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1. 难度:困难

1—Must we clean the classroom now?

—No ,you _______.

A. must               B. needn’t           C. aren’t            D. mustn’t


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1I am very sad that I ______ many chances in the last few years.

A. miss               B. missed            C. have missed       D. am missing


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1The windows must _________ before you leave the room.

A. be closed          B. are closed        C. close               D. be close


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1_______ Peter is old and weak, he still has to work.

A. But             B. Even though          C. So                  D. Because of


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1There are about 46 ______ people in this country.

A. million             B. millions           C. million of         D. millions of


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1—Is that Lucy’s cousin, Anna?

—No, it ______ her. She has gone to Paris.

A. mustn’t be         B. might be         C. can’t be           D. could be


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1If you take my _____,you won’t tell anyone about it.

A. the advice          B. advice             C. an advice         D. advices


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1Everyone needs to have at least eight hours’ sleep a night, so you shouldn’t ______ too late.

A. give up            B. stay up             C. put up           D. make up


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1—Did you do well in ______English exam last week?

—Yes, I got ______ “A” .

A. the; an             B. an; the             C. a; /              D. the; a


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1—Jim enjoys listening to pop music.


A. So does Helen.      B. Also is Helen

C. Helen likes also    D. So Helen does


11. 难度:困难

1Can you tell me ______ learn a foreign language well ?

A. what to            B. how to              C. what I can        D. how can I


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1Mary used to get up early in the past,  __________ ?

A. used Mary         B. didn’t she            C. wasn’t she        D. did Mary

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1Loud music may make people ____ fast.

A. to eat              B. ate                 C. eat              D. eats


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1We must try ______ best to make our city more beautiful.

A. our                B. ours                C. we              D. us


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1If I _______ you, I _______ go there.

A. is; will             B. is; would            C. were; would       D. was; will


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1—When were you born?

—I was born ______ the morning of May 7th, 1995.

A. in                 B. on                 C. at                D. of


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1After he had a _____breakfast, he left his home ______ .

A. quick; quick        B. quickly; quickly

C. quickly; quick     D. quick; quickly


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1Both Jack and Tom ______ from England. They both like soccer.

A. is                 B. comes             C. come             D. are come


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1I’m too tired after a long walk. I want to ________ .

A. stop to rest

B. stop resting

C. stopping to res

D. stop to resting


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1—What is he like?


A. He likes basketball.

B. He is very shy.

C. He is a boy.

D. He comes from the USA.


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Mr. Brown lives in a village. He has got a big family and a strong  1  . His farm is small and he is often   2   in winter. So he goes to the city and finds work there.

Once he stayed there for about two months. When New Year was coming, he   3   home to see his wife and children. On his way home, something was wrong with his eyes. When he was knocking at the door, his dog came out and bit(咬) him. His wife hurried to drive  4   away. The next morning he went to see  5  . The doctor looked over his eyes carefully and gave him some medicine. Before he   6   , he told the doctor about his dog. When he heard this, the doctor began to   7   and said, “Maybe something is wrong with  8   eyes, too, I think.”

When he got home, he told his wife about it. The woman said, “I  9   it’s true. If a thief comes into our house, it won’t see him and he’ll steal something here.”

Mr. Brown thought his wife was   10   . He had to make his dog take his medicine instead.

1.A. child          B. dog          C. wife           D. son

2.A. free          B. busy         C. safe            D. worried

3.A. reached       B. comes        C. goes           D. returned

4.A. her husband    B. the dog       C. the thief        D. their children

5.A. his dog        B. his wife       C. a doctor       D. his friend

6.A. got home      B. left           C. went          D. came

7.A. cry           B. write         C. laugh          D. work

8.A. your dog’s     B. your       C. your wife’s     D. your children’s

9.A. am afraid      B. am sorry      C. don’t think      D. agree

10.A. ill            B. wrong        C. unhappy        D. right


22. 难度:困难


Friendship Restaurant

We have different kinds of Japanese food here. The food menu is in Japanese and Chinese. All the waiters or waitresses can speak at least one foreign language.

Tel: 312–9997       Time: 11:30am –10:00pm

Volunteer Project

Maybe you want to help others but don’t know how to do it. Then Volunteer Project will help you. Here you will get the best idea of volunteering.

 Call 822-5566 to join it.   Email address: Lisa@hot-mail.com

The Dream Corner

   Do you want to improve your English? Do you want to practice your English with native speakers? If yes, why not join the Dream Corner? Come here on Friday afternoon every week.

Red Bird Club

   Do you like dancing ? Do you want to show off your cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true. Closed on Tuesday. Call 822-333 for information.

The Underwater World

   Here you will find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks. You will feel you are in the sea but of course this is not true. If you like fishes, I suggest that you pay a visit to it.  Time: 9:30am –5:30pm.

1.In the Friendship Restaurant you can eat _____ food.

A. Chinese          B. Japanese            C. English            D. French

2.Sarah wants to do some volunteer work. She can call _____ to get some ideas.

