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1. 难度:中等

He is ________ honest boy. And he is _______ student in our class.

A. a, better      B. an, best

C. the, the best  D. an, the best


2. 难度:中等

Which do you like _________, the country or the city?

A. well          B. better       C. best          D. Good


3. 难度:中等

Mr. Li would like to ______ us an interesting story.

A. talk           B. say       C. speak        D. tell


4. 难度:中等

Not only they but also I____interested in football. Messi is my favourite star.

A. be           B. am         C. is        D. are


5. 难度:中等

The Place Museum is ________. These foreigners are all _________ in it.

A. amazing, interested           B. amazed, interested

C. amazed, interested            D. amazing, interesting


6. 难度:中等

She hates a long wait. I think she is not very _______.

A. patient     B. generous     C. popular     D. active


7. 难度:中等

Jay is one of _____________in teenagers.

A. the most popular star              B. the most popular stars

C. the popularest star               D. most popular stars


8. 难度:中等

Both Mary and Kitty are fifteen years old. It means Mary is _____  Kitty.

A. older than    B. not as old as

C. younger than    D. as old as


9. 难度:中等

--- Oh,I don’t feel well.

--- You’d better __________see a doctor and have a good rest.

A. to go to     B.going to

C.  goes to    D.go to


10. 难度:中等

You look thirsty. Would you like_______?

A. something to eat      B. something to drink

C. anything to eat      D. anything to drink


11. 难度:中等

---Will you go to Shanghai _______ plane ?

---No. It costs too much. We will go there _______ a train.

A. on, on       B. on, by        C. by, on      D. by, by


12. 难度:中等

“Autumn” is also called ________ in American English.

A. cookie     B. vacation     C. movie     D. fall


13. 难度:中等

--- Which month has _______ days in a year?    --- February.

A. few     B. little     C. the fewest     D. the least


14. 难度:中等

--- Do you think Jack will pass the Chinese test?

--- Sure. He __________ a lot of time on it.

A. took     B. paid     C. spent     D. cost


15. 难度:中等

--- Please don’t tell anybody about this.

--- __________.

A. You’re welcome  B. OK, I won’t

C. Of course not  D. Yes, I won’t


16. 难度:中等


Every Sunday morning, Alice goes to visit her grandparents. They live in the south of the city. It usually takes her about 20 minutes to  ________  there by bus.

It’s Sunday today. Alice gets everything  ________ at 8.00. She wants to take some eggs and vegetables to her grandparents. At 8.10, she comes to the bus stop to ________  the No.7 bus to her grandparents’ place.  At about 8.30, she knocks ________   the door. Her grandpa and grandma   ________ her at home. They are very happy to see Alice.

At about 10.00, Alice and her grandma do some ________ in the supermarket. They put some rice, meat ________ some fruit into the shopping basket. Her grandma is ________ at cooking. Every Sunday, she cooks some nice food for Alice.

After lunch, Alice ________ her grandma do the dishes. Then Grandpa takes Alice to his small   ________  . They water the flowers there.

Alice feels very happy to stay with her grandparents.

1.A. take       B. get          C. make      D. come

2.A. ready     B. busy         C. free       D. tired

3.A. take      B. use         C. buy        D. sit

4.A. to        B. with       C. of         D. on

5.A. is looking for  B. are looking for C. is waiting for D. are waiting for

6.A. reading    B. shopping    C. washing  D. cooking

7.A. and      B. or          C. but        D. so

8.A. well       B. nice        C. bad      D. good

9.A. hopes     B. asks         C. helps      D. tells

10.A. house     B. garden       C. library   D. family


17. 难度:中等


Welcome to the zoo

Opening time:                                           Price:

From Monday to Friday                                 Adults:  20

8:30 a.m.---5:30 p.m.                                   Children: 10

On Saturday & Sunday

8:30 a.m.---6:00 p.m

Location: Xiaohe Street, Changchun Distrct, Binhai City

1.The zoo opens _________  a week.

A.two days    B.five days    C.six days     D.seven days

2.On Tuesday, the zoo closes at _______.

A.5: 30 p.m.  B.6:00 p.m.    C.6:30 a.m.    D.8: 30 a.m.

3.On Wednesday,the zoo is open for ___________.

A.8 hours    B.8.5 hours    C.9 hours      D.9.5 hours

4.The zoo is in the city called ________ .

A.Xiaohe    B.Binhai      C.Changchun    D.Beibei

5.Beibei is 11 years old,and this Sunday she wants to visit the zoo with her parents. How much should they pay for the ticket?

A.20.       B.10.        C.30.       D.50.


18. 难度:中等

Hello, my name is Peter. I study at a school in the UK. School days usually begin at 9 a.m. in the UK. So I usually go to school at 8.45 a.m. School is over(结束) at 3.30 p.m. So I have enough time to go to clubs.

