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1. 难度:中等

Mike would like to buy an Apple watch, but there was ______ in that shop.

A. nothing   B. none   C. no one   D. neither


2. 难度:中等

Excuse me, is this the right way to the Peking University?

Sorry, I am not sure. But it ______ be.

A. might   B. will   C. must   D. can


3. 难度:中等

My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ______, he could neither eat nor sleep.

A. after all   B. as a result  C. anyway  D. so that


4. 难度:中等

Every single student, ______ the help of this creative teacher, makes great progress in writing.

A. under   B. at    C. with   D. for


5. 难度:中等

When filling in the form, you should give more detailed information and avoid being too ______.

A. common   B. special   C. general  D. usual


6. 难度:中等

Once my son cut off all the hair of the little girl next door. The neighbours ______ to us since.

A. didnt speak   B. dont speak

C. havent spoken D. hadnt spoken


7. 难度:中等

Can I help you with it?

Thank you for your ______, but I can do it myself.

A. advice   B. question  C. offer   D. idea


8. 难度:中等

Your house is always so clean and everything is in order how do you ______ it with these children?

A. manage   B. serve   C. afford   D. build


9. 难度:中等

In front of the little garden stands the hospital, ______ is named after a famous scientist.

A. that    B. where   C. what   D. which


10. 难度:中等

How far can you run without stopping?

______. Ive never tried.

A. Don’t mention it     B. Thats all right

C. I have no idea        D. Go ahead


11. 难度:中等



Nowadays experience, like many other things, is becoming more and more     .

Several days ago, I wanted to invite my friends to lunch. What we really needed was a good and quiet     for some conversation, not a big meal,       I chose one only for people like me who belonged to a particular club. What could be nicer?

When I   a day before, I was asked whether I would eat a $20 or $50 lunch. I said, “$50 .” I didn’t realize until I was asked to pay after the lunch, that “$50” means “$50 for each person.” There were five of us that day. When the bill账单came        , it was $310.40 (250 for food and the rest for drinks, fruits and air-conditioning). Though everybody was surprised, I paid the bill without a word.

What could I say? It was my own        that made me pay the        lunch bill of my life. On the whole, it was not so      . We had a wonderful lunch and the place was beautiful.     Besides, the experience was good and special, and will      in later years. To support the logic逻辑of the lunch bill, I have developed my own way to explain it: $50 for the lunch and $260.40 for the        .

This paid experience has made me ten times wiser.

1.A. expensive      B. useful        C. interesting        D. important

2.A. club           B. school        C. place              D. hotel

3.A. so            B. because       C. but               D. if

4.A. learned       B. paid         C. discovered        D. ordered

5.A. at times      B. at present    C. at last            D. at first

6.A. business       B. wish         C. promise           D. carelessness

7.A. smallest       B. largest     C. best               D. worst

8.A. good         B. bad           C. easy               D. difficult

9.A. remember       B. help         C. understand        D. succeed

10.A. experience    B. memory        C. club               D. restaurant


12. 难度:中等

It’s that time of year again. The lead-up前奏to everyone’s favorite holiday Christmas!

Usually Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day all the stores open early and offer the best discounts折扣to their customers. Interestingly, people push to buy the cheapest products, just a few hours after giving thanks for the things they have.

Usually televisions and laptops are the most popular products on Black Friday. People are willing to wait for hours for their favorite stores to open because they want very much to get the items they need.

This year I decided to go out and grab a bargain特价商品at one of these sales, just to see what it is like. After a delicious Thanksgiving meal, I drove to the mall around half an hour before the stores opened. Already there were people lining up and waiting outside. Some had even prepared themselves with tents and hot chocolate to stay warm in the cold weather. I entered the store, but I wasn’t looking for anything specific. I just walked around the store checking out the prices. I bought some cheap clothes, while other people were loading their shopping carts手推车with tons of different items.

Some people come to the Black Friday sales for the products, and others come to enjoy the experience. However, some stores can be a little dangerous during Black Friday. Every year there are always some cases of people fighting over the small number of goods. This year Wal-Mart learned its lesson and made the sales last longer. They made sure customers came for the first hour, got what they wanted and then left quickly.

1.What products sell best on Black Friday?

A. Delicious food.     B. Televisions and laptops.

C. Cheap clothes.      D. Tents and hot chocolate.

2.The author went to the mall after Thanksgiving to ______.

A. study people’s shopping habits

B. look for some clothes he wanted

C. buy some items for the family

D. experience the shopping season

3.What does the underlined word “loading” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Choosing     B. Making   C. Filling   D. Buying

4. Why does the author say some stores can be dangerous?

A. Because the sales last too long indeed.

B. Because the stores can be over-crowded.

C. Because many people are waiting outside.

D. Because there are fewer products than needed.

5. What is special about Black Friday?

A. It is a wonderful time to do shopping.

B. It is a good time to enjoy the experience.

C. People are in great need of many things.

D. People have just given thanks for what they have.


13. 难度:中等

Cycling isn’t always easy. Busy streets and few bike lanes and parking areas can make it a battle. But not even these difficulties can stop Europeans’ love for cycling. According to Reuters, more bicycles have been sold than cars in 26 of the European Union’s 28 states this year.

