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    When Lauren Marler began having disturbing symptoms at the age of 15, she somehow knew it was cancer. After some research, she realized she was right. But that was just the beginning of her horrific cancer journey. Marler’s doctors discovered that what she had was truly unlucky—but she’s still here to tell her tale.

In 2005, Marler noticed blood in her stool; she was too embarrassed to tell anyone. For two years she kept silent. “I looked up my symptoms and knew I had all the signs for colon cancer,” she says. “However, my mom thought I was overreacting.” Eventually, the doctor she visited confirmed she had a colon cancer at the age of 17.

“The doctor said that I needed to get to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre immediately,” Marler recalls. There she met with Miguel Rodriguez­Bigas, who removed Marler’s entire colon and almost all of her rectum(直肠).

But just nine months later, the cancer returned. “When my mom told me, I just felt like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I just want to be a normal kid.’” After another surgery and three months of chemotherapy (化疗), Marler believed that her cancer battles had to be over.

Then, during a routine scan to ensure that she was still in remission (重病的缓解期) five years later, 23­year­old Marler got a call. “The doctor called to tell me that the scan showed a spot in my uterus (子宫) and it was endometrial cancer, an aggressive one. We went back to MD Anderson to meet with Pedro T. Ramirez, who recommended a full hysterectomy (子宫切除).”

Puzzled by Marler’s history, Dr. Rodriguez­Bigas recommended that she get genetic testing. The testing revealed the bad news: Marler had an incredibly rare disorder called CMMRD. Dr. Rodriguez­ Bigas explained that the disorder makes a person likely to suffer from different cancers. There is no treatment for the disorder, only preventive care—primarily regular scans to catch any developing cancers early. Armed with an answer for the grief and suffering she had endured for the past decade of her life, Marler actually felt a sense of relief. “It’s heartbreaking, but at least I have an answer.”

Three years later, Marler was unable to shake what she thought was sinus infection (鼻窦感染). Marler’s mother knew something wasn’t right when Marler refused to go back to the hospital because of the level of pain she felt.

On this trip to the hospital, Marler was admitted and scanned. “I couldn’t believe it was happening again. The medical test showed that it was lymphoma (淋巴瘤), one of the hardest types to treat. The doctors told me the treatment was going to be so painful that I would hate them by the time it was over. They were right.” Marler endured six different types of chemotherapy at the same time, one of which was delivered through her spinal cord. She was required to be admitted to the hospital every other week for six days. “I was so weak that I couldn’t get off my couch. I lost all of my hair, and I had severe body aches,” she recalls.

Today, at 28, Marler is once again in remission—something she definitely doesn’t take for granted. She credits her family for her ability to endure her repeated battles with a smile. She says, “I laugh a lot. That’s one thing my family does really well—we can find the humor in any situation. I’ve always found a way to laugh. I do worry about what’s next, but I can’t let it consume me. I’ve learned to live with it.”

1.What does the underlined word “aggressive” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Making oneself ready to attack. B.Requiring chemotherapy to cure it.

C.Being likely to spread quickly. D.Acting with determination to succeed.

2.What exactly has caused Marler to suffer from various cancers?

A.A rare gene problem. B.Irregular medical scans.

C.No proper preventive care. D.Frequently changing doctors.

3.After receiving the treatment of lymphoma, Marler        .

A.became a regular visitor to the hospital B.came to hate the doctors in charge of her

C.was heartbreaking but felt a sense of relief D.was sure that her cancer battles would be over

4.What mainly contributes to Marler’s success in fighting with cancer?

A.The fact that she never thinks much of cancer. B.The fact that her whole family remains positive.

C.The fact that she has learned to live with cancer. D.The fact that her life experience is full of humour.


    Listening to a radio broadcast in a foreign language is difficult for many of us. We may have studied the language for several years, and are able to read it, perhaps even write in it. But listening and understanding the spoken language require special skills. Some people have a natural ability that helps them to learn a language quickly, while others must study for a long time. Everyone, however, can improve his or her listening skills with practice.

We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice. We understand the grammar and the language. We know what to expect a person to say to us in almost any situation. We have been in similar situations many times, and we have heard it all before. We can understand it, even if we do not listen carefully.