A. 846-3809         B. 312-9997           C. 822-3331          D. 822-5566

3.Red Bird Club is closed on ______.

A. Tuesday          B. Monday            C. Saturday          D. Thursday

4.According to the ad, you can see ______ in the Underwater World.

A. volunteers

B. excellent dancers

C. sea animals

D. waiters and waitresses

5.If you want to practice English with native speakers, you can join_____.

A. the Red Bird Club

B. the Volunteer Project

C. the Dream Corner

D. the Underwater World


23. 难度:困难

If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to smoke without first asking if it will disturb them. At American restaurants and coffee shops, cold water is usually served before you order. You may find the bread and the butter are free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill.

Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores and restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in big cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day. Serving in restaurants are often large. If you can’t finish the meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask the waiter or the waitress for a “doggie bag”(剩菜袋). It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you are taking the food for yourself. Tips are not usually added to check. You should leave a tip of about 15% on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a waiter or waitress often brings your check on a plate, and you can put your money there. Then the waiter or the waitress brings you your changes.

1.______is usually served before you order at American restaurants or coffee shops.

A. bread                 B. Butter              C. Coffee           D. Cold water

2.American people always _____ when servings are too large for them.

A. take the food home for their dogs  

B. leave the food on the table and go away

C. take the food home in doggie bags for themselves. 

D. ask the waiter or the waitress to keep the food for them. 

3.If you spend $120 for your meal, you’ll probably leave a tip of________.

A.$10                    B. $18                C. $30             D. $50

4.How can you give tips in America?

A. They are usually added to the check.

B. They are added to the price of the meal.  

C. A tip is usually 1/5 of the price of the meal.

D. You can leave them on the table when you leave.          

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It’s bad manners to smoke if the people who sit at the same table mind it.

B. At American restaurants and coffee shops, bread, butter and coffee are all free.

C. American people never sit with people they don’t know.

D. Few cities and towns make rules for bars in America.


24. 难度:困难


1.Bill cares about sports events and how the sports players are now.

2.Tonny is interested in reading. He wants to know what kind of new books have come out and how some famous writers are living now.

3.Jackon is really a film fan. Recently he would like to know what new movies are like and what some famous singers’ songs are.

4.Kat’s father is working abroad in Iraq(伊拉克). A war broke out there, so she is rather worried about the situation in Iraq.

5.Lily is in poor health. She is so eager to know how to keep fit.

A.  Entertainment News: In this section all kinds of news about movies, songs and pop stars are available.

B.  Advertisement Section: Here are advertisements of various products, such as food, medicine, electronic machine and so on.

C.  Home News: In this section you will read news about the events which happened in the country.

D.  Reading Section: In this part, we will introduce some hot books and famous writers to you. Stay with us!

E.  International News: Here are news about the events that happened all over the world.

F.  Sports News: Important sports events are broadcast here. And we often interview some good players.

G.  Health Section: Winter is coming and it is easy to get ill. If you want to know how to keep away from diseases, you should pay attention to this section.


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Yesterday morning an old woman  1.  a lot of things in a shop.She put   2.   into a big box .She was going to carry it to the   3.   ,but the box was heavy and the car wasn't near.At that time Li Ming and Wei Hua were  4.   by the car and talking.When they  5.   the old woman and the big box beside her,they  6.   to help.They lifted the heavy box and  7.   it to the car.Suddenly the box __8.   down and one of Li Ming's feet was badly hurt.He had to   9.   in bed in the hospital for several days.He was   10.   about his lessons.But his friend Wei Hua said,“Don't worry about your lesson . I'll come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon.”


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Name: Chen Hua

From: Beijing

     I have changed a lot over the years. For example, I used to be afraid of exams, but now, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, and I used to spend time watching TV every day. But now, I have no time, I study all day. My mother used to take me to the concert often, but now, I hardly ever have time on it. I like running, and I used to run every day after class, but now I’m not allowed. My parents want me to study all day. They want me to become the top student in the class, and I don’t want to let them down. So I have to give up running. I used to have colorful time, but now I’m busy enough, and I’m always happy. As you can see, people sure change!



Name: Li Yun

From: Guangzhou

    I’ve changed a lot over the years. I used to have lots of free time to play computer and watch TV. But now I work harder on studies. I don’t go to bed until 10: 30 because of my homework. I used to love toys because they are so interesting. However, I prefer to play basketball now and it really gives me so much fun! As for my daily life, I used to be afraid of the dark, so I couldn’t sleep with the light off. But I can sleep with the light off now. I think I am really changed now. Time goes by, it’s amazing how I’ve changed and I am never a child!

Information card

1.Chen Hua used to spend time ____________________________ .

2.Li Yun used to have lots of free time ___________________________ .

3.For Chen Yun, his parents __________________________ all day.

4.Li Yun prefers to ________________now and it really gives her so much fun.

5._______________ used to have colorful time, but no more now.


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