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1. 难度:中等

This film won __________ award ____________ its amazing photography.

A. an; as          B.a; for

C. a; as           D. an; for


2. 难度:中等

—It seems that your cousin Mary is talking with her daughter over there.

—I don’t think so. It _____ be her because she called me from her home just now.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. can D. must


3. 难度:中等

—_____ heavy snow! How can we go to work today?

—_____ it is snowing heavily, let’s walk instead of driving.

A. What; Because

B. What a; Since

C. How; As

D. How a; Though


4. 难度:中等

—Do you think the weather will ______ till the weekend?

—Yes, I learned it from the CCTV news.

A. last

B. not keep raining

C. not last

D. become colder


5. 难度:中等

Don’t you think the paper is very good? —Yes. It is very pleasant        .

A. to write on 

B. to write in

C. to be written on 

D. to be written in


6. 难度:中等

We are asked to write ________article in todays writing class.

A. a 800-hundred-word    

B. an 800-hundred-words   

C. an 800-hundred-word     

D. a 800-hundred-words


7. 难度:中等

Youll ________ to join the party if your homework ________.

A. ask, do        B. be asked, is done

C. asked, did   D.be asked to, is done


8. 难度:中等

When Mr Fang smelt the food, he stopped ___________.

A. paint          B. to paint

C. painting       D. to painting


9. 难度:中等

Mum went on ________ the housework after she helped me with my homework.

A. doing       B. with      C. to do   D. A, B and C


10. 难度:中等

People in the West celebrate Christmas _______ each other presents.

A. to give         B. by give

C. by giving      D. with giving


11. 难度:中等

--- Is Jim at home by himself ? ---No. There is another boy __________ with him.

A. playing        B. play           C. plays          D. to play


12. 难度:简单

Each year quite a lot of food __ around the world. Its really time for us to do something.

A.was wasted     B.is wasted 

C.wasted         D.will be wasted


13. 难度:中等

He found ____________ very interesting  __________ a horse.

A.that; to ride     B.it; riding

C.it; to ride        D.it is; to ride


14. 难度:中等

I have two rooms to _________. But I cannt decide _______________.

A.live; which one to choose

B.live in; to choose  which one

C.live in; which one to choose  

D.live; to choose which one


15. 难度:中等

There is __________ work to do that I have no idea ________it.

A.too much; when to finish            B.so much; what to do

C.so much; when to finish             D.too much; what to do


16. 难度:中等


A few minutes before six o'clock,Mr. Smith decided to leave. He was about to start the car when a gunman     up from the back seat.He    a gun to Mr. Smith’s head.“Drive me to Paris!”he shouted.

“All right,”Mr. Smith answered.He started the engine,     away from the side of the street and drove down.Being 81 years old,he knew he could not    _ the gunman.He knew he needed help.Where were the police? As he drove     each crossing,he looked up and down the side streets,hoping to meet a police car.But he could see____.“Just my luck,”he thought.“If I was    too fast,there would be a police car on every corner, _ _ he pushed his foot down on the accelerator(油门),and the car ran   __ faster.“What are you doing?”shouted the gunman.“Keeping off the police,'? Mr.Smith answered.“I thought I saw a police car   there.”

He ran red lights,drove the wrong way on one-way streets.On two-way streets he drove on the wrong    of the road.Not one policeman saw him.Again Mr. Smith’s plan was not working.He had to try a      plan.

He    a corner and saw the police station in front.Then he drove his car as fast as he could towards the police gate.The car hit a police motorbike down and stopped.Mr. Smith shouted,“Help! Help! ”Then he        back to grab(夺)the man’s gun.At the same time the policemen heard the     _ and quickly caught the gunman.

1.A.woke           B.sat            C.stood              D.jumped

2.A. brought       B. pointed       C. held               D.carried

3.A.pulled          B.1eft           C took                D.pushed

4.A.fight           B.1ift            C.keep               D.hit

5.A.around         B.over           C.through             D.towards

6.A.somebody      B.anybody        C.everybody           D.nobody

7.A.driving        B.moving         C.getting              D.walking

8.A.Slowly        B.Suddenly       C.Quietly              D.Carefully

9.A.more          B.much          C. very                D.quite

10.A.front          B.near           C.below               D.back

11.A.street         B.way            C.side                D.corner

12.A.new          B.safe            C.hard                D.nice

13.A.found         B.turned          C. stopped at           D.arrived at

14.A.to            B.1ooked        C.turned              D.came

15. A.sound         B.shout           C.cry                 D.noise


17. 难度:困难

Is reading better than watching TV? I believe it is. Is reading better than playing video games? Im not so sure if it is. If learning is important to you, but not necessary so,and if pleasure is what you want,these activities can be pleasant in their own way. Reading might be better than many activities if you want to educate yourself and improve your chances of succeeding in your work.

