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外研版2017秋九年级英语 Test for Module 10
1. 难度:中等

Lisa is only four years old,but she has grown to ________height of 110 cm.

A. a    B. an

C. the    D. /


2. 难度:中等

Bill and Joe have decided to spend the May Day holiday on an island which lies________ the coast of France.

A. in    B. at

C. up    D. off


3. 难度:中等

When Lucy saw some hairs on her dad's coat,she brushed________ off.

A. it    B. her

C. him    D. them


4. 难度:中等

Sarah's sister likes________ very much.Look! She is picking some on the farm.

A. flies    B. grapes

C. ants    D. hams


5. 难度:中等

I'm not sure of the exact________ between them—I think they're cousins.

A. period    B. relative

C. relationship    D. spirit


6. 难度:中等

I think Larry is ________to brush his teeth twice a week.

A. lazy    B. wise

C. magical    D. central


7. 难度:中等

A lot of people ________Monday because it is the first day of the working week.

A. hate    B. forget

C. choose    D. keep


8. 难度:中等

Tina stayed in Tianjin for a week.She________ spent some days in Beijing.

A. yet    B. either

C. also    D. as well


9. 难度:简单

Each man will be paid ______ his ability

A. thanks to    B. because of    C. instead of    D. according to


10. 难度:中等

When Daniel was at middle school,he was quite rude.Nobody liked him________.

A. in time    B. at the time

C. at times    D. all the time


11. 难度:中等

—________ do you always take a camera with you,Nick?

—To take photos whenever I like.

A. When    B. Why

C. What    D. How


12. 难度:中等

________ the sun is shining at the moment,it isn't very warm.

A. If    B. When

C. Although    D. Because


13. 难度:中等

Betty________ a diary since she was a primary school student.No wonder her writing skills are so good.

A. keeps    B. is keeping

C. keeping    D. has kept


14. 难度:困难

—What did Mike say to you?

—He asked me________.He said it looked very strange.

A. what was the building

B. what the building was

C. what would I write my report about

D. what I would write my report about


15. 难度:中等

—Could I have a look at your product?

—________.I have brought some with me.

A. Yes,of course    B. No,I have no idea

C. That's really funny    D. Here we go


16. 难度:困难

Good day,mate.My name is Nicole,and I ______ in Australia.

Most of the people in Australia live along the northeast and the southwest coasts.The middle of Australia is too dry,______ few people live there.It is called the outback.I live on a sheep station in the outback.I don't go to ______.I have a radio.I listen to my teacher and send ______ back to her.My tests and homework are sent by mail.

Most Australians,including______,are of British ancestry.When people moved to Australia ______ Britain,they brought many British customs with them.______,we drive on the left side of the road and drink tea,just like they do in Britain.

What about ______? We eat normal American food (some dishes are different).Beef is the most popular meat.

My favourite sport is cricket.We ______ it in summer.Football,rugby,and soccer are also very popular.

Well,I have to______ now.I am going surfing with my friend,Steve.Thanks for visiting my page.

1.A. work    B. live    C. swim    D. travel

2.A. but    B. though    C. so    D. because


A. school    B. hospital

C. church    D. office

4.A. advice    B. gifts    C. money    D. answers

5.A. him    B. her    C. me    D. you

6.A. for    B. from    C. in    D. with


A. After all    B. In addition

C. In fact    D. For example

8.A. sport    B. food    C. meat    D. music

9.A. play    B. invent    C. find    D. discover

10.A. go    B. sleep    C. come    D. study


17. 难度:中等


In some foreign countries,some people don't like the number 13.They don't think 13 is a lucky number,for example,they don't like to live on the thirteenth floor.

One day,my friend Jack asked some friends to dinner.When all of his friends arrived,he asked them to sit at the table.He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food.Suddenly,he cried out,“Oh,there are thirteen people here!”

Everyone's face turned white except Mr Brown.He said slowly with a smile on his face,“Don't worry,my friends.We have fourteen people here.My wife Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few months.She is in the familys now.”

All of them became happy again.“Congratulations!” they said.They all had a good time that evening.


1.Some people don't like the number 13 because they think it's unlucky.

2.Jack asked his friends to dinner one day.

3.The people felt unhappy when they heard Jack's words.

4.Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few weeks.

5.At last,all people had a good time that evening in the passage.


18. 难度:中等


The seasons in Australia are not like ours.When it is winter in China,it is summer there.Australia is a southern country.It is in the south of the world.June,July and August are the winter months;September,October and November are spring;the summer is in December,January and February;and March,April and May are the autumn months.The north of the country is hotter than the south.

A very large part of this country has no rain at all.The east coast has rain all the year,and there are no dry months.The southeast winds blow the whole year.They bring rain from the sea.There is not much rain on the west side.The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds.They only blow here in summer.

The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain.The west winds blow over the southwest in winter only.In summer,the southwest of the country has no rain.In the north of Australia,there is no rain in winter.The rain comes in summer.The northwest winds bring it.

1.It is ________ in Australia in November.

A. spring    B. summer

C. autumn    D. winter

2.In Australia,it is ________ in the south than in the north.

A. hotter    B. warmer

C. colder    D. cooler

3.The ________ of Australia has the most rain.

A. eastern part    B. southeastern part

C. southern part    D. northern part

4.The southwest of the country has no rain in summer because ________.

