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1. 难度:简单

Are you going to _______the boys’ 100-meter race?

A. have part in          B. join in

C. join                  D. be at


2. 难度:中等

I see him ________ basketball almost every day.

A. play             B. to play

C. playing          D. plays


3. 难度:简单

Jim is good ________soccer, and he thinks it’s good _______health.

A. at; to              B. for; at

C. at ;for             D. to; at


4. 难度:简单

This article says________ is bad for our lungs.

A. smoke         B. to smoke

C. smoked        D. smoking


5. 难度:中等

There _______ a football match next week.

A. will have

B. is going to be

C. have

D. is going to have


6. 难度:简单

-Would you mind _______ the window?

-Of course not. I feel hot, too.

A. not open

B. not opening

C. opening

D. to open


7. 难度:中等

It’s too cold. You had better ______ your coat.

A.don’t take off

B. not take off

C. don’t put on

D. not put on


8. 难度:中等

— Must I come at four o’clock?

— Oh, no, you ________.

A. don’t

B. mustn’t

C. don’t have to

D. can’t


9. 难度:简单

My mother often spends 2 hours ______ housework every day.

A. do              B. does

C. doing          D. to do


10. 难度:中等

Wei Wei is _________________.

A. five—year—old boy

B. a five years boy

C. five years old boy

D. a five—year—old boy


11. 难度:中等

----My mother is ill in hospital.


A. That’s OK

B. All right

C. Thank you

D. I’m sorry to hear that.


12. 难度:中等

My sister_______ Beijing tomorrow. She works there.

A. leaves

B. is leaving for

C. leaves for

D. is leaving


13. 难度:中等

You look _______. Do you hear the _________news?

A. excite, excited

B. excited, excite

C. excited, exciting

D .exciting, excited


14. 难度:中等

Well, if you take this medicine____________, you’ll be better soon.

A. three time a day

B. three times a day

C. third time a day

D. third times every day


15. 难度:简单

— I’m sorry for losing your book .

— ______________

A. Oh , it’s nothing .

B. You’re welcome.

C. That’s OK .

D. Thank you all the same .


16. 难度:简单

I prefer_____ to ______.

A. sing, dance

B. singing, dancing

C. singing, dance

D. sing, dancing


17. 难度:中等

---Oh, you have a headache and a cough. _______have you been like this?

---Three days.

A. How long       B. How soon

C. How often      D. How many


18. 难度:中等

Humans can’t live _______air.

A. without          B. with

C. in               D. for


19. 难度:中等

-----Who taught _________Japanese?

----I learned it by ______________.

A. you, myself

B. your, I

C. yourself , me

D. yourself, myself


20. 难度:中等

She was afraid of __________SARS because it was dangerous.

A. catch           B. catches

C. caught         D. catching


21. 难度:中等

_______ necessary for us _______ our environment clean and tidy.

A. This is; keep

B. That’s; to keep

C. It’s; to keep

D. It’s; keep


22. 难度:简单

You should _______ the doctor’s advice and _______ the medicine on time.

A. follow; eat      B. take; eat

C. follow; take     D. eat; take


23. 难度:中等

You’d better _______ too much meat. You are much too fat.

A. not eat          B. eat

C. not to eat       D. don’t eat


24. 难度:中等

You _______ walk across the road. It’s dangerous.

A. may not

B. don’t have to

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t


25. 难度:简单

You _______ wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health.

A. may            B. can

C. have better    D. should


26. 难度:中等

If you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthy food    good for our health. Tofu(豆腐), milk, vegetables are    for us.

Tofu is a kind of traditional(传统的)     food. We often     it in China. Now more and more people in other countries think tofu is good for health,    . They also like eating it.

Milk is     kind of healthy food. Every day you should     one or two glasses of milk. It can     us strong.

Vegetables are very important. You should eat     them. There are vitamin(维他命) A, B, C, D , E and so on in them.

As we know, it’s important    a balanced diet(均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but less meat.

1.A.are         B. is        C. will be      D. was

2.A.bad         B. well      C. good         D. health

3.A.Japanese    B. American    C. English     D .Chinese

4.A. eat         B. drink     C. take        D. play

5.A.too        B. also       C. well        D.either

6.A.the other    B.other     C. another     D. others

7.A.drinking    B. drink      C. take        D. to take

8.A.makes       B. make       C. keeps       D. keeping

9.A. a lot       B.plenty     C. much        D. a lot of

10.A. making    B.to keep     C. keeping     D. to drink


27. 难度:中等


Mascots(吉祥物) for the Olympic Games

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Munich (慕尼黑)

Los Angeles






North America

North America


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1.From the above, we know the Olympic Games is held(被举行) every ______ years.

A. 3    B. 4    C. 5    D. 6

2.The Beijing Olympic Games has 2 more mascots than those for _____Olympic Games.

A. Sydney         B. Los Angeles

C. Atlanta        D. Munich

3.The 20th Olympic Games was held in _________.

A. North America        B. Europe

C. Oceania              D. Asia

4.The 23rd and 26th Olympic Games were held in the same ____.

