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    When the morning sun looks in through your bedroom window, do you jump out of bed ? Or do you roll over and groan? Enough sleep can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one!

A good night's sleep doesn't just happen. You need to prepare for it. 1. First, go to bed at the same time every day, and get up at the same time. If you

haven't gotten a good night's sleep, don't oversleep the next morning. Get up at your regular time. Sleeping late for just a couple of days can change your body clock to a different cycle. You don't want that if you have a set daily schedule!

Also, avoid big meals at night. 2. Your stomach works hard to digest those fatty foods, and that may keep you up.

Your body produces a chemical called melatonin (褐黑色素) that helps you sleep. Light affects the amount of melatonin your body makes 3. . So at night turn off your TV and computer. Also, don't read from a backlit device like an iPad. Some scientists think that the light from those devices stops your body from making melatonin. 4.

Maybe you can't sleep or you wake up in the middle of the night. 5. Get up and do something relaxing elsewhere. Then go back to bed when you bed when you-feel sleepy. If you worry a lot, make a list of things you need to do the next day. Do that an hour before bed. That way you get your worrying out of the way before you go to bed.

A.It produces more in the evening and less in the daytime.

B.Don't just lie in bed.

C.So stay away from smart phones and iPads.

D.Various experts have given tips to help.

E.You'll be able to face a new day after a good night's sleep.

F.So turn those screens off at least one hour before bedtime.

G.Eating heavy, rich food within two hours of bedtime can keep you awake.


Human beings have used tools for a very long time. In some parts of the world you can still find tools that people used more than two million years ago. They made these tools by hitting one stone against another. In this way, they broke off pieces from one of the stones. These chips of stone were usually sharp on one side. People used them for cutting meat and skin from dead animals, and also for making other tools out of wood. Human beings needed to use tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat eating animals, such as lions and tigers. Tools helped people to get food more easily.

Working with tools also helped to develop human intelligence. The human brain grew bigger, and human beings began to invent more and more tools and machines. The stone chip was one of the first tools that people used, and perhaps it is the most important. Some scientists say that it was the key to success of mankind.

Since 1960 a new kind of tool has appeared. This is the silicon chip (硅芯片). It is smaller than a finger nail, but it can store lots of information. It is an electronic brain. Every year these chips get cleverer, but their size gets smaller, and their cost gets less. They are used in watches, calculators and intelligent machines that we can use in many ways. In the future we will not need to work with tools in the old way. Machines will do everything for us. People will have plenty of spare time. But what will they do with it?

Human beings used stone chips for more than two million years, but human life changed very little in that time. We have used silicon chips for only a few years, but life is changing faster every day. What will life be like twenty years from now? What will the world be like two million years from now?

1.From paragraph 1, we can know ________.

A.why early human beings cut skin from dead animals

B.how early human beings discovered the tools

C.what early human beings used the tools for

D.what food early human beings stored

2.The stone chip is thought to be the most important tool because it ________.

A.was very important to the development of mankind

B.led to the invention of machines in the early time

C.developed cooking abilities of mankind

D.was one of the first tools of mankind

3.The silicon chip is mentioned in the passage to ________.

A.show the changes of tools

B.introduce a new kind of tool

C.give an example of using tools

D.compare the effects of two kinds of tools

4.At the end of the passage the author seems to suggest that life in future is ________.

A.out of order B.less colorful

C.hard to predict D.full of meanings


    “Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better, which makes everyone a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said.

National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect opportunity to encourage others to take their first step to becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organisation’s expections. Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.

The following tips can help if you have some of these worries.

●Start out slowly, don’t add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone’s life.

●Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.

●Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.

●Work with a veteran volunteer. He volunteered a lot, he can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organisation’s expections.

●Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them.

●Finally, it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesn’t work, don’t give up and you’ll surely find the right opportunity.

Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people’s lives. As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience, “…little things can change a person’s life.”

1.Volunteering can help______.

A.make a decision B.make a person’s life better

C.thank other people D.see the world clearly

2.What could be the reason to stop people taking the first step?

A.They don’t have enough time. B.They are prevented by their families.

C.They fear their abilities are shared. D.They don’t expect to become volunteers.

3.Which of the following can help people take the first step?

A.Start out quickly. B.Organize a training meeting.

C.Invite a friend to be with them. D.Join in a group with different values.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.To tell people to make changes in their lives.

B.To encourage people to start their volunteering.

C.How to make great achievements in volunteering.

D.How to keep on volunteering whatever happened.


    When you were a little child, your parents made decisions about everything for you because you weren’t old enough to take care of yourself and make careful decisions. Finally, however, you grow up and become a teenager. You begin to have your own thoughts and opinions about life.

As you change and grow into this new person who makes your own decisions, your parents may have a difficult time adjusting (调整). They aren’t used to the new you — they only know you as a child.

In most families, this adjustment can cause lots of arguments between teens and parents. You want to cover your walls with posters, but your parents don’t understand why you don’t like your wallpaper any more. Then you feel your parents don’t respect you and don’t allow you to do what you like, and your parents get angry because they disagree with your decisions. And some other things — like the type of friends you have — can cause even bigger arguments, because your parents will always be ready to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are.

