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1. 难度:简单

My best friend Neil is ________ honest boy. You can believe him.                      

  A. a               B. an                 C.the              D./


2. 难度:简单

---I like red best. What about___________?                                    

---My favourite colour is orange. It represents joy.

   A. you            B.her                C.him              D.it


3. 难度:简单

---__________ I have a ticket , please?                                          

---Sorry,sir. All the tickets were sold out ten minutes ago.

A. May           B.Need               C.Must         D.Should


4. 难度:简单

---Have you seen the film Alice in Wonderful?                                     

---Yes. ____________ wonderful film it is!

  A. What            B.What a             C.How           D.How a


5. 难度:简单

.Liu Xiang came third ______ the 110-meter-hurdle race last month in Shanghai.          

  A.in              B.from                C.across         D.through


6. 难度:简单

---Let’s go hiking ___________ staying at home , shall we?                           

----A good idea.

  A. as well as      B.in order to            C.instead of      D.in addition to


7. 难度:简单

To _________ nature is to help ourselves , or we will be punished.                      

   A.protect        B.prevent               C.provide        D.pollute


8. 难度:简单

Maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but_______can destroy the love in our people.

   A.something      B.everything           C.anything       D.nothing


9. 难度:简单

The fire was completely ________ shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen.         

   A.cut down       B.put out             C.give out         D.floated away


10. 难度:简单

---Mum, I’m really ________ about the result of the exam.                            

---Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.

   A.patient        B.satisfied            C.unhappy          D.pleased


11. 难度:简单

---We can use QQ to communicate with each other online.                            

----Good. Will you you please show me ____________.

   A.which to use    B. how to use it       C.what to use       D.where to use it


12. 难度:简单

---Would you like to have ___________ cake ?                                 

----No, thanks. I’ve had two. That’s enough.

   A.other         B.others              C.another          D.the other


13. 难度:简单

---What’s the news about ?                                                   

---________ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for Yushu.

  A.A member of    B.A kind of           C.A packet of      D.A number of


14. 难度:简单

---I seem to be lost. Could you tell me ___________?                                   

---Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.

  A. where is the nearest hospital                  B.how long it will take me to the airport

  C.how far is my trip to the Olympic Village        D.how I can get to the National Museum


15. 难度:简单

---Sorry, Frank. I’m busy today. I can’t go swimmming with you.                      

---- _________.

   A. No problem    B.You’re welcome     C.That’s all       D.Never mind


16. 难度:简单

Although it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet (西藏).Our legs were so heavy and cold that     16   felt like big pieces of ice.Have you    17   seen snowmen ride bicylces? That’s what we looked like! Along the way children who were    18    long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late  19   

we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze (结冰).However, the lakes    20  like glass in the setting sun and loooked wonderful.

Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She was in high spirt and I knew I didn’t need to    21   her.To climb the mountains was hard work but as we    22   us, we were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles, and we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. After a while, we began going  23   the mountains. It was great fun especially as it slowly became much    24    .At the foot of the mountains, colourful butterflies flew around us and we saw many sheep eating green grass. Then we had to   25  

Our caps, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.

In the early evening we stopped to    26     .We put up our tent and then we ate. Afte supper Wang Wei went to sleep but I stayed    27   .At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter.As I    29    below the stars I thought about how far we had already travelled.

We will reach Dali in Yunan Province soon, where our cousins will join us. We     30   hardly wait to see them!

1.A.we             B.you               C.they               D.it

2. A.never                          B.ever                                  C.even                            D.yet

3.A.dressed in                   B.put on                                       C.taken off                          D.dressed up

4.A.morning                      B.afternoon                       C.evening                            D.night

5.A.shine                            B.shining                             C.shines                               D.shone

6. A.follow                          B.encourage                       C.remind                             D.discover

7. A.looked at          B.looked after                    C.looked for                        D.looked around

8. A.up                                B.down                                C.around                             D.into

9. A.colder                         B.drier                                  C.warmer                                     D.wetter

10.A.charge                       B.check                                C.chase                                D.change

11. A.make beds              B.make friends                  C.make camp                     D.make money

12.A.alive                           B.alone                                C.away                                 D.awake

13. A.cloudy                     B.foggy                                C.noisy                                 D.quiet

14.A.lie                               B.lied                                    C.lay                                     D.laid

15. A.may                           B.can                                   C.must                                 D.shall


17. 难度:简单


What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Someboy mentions hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck.

If you arrange the 26 English letters alphabetically(按字母表的顺序)and use numbers to represent each of them, for example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c…, you can change an English word into a number. So hard-work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98, meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96, while love :12+15+22+5=54, and luck : 12+21+3+11=47, a small mark. None of these words can give one a full mark. What about money or prayer(祈祷)? They can’t , either.

Then what else? Don’t be worried. You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, or your attitude(态度).Yes, attitude is the word. See for yourself: attitude:1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100,a full mark.

Different attitudes lead to different courses of life. Most times people hope for a better life. It is possible that one will have a change for the betterr after one has changed one’s attitude.