But this is not true with a foreign language. We must listen with our full attention. And we must try not to let the cultural style of our language affect our understanding of the foreign language. Listening to a foreign language broadcast is easier if we know something about it. There are clues that can help us. One clue is the time of a day. Morning programs usually contain many short items of news, information or entertainment. The items are short because most of us are getting ready to go to work in the morning. Often we do not have time to listen to long programs. Evening programs are different. There is time for more details about the subjects discussed.

We can get a clue about the program from the music at the beginning, but we must be familiar with the music of the foreign culture. The kind of music—serious and slow, or fast and light—can tell us what kind of program to expect. The name of the program can give us good information about what it will contain.

Another good clue is the broadcaster. The more we listen to the same person, the easier it will be to understand him. His speaking style will become familiar to us. Further, the broadcaster provides clues to the organization of the broadcast at the beginning of the program. The broadcaster usually gives us the highlights of the program to prepare us for the details that will follow.

1.We are good listeners in our own language because______.

A.we have a natural ability to learn language B.we have practiced it for years

C.we listen to our own language more carefully D.our own language is much easier

2.If you don’t have enough time, you can listen to______.

A.morning programs B.familiar programs

C.evening programs D.programs with soft music

3.You can know the information of the program according to_____.

A.its music B.the broadcaster

C.its name D.the time of the program


My Favourite Books

Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列) of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.


Roald Dahl

I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl’s writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words. Matilda’s battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, are equally funny and frightening, but they’re also aspirational.

After Dark

Haruki Murakami

It’s about two sistersEri, a model who either won’t or can’t stop sleeping, and Mari, a young student. In trying to connect to her sister, Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse “night people” who are hiding secrets.

Gone Girl

Gillian Fynn

There was a bit of me that didn’t want to love this when everyone else on the planet did, but the horror story is brilliant. There’s tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. It’s a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what’s going on is horribly enjoyable.

The Stand

Stephen King

This is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around. After a serious flu outbreak wipes out 99.4% of the world’s population, a battle unfolds between good and evil among those left. Randall Flagg is one of the scariest characters ever.

1.Who does “I” refer to in the text?

A.Stephen King. B.Gillian Flynn.

C.Jo Usmar. D.Roald Dahl.

2.Which of the following tells about Mari and Eri?

A.Cosmopolitan. B.Matilda.

C.After Dark. D.The Stand.

3.What kind of book is Gone Girl?

A.A folk tale. B.A biography.

C.A love story. D.A horror story.


How to Avoid the Coronavirus? Wash Your Hands

As a New York Times journalist in China, I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003, during which a novel coronavirus was first detected in Guangdong. My two children _______elementary school in Beijing throughout the outbreak.   

The International School of Beijing, _______ my children were students, was one of the_______in the capital that stayed _______throughout the SARS outbreak.   

The school instituted a bunch of simple precautionary (预防的) policies: a strict note to_______reminding them not to send a child to _______ who was sick and warning them that students would be screened for _______ with ear thermometers (耳温枪) at the school door. There was no _______ of food at lunch. The teacher led the kids in _______ hand washing throughout the day at classroom __________, while singing a prolonged “hand washing song” to __________ that they did more than a cursory (草率的) pass __________ the tap with water only.     

With those precautions __________, I observed something of a public __________ miracle (奇迹): Not only did no child get SARS, but __________ seemed that no student was sick with anything at all for __________on end.

The World Health Organization __________ the SARS outbreak controlled in July 2003. But, oh, those __________ continued. The best first-line defenses __________SARS or the novel coronavirus or most any virus at all are the ones that Grandma and common __________taught us, after all.