A. it is dry there

B. the west winds never blow

C. the northwest winds blow

D. the west winds blow only in winter

5.There is no rain in winter ________ of Australia.

A. in the southeast    B. in the north

C. in the southwest    D. in the south


19. 难度:中等


Australia is nearly 7.7 million square kilometres.It's the sixth largest country in area after Russia,Canada,China,the United States and Brazil.

There are rainforests and large plains in the north,snowfields in the southeast,desert(沙漠) in the centre and croplands in the east,south and southwest.About one third of the country lies in the tropics(热带地区).Australia has a coastline of 36,735 km if it were possible to drive non-stop along the whole coast at 60 km/h,it would take about 24 days to complete the trip.

Australia is the world's smallest continent() and the sixth largest country being equal(相等的) in area to the USA without Alaska.The continent is one of the oldest lands.It is more than 3,000 million years old,and it is the flattest of the continents.

The population of Australia is more than 20 million.It is one of the world's most urbanized countries,with about 70% of the population living in the ten largest cities.Most of the population is concentrated(集中) along the eastern seaboard and the southeastern corner of the continent.

1.Australia is smaller in area than________.

A. France    B. Britain

C. Japan    D. Canada

2.We can see________ in the north of Australia.

A. rainforests    B. desert

C. croplands    D. snowfields

3.The underlined word “urbanized” in the last paragraph means “________” in Chinese.

A. 工业化的    B. 现代化的

C. 城市化的    D. 农业化的

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. About two thirds of the country lies in the tropics.

B. Australia has a long history of more than 5,000 million years.

C. About 20% of the population in Australia live in the cities.

D. It would take about 24 days to drive along the whole coast of Australia.

5.Australia is not one of the ________ continents.

A. oldest    B. smallest    C. flattest    D. coldest


20. 难度:困难


1.Would you like to buy some _________(葡萄) for me?

2.I went to the park with my parents and some _________(亲戚).

3.We have to keep good ____________(关系) with others.

4.She doesn't study hard.I mean,she is very _________(懒惰的).

5.Ayers Rock is a __________-(神奇的) place for the local Aboriginals.


21. 难度:中等


1.Some British people got to the North America by ________(sail) boat.

2.Would you like _________(go) for a picnic with us?

3.The story was so ________(fun) that all the students laughed.

4.This is the watch that ________(buy) in the supermarket by your father.

5.The little boy __________(brush) his teeth every day.


22. 难度:困难



I _____ _____ have a walk after supper,but now I'm used _____  _________ basketball.


Have you seen the photos t_______ ___ ________in the Ocean Park in Hong Kong?


I _____ __________ _______ seeing him there.


Can you work out the math problem ______ __________ ________?


The fruit ______  my sister _______ _________  is __________


23. 难度:中等



During May Day many people come to Hainan to spend their holidays.The following dialogue is between Han Meimei (H) and a visitor(V).

V:Excuse me.___1___

H:Yes,I'm going there.We can go together.Come along.___2___

V:That's right.I've never been here before.But for this May Day,I've stayed here several days.


V:Many places.We've visited Xinglong,Monkey Island and Sanya City.


V:A very beautiful tropical seaside city (热带滨海城市),I should say.


V:Yes.We've been to Yalong Bay (亚龙湾),Dadonghai,Tian-ya Hai-jiao and Nanshan Park.

H:So you must have a good time here.

V:Certainly I have.I hope I'll visit Haikou Park.

A.Is this your first time to Hainan?

B.Could you tell me how I can go to Haikou Park?

C.Where have you gone to?

D.How do you like Sanya?

E.Where have you been to?

F.Can you tell me more about it?

G.What do you like Sanya?


24. 难度:困难




Australia has a population of no more than 24 million,but the large number of Australian scientists who1.Nobel Prizes shows the excellent education in Australia.

So far,twelve Australians have2. the Nobel Prizes,eleven for science and one for literature(文学作品).The Nobel Prize in Literature went to3.Patrick White in 1973.He is4. considered as one of the most important English-language writers of the 20th century.In his lifetime,he published(出版) 12 novels,three short-story collections and eight plays.

The5.Nobel Prize went to Brian Schmidt in 2011 and the one before him is Elizabeth Helen Blackburn.Brian Schmidt was born6.24 February 1967 in the USA.7. he was studying at Harvard University,he met his future wife,Jennifer M.Gordon.She is an8..In 1994,Brian Schmidt decided to move to Australia.From then on,he began to call Australia home.In 2011,he9.the Nobel Prize in Physics together with two Americans.

Elizabeth Helen Blackburn was born on 26 November 1948 in Australia.Now10.works as a researcher at the University of California in the USA.For her work,she was given the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology(生理学) or Medicine,sharing it with two other people.


25. 难度:困难

林娜和父母正在澳大利亚悉尼旅游。今天是他们到达悉尼的第二天.他们游览了悉尼著名的城市动物园——塔龙加动物园(Taronga Zoo)。假如你是林娜,请根据下面表格中给出的提示写一篇日记,简要介绍塔龙加动物园并描述自己在园中的活动。













位于悉尼市,临近悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)



欣赏了动物园著名的鸟类及海狮(sea lion)表演  要求:1.日记必须包含表格中所给出的全部内容;


August 20th,Thursday Sunny


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