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1. 难度:中等

What’s that _____ English, do you know?  --- It’s a map.

A. in   B. on   C. at   D. to


2. 难度:简单

---Is this ________ dictionary? --No, _____ isn’t _______ dictionary.

A. his; it; me   B. your; it; my     C. your; this; my     D. my; it; my


3. 难度:中等

---Are these your friends?

---                               .

A. Yes, they are  B. Yes, those are

C. No,they are D. Yes, they’re


4. 难度:中等

---Where        my ruler and books?          under your desk.

A. is; It’s   B. is; They’re      C. are; It’s     D. are; They’re


5. 难度:中等

---This is       eraser and that‘s        ring.

A. a, an        B. an, an        C. an, a          D. a , a


6. 难度:中等

--Your pencil is very nice. ---________________.

A. Thank you.      B. Sorry.

C. Yes, it is.     D. That’s right.


7. 难度:中等

----Is that_______pen?   -- Yes, it is.

A. he’s       B. it’s       C. his          D. he


8. 难度:中等

----Nice to meet you. --- ___________

A. Fine thank you.    B. My name’s Peter.

C. How are you?       D. Nice to meet you, too.


9. 难度:中等

It is not_________book.

A. my a      B. a my       C. my    D. /


10. 难度:中等

This is Tom.  _______brother is a teacher.

A. His       B. Her   C. He’s    D. She’s


11. 难度:中等

--What’s her name?  --_________________

A. His name is Kate.  B. Her name is Kate.

C. My name is Kate.   D. Its Kate.


12. 难度:中等

-Where are my pencils? --__________________

A. It’s on the table.    B. Yes, they are.

C. Sorry ,I don’t know.  D. They are pencils.


13. 难度:中等

—Can you spell your name, please? -- __________________

A. Excuse me.    B. Not.

C. Yes, I can.   D. Sorry, I don’t.


14. 难度:中等

---Is that your ID card?   Please_____ me at 8762356.

A. say         B. call      C. see        D. tell


15. 难度:中等

Thank you______the photo of your family. It’s very nice.

A. at         B. to       C. on      D. for


16. 难度:中等


A.H     B.F      C.Q             D.W


17. 难度:中等

--What does ―TV  mean? It’s_________

A. 光盘         B. 数码影碟

C.电视机       D.录像带


18. 难度:简单

---_______ are your pens? ---________ black.

A. What; It’s   B. What color;They’re      C. Where; Them


19. 难度:中等

---        do you spell it?    ---W-A-T-C-H .

A. What’s      B. Where       C. How       D. Who


20. 难度:中等

Look at the picture       my family.

A. for           B. at        C. of            D. to


21. 难度:中等


1.Where are my books?           A: It’s on the chair.

2.Where is his baseball?         B: Yes, it is.

3.Are these your keys?         C: This is my uncle.

4.Is the hat under the bed?     D: No, she isn’t.

5.Who’s this?                   E: They’re in your backpack.

6.Is this your mother?        F: It’s next to the door.

7.Where’s her sofa?             G: No, they aren’t. They’re John’s parents.

8.What’s this?                 H: Yes, they are.

9.Are they your parents?         I: They are his grandparents.

10.Who are they?                 J: It’s a drawer.


22. 难度:中等


Teacher:Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils?

Anna:       1.

Teacher:And is this his green pen?

Anna:        2.

Teacher:         3.

Anna:It is Helen’s. And the green pen is hers, too.

Teacher:And the eraser? Is that yours?

Anna:Yes, it is .

Teacher:        4.

Anna:            5.

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23. 难度:中等


1.The backpack is on the desk.. (对划线部分提问)

               the backpack?

2.His notebook is on the bed. (变成否定句)

His notebook                on the bed.

3.They are on the sofa (改为一般疑问句)

               on the sofa?

4.They are my parents. (改为同义句)

They are my       and          .

5.Those are some interesting books (改为单数句)

               an interesting book.


24. 难度:中等


I     Tony Smith.  My father          Mike Smith.  This is         ruler,            red, I like red.  Mike has      phone. It’s       . He likes yellow.          phone number        2784444.  You can           Mike               2784444.

1.A. is       B. am         C. are       D. no

2.A. is       B.am        C.are        D.not

3.A. I        B. his        C. my        D. her

4.A. Its      B. It        C. it’s      D. it

5.A. the      B. an       C. a        D./

6.A. red      B. blue       C. yellow     D. black

7.A. My    B. His        C.I         D. me

8.A. is      B.am        C.are       D.not

9.A. call    B. look     C. Ball       D. ask

10.A. in     B. at        C. for      D. on


25. 难度:中等


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1.Lucy lost her           .

A. pen                  B. Chinese books

C. English dictionary.  D. ruler

2.Lucy’s phone number is         .

A. 482—7259        B.867---5142

C. 867---5143       D. 482—7369

3.Tony found a             .

A. pen               B. ball

C. set of keys        D. pencil

4.Tony’s phone number is                 .

A. 867---5142       B. 482—7359

C. 867---5143        D. 482—7259

5.Who found a watch?

A. Tom.     B. Tony          C. Lucy             D. John


26. 难度:中等


This is John’ s room. It’s very nice. You can see a window(窗户) in the wall. Under the window you can see a green desk. A tape player is on the desk. You can see a white bed in the room, and you can see a clock on the bed. You can see two books on the floor. Can you see any pictures on the wall? Yes, you can see two. Where is John’s cat? Oh,It’s under his bed.

1.We can see a white desk in John’s room.

2.A tape player is on the desk.

3.A clock is on the floor.

4.Two pictures are on the floor.

5.John’s cat is under his bed.


27. 难度:中等


I  a     1.  Kate, and my sister is G     2.     . I am tidy,but Gina is n    3.   .In our room, my books and tapes are i  4. the bookcase.  M 5.   keys are in my schoolbag.  I  h    6. a clock . It is on the desk. Gina’s books a  7.  everywhere ---on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is h  8.  .  It is under t   9.    desk.“W   10. is my schoolbag? Where is my ruler?” Gina always asks.


28. 难度:中等


以“My family”为题写一篇短文介绍自己的家庭。

要求: 1.字迹工整,语言通顺

2. 不得在文中提到自己的真实姓名和班级。

3. 不得少于60个单词。


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