I’m good at all my lessons. But my favourite lesson is Cooking. All my teachers are very friendly and helpful. I never go home for lunch, I have lunch at school with my classmates. After lunch, we often go to the school field. Sometimes we play ball games, sometimes we just sit under the trees, reading or chatting. Sometimes we also go to the Computer Center to listen to music or send e-mails(邮件) to our friends.

I like my school and have a wonderful time at school every day.

1.Schools in the UK usually start at ____________.

A. 8.45 a.m.   B. 9 a.m.  C. 3.30 p.m.     D. 8.30 a.m.

2.---How are Peter’s teachers? ---They’re all very ______.

A. friendly and helpful  B. beautiful

C. polite               D. busy

3.---How often does Peter go home for lunch? ---            .

A. Seldom  B. always  C. Every day  D. Never

4.After lunch, the students can ________.

A. listen to music  B. write e-mails

C. play ball games  D. A, B and C

5.Which one isn’t right?

A. School is over at 3.30 p.m. in the UK.

B. Peter is good at all his lessons.

C. Peter has no time to go to clubs every day.

D. Peter has a wonderful time at school.


19. 难度:困难

Blue Ocean Aquarium(蓝色海洋水族馆) is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals and watch films about sharks in it.

Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office, he asked, "How much shall I pay(付款) to get in?" The woman at the ticket office answered, "The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid(小孩) older than five. We let kids in free(免费) if they are five or younger. How old are your kids?" Mr Jackson said, "The older one is six and the younger one is three.  I think I must buy three tickets. " The woman was surprised. She said, "Sir, don't you want to save(节省) 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I won't know the difference(差异). "  Mr Jackson said with a smile, "Yes, that sounds right, but my kids will know the difference. "

From Mr Jackson' s story, we know honesty is very important in the modem society(在现代社会). We should tell the truth(事实) to the people around us, especially(尤其是) to the kids.

1.There are _____________ people in this story.

A. 3            B. 5       C. 4        D. 6

2.Mr Jackson spend ____________on their tickets to the aquarium at last.

A. 20 dollars   B. 40 dollars

C. 60 dollars D. 80 dollars

3.Children can see ______________ in Blue Ocean Aquarium.

A. dolphins   B. lions  C. giraffes   D. tigers

4.The word “honesty” means ____________.

A. 激情      B. 友谊   C. 乐观      D. 诚实

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Mr Jackson was very rich.

B. Mr Jackson wanted to save some money.

C. Mr Jackson paid for his two son’s tickets at last.

D. Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.


20. 难度:中等


1.You can’t eat too much. You’re too _______________ ( ).

2.We all like him because he is _________________ (礼貌的) and helpful.

3.--- When did they _______________ (到达 )?  --- Half an hour ago.

4.Children are ________________  (着迷的) about computer games.

5.I like Yao Ming. He is my _______________ ( 英雄).


21. 难度:中等


1.Millie’s skirt is nicer than _____________ ( I ).

2.I want five more _______________ ( brush ). Can you help me?

3.He is __________________ ( thin ) than any other boy in his class.

4.________________ ( luck ), he didn’t hurt himself.

5.Would you like ________________ ( go ) hiking with me?


22. 难度:中等



It _____________ me five hours ___________ _____________ reading this book.


You ____________ _____________ not ____________ the same mistake.


My schoolbag is ___________ heavy __________ _____________.


This afternoon we’re going to visit a _________ _________ _______ in Yancheng.


____________ _____________ _____________ to the Great Wall?


23. 难度:中等


Winter is a time for many exciting sports: sledding (乘雪橇), skating and skiing. Skating and skiing need lots of skills. Sledding gives you good exercise and is lots of fun!

A sled looks like a boat. It can move easily over snow or ice. Early sleds were made of wood. Now some better sleds are made of glass.

Sleds can be pulled(被拉)by animals. In some very cold parts of the world, people make animals like dogs, horses, and reindeer (驯鹿) pull(拉) goods(货物) or people in sleds.

People also sled for sports and fun. Driving a sled does not need much skill. The driver gives a kick() in the snow to start the sled. He or she can also ask someone else for help. In a sled, there can be one person(人) or several(几个).

Usually, you have to lie on your back, feet first in a sled. As you travel, you move your body and feet to keep it in the right direction (方向).

There is a special sled called the skeleton sled (骨架雪橇). It’s very different.

On a skeleton, you lie on your stomach and drive the sled in a head-first way. It is very fast! Many people are afraid to ride it. But once they try it, they want to do it again!

1.What were early sleds made of?


2.What kind of animals can pull sleds?


3.Besides(...) pulling goods or people, what are sleds also used for?


4.How many people can stay in a sled?


5.How do many people feel when they ride a skeleton?



24. 难度:中等








活动地点:人民公园(the Peoples Park)






Saturday October 17th

It was fine. I went for an outing with my classmates today.


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