1.A.attended B.left C.explored D.experienced

2.A.which B.where C.as D.when

3.A.many B.much C.few D.little

4.A.closed B.open C.locked D.controlled

5.A.patients B.students C.teachers D.parents

6.A.hospital B.work C.school D.clinic

7.A.colds B.coughs C.fevers D.headaches

8.A.sharing B.wasting C.eating D.throwing

9.A.fluent B.frequent C.occasional D.timely

10.A.desks B.chairs C.pipes D.sinks

11.A.suggest B.assume C.ensure D.require

12.A.through B.above C.across D.under

13.A.in place B.in reality C.in order D.in need

14.A.behavior B.life C.study D.health

15.A.it B.there C.they D.this

16.A.months B.days C.years D.hours

17.A.claimed B.declared C.reported D.announced

18.A.hobbies B.interests C.characters D.habits

19.A.on B.from C.against D.for

20.A.ground B.sense C.practice D.people



内容包括:1. 活动目的;2. 活动安排;3. 表达期待。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(︿), 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It was raining light when I got up yesterday. After a quick breakfast, I took an umbrella with me and went to school in the hurry. It was fifteen minutes after school began. I was running quickly when I see an old man walking slowly in the rain. I stopped, wondered whether to help him or not, as I might be late for school. Then I made a decision walk him home. About ten minutes late, we arrived at his house. He thanked for me again and again. I smiled and said it was nothing. I was late when I got to school. Hearing my story, the head teacher, that was giving his lecture, praised me before all the student.


    I experienced great bitterness five years ago. At that time, my father _______ from an accident. As the eldest son, I had no _______ but to drop out of school and work in a factory. I didn’t dare to ask for more, just hoping to _______ my two younger brothers. However, that’s not a(n)_______ thing, for I couldn’t afford to _______ their tuition (学费) even if I worked from day to night. Without my father’s protection, I _______ I was only a slave to the life.

Later on, something changed my life. I still remember that it was a _______ day. I walked slowly in the _______. Suddenly the rain stopped. I _______ my head and found that “the sky” was in fact an umbrella. Then I heard a deep ________. “Why not ________ without an umbrella?” a one-leg man with a walking stick said to me. “If you run, you would get less wet.” His words ________ me deeply. He told me he once had dreamed of being a policeman, but an incident ruined his ________. Later he became a promoter (促销). Though his work was demanding and did’t suit for his ________, he still thought every outing was a wonderful start to him. He stated that he felt ________ he didn’t lose his ________ and still “ran” on the road of life.

Inspired by his words, I became an insurance agent. After two years’ ________, I did well and my family turned better ________. I got the time to return to my senior school, and eventually succeeded in my entrance to ________.

Everything is so simple: to run without an umbrella! When you run out of the rainy season of your life, there will be a ________ sky ahead of you!

1.A.died B.survived C.suffered D.recovered

2.A.possibility B.chance C.choice D.success

3.A.get on with B.give up C.separate from D.bring up

4.A.difficult B.awful C.easy D.wonderful

5.A.pay B.avoid C.lend D.calculate

6.A.imagined B.observed C.explained D.realized

7.A.sunny B.rainy C.windy D.cold

8.A.shop B.room C.street D.school

9.A.nodded B.raised C.shook D.buried

10.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.song

11.A.run B.jump C.dance D.dig

12.A.pleased B.embarrassed C.frightened D.astonished

13.A.health B.job C.family D.dream

14.A.eye B.leg C.hand D.ear

15.A.delighted B.annoyed C.disappointed D.sad

16.A.achievement B.failure C.money D.courage

17.A.struggle B.rest C.relaxation D.hesitation

18.A.completely B.immediately C.gradually D.partly

19.A.participation B.university C.competition D.society

20.A.colorful B.strange C.grey D.bright


    School success means different things to different people. No matter what success means to you, strong study skills, confidence and goals are key components. 1.. Therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?

Organize yourself

When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study. 2.. When you sit down to study, you need to organize your time well by allowing enough time for each task. You also need an organized backpack that allows you to transport materials to and from classes.


Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place. However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively. For example, working too many hours at a job reduces study and sleep time, possibly meaning missed school and difficulty concentrating due to being tired.

Look for support

Whether or not you struggle in school, a support network helps you succeed. So communicate with your teacher outside of class time to ask for help when you struggle. 4.. If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.

Go beyond the classroom

Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors. 5.. When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own. For example, set up your own experiment based on something you learned in science class.

A.Balance activities and your studies

B.It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam

C.Never miss school

D.Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school

E.For students who struggle in school, additional support is necessary for success

F.You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying

G.School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels


    The reality TV wildlife edition has just come to a dramatic end. The world watched as the bears packed on pounds before they went into their den (兽穴) for the winter. Over the next few months, Fat Bear Week winner, 435 Holly, will go into hibernation (冬眠). Why do bears do this?