However, the good news is that there will be fewer arguments as your parents realize that you have grown up and should have your own ideas. Before you get on well with each other again, communication between you and your parents is very important.

1.The writer describes______in the first paragraph.

A.the decisions you may make B.the changes you may make

C.the happy time you may have D.the friends you may have

2.Why do your parents need to adjust when you become independent?

A.Because they don’t often stay at home. B.Because they are busy at work.

C.Because they get angry easily. D.Because they’re not familiar with the new you.

3.From the passage, we can learn that______.

A.teenagers like to be with their parents

B.parents may have a happy time adjusting

C.parents don’t need to respect their children

D.the type of friends you have may cause bigger arguments

4.In order to get on well with your parents, you should often______.

A.communicate with them B.agree with their ideas

C.protect them D.do what you like


    Whether you will be a doctor or a police officer in the future, there’s a teacher in your life. They teach you and help you know who you are. Of course, you want to thank them.

Teachers’ Day is the perfect chance for students around the world to thank their teachers. The festival falls on different days in different countries.

In China, Teachers’ Day is on September 10th. But in the US, teachers have a whole week to celebrate. Teacher Appreciation Week is in the first full week of May every year. Kids used to bring apples for their teachers because apples are healthy. Now, they bring gifts with pictures of apples, such as cups, picture frames and teddy bears. Some students also make DIY gifts for their teachers. During the week, school clubs often offer teachers a free breakfast of coffee and cakes.

The South Korean Teachers’ Day is on May 15th. Many students offer flowers to their teachers. Another traditional gift is a card. Thousands of students prepare personalized cards and give them to their favorite teachers.

Although different countries have different Teachers’ Days, there’s one day for the whole world to honor teachers. On October 5th of every year, over 100 countries such as Canada and the Philippines, express their thanks by celebrating World Teachers’ Day. UNESCO started the day in 1994. It wants to remind people of the importance of teaching.

Only you can make a card like this one. A fingerprint card is a good gift on Teachers’ Day. You will need: card, pen and colorful ink.

Press your ink-covered finger on a clean card.

Use a pen to make your fingerprint into an animal or a robot.

Write words like “You are a wonderful teacher.” or “Thank you for teaching me.” on the card.

Some thank-you notes for great teachers:

I am lucky to have the best teacher in the world. Wherever I may go in my life, I will always remember that I had an excellent guide … You.

You are not only my teacher; you are my friend. I will always be grateful to you for your support and kindness.

1.According to the passage, apples used to be a good choice of gifts for Teachers’Day because______.

A.students want to wish their teachers good health

B.apples are in season on Teachers’Day

C.students want to wish their teachers success

D.apples are sweet and cheap

2.More than 100 countries celebrate World Teachers’Day on________.

A.May 5th B.May 15th C.October 5th D.September 10th

3.The part of “Only you can make a card like this one” is to tell the readers_______.

A.where to order a beautiful card B.how to make a meaningful DIY card

C.what kind of gift is best for teachers D.how to order a teacher’s card online



An old wooden seat that Susan extremely valued often reminded her of mother’s Golden Rule.

Back in the 1930s, the country life was really tough. One day after dinner, Susan’s mother sat on the seat, announcing to the children the Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Susan reflected carefully and seriously on what her mother had said. She resolved that she would keep in mind and follow the rule.

One Saturday afternoon, she went to farmer Jason’s inn (小旅馆) to get the pay for her mother’s washing for the guests there, which amounted to five dollars. She found Jason in the yard, who, as all the villagers knew, was selfish and mean.

His eyes clouded with anger, as he had just finished a quarrel with one of his guests. He held in his hand an open wallet, full of bills. He barely noticed Susan until she made her request for the money. Instead of shouting at her, as usual, for troubling him when he was busy, he handed her a bank note.

Feeling relieved for escaping from Jason so easily, Susan hurried out of the inn. When carefully putting the money into her pocket, she discovered that Jason had given her two bills instead of one, and her first reaction was joy at the unexpected prize. She looked around and there was nobody nearby to share her discovery. “It is mine. All mine.” she said to herself. “I will buy mum a new coat with it, and she can give her old one to sister Mary, and then Mary can go to the Sunday school with me next winter. I wonder if I can buy a pair of shoes for brother Tom too.”

Just at that moment, she realized that Jason must have given the extra money to her by mistake, and therefore she had no right to own it. But a voice of temptation (诱惑) whispered, “He gave it, and you can keep it. He will never know, even if it is a mistake. ”

As Susan hurried home, this conflict went on in her mind.


Susan’s face became red with embarrassment and annoyance.



