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Sure, human dads can play catch and help with homework, but can they give birth? Daddy sea horses can! This Father’s Day, while you’re showing respect to your dad, remember some of the best dads in the world can also be found in the animal kingdom.

Sea Horses: The "Mr. Moms" of the marine world, male sea horses, carry up to 2,000 fertilized eggs in pouches in their stomachs until they hatch. Even after the babies are born, they stay inside the pouch until they are ready to venture out on their own.

Microhylid Frogs: Buy these dads a "Baby on Board" sign to put on their backs! These froggy fathers from New Guinea play piggyback once their babies hatch from their eggs. One by one, the dad lets as many as 24 froglets climb onto his back for a family road trip. He hops about 50 feet each night, and one by one, his kids jump off along the way to begin new lives of their own.

Darwin's Rheas: Thought your dad was overprotective? Darwin's rhea, also known as South American ostriches(鸵鸟), are so protective of their children that they routinely rush cowboys on horseback and have even been known to attack small airplanes on the ground if they get too close to their brood!

Marmosets: These little monkeys do everything but Lamaze class(心理助产课)! Dedicated dads assist during labor by biting off the umbilical cord(脐带)and cleaning up the afterbirth. They also let Mom get some R&R(rest & recreation)by taking care of the kids when they're not nursing.

Sand Grouse: Talk about sponging off Dad! These pigeon-like birds live in areas where water is sparse, so fathers fly as many as 50 miles to get water for their kids. After they soak up the water in their breast feathers, they fly home and let their chicks suckle the moisture from their bodies.

Fathers of the animal kingdom are not that different from our own beloved dads. This Father's Day, when you are honoring your dad, honor animal dads, too, by practicing kindness and compassion toward all animals.

1.The passage is mainly written to         .

A.introduce to us some unusual animals

B.distinguish between human and animal dads

6ec8aac122bd4f6eraise our awareness of animal protection

D.praise animal dads for their sacrifices

2.Among these animal dads, which have the ability to fly?

A.Microhylid Frogs.  B.Sea Horses        6ec8aac122bd4f6eDarwin’s Rheas.        D.Sand Grouses.

3.What these animals have in common is that      .

A.they carry their young to wherever they please

B.they’re all devoted to their children

6ec8aac122bd4f6ethey’re overprotective of their children

D.they help their wives clean up the afterbirth

4.When Microhylid Frogs play piggyback, they         .

A.let their kids ride on their back

B.attack cowboys with their back

6ec8aac122bd4f6ecarry their babies inside a pouch

D.help their wife during the labor



Beijing plans to build huge free or low-cost parking lots(停车场)beyond the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads to encourage more car owners to take buses or subways to the downtown area.

The plan is just one of the many measures the city plans to take to reduce its traffic jams. Low or no parking fees would be used as economic leverage(杠杆作用)to reduce growing parking demands from urban areas.

Car owners living in the suburbs(郊区)will be encouraged to park their cars beyond the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads and take buses or subways to the downtown area. Statistics show that nearly one quarter of the city’s traffic flow is concentrated in the 62-square-kilometre downtown area within the Second Ring Road, which makes up only 12 percent of the city’s total area.

The Beijing Traffic Management Bureau receives between 400 and 500 calls reporting traffic jams every day and more than 90 percent of the roads are filled to capacity during rush hour every morning and evening. Part of the problem is the lack of easy links between bus routes, subways and cars.

According to the communication commission, half of the city’s investment in transportation will go towards public transit(公共交通)construction in the next few years, making a jump from the current only 20 percent. Moreover, Beijing plans to change its layout(布局)by building new city centers, such as at Yizhuang, Tongzhou, Shunyi and Changping, in a bid to reduce the traffic flow to the downtown.

The current layout of Beijing-expanded ring roads around the same center of the Forbidden City, is seen as the root cause of the endless traffic jams. The downtown area is crowded with three business centers and one financial centre, as well as nearly 400 government organs and institutions.

Traffic experts say building more urban centers around Beijing may reduce the number of residents living in the suburbs and traveling long distances to work downtown every day, thus reducing traffic flow.

1.In the coming years, if a man beyond the Fourth Ring Road goes to work in the downtown of Beijing, he is encouraged to ____.

