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人教新目标Go For It九年级(全)units9-10&
1. 难度:困难

    Studying music in high school is good for young people. Unfortunately, students do not think of music studies as a useful subject in high school. 1. However, studies show that the great difference studying music has made in the minds and lives of students.

2. According to Robert A Cutietta and Harvey Mercadoocasio, authors of Raising Musical Kids: A Guide for Parents, “Students who study music in high school, as a group, have higher scores than those not in bands.” Studying music may not immediately lead to higher grades. It does, however, make students gain skills that can lead to success in tests.

3. Performing as a musician increases this joy, while developing self­confidence. According to Cutietta and Mercadoocasio, “Being involved in music in a meaningful way will add greatly to the quality of your child's life. It increases brain power along the way.”

Studying music in high school allows teenagers to develop many healthy and productive habits that will carry over into their adult lives, giving them a push towards a successful life. 4. “Kids who receive music training often make great progress in math studies.” according to psychologist Maritn Grdiner. “They just shoot ahead in math. This can't be explained by attention alone. 5.” he said. Actually, the Greek mathematician Pythagoras related math with music by ratio thousands of years ago.

Word Bank

involve参加,加入mathematician数学家   ratio比率

A.There is something special between music and math.

B.They always learn other subjects or sleep in music classes.

C.Some studies find that children who study music have better grades.

D.By listening to music, one can enjoy the joy which music may bring into his life.

E.In addition to these habits, studying music really changes the brain in some ways as well.


2. 难度:中等

    [素材选自One Story A Day Book 1]


Maggie watches a lot of television. She likes watching TV so much that wherever she goes, she always arrives late. She can't wait to go back to the front of TV, so she never _____ her breakfast or homework. Every day she spends _____ in front of the TV. Her mother thinks her daughter watches too much television. One day, she decided to have a _____ with her.

Ms Hunter said to her daughter, “_____ I was a little girl, we did not have a television. In fact, I was nearly ten years old before I saw my first movie.” “Ten years old before you _____ a movie” cried Maggie.

Then Maggie's mother told her own_____.

“We lived in a small village. One day, my father came back home from work_____. He would take us to see a movie. It was _____ to wait all week for that big day to arrive. Soon the weekend arrived. We were very _____. Mother got us dressed in ______ best clothes that day. And father talked with us ______ movies.

When we arrived, there was a big movie screen______ and a movie projector sitting on a table. We sat on the grass. It was so amazing ______ a moving picture. I will never forget that day. ”

Ms Hunter continued, “In those days, we didn't have much. But, you see how happy we were. And the day is always ______.” Maggie smiled back at her mother and said, “Thanks for ______ me about this, Mom. I have more to think about.” She decides not to watch TV like before.

Word Bank: projector 放映机

1.A.finds B.cooks C.drinks D.finishes

2.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.months

3.A.talk B.walk C.dream D.fight

4.A.Unless B.Because C.When D.Since

5.A.bought B.enjoyed C.made D.saw

6.A.feeling B.story C.joke D.thought

7.A.happily B.slowly C.sadly D.quickly

8.A.difficult B.ready C.wonderful D.interesting

9.A.anxious B.excited C.worried D.proud

10.A.her B.his C.their D.our

11.A.from B.under C.about D.over

12.A.set up B.made up C.turned up D.packed up

13.A.to see B.see C.seeing D.saw

14.A.remember B.remembered C.remembering D.to remember

15.A.telling B.singing C.teaching D.discussing


3. 难度:中等

    In music, you will find love of the country, love of nature and love of home. Music is also an expression of the musician. He or she expresses his or her own music ideas.

Classical music is a form of music 1. needs high musical skills. If you wish to learn this kind of music, you have to go through proper training. Only in this way 2. you play or sing this kind of music successfully. Hip­hop music started in Africa. It always includes the use of instruments, 3. the bass. It was first played 4. a group of West African travelling singers and poets. Jazz music has strong melodies. The main musical instrument is violin, which helps carry the melody. Jazz is kind of difficult but there are still thousands 5. people who are crazy about it. Besides these, there are many others. All these kinds of music can bring pleasant feelings to people.

Word Bank melody旋律  bass低音号


4. 难度:中等

    如今越来越多的国外学生来中国学习,现在学校为了让留学生更快适应中国的生活,就中国的日常习俗向本校学生进行征稿。作为学校的一员,请你以“Some daily customs in China”为题用英语写一篇短文,介绍中国的日常生活习惯。

要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名或学校名称;2. 词数100左右。

Some daily customs in China



5. 难度:困难


Job interviews can be very different from country to country. An interviewer's “body language” and questions, and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.

If you're at a job interview in Japan, don't look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. It is considered impolite. But if you're at an interview in the US., you should make eye contact with the interviewer. If you don't, the interviewer may think you are not sure about your ability.

In the US. and some other countries, interviewers aren't supposed to ask questions about family and personal information. In most countries, however, personal questions are very common during job interviews.

In Germany, your interview might begin with a very short conversation followed by a formal interview. In Mexico and many other countries, the whole interview might not be formal.

Word Bank:

contact 交流  formal正式的

1.In Japan, looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is________.

A.boring B.impolite C.humorous D.dangerous

2.What is suggested at an interview in the US. according to the text?

A. Sitting by the interviewer.  B.Making eye contact.

C.Talking about family background.  D. Asking personal information.

3.In________, a short talk usually begins before a formal interview.

A.Japan B.the US. C.Germany D.Mexico

4.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

A.Culture. B.Geography. C.Science. D.Sports.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Job Interviews in Japan B.Job Interviews in the US.

C.Job Interviews in Germany D.Job Interviews in Different Countries


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