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1. 难度:中等

—What do you want to be in the future, Karen?

I want to be     pilot. I think it is    exciting job.

A. a; a            B. a; an           C. the; a        D. an; the


2. 难度:中等

—________do you eat junk food?  —Once a week.

A. how long        B. how soon

C. how much       D. how often


3. 难度:中等

I’m sorry. I don’ t like this pair of shoes. Could you show me____ pair?

A. another         B. others

C. the other        D. other


4. 难度:中等

There _____ a football match this Sunday..

A. has                 B. is going to has

C. is going to have    D. is going to be


5. 难度:简单

—Where did you go on vacation?.   I ______ to New York City.

A. going          B. go               C. goes           D. went


6. 难度:中等

Mulan takes_____ father’s place to fight in the army.

A. her             B. she          C. hers         D. herself


7. 难度:中等

Did you buy_________ special?

A. something         B. nothing

C. everything        D. anything


8. 难度:简单

John is weak. He should eat a balanced diet to ______.

A. keep health      B. stay health

C. keep healthy     D. keep in healthy


9. 难度:简单

Please put some yogurt and honey in the bowl and _______ when you make banana milk shake.

A. put them up        B. add them up

C. cut them up        D. mix them up


10. 难度:中等

If you go to the party, you  ________ a great time.

A. have             B. had

C. will have         D. having


11. 难度:简单

The teacher is ______ Tony, because he often sleeps in class.

A. afraid of          B. angry with

C. glad with          D. thankful for


12. 难度:简单

The earth is our home. I hope there will be more trees and ____ pollution.

A. more.          B. few.            C. less.            D. fewer.


13. 难度:中等

Do you like this MP3 player, Tom?

Yes. It can play beautiful music, ______ it’s very expensive.

A. if              B. unless          C. until            D. although


14. 难度:简单

Everyone in our class played a part _________ our next trip.

A.in discussing.     B. on discussing.

C.in discussion.      D.of discussing.


15. 难度:简单

—Will there be more roads in the future?   —_____.Then people will get somewhere easily.

A.Yes, there will.  B.Yes, there be.

C.No,there won’t.    D.No,they won’t.


16. 难度:中等

完形填空.  根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(满分10分)

We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival.  There is an     name for each Chinese year . We may call it the year of the     , the year of the monkey or the year of the dog .

Before New Year’s Day , people are    shopping and    their houses . On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner . After dinner , all the family stay up late to     the New Year .  On the     day of the New Year , people     their new clothes and to visit their friends . They say     and some other greetings each other . People     have a good time     the festival .

1.A. interests  B. interested   C. interest   D. interesting

2.A. fish    B. cat     C. horse     D. dolphin

3.A. free   B. busy     C. happy    D. beautiful

4.A. cleans    B. to clean   C. cleaning   D. cleaned

5.A. welcome   B. hold    C. fall    D. stop

6.A. first    B. second    C. third     D. fifteen

7.A. wash   B. take off    C. buy     D. put on

8.A. Goodbye   B. Best wish   C. Happy new year  D. Thank you

9.A. sometimes  B. then     C. never    D. usually

10.A. during   B. to     C. for     D. until


17. 难度:中等

TFBOYS is a young singing group of China. There are three members in it. Wang Junkai, 16, and Wang Yuan, 15, are from Chongqing, and Yi Yangqianxi, 15, is from Hunan. They are all good at singing and dancing.

During the weekdays, the three boys go to school and study like other kids. But during the weekends, they have to practice singing and dancing. It is not easy, but the three boys do it well. What’s more, they are all top students at school.

“We try our best to put study before everything,” said Wang Junkai. He just entered Chongqing No. 8 High School. It is a key (重点的) school.

Yi is also a very good student. He has a busy life. Besides training, he also acts in movies and TV shows. But he still did very well in calligraphy (书法) competitions. How can he be good at so many things? “I always practice dancing while others are playing,” he said.

Many people say that TFBOYS becomes popular only because of their cute looks. But I don’t think so. They always work hard for their music dreams. That’s why so many people like them.

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1.How old is Wang Junkai?

A. 15.       B. 16.        C. 14    D. 17.

2.What do they usually do on weekends?

A. They go to school.

B. They practice singing and dancing.

C. They have a rest.

D. They act in TV shows.

3.What can we learn from Wang Junkai’s words?

A. Everything is as important as study.

B. We should work hard to do everything.

C. Study is the most important thing.

D. Study isn’t the only thing in our life.

4.Why can Yi Yangqianxi be good at so many things?

A. Because he always works hard.

B.Because he is very lucky.

C.. Because many people help him.

D. Because he is talented.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Wang Yuan and Yi Yangqianxi come from the same city.

B. The three boys all study at key schools.

C. They are successful because they are young.

D. Yi Yangqianxi spends much time on his training and hobby.


18. 难度:中等


New Year Resolution

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Hi! I’m Melissa and I’m from the USA. I’m thirteen years old. My dream is to be an animal doctor. This year I plan to keep a pet dog. I will learn how to take care of it. I will take tennis lessons, too. Playing tennis is my hobby.

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I’m Pat. I’m from Japan and I’m fourteen years old. Here are my two plans for this year: I will learn another foreign language, English because I will go to study art in New York in three years. I love traveling. I also plan to travel around Thailand with my parents.