A. take buses or subways       B. take a taxi

C. drive the car quickly       D. park his car in a place which asks for no fees

2.According to this passage, while more and more people drive to work in rush hour in Beijing, it is likely to ____.

A. save time       B. cause traffic jams

C. cause traffic accidents       D. reduce air pollution

3.The aim in building new city centers is to ____.

A. make it convenient for people to go shopping       B. develop its local resources

C. reduce the traffic flow to the downtown       D. solve the problem of more laid-off workers

4.The passage suggests the author ____.

A. is tired of driving to work

B. finds it costs less to take subways than to drive

C. is for the plan to reduce Beijing’s traffic congestion

D. has benefited a lot by driving to the downtown every day



Just be happy. Sounds too simplistic, doesn’t it? But, in reality, we can have much more happiness if we choose to consider things from a positive point of view. Everyone experiences the ups and downs of life, however, we can make a decision to take advantage of the negative or pratice what the old saying says to do:“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

It really boils down to your attitude and you have the ability to work your attitude into any shape you like. Here are some tips:

●Ignore those who tell you life is too difficult to be happy. what do they know?

●When you awaken each morning, be thankful for another day, even if it’s raining.

●Smile at those you meet, even if they don’t return the favor.

● Don’t borrow trouble. Each day has enough of its own.

● Don’t allow trouble to bury you in its gray depth of sorrow.

● Don’t give in to negative thinking.

● Be positive even when others are not.

● Refuse to give up on anything worth having or doing.

● Do something you enjoy each day, even if it’s just a walk in your neighborhood.

● Whistle as you go though the day.

● Work at being happy because it’s worth it.

You’re human, like everyone else, and from time to time you need a little pick-me-up in your decision to be happy. When you reach that stage, find someone else who has decided to be happy. Join forces with him and march forward in your decision to be a happy person. Simply speaking, a happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

Choose today to just be happy----as much as it depends on you!

1.The amount of happiness depends on         .

A.the ups and downs you’ve experienced       B.what attitude you take towards life

6ec8aac122bd4f6ehow simple a life you manage to live       D.the kind of environment you stay in

2.The underlined sentence advises us to         .

A.work hard for a comfortable life       B.drink lemonade when in difficulty

6ec8aac122bd4f6emake the best of what we have       D.ignore the negative side of life

3.Which of the following doesn’t help maintain your good state of mind?

A.Think in advance about future troubles.       B.Greet others with a cheerful smile.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eStay positive all the way through.       D.Try to enjoy every single moment.

4.The best title for the passage might be “         ”.

A.Don’t lose heart       B.Share your happiness

6ec8aac122bd4f6eLive a simple life       D.Let’s cheer ourselves up



I was helping in my son’s classroom when I spotted a poster that reads, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can break my heart”. I started thinking.

Teachers are such an important part of a child’s life. A teacher’s support determines how safe a child feels in school. His inspiration determines how much risk a child will take in the classroom, his understanding determines how important a child feels in school and his love determines a child’s motivating and attitude toward education. And the effect a teacher has on a child doesn’t end when the school bell rings at the end of the day. Rather, those feelings developed in the classroom go home with the child and, in a large part, determine what sort of evening the child and the family have. The importance of a teacher to a child is fantastic and cannot be over-emphasized.

All my children are fortunate to have remarkable teachers. Consequently, the three of them love going to school almost as much as they love using teacherisms, for example, one of Hannah’s favorite phrases in used when I mess up. She looks at me with understanding and says, “It’s okay to make mistakes, mama, because you’re only learning.” Rachael’s favorite phrase is used to start most of her jobs; with a glow in her eye, she says, “I’m just going to do my best, mama, because that’s all I can do!” But perhaps my favorite is Jacob’s response to his sisters when one of them says something he doesn’t like. With his hand on his heart he says, “Don’t say that because words can break my heart.”

Like most parents, I hear teacherisms daily. And every time I hear one, my heart floods with gratefulness for the wonderful teachers who make my children feel safe, important, and successful in the classroom, and who are helping my children achieve emotional good health. There is much talk today how to measure a teacher’s worth. I think we need only look at the students. Children mirror teachers’ words and actions, and the content of those reflections shows teacher’s greatness.

1.Teachers are important to students in that         .

