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1. 难度:简单

Let’s ________ now.

A.to go to home    B.to go home

C.go to home       D.go home


2. 难度:简单

What ________ she have ________ dinner?

A.do, in          B.does, for

C.is, at          D.can, to


3. 难度:简单

There is some ________ on the table.

A.tomato         B.egg           C.chicken        D.banana


4. 难度:简单

There ________ lots of apples on the tree.

A.be             B.am            C.is             D.are


5. 难度:简单

We need lots of ________ every day.

A.health food     B.salads

C.milks          D.vegetables


6. 难度:简单

Do you like French fries? ________.

A.Yes, I do             B.Yes, I don’t

C.I like them very much  D.I don’t like them


7. 难度:简单

________ your mother ________ carrots?

A.Do; eat         B.Is; eat

C.Does; eat       D.Are; eat


8. 难度:简单

Our friend ________ like salad.

A.don’t      B.doesn’t    C.isn’t     D.aren’t


9. 难度:简单

Do they like hamburgers?     Yes, they like ________ very much.

A.it          B.them       C.their       D.its


10. 难度:中等

My sister likes English ________.

A.a lot of      B.lot        C.lots of      D.a lot


11. 难度:简单

Her parents ________ lunch at home.

A.doesn’t have    B.haven’t

C.hasn’t         D.don’t have


12. 难度:简单

We have lots of food ________ dinner.

A.in         B.at        C.for        D.on


13. 难度:简单

---________ does Lucy like?  ---Tomatoes.

A.How      B.What      C.Where     D.Why


14. 难度:简单

Aunt Li likes ________ bananas.

A.eat       B.eating      C.eats       D.eatting


15. 难度:简单

Ask and answer the question about ________.

A.what he like   B.what he likes

C.what does he like  D.what do he likes


16. 难度:中等

--- Do you like your school?   ---_________

A. Yes, I like.   B. Yes, I am.

C. Yes, I do.    D.No, I like


17. 难度:简单

This is _______ English book and that is _______ Chinese book.

A. a; a         B. an; an       C. a; an        D. an; a


18. 难度:简单

---Where are my keys?   ---_______ on the dresser

A. It is       B. It’s

C. They are      D. These are


19. 难度:简单

—Your bag is very nice.   —_______ .

A. Thank you   B. Sorry

C. No, it’s not nice    D. Yes


20. 难度:简单

–-Hi, Bob. ____ is my new friend, Mary.   -–Nice to meet you, Mary.

A.He      B. She         C. It          D. This


21. 难度:中等

Robert _______ basketball every afternoon.

A. play      B. plays     C. playing    D. is playing


22. 难度:简单

Mary and Kate _____ ping-pong.

A. doesn’t play    B. don’t plays

C. aren’t play   D. don’t play


23. 难度:简单

—_______ is my notebook?   It’s in the drawer.

A. What color   B. What       C. Where     D. How


24. 难度:简单

She has an _______ .

A. friend.     B. brother.      C. uncle.     D. English


25. 难度:简单

I can’t play tennis. It’s _______ for me.

A.easy       B. relaxing       C. fun      D. difficult


26. 难度:简单

---- _______ is the skirt?    ----It’s eighteen yuan.

A. How         B. How much

C. How old      D. How many


27. 难度:简单

It’s not my ball, it’s my_______ ball.

A. sister         B. friends

C. friend’s      D. brother


28. 难度:简单

I like _______ .

A. apples and strawberrys       B. tomato and milk

C. carrots and broccoli         D. strawberrys and milk


29. 难度:简单

A pen and an eraser_______ in my pencil case.

A. isn’t         B. am          C. don’t         D. are


30. 难度:简单

Please _____ these things to your sister’s school. She needs them this afternoon.

A. take       B. bring        C. need       D. have


31. 难度:中等

完形填空 (10分)

I am American.    name is Ron. I’m eleven. I    two friends. They’re     .

   names are Kate and Susan.     all like sports. I     soccer ball. Kate likes    , too. Susan likes basketball. She     three basketballs. We     basketball after school. We often watch the games     TV.

1.A. My        B. His       C. Her        D. Its

2.A. am       B. do        C. have       D. has

3.A. them     B. brothers    C. sisters.         D. friend

4.A. Their     B. My       C. Her        D. Our

5.A. She      B. We       C. He         D. It

6.A. am      B. like       C. likes           D. don’t

7.A. volleyball  B. baseball   C. ping-pong      D. soccer ball

8.A. is       B. have       C. has        D .are

9.A. plays    B. play       C. are play        D. do play

10.A. on     B. in         C. to          D. at


32. 难度:中等

A: Let’s play tennis.