春季是充满希望的季节,但也是各种传染病多发的季节。假定你是校学生会主席李华, 请代表学生会给你校英语报青少年健康栏目写一封主题为健康生活.远离病毒 倡议书,内容包括:







(相关词汇:传染病 infectious diseases 罩:mask:病毒:virus

Dear fellow students,


The Student Union


    I live in a landscape surrounded by shopping malls. So it’s quite ______ to feel connected to the land. I wanted ______ for my children: soil, Mother Earth and ecology. I’m a classic suburban mom. But I grew up ______ summers at my grandparents’ farm. I used to pick wild blackberries, catch fishes, and run between the tows of tall corm plants. I knew what wild garlic looked like. I ______ picked flowers from the honeysuckle (金银花) and sucked the nectar (花蜜) out. I’ve ______ my kids to do the same. “It’s so sweet, Mom,” they told me.

____, instead of teaching my kids about the landscape, I decided to teach them a love of the land they live in. I was determined to ______ PBL-place-based learning. So we went to the ______ parking lot near the dead mall and ______ dandelion (蒲公英) greens, which make delicious spring salad. We dug with sticks in the wheel ruts (车辙印) along the road while going home. My ten-year old found a special rock which ______ him to start a rock collection. In the fall. I took my kids to stands of chestnut trees and ______ them how to get the eatable nuts from the branches. I had taught them some big ______ about the earth, the ______ of which they should have appreciation for.

It has been revolutionary to be outside. We have ______ simply walking, observing, feeling the dirt under our feet, and happily bringing home something we ______ with our own hands.

1.A.challenging B.wonderful C.relaxing D.disappointing

2.A.admiration B.gratitude C.connection D.amusement

3.A.learning B.spending C.expecting D.witnessing

4.A.voluntarily B.instantly C.delicately D.carelessly

5.A.forbidden B.required C.ordered D.taught

6.A.However B.In conclusion C.As a result D.Similarly

7.A.investigate B.practice C.test D.discover

8.A.abandoned B.scary C.new D.collapsed

9.A.touched B.smelt C.viewed D.sought

10.A.urged B.inspired C.forced D.needed

11.A.informed B.watched C.asked D.showed

12.A.classes B.courses C.lessons D.lectures

13.A.scenery B.beauty C.future D.custom

14.A.imagined B.considered C.enjoyed D.insisted

15.A.harvested B.planted C.made D.shared


Urban Wildlife

Cities are diverse ecosystems. In addition to visitors from the wild, a large number of species share our urban areas. As our cities spread, we need to think about what it is like for other species to have human neighbors.

Cities are built for humans. 1.For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them beautiful. But when we cut grass or plant flowers, we destroy natural habitats.

2.When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats, and soon the bridge was the home of

thousands of bats. 3. Now, they have come to value their winged neighbors. The bats are a tourist attraction, and they eat lots of bugs every night.

There are also structures built with the aim of bringing wildlife into the city. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a good example. The park used native plants and created open, natural spaces for wildlife. The result is a zone in Beijing with over 160 species of birds. In many ways, the park is the opposite of a zoo. 4.

If we learn to share our space, we can become better neighbors to the wildlife around us. 5. Our own future will be endangered too.

A.They are built to protect birds.

B.Our actions sometimes help other species.

C.If we do not, more species will become extinct.

D.They do not always provide suitable habitats for wildlife.

E.Instead of being kept in cages, wildlife can move about freely.

F.At first, people were afraid of the bats and tried to get rid of them.

G.They would sit on it and their droppings would fall into the water.


    Forget about the “post-1995 generation”. Young people born in 1995 or later have another name in English — Generation Z. They are entering adulthood and will soon shape our future, which is why policy makers, as well as employers and marketers, are trying their best to understand these young people. So, how should we pin down the Gen Z-ers?

Most people will agree that the single biggest difference between Gen-Z and other generations is how connected they are. This is a group of people who were hooked up to social media as soon as they were born. Social media has changed the way Gen Z-ers interact with each other and how they get and process information. They read news from Twitter, watch videos from Vine, share experiences in Instagram and post recipes in Pinterest.

“We are the first true digital natives. I can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all from the user-friendly iPhone,” said Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old UCLA student.

It is noted that young people in the UK are becoming more active in Politics. Young people regard voting as one option among many to show their political engagement that can potentially influence policies. Instead of party politics, they focus more on single-topic issues such as feminism (女权主义) or climate change. And “much of the engagement and organizing they do takes place on social media rather than through traditional political structures,” according to the Guardians.

Gen Z-ers are also culture creators. Growing up with the Internet has freed this generation from traditional cultural expression. They are no longer willing to let their creativity be limited by their parents or traditional rules.

“We decide what kind of content we want to experience and choose how we experience it,” wrote Masback, a Huffington Post blogger and a Gen Z-er herself.

1.What does the underlined phrase “pin down” mean in Paragraph 1?

A.Cooperate with. B.Firmly convince.

C.Clearly understand. D.Communicate with.

2.What is special about the Gen Z-ers’ engagement in politics?

A.It’s topic-specific. B.It stresses social response.

C.It’s party-based. D.It has an immediate effect.

3.What can be inferred about the Gen Z-ers from the last two paragraphs?

A.They enjoy great freedom to express themselves. B.They are unwilling to obey their parents.

C.They are rooted in traditional culture. D.They are addicted to social media.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards Gen Z-ers?

A.Worried. B.Critical. C.Objective. D.Appreciative


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