A. town          B. city

C. country        D. province

5.Which of the following information is NOT true?

A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America.

B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe.

C. Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games.

D. The mascot for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is not only one.


28. 难度:中等

During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our head,our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air.

1.Our body grows most while we are _______.

A. eating         B. playing

C. sleeping       D. exercising

2.Too little sleep makes us _______.

A. tired          B. hungry

C. happy          D. grow

3.—What may cause us to feel tired in the morning?

—_______ during the sleep.

A.Too much air

B.Not enough fresh air

C. Too much cold air

D. Too much sleep

4.How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night?

A. 8 hours.          B. 9 hours.

C. 10 hours.        D. 11 hours.

5.What do the lungs need most?

A. Fresh air.     B. Covering.

C. Warm air.     D. Exercise.


29. 难度:中等



1.Mary is interested in computer games. She even wants to stay in a hotel with a computer centre.


2.Nancy wants to stay in a hotel for a week. She likes seeing films.


3.Mike doesn’t have much money. He only wants to read some books in his free time.


4.Jane wants to relax in a hotel with a lot of plants, and she enjoys swimming in the morning.


5.Ben enjoys mountain views. At night he would like a drink with his friends.

Beijing Hotel

Close to Tian’anmen Square

French restaurant

Changcheng Hotel

Garden with mountain views

Buses to downtown


Central Hotel

Close to railway station


Price Hotel

Cheap food

Close to some bookshops

Jiajia Hotel

Big computer centre

Large souvenir shop

Rainbow Hotel

Close to shopping mall

Different food stands around

Garden Hotel

Grass and flowers everywhere

Big swimming pool


30. 难度:中等


1.How often do you play computers?

2.Must I hand my homework in tomorrow?

3.Can I use your red pen?

4.How long do you exercise every day?

5.Why not drink some hot water?

A. One and a half hours.

B. No, you don’t have to.

C. Twice a week.

D. Good idea.

E. Certainly. Go ahead.


31. 难度:困难


1.Driving after drinking wine may __________(引起) accidents.

2.Getting up early is a good __________ (习惯).

3.Yi Jianlian is one of the most famous basketball __________ (运动员) in China.

4.All the football players must _______(遵守)the football rules.

5.The boss always _________(强迫) the workers to do more work.

6.My father thinks smoking can help him _________ (放松).

7.Do you think they have a __________ (机会) to win the game.

8.Don’t eat too much candy. It’s bad for your __________ (牙齿).


32. 难度:中等



My little sister is ill. I need to ________ ________ ________  her at home.


The girl misses her mother ________ ________ _______.


We are going to _________ you _________ .


We need to sleep _______ _______ 8 hours every day.


Do you know what they ___________ __________?


David wants to be a scientist when he __________ _________.


33. 难度:中等


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Meimei can't go to school today because she doesn't 1.  well. Her mother asked her to stay in   2. . This morning Meimei went to the 3. together with Mum. The doctor asked Meimei to open her 4.  and   5.    “Ah.” He looked over Meimei carefully. It was 6. serious. So the doctor said to her, “Don’t worry. You just   7.  a bit of cold. You’d better not go to school and have a good   8.. Take this  9.  three times a day and drink more   10.   . You'll get well soon.”


34. 难度:中等

If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, you have to do as the following.

1.Healthy food is important. If you eat healthily, you will be healthy .But maybe you don’t know healthy food. You can learn from your parents or books. And eat different kinds of food. Fruit and vegetables are good for you.

2.Exercise is the key for a healthy lifestyle. Go to the gym every once in a while , or daily. Or take a run around your neighborhood. Even taking your dog for a walk is good. About an hour a day is Ok.

3.Eat junk food(垃圾食品) as little as possible. It’s not easy to be a healthy person. It doesn’t matter if you want to eat ice cream, hamburgers and so on very much. As long as you don’t have a steady (持续的)diet of junk food, it won’t hurt you too much.

4.Let your body rest. It is best to leave a day or two off to have a good rest, and then you can do your work better.

5. Stay clean. Everyone should have one shower every day. Change your underwear(内衣) and socks every day, too.

6. Enjoy yourself. Don’t stress yourself over anything. Have fun! If you worry too much about your health, you’ll make it worse, so just relax at times.


How to live a healthy lifestyle

Healthy food is important.

We should eat different kinds of food to 1.__________

2.____________________is the key for a healthy lifestyle.

Go to the gym every once in a while, or daily.

Eat junk food as little as possible.

It doesn't matter if you sometimes eat 3.____________

But you should not have a steady diet of it.

Let you body rest.

Have 4.___________________off to have a good rest.

Stay clean.

5.______________________________at least once a day to keep yourself clean.

Enjoy yourself.

Let yourself relax and have  a good mood.(心情)


35. 难度:中等

同学们,“健康大于财富”,良好的卫生、饮食习惯,健康的体魄,充沛的精力会给我们的学习带来很大的帮助。那么, 你认为我们该怎样保持健康呢?请你以Keeping Healthy为题说说你的看法。要求词数:80词左右。










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