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人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第二课时 section A
1. 难度:中等

1.Look! The cat is____________ the hat‘

2.—Where are Jim and his father?

—They’re___________ the sofa.

3.The books aren’t on the desk. They are __________the bookcase.

4.—Are the books__________ your chair?

Yes, they are.

5.Tom’s schoolbag is___________ the desk.


2. 难度:中等




—Where are the pencils?

___________ ____________ ____________.




_________the schoolbag?

—Is it__________ ___________ __________?

—No, it___________. It’s on the table.


3. 难度:中等


1.The notebooks__________ (be) on the teacher’s desk.

2.—Where are my keys, Mom?

—I__________(do not) know.

3.The baseball__________(be not) on the sofa. It’s under your bed.

4.Bob’s and his sister’s___________(room) are very nice.

5.—Are the pencils in the pencil box?

Yes,_________(it) are.


4. 难度:中等

—__________is Beijing?

—It’s in China.

A. What    B. How    C. Where    D. When


5. 难度:中等

—Where are__________ pens?

—Are__________ in the pencil box?

A. my; they    B. /; they

C. your; your    D. him; them


6. 难度:中等

Where’s my baseball?

— ________under the bed.

A. It    B. It’s    C. They    D. They’re


7. 难度:中等

—Where are his pens?

— ________on the desk.

A. It    B. It’s    C. They    D. They’re


8. 难度:中等

—Are your keys on the sofa?

—_________. I lost my keys this morning.

A. Yes, it is    B. No, it isn’t

C. Yes, they are    D. No, they aren’t


9. 难度:中等

—Where is___________ schoolbag?

—It’s ______ the sofa.

A. Ann; on    B. Ann’s; on

C. Arm’s; in    D. Ann; in


10. 难度:中等


Look! This is Li Lei’s bedroom.

There is 1.picture and 2.kite 3.the wall. Li Lei’s football clothes are4.the bed. There is5.desk6.the window. There are some books and 7.pencil box 8.the desk. A football is 9.the chair10.the floor.


11. 难度:中等

—_________ the rulers?

—_________in the pencil box.

A. Where’s; They’re

B. Where’s; It’s

C. Where are; They are

D. Where are; It's


12. 难度:中等

—Is your dictionary on the sofa?


A. Yes, I am    B. No, I don’t

C. No, it isn’t    D. Yes,it isn’t


13. 难度:中等

Tom and I__________ know her family name.

A. am not    B. aren’t

C. don’t    D. isn’t


14. 难度:中等

—Are the erasers on the desk?

—Yes,___________ are.

A. these    B. those

C. it    D. they


15. 难度:简单

—I am too tired to walk any farther, Jack.

   —______, Daniel. You can do it.

    A. No hurry B. No problem   C. That’s all    D. Come on


16. 难度:中等

M:Can you help me?

W 1.

M:Is my ruler on the table?

W:No, it isn’t. It’s on the bookcase.

M:Oh, OK. 2.Are they on the bookcase, too?

W:3. They’re on the chair.

M:Oh, so, where is my pencil box?


M:And where’s my backpack?

W:It's under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.

M:Oh,OK. And where are Mom’s keys?



B.The keys? They’re on the table.

C.No, they aren’t.

D.How about my books?

E.It’s under the sofa.

F.Where are they?

G.Thank you.


17. 难度:困难

My name is Grace. Look! This is a picture of_____family. A boy is in it. ___ is my brother, Tommy. Tommy is ___ the sofa. A woman is in the picture, too. She is my_____.She is at the table. My father_____in the picture. He is at ____with his students. A plant(植物)and a schoolbag_____on the table. The schoolbag is my brother’s. Two ____are under the chair. They are also my____.You can see some ___.

They are in the bookcase.

1.A. his    B. her    C. he    D. my

2.A. She    B. He    C. it    D. They

3.A. on    B. at    C. under    D. of

4.A. teacher    B. sister    C. mother    D. friend

5.A. isn’t    B. are    C. aren’t    D. don’t

6.A. desk    B. table    C. school    D. classroom

7.A. is    B. are    C. am    D. /

8.A. rooms    B. key    C. eraser    D. baseballs

9.A. brother    B. brother’s    C. sister    D. sisters

10.A. ID card    B. CDs    C. beds    D. plant


18. 难度:中等

Hello! I’m Emma. This is my bedroom (卧室).What’s on the wall(墙)? It’s a map. It’s green,yellow and blue. What’s that? It’s my bed. It’s yellow. What’s on the bed? It’s a quilt. And this is my desk. It’s green. What’s on the desk? It’s my telephone. What’s its number? It’s 320-4598. And that’s my chair. It’s green, too(也).You can see my pencils under it.

1.What color is the map?


2.What’s on the bed?


3.Where is Emma’s telephone?


4.What’s Emma’s phone number?


5.Where are Emma’s pencils?



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