B:    1.     But I don’t have a tennis racket. Do you have a tennis ball?

A: No, I don’t. But I have a soccer.    2.

B: No,    3.    . Let’s play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat.

A:     4.

B: It’s in my backpack. Do you have a bat?

A: No, I don’t. But my brother has a bat and a ball.

B: Good. Where is he?

A:     5.

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33. 难度:中等

A: Can I   1.  you ?

B: Yes. I’d like a pair of shoes.

A:   2. color 3. you like ?

B: Green.

A: Sorry. We   4.  have any green shoes. Look at these black shoes. They   5.  very nice.

B: OK. I like black, too. 6.    7.  are they?

A: Four dollars.

B: OK. I’ll 8.  them.

A: Here   9. are.

B: Thank you .

A: You are   10. .


34. 难度:中等

Hello, I’m Kan. I like different kinds of food. I like hamburgers, ice cream, salad and orange juice.

For breakfast, I often have some milk and hamburgers. I don’t like dessert. My favorite football star, Ronaldo eats lots of healthy food. He likes eggs and vegetables for breakfast. For lunch, he eats hamburgers, potatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice. For dinner, he likes meat and French fries.

He doesn’t have dessert. I like football better.” He says.

1. Kan eats ____ for breakfast.

A. milk and hamburgers    B. ice cream and salad

C. vegetables             D. chicken

2.Kan doesn’t like _____.

A. orange juice    B. ice cream

C. breakfast       D. dessert

3.Ronaldo is _______.

A. a student            B. a football star

C. a basketball star    D. runner

4. Ronaldo eats ______ for dinner.

A. meat and French fries          B. potatoes and chicken

C. eggs and vegetables            D. oranges and apple juice

5. Ronaldo likes ____ better.

A. dessert     B. basketball

C. football    D. running


35. 难度:中等


My name is Windy. I'm thirteen years old. I like sports very much. I have a basketball and a football at home. They are under my desk .I often play balls with my friends. I like vegetables.

I have tomatoes and carrots for lunch. I like ice cream, too. My parents are doctors. They like

watching soccer games on TV.

Answer the questions:

1.What does Windy like?

2.What does he often do with his friends?

3.What are his parents?

4.What do they like to do?

5.What does he often have for lunch?


36. 难度:中等


A man goes to a fast-food restaurant for lunch. “Hi,” a worker says, “May I help you? ”“ I’d like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium coke. the man says. “Anything else? the worker asks. “No. the man answers, “That’s it. ”“Is that for here or to go? the worker asks. “To go. the man says. The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man’s lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag and goes away.


1.Where does the man go for lunch?

He goes to a fast-food ______________.

2.What does the man want to eat?

He wants a hamburger, large ______________, and a ______________ Coke.

3.Where does the worker put the man’s lunch?

The worker puts it in a ______________.

4.What is in the bag?

There is ____________________________________________ in the bag.

5.Who puts the man’s lunch in the bag?

The ______________ of the restaurant puts the man’s lunch in the bag.


37. 难度:简单

Let's go to Dongfang Clothing Store. It's that time of year again!  The store is great sale!

There are lots of things at a very good price in the store. They have T-shirts in all colors for 30 yuan each. They have bags for both sports and school. They sell them for only 15 yuan. They have black sweaters for only 20 yuan. They have long white socks for only 5 yuan. And that's not all. You can go to the store and see for yourself.


1.At that time of year, the clothes are very cheap in Dongfang Clothing Store.

2.There are only sweaters, socks and hats in the store.

3.You can buy food and vegetables here, too.

4.They have sweaters in all colors in the store.

5.They have black socks for only 5 yuan.


38. 难度:中等

I have four good friends. Their names are Jenny, Gina, Mark and Bob. Jenny and Gina are girls. Mark and Bob are boys. Jenny likes oranges and strawberries, but she doesn’t like bananas or tomatoes. Gina likes ice cream. But she doesn’t like hamburgers. Mark likes tomatoes, broccoli and French fries, but he doesn’t like salad. Bob likes broccoli and tomatoes, but he doesn’t like French fries or hamburgers.





oranges, strawberries












39. 难度:中等

Mr Cool’s Clothes Store 设计一篇广告





40. 难度:中等






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