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1. 难度:中等

—Why not go fishing with us?


A.Sounds good   B.Yes, please     C.You’re right


2. 难度:中等

—What’s your hobby?

—I      love reading books, but now I enjoy playing basketball.

A.use to        B.used to         C.didn’t use


3. 难度:中等

—We should       happiness      our friends.

—Hm , you are quite right .

A.help, with    B.share, with      C.agree with


4. 难度:中等

—Where is Jim? I can’t find him.

—He likes playing table tennis. He     in the gym.

A.may be     B.maybe    C.can’t be


5. 难度:中等

Tom is      in collecting stamps. He thinks it’s very     .

A.interest, interesting

B.interested, interesting

C.interesting, interested


6. 难度:中等

—Do you like rock music?

—I don’t like it, but      .

A.I like it very much

B.I hate it

C.I don’t mind it


7. 难度:中等

—What      you      when I called you yesterday?

—I was doing my homework.

A.do, do    B.did, do     C.were, doing


8. 难度:中等

—Hello, could I speak to Lucy?

     the line, please. She is coming.

A.Hold      B.Take     C.Put


9. 难度:中等

—Do you think English is very interesting?

—Yes,      . Most of us like learning English.

A.I think it

B.I think so

C.it’s just so-so


10. 难度:中等

I think it was a____ trip .

Well, we all had a good time.

A.sad     B.pleasant     C.difficult


11. 难度:中等

—What did Mr. Brown say just now?  —He asked us to stop ______ in class.

A.  talk    B. to talk      C. talking


12. 难度:中等

Micheal, do you know your father wants to buy a piano ?

Oh, I don’t know     or not he’ll buy one. He didn’t tell me .

A.what    B.why     C.whether


13. 难度:中等

—May I      your violin?

—Sorry, I      it to Tom yesterday.

A.borrow, lend

B.borrow, lent

C.lend, borrowed


14. 难度:中等

—What happened to him just now?.

—He was      excited_____ say a word .

A.so, that    B.very, to     C.too,to


15. 难度:中等

     beautiful the flowers are!

A.How    B.What    C.What a


16. 难度:中等


The first stamp was born in England in 1840.

Today almost_____country has its own stamps. We can_______that most stamps are very beautiful . There are all kinds of wonderful_______on them. It may be a great leader(领袖) or a famous man. It may____be a nice bird ,a fish or an  interesting place. Each picture on a stamp has_______meaning .It sometimes_____us a story . Stamps collecting may be the best  way to learn ______a country.

Today more and more people are _____of collecting stamps .They think of it as a____. In some countries ,because many children like collecting stamps ,there are even______on stamp collecting at school.

1. A. any      B.  each     C.every

2.A.hear        B. find       C. hope

3.A.people      B. animals     C.pictures

4.A. too        B.also         C.either

5.A.its        B.his         C.their

6.A. talks      B. tells       C.speaks

7.A.in          B.for         C.about

8.A.fond        B.ready        C.afraid

9.A.job         B.game        C.hobby

10.A.ideas      B.courses      C.students


17. 难度:中等


A:Hello, Lucy! I saw you running with a girl this morning.   1.

B:Oh, she is one of my classmates, Jenney. We often exercise together.

A: 2.

B:Almost every morning. I like doing sports. What about you?

A:I like collecting stamps in my free time.

B:Why do you like it?

A:  3.  And I can learn a lot from it.

B:  4. But now I prefer watching movies.

A:Good.   5.

B:I have two tickets(票) to the new movie. Shall we watch it together?

A:Good idea!

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18. 难度:中等

School clubs are hobby clubs. They are colorful and wonderful .They are great places , fun and friendly.

On the fist floor of the teaching building : Basketball Club

4:00pm ---6:00pm ,Saturday


On the playground: Running Club

7:00pm---9:00pm ,Tuesday


On the fifth floor of the teaching building : Art Club

8:00am---10:00am , Friday


On the third floor of the teaching building : Singing Club

8:00pm---10:00pm , Saturday


In front of the teaching building :Spoken English Club

6:00pm----8:00pm , Sunday



1.School clubs are sports clubs .

2.You can call 8237682 to play basketball .

3.You can begin to sing at the club at 8:00 am .

4.Spoken English Club starts the class on Sunday evening .

5.If you want to join the Art Club , you can find it in front of the teaching building .


19. 难度:中等


One day a boy was walking along the street. Suddenly he stopped and looked up into the sky.

A young man passed by him. When he saw the boy, he felt curious and looked up, too.

Just then a girl came up and saw them. “Is there anything interesting in the sky?” She thought and looked up, too.

After a while, there were quite some people. They were all interested in the clear blue sky.

Suddenly the boy asked, “Hey, what are all of you looking up at?”