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I’m Cindy and I’m twelve years old. I’m from New Zealand. I want to be a writer like my grandmother, so I plan to read two or three books each month next year. I’m also going to write articles and send them to the newspaper and magazines.

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I’m Mark. I’m fifteen years old and I’m from Brazil. I will make the soccer team in my school this year. I plan to spend about two hours on practicing playing it. I want to be a soccer player like the famous Brazilian (巴西的) player, Neymar.


1.Melissa may be a(n) ______ in the future.

A. soccer player   B. artist     C. writer     D. animal doctor

2.Mark will ______ in 2015.

A. keep a pet dog    B. make more friends

C. visit Thailand  D. make a soccer team

3.______ will do a lot of reading in 2015.

A. Melissa      B. Pat         C. Cindy      D. Mark

4.Pat will spend more time on learning ______.

A. English      B. science         C. music          D. math

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mark is the eldest of the four children.

B. Cindy’s grandmother is a doctor.

C. Nobody will take tennis lessons in 2015.

D. Both Pat and Cindy are from New Zealand.


19. 难度:中等

I’m Barbara Sloan. I am 51. My friendship with Michele lasted for a long time before we met each other. Michele was six months older than me. We started writing to each other as teenagers but it was 36 years before we came to face to face in 2013.

Over the years, we also exchanged of our families and gifts. In 1988, I married (与……结婚) Alan. Michele sent me a watch. When my first child Lindsey was born in 1991, she sent me a nice dress. After Duncan and Robert were born, I received a toy bear and a nice book about how to take care of children from her.

In June, 2013, I flew to France to meet Michele and we spent a very happy week together. I thought of staying for another week but Alan called me because Robert was ill (生病的). So I had to come back.

After I came back to England, I keep the habit of writing to Michele every month as usual.


1.When did Barbara and Michele came to face to face?

A. In 2013.     B. In 1988.     C. In 1991.    D. In. 1977

2.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “exchanged” in this passage?

A. 购买     B. 收取      C. 修改     D. 交换

3.What did Barbara receive from Michele when Lindsey was born?

A. A dress.      B. A book.      C. A toy bear.     D. A watch.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Michele is 57 years old now.

B. Barbara has four children.

C. Barbara writes to Michele once a month.

D. Michele lives in England and Barbara lives in France.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. A true friend of mine

B. How my new friendship start

C. The end of my friendship with Michele

D. A long friendship between Michele and I


20. 难度:简单


A. 根据句意首字母或汉语提示,在空缺处写出各单词的正确形式(每空1分,共5分,每空一词)。

1.The girl is going to go to a good __________ (大学)

2.It’s time to c__________Thanksgiving Day.

3.At the________________ (开始) of this term, they had a school meeting.

4.This problem is not difficult, it’s e______.

5.He h____________  ever goes to restaurant for dinner.


21. 难度:中等


1. Can you tell the ___________(different) between the two boys? Oh, no. They look the same.

2.My grandpa is sitting ______ (comfortable) on the sofa.

3.His dream is to be a  _________ (succeed) writer.

4.I’m really looking forward to          (get) good grades.

5.Only two _____ (percent) of the students watch TV one to three times a week.


22. 难度:中等

完成句子 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(每空0.5分,满分5分)

1.We need two cups of orange juice.(对划线部分提问)

____________  ___________ orange juice do you need?

2.Can you come to my birthday party on Sunday?(作否定回答)

____________,I  ___________.I have to look after my little sister.

3.That bike is cheaper than this one.(改为同义句)

This bike ________ as ________ as that one.

4.把牛奶倒入榨汁机。________ the milk  ________ the blender.

5.There are fewer people now.(用in 100 years 替换 now)

There _______  _______ fewer people in the 100 years.


23. 难度:中等

情景对话  (每小题1分,满分5分。)


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A: Mei, there’s a new movie on. 1._____

B: I’d love to, but I want to watch the TV show Chinese Running Man tonight.

A: 2._____

B: Yes,it is. Many people like it.

A: 3.______

B: It’s exiting and some famous stars take part in it.

A: 4.______

B: Wang Baoqiang.

A: Oh, he is really funny. 5._____

B: It begins at 9:10 on Friday evening.

A: OK. I’ll watch it then. See you!


24. 难度:中等

任务型阅读 (每题2分,满分10分)

Jonny Hickey is eight years old. He is a autistic (孤独症患者). (A) 他比其他男孩子更加安静。

Xena is a dog. An animal doctor saved 4-month-old Xena in September 2011. Then she was a homeless (无家可归的) dog. Jonny’s parents knew the dog on the Internet and decided to keep her in May, 2013.

Before meeting Xena, Jonny (B) _____ played with other kids. Xena is a friendly dog. From the very first day, she became a friend of Jonny. Jonny started to play outside with Xena. He started to talk about Xena with other people. As time goes by (随着时间的流逝), Xena made Jonny into (C) _____ boy.

Jonny’s mother said her son told her about his day at school, his homework and so on. (D) He is really not the same as he was before.

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根据所给材料, 完成下列任务。



2.How old was Xena when she came to Jonny’s home?




4.选择合适的选项,填入C处。(  )

A. a quiet       B. an outgoing    C. a friendly




25. 难度:中等

书面表达 (满分15分)




outgoing; quiet…


like playing tennis and comedies…


teacher; computer programmer…


study hard;practice…







Hello, everyone! My name is Lihua.








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