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1. 难度:中等

—Mr Green has _______ one-year-old son, doesn’t he?

—Yes, and he also has _______ eight-year-old daughter.

A. a; a     B. an; a      C. a; an  D. an; an


2. 难度:中等

Do you know the man _______Tom is a bus driver?

Yes, he is my friend.

A. call     B. called   C. calls  D. calling


3. 难度:中等

—_______the population of China?—_______over 1,300,000,000.

A. How many are; They are      B. How’s; Its

C. Whats; Its              D. How much is; Its


4. 难度:中等

What will the weather _______?

A. is like       B. are like

C. be like     D. like


5. 难度:中等

--Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li ?

—--No, it _______ be him. Mr. Li is much taller.

A. mustn’t   B. not     C. can’t         D. needn’t


6. 难度:中等

_______ is necessary for us _______ our own dreams.

A. That;  have        B. It;  have

C. That;  having      D. It;  to have


7. 难度:中等

We visited Beijing University _______ the first day of our trip.

A. in       B. at        C. on   D. of


8. 难度:中等

The customs in America are different _______ those in China.

A. of      B. for    C. from   D. with


9. 难度:中等

A library with two hundred thousand books _______ to the school last year.

A. was given      B. were given

C. will be given  D. are given


10. 难度:中等

—_______ do you talk to your teacher at the School Air?

—Once a week.

A. How long   B. How much

C. How soon  D. How often


11. 难度:中等

Lao She is famous _______ his play _______ a writer.

A.for; as       B.as; for

C.for; is       D.as; as


12. 难度:中等

Do you enjoy _______ pictures outside?

A.draw   B.to draw   C.drawing    D.to drawing


13. 难度:简单

—Who came to school earliest yesterday morning?

—_______.You can ask Linda. She may know.

A.I'm afraid not   B.I think so

C.I've no idea    D.You're welcome


14. 难度:简单

He bought _______ books with _______ money.

A.a few; a little     B.a bit; a little

C.a few; a bit        D.a little; a few


15. 难度:中等

Jack is afraid of flying. He feels _______ before he gets on the plane.

A.surprised           B.excited

C.proud               D.nervous


16. 难度:中等

Wild animals are important to us. They      together with us on the earth. If there are no       on the earth, we        will not live on. So we should take good care of them. But some people        dont know the importance of protecting them. They kill wild animals for        _ and other things. Every day many wild animals are killed. So lots of them have died out. We cant see          any more. Today wild animals are becoming fewer and     . If people dont protect them, they will die out. If this       , there will be no animals left on the earth.

           , many children have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals. They ask          to stop killing them. They also teach others about the importance of protecting them. Now many countries      some laws to protect them           stop people from killing them. Protecting wild animals is the           of each of us. We should do our best         them, because protecting them is protecting          .

1.A. play      B. come       C. live          D. go

2.A. animals   B. plants       C. people      D. trees

3.A. as well as B. always      C. also         D. either

4.A. real       B. very much   C. hardly       D. still

5.A. water     B. food        C. fruit         D. vegetables

6.A. it        B. they         C. them        D. its

7.A. less      B. fewest       C. more         D. fewer

8.A. goes on   B. comes on    C. moves on      D. lives on

9.A. Lucky   B. Luckily      C. Unlucky       D. Unluckily

10.A. the other B. another     C. others         D. other

11.A. have made B. had made   C. make          D. makes

12.A. but      B. or          C. and           D. so

13.A. rule     B. life          C. work         D. duty

14.A. to feed   B. looking after C. to take care    D. to protect

15.A. myself   B. ourselves     C. yourselves     D. themselves


17. 难度:中等

Mr Green is a teacher of English. He comes from America. He teaches English in China. He speaks English quite well.

He reads a lot of books and his wife Mrs Green often writes books for the students. He gets up at five in the morning. He leaves home at ten to six. He begins the first lesson at 8:00. He teaches English every day except Sunday. At ten to twelve he finishes his lessons. Ten minutes later he has lunch.

In the afternoon he often plays games with his students at about four oclock. Sometimes he teaches his students in his room. Supper time is at about six. After that he reads newspapers and watches TV. At about ten to eleven he goes to bed.

1.Mr Green comes from ________.

A. China       B. Australia   C.  England    D. America

2.He leaves home at ________.

A.5:00          B. 5:50         C. 6:10            D.6:30

3.The students go to school every day except _______in a week .

A. Friday      B. Saturday     C. Sunday     D. Monday

4.He has lunch at _______.

A. 11:30          B. 12:30      C. 12:00         D. 11:50

5.He watches TV or reads newspapers _______.

A. at six          B. after supper

C. before supper   D. in the afternoon


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