“That’s what we are going to ask you,” said the young man.

“You want to ask me? But I wasn’t looking at anything,” said the boy. “I raised(抬起) my head because my nose was bleeding(流血)”

1. What was the boy doing one day?

A.He was looking for something in the street.

B.He was looking up into the sky.

C.He was looking up at the plane in the sky.

2.What does the underlined word “curious” in Chinese mean in the passage?

A.好奇的   B.着急的   C.烦恼的

3.The girl thought       , so she looked up, too.

A.there was something wrong with the boy.

B.the young man could see nothing in the sky

C.there was something interesting in the sky

4.The boy looked up into the sky only because      .

A.he liked doing so very much

B.other people also did so

C.something was wrong with his nose

5.From the passage we can see      .

A.few people were looking up

B.there must be something in the sky

C.the boy did not know why other people looked up into the sky as he did


20. 难度:中等

My name is Jim Brown. There are five people in my family. My family members like different kinds of music. My grandfather likes classical music, and he thinks pop music is boring. My grandmother enjoys folk music. She hates rock music because she thinks it’s too noisy. My father prefers jazz to country music. But my mother likes country music very much. She doesn’t like classical music because she thinks it’s too serious. My favorite music is rock music. It’s exciting. And my favorite pop singer is Cui Jian.

1.The Browns like      .

A.different music

B.sweet music

C.the same music

2.Jim’s grandfather thinks pop music is too     .

A.noisy         B.wonderful      C.boring

3.His grand mother hates      .

A.rock music     B.folk music     C.Jazz

4.What kind of music does his mother like?

A.Jazz          B.Rock music     C.Country music

5.Who is Jim’s favorite pop singer?

A.S.H.E          B.Liu Huan      C.Cui Jian


21. 难度:中等

There are all kinds of music in the world.   1.________. Good music brings people comfort and peace of mind. Everyone loves music but different people have different tastes.

2.________. When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano. It is great fun for him.. Li Xiang likes listening to jazz. He thinks the American jazz music sounds wonderful. But Tom hates jazz.   3.________.Violin music is his favorite. He says classical music played on the violin makes him happy. Wang Junfeng plays the drums very well.   4.________ . Wang Junfeng says that every culture has its own special kind of drumming. He likes to listen to South American drumming best.

5.________. Different kinds of music make them happy.


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22. 难度:中等


American people are busy with their work and most of them feel stressed out (有压力的),so they try to find ways to relax. They like spending their time on different sports. They also spend their time watching different kinds of television programs or reading books. Sometimes they invite(邀请)their friends over for dinner . Some even spend their free time making their homes and gardens more beautiful.

They also love going on holidays. They have a two-or-three-week holiday every year. Every summer , Americans travel to different places of interest. They enjoy their lives in different ways. Now taking trips in their cars is becoming more and more popular among Americans.


How Do Americans Relax Themselves ?

Spend their time doing different ____1.___.

_2.____TV or read books.

Invite their friends over for __3.____sometimes.

Try to make their homes and gardens more beautiful in their ___4._time.

Take trips to different places of interest on ____5._____


23. 难度:中等


1.He enjoyed      (read/reading) sports news on the Internet.

2.The girl worked the math problems out       (with/without) any help.

3.He says piano music can make him      (happy/happily).

4.The girl was dead      (on/in) the morning of the new year.

5.Many famous singers are going to      (give/make ) a concert on Christmas Day.


24. 难度:中等


1.She looks       (丑陋的), but all of us like her.

2.There is a big      (微笑) on his face.

3.Don’t       (做鬼脸)in class , please .

4.I      (醒来) at 6:00 every morning.

5.March 12th is the festival for      (种植) trees.


25. 难度:中等


1.collecting ,model, fun

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2.be interested in

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3. popular,young people

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4. China , be famous for

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5.Tom ,  at this time yesterday

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26. 难度:中等


happy, friendship, kind, best, problem


Everyone needs friends. A good friend should be   1.  . For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend will listen to you and do his or her   2. to help. To make friends, you must be helpful and try to bring them   3.    .When they have   4. , you should have a talk with them. Remember that 5. is one of the most important things in your life.


27. 难度:中等








in the past



listen to music

play soccer


keep pets

collect dolls


My hobby





28. 难度:中等


1.当你看到标志满分5 manfen5.com ,  你知道哪个是英语的正确表达法呢?

A.No Parking!         B. NO Smoking!       C. NO Photos!


A.You’re welcome!      B. Thank you  !       C. You’re good !


A.That’s OK           B. Please look !        C. I’ m sorry!


A.My name is Li Ping    B. This is me       C.Are you Li Ping


A.Car                 B.Bus          C.Bike


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