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人教版八年级上英语同步练习1Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B
1. 难度:中等


1.Jane became rich and _____________(成功的)through her creative work.

2.—Jane and her sister have something in c__________.

—Yeah, they both like music.

3.I was surprised that Dale _________(出现)at my birthday party yesterday evening.

4.China is____________(著名的)for the Great Wall.

5.Dad always tells me not to study only for tests. If that’s all I’m doing, he says, I will soon ______________(失去)interest in learning.

6.Our traditional c___________ like Peking Opera should be passed down.

7.Why don’t you attend the class meeting? Please give me a r_________.

8.Ma Yun has a lot of money. He is really a r______________ man.


2. 难度:中等


1.People in the West often think that the number thirteen is _________(luck).

2.We must take an active___________ (act) to save water.

3.I never go to watch the game show because it is _________________ (meaning).

4.He manages over 100 big companies. He is considered to be one of the most____________ ( success) businessmen in China.

5.I think Xi Yangyang isn’t as ______________ (famous) as Mickey Mouse.


3. 难度:中等

Where are you going this month?

—We___________ go to Xiamen, but we’re not sure.

A. needn’t    B. might    C. must    D. mustn’t


4. 难度:中等

---Look, the boss is very angry with Alex.

---Well,he came late again.But that’s no______ to shout at him.

A.problem         B. lesson            C.excuse           D. reason


5. 难度:中等

Books about Tu Youyou last month          .

A. came out    B. comes out

C. come out    D. will come out


6. 难度:中等

Would you mind _______________the window? It’s very hot.

A. open    B. opening    C. opens


7. 难度:简单

Mickey mouse is one of the most famous ______ in American ______.

A. symbol culture    B. symbol cultures

C. symbols culture    D. symbols cultures


8. 难度:中等

Try your best _____ with your parents and they will understand your decision.

A. to talk    B. talk    C. to play   D. Play


9. 难度:中等

Han Ming is a helpful boy. He is ready_____________ anything for others.

A. do    B. to do    C. doing    D. does


10. 难度:中等

During the World Cup,a large number of soccer fans fly to Brazil. It has __________ a great place for fans to have fun.

A. made    B. kept    C. become


11. 难度:简单

Overseas experience may help make our life        . So why not try to study abroad?

A.   usual         B. useful            C. successful         D. traditional


12. 难度:中等



What__________ your mother____________ __________ sports shows?


We will____________ __________ _________to realize our dreams.


Mulan__________ __________like a boy and _________her father’s _________to fight in the army.


She can get good grades, and _________ _________ __________ __________

________is that she works hard.


The movie __________her___________ __________ her family, friends and country.


13. 难度:中等


1.What do you think of TV shows?(改为同义句)

_________do you__________ TV shows?

2.Does your sister love the game?(改为陈述句)

_________sister__________ the game.

3.My brother likes playing soccer because it’s exciting.(对画线部分提问)

__________ _________your brother___________ playing soccer?

4.I like talk shows best.(对画线部分提问)

_________ ___________ __________TV shows do you like best?

5.You did very well.(改成同义句)

You did a___________ ___________.


14. 难度:中等


A. What do you think of them?

B. There will be a basketball game at 7:00.

C. I just plan to watch TV at home.

D. Its more eductional.

E. Whats your favourite TV show?

Sam: Hi, Laryy. What do you plan to do ?

Larry: Nothing much. ___1.____

Sam: What do you want to watch?

Larry: Comedies. ____2.___

Sam: I dont really like them. You cant expect to learn much from such programs.

Larry: Thats true. ____3.____

Sam: Talent shows. I think wathing them is a great way to relax.

Larry: But I cant stand them. I love to watch news. ____4.__

Sam:Sure. You can learn a lot from it.

Larry: Oh yeah, ___5.___ Do you want to watch it with me?

Sam: Id love to. Lets go.


15. 难度:困难

Last weekend I went to visit my grandma.1.(虽然) her house is far from mine, I still decided to walk there. It was very sunny so I didn’t take my2.(雨伞)However, on the way it began to rain hard. And soon I was all3.(湿的).When I was thinking about what to do next, 4.(幸运地),there came a taxi. I5.(停)it and went into it quickly. When I arrived at my grandma’s house,she was very surprised to see me.

“ Is it 6.(必要的)for you to come here on foot? Why don’t you drive your car here?” She asked,

“Because I want to take more exercise.” I answered. “Why do you come on 7.(这样的)a rainy day?”

“I come to tell you a piece of good news.” “What good news?”

“I 8.(赢)the first prize in the singing 9.(比赛).”

“Congratulations! ’’ said my grandma excitedly, then she10.(给)me a warm blanket to wrap me.


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