When you change your manner and became friendly towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you.In the same way, if you take a positive(积极地)attitude towards failure(失败),you’ll find it’s also rewarding though it has caused you losses.

1.In the writer’s opinion , what is the most important things in a person’s life?

   A.Hard-work.           B.Knowledge.             C.Money.           D.Attitude.

2.According to the passage, if you meet with problems, the best way out is to ___________.

   A. ask for helpf from others                        B.say your prayers to God

   C.change your attitude                            D.try maths-solving methods

3.From the passage we can learn that ______________.

   A.diffrent attitudes come from different courses of life.

   B.mathematics can solve every problem easily in our daily life

   C.failure sometimes can bring you good if you take a positive attitude

   D.none of the English words except “attitude” equals to 100 or more


18. 难度:简单


Many years before the United States was founded(建立), Americans had already invented barbecues. But the first barbecues, in fact ,were the invention of the Taino Indians of Haiti, who dried their meat on raised frames(架子)of sticks over fires. Spanish explorers spelled the Taino word as barbacoa, and as time passed, English settlers along the Atlantic coat had their own barbecues.

One summer day in 1773, Benjamin Lynde, a citizen of Massachusetts, wrote in his diary, “Fair and hot ; Browne;hack overset.” That is , on a bright and hot day he went to the Brownes to attedn a barbecue, and his carriage(马车)fell over. It shows that the barbecue had its social occasion by that time. Large animals would be roasted whole on frames over hot fires, and neighbours would be invited to dinner.

In later centuries, as settlers moved to the west, the barbecue went along with it, reaching an especially large size in Texas, where a pit (坑)for fuels(燃料) such as tree branches might be over ten feet deep. Today , the barbecue grills(烧烤架)which are fueled by charcoal(木炭) or electricity are likely to be small and easy to move , and can cook only parts of an animal at a time, but people still have barbecues out of doors and always invite their neighbours or friends over.

1.Who invented the barbecues first in history?

   A.American people.      B.Taino Indians.           C.Spanish explorers.     D.English settlers.

2.The second paragraph mainly tells us that the barbecue_______________.

   A.is only held on a hot sunny day                 B.welcomes people who keep diaries

   C.is held both indoors and outdoors               D.has its social occasion for over 200 years

3.The underlined expression “ social occasion” can be best translated into______________.

   A.社交功能            B.社会福利               C.社会地位            D.社会背景

4.The following are all the barbecue ways    EXCEPT __________________.

   A. drying meat on raised frames of sticks over fires

   B. roasting a whole animal over a pit full of burning tree branches

   C.cooking parts of animals over fires on grills fueled by charcoal

   D.heating meat in the bright and hot daylight


19. 难度:简单



A Solar-powered Plane---Lowcarbon



6ec8aac122bd4f6eEarlier this month, a solar-powered (太阳能动力的)plane called Lowcarbon took off to the sky for the first time. It has passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.

Lowcarbon took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45 km an hour. It slowly rose into the sky.

“There has never been an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.

During the 90-minute flight, Lowcarbon did several turns. It climbs nearly 1.6 km above the countryside.

Engineers plan to test a night flight in July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012. “We want to fly it day and night with no fuel,” Piccard said.

Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take Lowcarbon around the world .They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air----and to show off their aircraft.

Lowcarbon flies at 70 kph on average(平均). That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep it in the air for up to five days at a time.


We Are One---“Expo Through My Eyes”

6ec8aac122bd4f6eSharing offers you more happiness. To celebrate the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, China Daily invites you to share what you’ve seen, heard and experienced at the 6-month international event or Expo-related stories in English. Whether you are an Expo volunteer, a reporter, or a tourist , we’d like you to share with us your Expo experience, as seen through your eyes. So if you would liketo contribute(投稿),please join us today in sharing the joy!


Topic: 2010 Shanghai World Expo

Language: English only

Length: No more than 1,000 words-

Content: Stories with photos are necessary.

Duration: May 1,2010---October 31,2010

Email-box: expo@chinadaily.com.cn

Reward: In addition to the satisfaction of supporting our work,

       ---your stories will be published on China Daily’s website;

       ---you will go in a lucky draw for a prize.


1.Which of the following information about the plane Lowcarbon is NOT true?

   A. It can fly at 70 km an hour.                  B.It is solar –powered.

   C.It has passed a night-flight test.               D.It is slower than a car.

2.Lowcarbon is a special plane because________________.

   A.it’s made in Switzerlland                    B.it has travelled around the world

   C.it can do turns in the sky                    D.it’s big and light, but uses little enegy

3.The purpose of the second article is to________________.

   A.encourage us to visit Shanghai Expo           B.ask us to be volunteers for Shanghai Expo

   C.invite us to write stories about Shanghai Expo   D.tell us to get the lucky prize of Shanghai Expo

4.Your stories about the 2010 Shanghai Expo for China Daily___________.

   A.can be in Chinese                          B.don’t need to have photos

   C.must be given by post                       D.should be handed in by e-mail


20. 难度:简单


On a British Airways flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged ,rich white South American lady found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin stewardess(机舱乘务员)over to complain about her seating.