A.they equip them with book knowledge

B.they help free the parents from worries

6ec8aac122bd4f6ethey guarantee each family a happy evening

D.they help keep them emotionally healthy

2.The three children’s examples are used to show that         .

A.they are lucky to have wonderful teachers

B.they can eventually develop into good teachers

6ec8aac122bd4f6ethey are sometimes mentally hurt by the teachers

D.they have a successful performance in school

3.To his mother, what the boy says possibly sounds         .

A.ridiculous         B.convincing     6ec8aac122bd4f6ehumorous        D.inspiring

4.The underlined word “teacherisms” probably refers to “         ”.

A.how teachers normally deal with their students

B.what teachers usually say to their students

6ec8aac122bd4f6ewhy teachers seem important to their students

D.where teachers agree with their students



As a music teacher,I have always known that music touches the soul.It can  1all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way.It can be the  2for each child to find their light.1 would like to  3a story about it.

For a few years 1 was blessed with the opportunity to teach 4students.One of my most  5students was a five-year-old girl called Vanessa,who had difficulty walking,and could not speak.We  6sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to 7on my lap(膝上).One of her favorite songs was “John the Rabbit.”It was a clapping and response song where I sang the call and the students  8twice while singing the repeating phrase,“Oh,yes” Vanessa liked to  9her hands together with mine and clap with me.We probably performed that song during every class,Vanessa and I clapping together.But she 10said or sang a word.

One day,when the song was finished,Vanessa turned around,11me in the eye,clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh,yes!” I opened my mouth in 12and for that moment 1 was the one who could not speak.When my heart 13started beating again I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also 14. Through music we had made an awesome connection.

Several years later,I met Vanessa on the street in town.She waved with a big  15on her face and then clapped her hands twice,imitating the song we had  16so many times in our music class.The little girl,17her connection with music,left an impression on me that will last forever.Every child has the  18to learn and grow.It is up to us to 19the way to reach each and every one of our students.We all must find each child’s  20.


1.A.get across    B.put away      6ec8aac122bd4f6etake over     D.break through

2.A.means       B.direction       6ec8aac122bd4f6eprocess       D.effort

3.A.add        B.talk         6ec8aac122bd4f6eshare         D.write

4.A.disabled  B.normal           6ec8aac122bd4f6esad           D.silly

5.A.troublesome  B.hardworking   6ec8aac122bd4f6ememorable D.sensitive

6.A.most           B.almost       6ec8aac122bd4f6enearly        D.mostly

7.A.stand          B.sit          6ec8aac122bd4f6e1ie           D.jump

8.A.sang           B.said         6ec8aac122bd4f6efollowed      D.clapped

9.A.strike         B.put          6ec8aac122bd4f6egive          D.shake

10.A.ever          B.never            6ec8aac122bd4f6estill             D.even

11.A.1ooked        B.saw          6ec8aac122bd4f6eglared        D.noticed

12.A.horror        B.delight      6ec8aac122bd4f6eastonishment D.embarrassment

13.A.immediately  B.fortunately    6ec8aac122bd4f6eslowly       D.finally

14.A.happy    B.grateful    6ec8aac122bd4f6espeechless   D.hopeless

15.A.greeting      B.smile            6ec8aac122bd4f6eexpression    D.sign

16.A.performed    B.operated      6ec8aac122bd4f6etrained       D.organized

17.A.upon          B.through      6ec8aac122bd4f6efrom      D. beyond

18.A.standard      B.ability      6ec8aac122bd4f6eplan          D.necessity

19.A.discover      B.invent           6ec8aac122bd4f6etest          D.make

20.A.virtue        B.dream        6ec8aac122bd4f6e1ight    .   D.rhythm


 --- Could you put off the meeting?

----________. This is the only day everyone is available.

A. No problem           B. Not really          C. It depends           D. It’s up to you


 Mike had to walk home _______his bike stolen.

A. with            B. as           C. for          D. since


 Everybody in our village, men and women, young and old, ______ the game.

A. joins           B. enjoys           C. go in for            D. are fond of


 We are living in an age ______ people broadcast the smallest details of their life.

A. that            B. which            C. when             D. where


 _____ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.

A. Grow            B. To grow          C. Growing         D. Grown


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