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1. 难度:简单

My friend, Mr. Walker, is a good doctor and he has a      . So he has enough money to travel all over the world. He likes to play with the children and has a lot of little        . They often ask him to tell them all kinds of funny things he has seen. It makes them happy and his room is       full of children when he’s free.

It is my little son’s seventh      yesterday. The boy asks his old friend Mr. Walker to the party. He calls Mr. Walker himself and tells him about it. At half   __  seven, the boy is waiting for his coming at the gate. As soon as(一---就) he sees his car, he runs towards him. Mr. Walker comes on time, with a nice gift in his      . After dinner the children sit around and ask him to tell them some funny stories. Mr. Walker agrees and his       make them laugh again and again. At last he tells them the funniest story. He says, “One day I reach a city on a foggy(有雾的)day. The fog is the thickest(最浓的) in the world...”

“Please wait a minute, Mr. Walker,”     my son. “It’s said the fog in       is the thickest in the world.”

“You’re     , my boy,” says the funny man. “But the city has so much fog that I can’t see it at all.”

1.A. school        B. hospital         C. library         D. supermarket

2.A. friends       B. brothers        C. workers         D. classmates

3.A. never        B. hardly        C. always        D. sometimes

4.A. term         B. month       C. year         D. birthday

5.A. to           B. at         C. past           D. on

6.A. head         B. hand       C. arm         D. knee

7.A. movies        B. jokes         C. stories         D. books

8.A. says          B. tells         C. talk         D. speak

9.A. Paris        B. London        C. Moscow        D. Tokyo

10.A. sorry    B. sad            C. wrong          D. right


2. 难度:中等

This is the timetable for the final(最终的) tests of Ningbo No.1 Middle School. It’s for the students in Grade Seven. After the tests, their first term in this school will finish.





January 13th


9:00 - 11:00 A.M.


2:30 - 4:30 P.M.


January 14th


9:00 - 11:00 A.M.


2:00 - 3:30 P.M.

politics and history

1.The students have the ___________ test(s) in the morning.

A. Chinese     B. English

C. politics and history       D. Chinese and math

2.The Chinese for the word timetable is ___________.

A. 座次表     B. 课桌     C. 时间表     D. 饭桌

3.The students have tests of ___________ subjects.

A. two        B. four      C. three        D. one

4.The students have the___________ test for one and a half hours.

A. English     B. Chinese

C. politics and history  D. math

5.___________ is the last day of their first term in No.1 Middle School.

A. January 13th       B. January 14th

C. January 15th      D. January 12th


3. 难度:中等

Hi! Let me tell you something about my beautiful house. There is a small garden in front of it. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. Behind my house there is a big tree. Some birds always sing in it early in the morning. Near the tree, you can see a garage. Our new car is in it now.

My house is a two-storey(两层的) building. On the first floor, there is a large living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. I like watching TV in the living room. On the second floor, there is a small study and two bedrooms. I love to play computer games in my study.

It’s a nice house. I like it a lot.

1.The small garden is _______ the house.

A. next to         B. behind

C. in front of     D. in

2.The big tree is ______ the house.

A. in front of       B. behind

C. under        D. on

3.There is ______ on the first floor.

A. a bedroom      B. a garage

C. a bathroom    D. a study

4.The computer is in the ________.

A. study          B. living room

C. dining room   D. bedroom

5.The underlined word (划线词) “garage” in Paragraph 1 means ______ in Chinese.

A. 车库          B. 地窖

C. 通道          D. 洗手间


4. 难度:中等

Do you like singing or playing musical instruments (乐器)? If you say yes, you can join us! We have piano lessons every Friday evening in our club. We also have guitar lessons on Monday evening. You dont have to pay (付款) The lessons are all free. Just come and have a try!We also have classes to teach students singing skills (技巧) on Tuesday evening. If you like singing, you will find them useful. In our club you can meet many students from different (不同的) classes and you can make friends with them. Come on! Join us!

1.You can’t have ______ lessons in the club.

A. guitar      B. piano      C. singing      D. violin

2.You can have piano lessons _________.