The mysteries around hibernating bears have attracted curious researchers for ages. What is hibernation, and what causes it? And probably most interestingly — could humans do this someday?

Dr. Kelly Drew, who studies hibernation, is one of the scientists consulting on a project funded by NASA, looking to put humans into hibernation for spaceflight. “For sending people to space, I think our first step is to perfect short-term hibernation-like periods in humans,” she says. “If we can figure this out, we can then try for longer periods.” We still have a long way to go before this science fiction dream becomes a reality, but several scientists around the country have been studying hibernation.

Cory Williams, at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, says, “A huge variety of mammals (哺乳动物) hibernate. However, hibernation in bears is different from that in small mammals…their body temperature only drops a few degrees and they don’t experience periodic rewarming.” In general, mammals with lower body temperatures during hibernation awaken every few days to raise their body temperature, or eat a bit. Bears do not emerge for any of these activities. Instead, they live off the fat they have collected during the summer and autumn months and even recycle their metabolic (新陈代谢的) waste.

At the moment, the study of hibernation has and continues to contribute greatly to applications in the human world. For example, bears are able to maintain their bone mass during hibernation, and understanding this could help advance the study of treating people with weak bones. Perhaps one day, it will be the key to sending humans far off into space too.

1.Why is 435 Holly mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A.To show the popularity of Fat Bear Week. B.To introduce the topic of hibernation.

C.To call for the protection of bears. D.To advertise reality TV.

2.How do bears hibernate?

A.They produce new body fat.

B.They lower their body temperature greatly.

C.They sleep through the whole winter.

D.They rewarm themselves regularly.

3.What’s the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The new findings about hibernation. B.The significance of studying hibernation.

C.The ways bears maintain their bone mass. D.The barriers to sending humans into space.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.What could bears and astronauts have in common?

B.What effects does hibernation have on bears?

C.Why do bears need to go into hibernation?

D.How do humans and bears get along?


    Bill Gates’ body might live in the present, but his brain lives in the future. He has made a career out of predicting what will happen in matters of computing, public health and the environment. He correctly predicted the rise of smartphones and social media, and his latest predictions could come true, too. Here’s what Gates predicts for the future of our world.

In his Annual Letter 2015, Gates made the prediction that Africa’s agriculture industry would increase productivity by 50% by 2030. Now the continent buys about $50 billion worth of food from other countries each year, although 70% of people in Africa are farmers. “In the next 15 yearshowevercreations in farming will solve the food problem in Africa,” Gates wrote. “The world has already developed crops that are more productive; with all the technologies, African farmers could possibly double their harvests.”

By 2035, there could be almost no poor countries. In his Annual Letter 2014, Gates bravely predicted that continued levels of foreign help could mean there would be almost no more poor countries by 2035. “Almost all countries will be what we now call lower-middle income or richer,” Gates explained. “Countries will learn from their most productive neighbors and benefit from things like better seeds and the digital revolution. ”

By 2030, the world will discover a clean-energy breakthrough to power our world. One of Gate’s more hopeful predictions which came in 2016 said that wind, solar, or some other renewable resources would power most of the world within 15 years. “The difficulty we face is big, perhaps bigger than many people imagine,” he wrote in his letter. “But so is the chance to make things better.” Many of the poor countries he visited had no running water or electricity. At night this meant they couldn’t light or power their homes, and keep businesses open.” If the world can find a type of cheap, clean energy, it will do more than prevent climate change,” he wrote. “It will change the lives of millions of the poorest families.”

1.What does the author think of Gates’ predictions?

A.They sound quite unreal. B.They are mainly about computers.

C.They will probably come true. D.They haven’t produced any end result.

2.How is the agriculture in Africa?

A.It is losing its workforce. B.It is in need of productivity.

C.It can satisfy the local needs. D.It is as backward as Africa’s industry.

3.What should poor countries do according to Gates?

A.Use expensive seeds. B.Expect less foreign help.

C.Rely on the digital revolution. D.Learn from the experience of other countries.

4.What’s Gates’ attitude to clean-energy development?

A.It’s no easy task. B.It’s hard to imagine.

C.It can put climate change to an end. D.It has little to do with poor families.


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