In some European countries, people really love bicycles. “People ride to work and take their bikes to the grocery store”, Bill Strickland, editor of Bicycling magazine, told the reporter from Reuters.

So what has led to cycling’s growing popularity in Europe? Cycling is “a safe, clean, healthy, inexpensive way to get around town,” the Daily Star concluded. “It not only reduces traffic problems and pollution, but also contributes to public health.”

Bike-friendly rules have also been made. Dozens of cities have joined a European Union initiative倡议to make bicycles a form of city transport, like cars. Quite a few cities such as Stockholm, London, Florence and Munich now offer special bike lanes. Copenhagen takes it a step further by keeping bicycles and cars separated as much as possible. On these routes, traffic lights are designed to the rhythms of bicycles, not cars. For people living far from city centers, getting to work by bicycle alone may take too much time. That’s why many European countries now allow cyclists to bring their bicycles onto subway trains. Europeans are also creative in solving parking problems. Amsterdam has come up with a high-tech solution: you lock your bike to a rack机架, which then goes underground. When you want your bike back, it is brought back to the surface.

1.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. European people love bicycles.

B. More bicycles are sold in Europe.

C. Bicycles need their own ways.

D. New rules are made for cyclists.

2. The underlined word “route” in Paragraph 8 most probably means _____ in Chinese.

A. 停车场      B. 方法      C. 政策      D. 线路

3. According to the passage, the following cities offer special bike lanes EXCEPT______.

A. Copenhagen    B. Amsterdam

C. London       D. Stockholm

4.Why do people enjoy cycling in Europe?

A. Bicycles can be brought onto subway trains.

B. People can park their bicycles wherever you like.

C. Bicycles can be locked to a rack underground.

D. Cycling is a good way to get around town.

5.The writing style of the passage is a(n) _____.

A. tour guide      B. news report

C. interview       D. story


14. 难度:中等



Make Stress Work for You

Stress can come from all directions. We live in a world filled with stress. Rather than only looking for ways to change the stress-filled situations, look for stress that can work for you. The following are suggestions to make stress work in your favor.

1. . Colors of the walls, floor coverings, and furniture can reduce stress. Cooling greens and blues are positive colors that can reduce stress and create a sense of well-being.

2.    . Take time to recognize signs of stress like anger, work and sleep habits. As you understand these signs, you are beginning to know how to make stress work.

3.  . We can accept what we cannot change by changing what we can. Make choices that are realistic, not beyond your ability.

4.   . Find out what your strengths are and focus on taking the time to do a project built on them. If you take on too many projects, you will most probably lose control and meet with new stress.

5.  . Laughing at oneself can bring less stress from the inside. And laughing creates less wrinkles皱纹than worrying.

A. Stop and look at yourself

B. Don’t say yes to everything

C. Accept what cannot be changed

D. Create environments that reduce stress

E. Develop a sense of humour

F. Leave time for the unexpected


15. 难度:中等


include   rain     steal    serious   shop

1.He was so hungry that he ____________ some bread from the shop.

2.I’m flying to Beijing and my car will ____________ there.

3.What a lot of ____________ weather we’re having this spring!

4.He told me what happened to him ___________ without smiling.

5.At least eighty people were injured, __________ five policemen.


16. 难度:中等


How many of you have ever noticed accidents at home? Any large hospital will tell you the number of the accidents 1. happen in the home is almost the same as those on the road. How and why do these accidents happen and   2.   can we do to prevent them?

One of the most common and most dangerous   3.   起因of home accidents is wrong and careless use of electric equipment. Sometimes one   4.   忘记to cut off the power before mending a light.

If you’ve got children in the house, it’s always best to keep medicine of any kind out of their   5.    (伸手够得到的地方). When there are older people     6.    (share) the flat with you, you have to take care in a number of ways in order to make them safe and happy.

Remember not to dry clothes in front of fires. Don’t forget to keep the children away   7.   fire. You’d better give up   8.    吸烟too as it may start a fire.

9.   (Safe) first may mean a little more time and care,   10. it may save you a lot of trouble.


17. 难度:中等


人的一生中要出许多次选择。假设当初选择初中学校和父母意见相左。请根据以下要点,用英语写一篇题为 “How I chose my school?” 的短文,描述这次选择的经过。词数100---120。文中不得出现真实人名和学校名。


1. 描述这件事情的来龙去脉




2. 你对此事的感想或体会


注意: 短文开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数。

Though it was a long time ago, I still remember how I chose my junior middle school.





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