“What seems to be the problem, Madam?” asked the stewardess.

“Can’t you see?” she said. “You’ve sat me next to a black man. I can’t possibly sit next to this kind of human. Find me another seat!”

“Please calm down, Madam,” the stewardess replied. “The flight is very full today, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do---I

Will go and check to see if we have any free seats in Club(商务舱)or First Class.”

The lady had an unfriendly look at the outraged(被激怒的)black man beside her.

A few minutes later the stewardess returned and said to the lady with a self –satisfied smile, “I’m sorry, Madam, this Economy(经济舱)is full, and Club is also full. However, we do have one seat in First Class.”

The lady could not help looking at the people around her. But before she had a chance to get up or make any answer, the stewardess continued , “ We seldom make this kind of upgrade(升级),however, and I had to report it to the captain(机长).When the captain heard this,he said that it was not proper to make someone sit next to such an obnoxious(令人讨厌的)person.” Having said that, the stewardess turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, I have a seat ready for you…”

At this time, the people around stood up and clapped their hands. The black man walked up to the front of the plane.

That was an unforgettable flight for me, for I was the black man who had never flown First Class before.

1.Where did this story happen?

   A. At the booking office.                        B.In the Economy cabin.

   C.In the Club cabin.                            D.In the First Class cabin.

2.The black man was finally upgraded to the First Class cabin because _____________.

   A. the stewardess loved him                      B. he was angry with the white lady

   C.the captain knew him                          D.the white lady was too impolite

3.What might be the correct order of the cabins from the front to the back on this plance?

   A.Club→Pilots’ →Economy →First Class          B. Pilots’ →Club →Economy →First Class

   C. Club→Economy→ First Class→ Pilots’          D. Pilots’ → First Class →Club→ Economy

4.What can be the best title of this article?

   A. Flying First Class                            B.On a British Airways Flight

   C.Sitting Next to a Lady                         D.An Unforgettable Free Flight


21. 难度:简单


1—I like this camera! Is it yours?

   ---Yes,I _____________(花费)1,200yuan on it last year.

2.---How often do you play badminton with your classmates?

   ---________(一次)a week.

 3.—I am worrried I’m getting fatter.

   ---You should eat _________(少)food and do more exercise.

 4.Having many___________(帮手)makes a task easier.

 5.Huaguo Mountain has become the ___________(象征)of Lianyungang.


22. 难度:简单


 Susan: Where are you going , David?

 David: To Beijing?

 Susan: It’s a long trip from here by bike. How long will it take you to 1.c_________it?

 David: About two years.

Susan: How many2.o______ you are making the trip?

 David: Five.

Susan: 3.W_________are you making it?

 David: We are trying to collec some money.

Susan: What will the money be used for?

 David: To a charity4.c__________ Protecting the Red-Crowned Crane.

Susan: That sounds great. Good5.l____________ with your trip.

 David: Thanks.


23. 难度:简单



1.Nick was so tired that he couldn’t walk any further.

   Nick was _____________________________ any further.

2.We can’t finish the project on time unless you support us.

   The project can’t be finished on time ______________________________.

3.Shall we watch the exciting ping-pong match together?

   ______________________________watch the exciting ping-pong match together?


24. 难度:简单


1.As we all know, waste water and gas ______________________(对……有不良影响)the environment.

2.A pair of pandas __________________(赠送)to Australia months ago, which represents the friendship between Australian and Chinese people.

3.---Do you often use Baidu ?

  ---Yes, it’s one of ____________________________(最受欢迎的)Internet search engines.


25. 难度:简单


                                 Future and Today

It is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know what future really is ? I have to say that future is now. That is to say we must treasure every minute now. If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.

There is an old English saying: “Gain time, gain life.” Then what’s time? Time is something that we can’t see or touch, but we can feel it passing by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable. We always say “Time is money”, but time is even more precious(珍贵的)than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But if time is gone away, it will never return. So, some of us even say time is priceless(无价的).

We should always remember: future is now. For us students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today.We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.

As we all know , “Time and tide wait for no man.” If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. So from now on, work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter .Remember: “No pains, no gains.” Today’s hard work is the cause of tomorrow’s harvest.

                 Title: Future and Today


Supporting details

Future is now.

Everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. If we want to have a bright future, we should know the 1.           of time and make every minute2.           .

3.       is priceless.

Time is money, but time is even more valuable than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But 4.         time will return no more.

Be masters of today

Today’s hard work5.        to tomorrow’s harvest. As students, we should never put off what can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our6.     

to do everything well.


26. 难度:简单

实施规范办学以后,学生自主学习的时间多了。假设学校英语俱乐部委托你做一项关于“实施规范办学以后,学生怎样利用双休日”的问卷调查,请根据下列图表中的调查数据,以“A Report on Weekend Activities” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简单介绍调查情况并发表自己的看法(至少两点)。


















      4.参考词汇:对……做调查: do an investigation on…

                           A Report on Weekend Activities

Since the regular school- running policy was performed, the students now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays. So the English Club in our school invited me to                                            





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