If youre serious about creating the habit of reading,whats important is finding a time you can read every day—often thats early morning or late at night,or both. For others, it might be during their lunch break. You only need to read for 10 to 20 minutes a day to form the habit.

Then, you need to find a place thats comfortable. Make sure it has good lighting, the temperature is nice and you’re in a good chair. Or you can find some place that you can relax in without falling asleep, although there’s nothing wrong with sleep.

Next,be sure to shut off the TV,Internet,cell phone,radio, or other music. Let reading be a quiet time. Mark an “x on your calendar every day you read, and try to keep your unbroken “x”es going as long as possible. A habit is much easier to form if it’s something you enjoy, not something you are made to do. So make the time, you spend reading a joy. I’ve been a lifelong reader, so the pleasure of a good book is one of my favorite things in the world. I love to lose myself in the world of a book.

1.The importance of reading depends on ______.

A. what you’re going to read

B. why you want to read

C. where you decide to read

D. when you begin to read

2. If you want to create a habit of reading the first thing to do is to ______.

A. ask the writer for some advice

B. find a comfortable place

C. make a proper time plan 

D. mark an “x” on the new calendar

3. While you are reading,you'd better ______.

A. make sure you are alone  

B. mark a big “x” in your notebook 

C. find a good chair with good lighting

D. be concentrated and quiet

4. Reading may become your habit more easily when ______.

A. it is something you enjoy  

B. you don’t use Internet or cell phones

C. your unbroken“xes last for a long time

D. you spend 10 to 20 minutes reading after lunch

5.Which of the following CANNOT be used to describe the writer?

A. He prefers to play video games rather than watch TV.

B. He is an old man with the best reading habit.

C. He thinks its normal to fall asleep while reading.

D. He has done a lot of research on reading.


18. 难度:中等



1.A fashion show will last _______ on Friday.

A.for two hours   

B.for two and a half hours

C.for three hours     

D.for three and a half hours

2.According to the ads, a qualification is needed if a person wants to work ______.

A.at Zhongshan School of Hotel

B.at Zhaoyang Primary School

C.at Xinhua Supermarket

D.at Silver Sea Hotel

3.Maria has a lot of experience working with children. She wants to get a new job. She may call_____.

A. 0755-84869855     B. 0755-84889655

C. 010-23678893     D. 010-23768893

4.Mr. White has a restaurant,and he wants to find some new delicious food for his customers. He can go to _______.

A. Xinhua Supermarket   B. Zhongshan School of Hotel

C. Silver Sea Hotel       D. Zhanjiang

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the four ads?

A. Show    B. Fish.      C. Music.   D. Pay


19. 难度:中等

   We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes are about people.“Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?“When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?”“And why wasn’t Paul friendly just because I had a car?”When we look back,thoughts like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back,it’s too late.

  Why do we go wrong about our friends? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.And if we don’t really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Sometimes someone tells you,“You’re a lucky dog.”That’s friendly.But“lucky dog”?There’s a bit of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn’t see it himself.But bringing in the“dog”puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he does’t think that you can have such good luck.

  ‘‘Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for’’is another example that says one thing and means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life.But is he? It’s telling you to think of all the hungry people in the whole world when you haven’t got a date(约会)for Saturday night.

  How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Dose what he says agree with the tone(语调)of voice? His posture(姿态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of the words may save another mistake.

1.This passage is mainly about      

A.how to remember what people say 

B.what to do when you listen to others talking

C.how to avoid mistakes when you communicate with people 

D.how to watch people when they are talking

2.According to the writer,the reason why we go wrong about our friends is that    

A.we fail to listen carefully when they talk

B.people will be angry when we check what they say

C.people usually say one thing but mean another 

D.we like to doubt what our friends say

3.The underlined word“it”in the second paragraph means       

A.being friendly      B.a bit of envy

C.1ucky dog           D.your luck

4.When we listen to a person talking,the most important thing for us to do is to    

A.know the way the person is talking

B.take a good look at the person talking

C.notice his tone,his posture and the look in his eyes

D.understand the real meaning of what he says

5. Maybe the writer is a       

A.teacher         B.psychologist(心理学家)

C.scientist       D.doctor


20. 难度:中等


1.Classical music is quite serious, and has a _______________ (永久的) value.

