese mainland intend to visit Hong Kong in search of Mr. Right after restrictions on travel to Hong Kong were eased.In the first seven months of this year,some 18,000 couples registered for marriage in Horn Kong.For one third of these newly married couples,husbands or wives were from Chinese mainland.According to the China News Service,local matchmaking agencies have recently received more inquiries from women who are from the mainland,wanting to meet well-educated men with a relatively good income.

News Item 4

Nanjing—A report that three kindergarten teachers knelt down before a South Korean couple to apologize,in Nanjing,of East China's Jiangsu Province,has triggered wide criticism.

At a local kindergarten,a Chinese teacher frightened a South Korean child by saying she would cut off his fingers if he continued to make mischief.Although the kindergarten had apologized to the couple and dismissed the teacher surnamed Yang,the mother insisted that Yang should kneel down before her.

Sheng Dalin,a columnist,wrote in the XINXI SHIBAO that it was enough to fire the teacher and make an apology to the couple,but the mother's request was beyond all reason.

1.“Excessive Apology” may be a good title for           

A.News Item 1      B.News Item 2      C.News Item 3      D.News Item 4

2.Which of the following will be the best heading for News Item 3?

A.Women married to Hong Kong           B. Mr. Right in Hong Kong

C.Match girls                          D.A Hong Kong matchmaking agency

3.Which of the following is true according to the four pieces of news?

A.Tong Liqing from Chongqing was wrongly jailed for nearly 7 years before a local lawyer proved his innocence.

B.The quake in Tokyo was not a moderate one.

C.Girls from Chinese mainland intend to marry to a man whoever is a Hong Kong resident.

D.The columnist,Sheng Dalin,thinks that the teachers should kneel down before the kid's mother.




In the past ten years,America's National Basketball Association(NBA)has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.

When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992,the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball.This season,however,20 percent of NBA rosters(花名册)will be filled by non-Americans.NBA commissioner David Stem happily embraces the trend.On a visit to Paris in October,Stern outlined his vision for the future,which is likely to see Europe hosting NBA games by 2010.

The NBA is now planning to take China by storm

“Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth,” said Stern.The strategy in China is television “We've made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” The success of Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for the NBA marketing blitz in China.The NBA,which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages,will put that to the test in October 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two preseason games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing and Shanghai.The NBA knows that it needs a global market to compensate for tough times on home soil.

“It doesn't matter where the players come from,all the NBA teams now know that they have to scout(寻找,觅得)internationally,”said Terry Lyons,the NBA's vice-president of international public relations.“It has increased the level of competition here.” As Frenchman Tony Parker and Argentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season,many people can earn the respect of their American peers.Others,such as the Houston Rockets' Chinese centre Yao Ming—number one draft pick in 2002—and the Detroit Pistons' 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicic--number two overall in this year's draft—are icons(偶像)in-waiting.It is the ultimate(最后的)revolution the rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.

1.According to the report,      

A.Michael Jordan is still playing a very important role in NBA

B.the part played by the foreign players in NBA will be great

C.Yao Ming is to play two pre-season games in NBA

D.European countries will host the 2004 NBA games

2.The underlined phrase “take China by storm” has the meaning of            

A.NBA intends to make China its “marketing center”

B.NBA is planning to set up some training centers in China

C.there'll be a big storm when NBA comes to China to play against the Sacramento Kings

D.the NBA's live basket games will be broadcasted on all the TVs in China

3.What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?

A.NBA is expecting more foreign players to join the league.

B.China's rapid development in sports affects NBA.

C.Yao Ming has taken the place of Michael Jordan.

D.The NBA will stop teaching the world how to play basketball.

4.When the writer talked of “home soil”,he was referring to        

A.farms in the States                      B.native Americans

C.the NBA training center                  D.the USA

5.Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?

A.The Non American Basketball Players      B.NBA Is Coming to China

C.The Foreign Ties That Bind the NBA       D.NBA Is Making Big Progress




A typical Chinese Internet user is a young male who prefers instant messaging to e-mail,seldom makes online purchases but favors news,music and games sites.According to a study,about two-thirds of survey participants use the Internet for news—often entertainment-related—or for online games.About half download music and movies.

They also tend to prefer instant messaging to e-mail,and they are depending on the Internet more frequently than before to communicate with others who have the same professions,hobbies and political interests.Online purchases still remain unpopular in China.Three-quarters of users surveyed have never bought anything over the Internet,and only 10 percent make purchases even once a month.Among those who do buy online,most pay for entertainment while others buy phone cards,or computer hardware or software.

“Many people don’t trust the quality of goods bought online,” Guo said Wednesday.“If they buy it in a store and don't like it,they can easily bring it back.’’

The survey was done in five major cities:Beijin9,Shanghai,Guangzhou.Chengdu and Changsha.Results do not necessarily project countrywide because Internet use in rural areas is lower than in cities.Guo describes the typical netizen(网民)in the five cities surveyed as young,male,richer and more highly educated.Males make up two-thirds of the Internet community,and more than 80 percent of users are under 24.Among people ages 25 to 29,60 percent to 80 percent go online.

China has more than 100 million people online,second in the world to the United States.

1.A typical Chinese Internet user will be the one who          

A.likes to send e-mails                        B.likes to buy goods online

C.likes to pay for entertainment               D.likes the games sites

2.Online purchases still remain unpopular in China mainly because          

A.it is more difficult for sales returns           B.people haven't computers

C.people can't have a look at the goods        D.goods bought online are of low quality

3.Which of the following words fails to describe the typical netizens in the five cities?

A.Well-educated.  B.Richer.         C.Female.         D.Young.

4.According to the text,which of the following shows the fight relation between online people and their ages?



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