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1. 难度:简单

1On weekends,I often ____________ and watch TV.

A.stay at home      B.go to school      C.join the club


2. 难度:简单

1Look ____________my new shorts.

A.on            B.in            C.at


3. 难度:简单

1I like to play ____________ my friends after class.

A.on            B.with      C.at


4. 难度:简单

1His birthday ____________ in June.

A.am        B.is            C.are


5. 难度:简单

1—When were you born?


A.On March nineth       B.In May 5  C.On February fifteenth


6. 难度:简单

1—____________ is that dress?

—Thirty dollars.

A.When          B.How much      C.What


7. 难度:简单

1What events do you have ____________ your school?

A.for       B.on            C.at


8. 难度:简单

1—When is Tree Planting Day?

—It's ____________ March.

A.in            B.on                C.at


9. 难度:简单

1—How old are you?

—I'm nine ____________ old.

A.year          B.years         C.year's


10. 难度:简单

1He ____________ ____________ action movies.

A.does likes        B.doesn't likes     C.doesn't like


11. 难度:简单

This   1   my good friend.   2   name is Tiger Mi. It is a cat. It's only two. It   3   fish and chicken   4  ,but it   5   like rice  6  .I like to   7   with it. Every day, we get up together, eat together, and do my homework together. Sometimes, Xie Kai and Wang Bin, my   8   at school ,come to my house. They like Tiger Mi, too. They   9  Tiger Mi English. But Tiger Mi can’t   10    English well. Do you have a cat? Tell me something about it, please.

1.A.is the     B.is   C.are      D.is a

2.A.It's      B.Its   C.its      D.He

3.A.like   B.don't likeC.likes   D.doesn't likes

4.A.a lot    B.all    C.lots      D.at all 

5.A.don't    B.isn'tC.can't    D.doesn't

6.A.very    B.at allC.lot        D.much

7.A.talking    B.sayC.be stay   D.play

8.A.friend      B.the friendsC.friends       D.some friends

9.A.teaches    B.teachC.teach to    D.teaches to

10.A.say   B.talkC.speak        D.tell


12. 难度:简单

Jack is an eleven-year-old boy. He has a father, a mother, a grandfather and two brothers in his family. Jack is the youngest (年龄最小的). One of his brothers, Tim, is fourteen years old. The other brother, Mike, is fifteen years old. What’s eleven and fourteen and fifteen? That is Jack’s father John’s age. Jack’s mother is very young. She gives birth to (生下) Jack when she is twenty-five years old. Jack doesn’t know his grandfather’s age. He is very old but very healthy. 

1.There are seven people in Jack’s family.

2.Jack doesn’t have a sister.

3.John is thirty years old.

4.Jack’s mother is twenty-five years old.

5.Jack’s grandfather isn’t old and he is healthy.


13. 难度:简单

Rose usually wakes up early in the morning. She always has her breakfast at half past six. She leaves home at about seven o’clock.. She is never late for school.

  She has many classes in the morning. At about twelve fifteen, she comes back for lunch. In the afternoon, she isn’t so busy. After school she does her homework and plays with other children.

In the evening, her parents come back from the factory. The family has supper together. After that, they usually read newspaper or listen to the radio for a little time. Sometimes, they watch TV. Rose goes to bed at half past nine. But her father often works late at night.

1.Rose gets up  ________ every morning.

A. late     B. early   C. at 6:30    D. at 7:00

2.Rose often goes to school at _______.   

A. seven o’clock  B. half past seven  C. seven fifteen D. about six thirty

3. Rose likes doing her homework____________.

A. after supper  B. in the evening C. after school D. after nine thirty at night

4.Rose’s father often ______late.

A. comes back   B. has supper   C. works    D. goes to bed

5. What do they usually do after supper? They usually_______

A. watch TV           B. read newspaper

C. do their homework    D. play with other children


14. 难度:简单

Lisa is a successful movie star. She plays in a lot of good movies. Many people are her fans (迷) and like her very much. Most people think a star’s life is different (不同的). But Lisa doesn’t think so. She says, “I am only an ordinary (普通的) girl. I like T-shirts and jeans like many girls. I like Chinese action movies best. I am a fan of many Chinese action stars. I like to go to the market (市场). People can not often recognize (认出) me in the market. It is interesting.”

1.Lisa is a successful star, because _______.

A. she is beautiful               B. she has many friends

C. she plays in many good films    D. she likes seeing movies very much

2. According to(根据) the passage, most people think ___________. 

A. it is interesting to play in a film   B. a movie star’s life is boring

C. Lisa’s life is different           D. Lisa is not a happy girl

3.According to Lisa, most girls like _______.

A. sweaters and jeans   B. long dresses

C. T-shirts and skirts      D. T-shirts and jeans

4.Of these stars, which (哪一个) may Lisa like?

A.            B.             C.             D. 


5.In the market, ________________. 

A. Lisa isn’t happy, because people cannot recognize her

B. all people know she is a movie star

C. people don’t know she is a star sometimes

D. Lisa sees her movies there


15. 难度:简单


I often go to  1  with my friends, Mike. My   2  actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s   3.It’s a very funny   4  Mike likes the actor Rick Smith. He  5  likes his movie, Black  6  .It’s a very  7   movie, but I think it’s. One   9_____ thing: Mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on  10  .Mike’s  father likes it, too!


16. 难度:简单


____________ is your ____________?


English speech contest is ____________ ____________ 25th.


They ____________ to ____________ the soccer club.


Mother ________ _______apples.


Look ____________ the ____________ of our class.


17. 难度:简单



My name is Wang Bin,_____________________________________________



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