2.Sandy blew hard to make the paint run in all _______________ (方向) and made a wonderful picture.

3. Some students are having a ________________ (每周的)test in the classroom.

4. Folk was first created in a ___________________ (传统的) style, and has strong local color.

5.He ran so fast that he was out of_________________(呼吸)


21. 难度:困难


Next month, a photography contest will be held. The winner of the contest will get a camera. Bob is a photographer, and he wants to take part in the contest. Wildlife is the theme of the contest. Bob t  1.  about it and decides to photograph birds. It is d 2.  to photograph animals, especially birds, because birds s  3. stay in one place for a long time. They often fly away before the photographer gets ready. Bob understands the difficulty, but he has been ready for the challenge.

First, Bob plans to go to the beach.There, he can photograph some seabirds like seagulls.     Then, he will go to a lake and take some photos of cranes, ducks and geese there. Next, he will go to a nature reserve. There, he can photograph owls, woodpeckers and eagles. F  4. , he will go to his friends house because his friend has a green parrot. Bob wants to take photos of this beautiful bird. He will photograph many kinds of birds. He thinks he will have a very good chance of w  5. the new camera.


22. 难度:中等



1.I hope you think my suggestions are very _______________ to you.

2.Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the _____________ Park?

3. At a very young age, Mr Wu _________________________ listening to music.

4. The music _________________ different sounds of nature ______________. Its wonderful.

5. The new park ______________________________ the public for two weeks.

6. Do you mind ______________________________ with me tomorrow if you have time?

7. If you ________________________, help me pick up the apples.

8. He married his daughter to a ________________________ man.

9. That doctor ___________________________ in his house yesterday.

10. Tigers _________________________ if they have babies.


23. 难度:中等


1. He ____________________________________________ (喜欢湍急的流水声和飒飒的风声) because, to him, the best music comes from nature.

2.Tan Dun ____________________________________________________ (通过控制水流的速度,创造出50多种声音) the speed of water flow.

3. Each time _______________________________________________(每当给获胜者颁发奖牌时) at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played.

4. We should ____________________________________________ (阻止人们猎取熊猫).

5. I ______________________ _________________ (收到一条信息) from my father yesterday.


24. 难度:中等


On a Saturday afternoon, when you are enjoying ice cream in front of the TV or playing on the computer, what are kids at your age doing on the other side of the planet? Are they at school? What do they do for fun every day? Find out here:

1. Education

School is expensive for many African kids. Lots of families can’t afford school uniforms or exercise books even if they don’t have to pay for school.

For those are lucky enough to go to school, they have a lot to learn. Some take two language classes: English or French and their native language. There is also Math, Science, History, Social Studies, and Geography. Plenty of housework takes up much of kids’ time after school. They have to get water and firewood for the family every day. Then, there’s cleaning, washing and helping Mum with the meal.

2. Daily fun

It’s not all work and no play. Sports are very popular. Sport is great because kids do not need money to play.

Kids can make goals with twigs (嫩枝) and their own footballs with plastic and bits of strings (绳子). They play in the desert dust and the streets of old towns.

There’re many football teams for teenagers in Africa. The first kids’ football teams were set up in Kenya (肯尼亚) in 1987.

3. Internet

Egypt and South Africa are the top two users of the Internet in the continent. All of the capital cities in Africa can get on the Internet.

But fewer than one out of every 250 people in Africa can get on the Internet. It’s really expensive. To surf the net for 20 hours costs over 600 yuan. This is more than the average monthly pay per person.

Some schools offer computer lessons but few students can enjoy computer fun at home. South Africa Lesley Harrison, 12, wishes he had the Internet at home. “I could show my family lots of stuff. No one where I live even knows what the Internet is.”

Life about African kids


Something about African kids away from education, daily fun and Internet.

At school

Education is 2.__________ expensive for African kids to go to school.

African kids have to learn a foreign language and their native language.

In spare time

Plenty of housework takes up much of their spare time..

African kids do sports because they can 3._____________ to play.

On the Internet

The cost for the Internet is much 4._____________ than the average monthly pay per person.

Fewer than one out of 250 people in Africa can get on the Internet.

Egypt and South Africa are the 5.___________ users of the Internet in Africa.


25. 难度:中等


    假如你是一名中学生,面对琳琅满目的电视节目,你最喜欢的节目是什么呢?以“My Favourite TV Programme”为题,写一篇100 左右的短文,同时发表自己对花费时间看电视的看法。 .

My Favourite TV Programme










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