A. every evening

B. on Monday evening

C. every Friday evening

D. every Friday morning

3.On Tuesday evening, you can _________.

A. have piano lessons

B. have guitar lessons

C. have classes for singing skills

D. have dancing lessons

4.From the poster (海报), we can know that _____________________.

A. students must (必须) pay to join this club

B. students must play musical instruments very well to join this club

C. students must sing very well to join this club

D. students can make some new friends in the club

5.What does the underlined word “free” mean?

A. 昂贵的     B. 付费的     C. 免费的     D. 便宜的


5. 难度:中等

It is Jim's birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many nice birthday presents from his family and one of them is a big drum().

"Who gives him the drum?" his father asks.

"His grandfather does." answers Jim's mother.

Jim likes his drum very much. He makes noises with it, but his mother doesn't say anything about it. His father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesn't hear(听见)the noise.

But one of the neighbors doesn't like the noise at all. So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jim's room. Jim is making noises with the drum. She says to him, "Hello, Jim. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it."

1.Jim's_______ gives Jim the drum.

A. grandfather     B. father

C. mother          D. neighbor

2.Jim's father is_______.

A. a worker     B. a teacher

C. a cleaner     D. a shop assistant

3.The neighbor hates(讨厌)_______.

A. Jim's presents

B. the drum

C. the knife

D. the noise

4.The neighbor tells Jim_______.

A. to put the drum away

B. to look alter the drum

C. to open the drum with the knife

D. to make a noise with the dram

5.Which of the following is right?

A. Jim's grandfather makes the drum.

B. Something is wrong with Jim's father's ears.

C. There is a nice present in the drum.

D. Jim's mother doesn't stop the noise.


6. 难度:中等


A. I have so many things to do.

B. And then what do you do?

C. Because I love music.

D. Thank you.

E. I am too busy today.

F. Taking the plane is fast and interesting.

G. Why do you get up so early?

Hey, Martin. You look tired today. Why?


What are you busy with?

2._________________ In the morning, I get up at 6:30.


Because I have to take the plane at 8:30 am. I have to fly to Shanghai.


I attend (参加) a very important meeting (会议). In the afternoon, I fly back to Shenzhen.

Oh, its really a busy day for you. Martin, you should have a good rest (休息).

-5. ________________ See you tomorrow.


7. 难度:简单


1.Tony is _________(read) an interesting book at home.

2.Mr Smith has a daughter. He loves _________(she) very much.

3.He _____(finish) school at three o’clock.

4.It’s really ______ (bore).

5.I want ______(be) a teacher.

6.English is very ________ (有用的) today.

7.We sell our clothes at a very good ______ (价格).

8.O__________ 1st is National Day (国庆节) in China.

9.What is your father’s ________ (最喜爱的) sport?

10.Today is Jim’s ________ (第二十) birthday. He is very excited


8. 难度:中等



fingers,  need,  when,  round,  fast

Do you know how blueberries grow? They grow on bushes. Each blueberry is small and

1.   . Many blueberries can grow on one bush. At first, the blueberries are green. The green blueberries are not ready to eat. They   2.   a lot of sun and rain to help them become big and sweet.   3.   they turn blue, people can pick them.

Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people nearby can make money by helping to pick the blueberries. They work   4.   so that they can pick up more blueberries. While they are picking blueberries, their    5.   are blue because of the juice of the berries.


9. 难度:简单


Hello, I am Tony. I am __1.__ English boy. I __2.__ a sister.__ 3.__ name is Alice. I like her very much. We go to the same school every _4.__. She has a new schoolbag. In her schoolbag, there __5.__ many school things: her pencils, her books __6.__ her rulers. At school, she has some _7.__(朋友). I __8. _ know their _9._(名字). But I know they always help her. So I want to say “Thanks __10.__ your help” to them.


10. 难度:中等


Write your own note to a friend. Invite him/her to an activity in your school. Use the questions to help you.给朋友写一个便条,邀请对方参加学校的某项活动,下面的问题对你有帮助。

What is your friend’s name?

What does your friend like to do?

What activity do you have in your school?

When is the activity?








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