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1. 难度:中等


1、 默写出7个短元音

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

2、 默写出5个长元音

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______

3、 默写出8个双元音

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______


2. 难度:中等


1.  I am a ­__________________(学生)in Yucai School.

2.  Shanghai is a big __________________(城市).

3.  There are _____________________(二十九)classes in our school.

4.  My sister is a teacher in the ___________________(大学).

5.  Wang Lin’s father is a doctor at the __________________(医院).

6.  His sister is a _________________(秘书)at the factory.

7.  There is an English-Chinese _____________(词典)on the desk.

8.  Sam’s answer is ______________(正确的).

9.  We often play sports in the _________________(体育馆).

10.There are some new ________________(建筑物)in our town.


3. 难度:中等


1. 我们是好朋友。

We are __________  _______________.

2. 我十三岁了。

I am thirteen ___________  _____________.

3. 我叫玲玲,我来自武汉。

My name is Lingling, I ________  __________ Wuhan.

4. 你的父母是做什么工作的?

What are your ____________ ____________?

5. 体育馆在图书馆的旁边。

The gym is ____________ _______________ the library.


4. 难度:中等

He is a teacher ___________ he is Chinese.

         A. and            B. but            C. or              D. so


5. 难度:中等

This is our __________ Chinese lesson.

         A. one            B. two            C. first            D. the first


6. 难度:中等

He is from ____________ and he’s English.

         A. China          B. the USA         C. England         D. English


7. 难度:中等

David Beckham’s family name is __________.

         A. Beck           B. David           C. Beckham        D. Ham


8. 难度:中等

I’m in __________. What about you?

         A. Class One       B. One Class        C. class one        D. one class


9. 难度:中等

Betty and Tony are ____________.

         A. sister           B. from English      C. Chinese         D. friends


10. 难度:中等

They __________ after school.

          A. play the basketball                B. play table tennis

          C. play piano                         D. play the football


11. 难度:中等

I can ride ________ bike but I can’t ride __________ horse.

         A. the; /           B. the; a            C. /; /             D. a; a


12. 难度:中等

Tom’s ________ are both factory workers.

         A. parents          B. father           C. mother          D. family


13. 难度:中等

Her mother works at __________ hospital. She is a doctor.

         A. /               B. the              C. an              D. one


14. 难度:中等

Who ________ the man and the woman?

         A. am              B. is               C. are             D. be


15. 难度:中等

I can’t __________ English well.

         A. speaking           B. say             C. to speak         D. speak


16. 难度:中等

Are there ________ televisions in the room?

         A. a                 B. the              C. some           D. any


17. 难度:中等

There _______ some dictionaries on the shelf.

         A. are                B. have             C. is             D. be


18. 难度:中等

In English “67” is ___________.

         A. six and seven                          B. sixty seven

         C. seventy-six                            D. sixty-seven


19. 难度:中等

The offices are in _________ front of the classroom.

         A. /                 B. the               C. a              D. an


20. 难度:中等

There are __________ oranges on the table.

         A. three          B. third              C. the third         D. the three


21. 难度:中等

________ your father a teacher?

         A. Is                 B. Do               C. Can            D. Are


22. 难度:中等

There ________ a ruler and two pens on the desk/

         A. are                B. is                 C. be             D. am


23. 难度:中等

He _______ to school by bus every day.

         A. going              B. go                 C. goes           D. to go


24. 难度:中等

I have three friends. Tony   1   England. He is   2   He speaks 3     and he can play 4  piano. Lily comes from America and she is  5    American girl. She speaks English, too. And she can speak   6   Jack comes from Japan and he is Japanese. He  7  play football. Football is his favorite   8   .I am Chinese. I am from   9    . We are good  10    .

(   ) 1. A. is from         B. am from      C. are from

(   ) 2. A. English         B. American      C. Chinese

(   ) 3. A. Japanese        B. English      C. Chinese

(   ) 4. A. a               B. an           C. the

(   ) 5. A. a               B. an           C. /

(   ) 6. A. Chinese         B. China         C. Japan

(   ) 7. A. can’t          B. can          C. is

(   ) 8. A. food            B. colour           C. sport

(   ) 9. A. China           B. America      C. England

(   ) 10. A. girls          B. student      C. students


25. 难度:中等

This is a Chinese boy. His name is Ling Fengyu . His is thirteen he is in No. 52 Middle School. He is in Class One, Grade Eight. Ling Fengyu is in Row Four. He is Number 20. Miss Zhang is his English teacher. They love her very much.

1. Ling Fengyu is a__________ boy.

A. English       B. American     C. Chinese    D. China

2. He is in________ .

A. Row Four     B. row 4     C. Row Four     D. Four Row

3. _____________ is his English teacher.

A. Miss Zhang    B. Mr Zhang   

C. Mrs Zhang    D. Teacher Zhang

4. He is in________.

A. Class One, Grade 8      B. Class 1, Grade eight

C. Class One, grade eight    D. Class One, Grade Eight

5. How old is he? He is _________.

A.30      B.12      C.13     D.11


26. 难度:中等

Welcome to my home. This is our sitting-room(客厅). It is a big room. There is a big TV set in the middle(中间). The TV set is on a long table. There is a sofa in front of the TV set. Mother is sitting on the sofa, watching TV. Next to the sofa, there is a lamp

(灯). There is a washing-machine(洗衣机) in the corner(在····的角落) of the sitting room. On the machine, there is piece of beautiful cloth(布). There are some flowers on the window, the window is in the white wall. I like my home.

6. There aren’t any ____________ in the sitting room.

A. TV sets      B. desks      C. sofas

7. The TV set is __________ the sitting room.

A. in the middle of      B. in the corner of      C. in the front of

8. Are there any flowers on the window?

A. Yes, they are.       B. No, they aren’t.      C. Yes, there are.

9. Washing-machine is used for (用来做)________.

A. washing dishes      B. washing clothes    C. washing clothe

10.The sitting room is_________.

A. not good        B. small       C. big


27. 难度:中等


       Betty Rixon is American. Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a (1) s_______________. They both work at Beijing (2) I___________________ School. Daming’s mother is a doctor, and his father is a (3) f__________________ manager. Tony’s mother is a (4) t_________________ and his father is a hotel manager. Wang Lingling’s (5) p_________________ are factory workers.


28. 难度:中等






     Hello, everyone! I am Liu Mei. _______________________________________________________



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