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1. 难度:中等



1.victory  A. access                    B. ceremony       C. overcome      D. sacrifice

2.sword   A. sweet                      B. answer         C. sandwich       D. sidewalk

3.break    A. bread     B. weapon                         C. great          D. heavy

4.dozen    A. monument  B. income         C. towards                    D. lorry

5.plays     A. hopes     B. officers         C. books           D. groups


2. 难度:中等

 — Are you satisfied with the result of the examination?

 — Not at all. _______.

A. That’s all right               B. It’s up to you

C. It couldn’t be worse           D. It depends


3. 难度:中等

 The young nurse was very nervous when she ______ the doctor in operating on the patient.

  A. insisted         B. resisted          C. assisted           D. listed


4. 难度:中等

 The games _______ the young men competed were difficult.

  A. in which        B. which           C. that              D. in that


5. 难度:困难

 ---Professor Wang is said ______ in New York.

   ---No wonder he knows a lot about America.

  A. to study     B. to have studied      C. to be studying       D. that he is studying


6. 难度:中等

 More than two hundred years ago the United States _______ from the British Empire and became an independent country.

  A. broke down     B. broke out       C. broke away          D. broke off


7. 难度:中等

 The mayor ordered that the food and tents ________ sent to the people in the earthquake as soon as possible.

  A. were          B. be             C. would be            D. had been


8. 难度:中等

 She is a kind-hearted woman and often has _____ mercy _____ people who are in trouble.

  A. a; on          B.\; on            C. a; o                 D.\; to


9. 难度:困难

 ______alone in a dark room, the little girl was so ______ at the _____ sound.

A. Left; frightening; frightening      B. Left; frightened; frightening

C. Leaving; frightened; frightening    D. Leaving; frightening; frightened


10. 难度:中等

 It had been raining three days before we arrived, so we might as well _____ at home.

   A. stay       B. to stay     C. have stayed      D. to have stayed


11. 难度:困难

 My sister, as well as her classmates who_____ late for class, _____criticized by Mr.Hunt.

    A.were; was      B.was; were     C.was; was      D.were; were


12. 难度:简单

 – Can you tell me ___________?

    – An engineer from Jinan Iron and Steel Plants.

    A.what your friend is                                B.who your friend is

    C.what is your friend                                D.who is your friend


13. 难度:中等

 The man,_______ is often parked in front of our house, is a famous surgeon.

   A. who’s car     B. of which the car   C. the car of which   D. whose car


14. 难度:中等

 After the new technique was introduced, the farmers produced ________ grain in 2006 as five years before.

  A. as twice much    B. as much twice   C. twice much as   D. twice as much


15. 难度:中等

 Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it.

  A. none of them     B. both of them    C. none of whom    D. neither of whom


16. 难度:中等

 In the dark forest _______, some large enough to hold several English towns.

  A. stand many lakes               B. lie many lakes

  C. many lakes lie                 D. many lakes lies


17. 难度:中等



When I come across a good article in reading newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the   1side is much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to   2in good health,or advice about how to behave and   3yourself in society.If I cut the front articles,the opposite one is likely to suffer   4,leaving one half of it or keeping the text    5the title.Therefore,the scissors would stay before they start,    6the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the   7result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your   8.You can only take up one of them;the other has to wait or be   9up.But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not   10you to do what is left behind.Thus you are   11in a difficult position and feel sad.How come nice    12and clever ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life   13greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other.

In fact that is what   14is like;we are often   15with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both  16like a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that our attention is   17to the thing only after we get into another.The former may be more important than the latter and this   18a divided mind.I still remember a philosopher’s   19:“When one door shuts,another opens in life.”So a casual(不经意的)    20may reward one.

1.A.same             B.opposite       C.either         D.front

2.A.get              B.bring          C.1ead           D.keep

3.A.enjoy            B.help           C.conduct        D.dress

4.A.damage           B.destroy        C.hurt           D.injury

5.A.on               B.for            C.without        D.off

6.A.or               B.but            C.so             D.for

7.A.satisfying       B.regrettable    C.surprising     D.impossible

8.A.courage          B.patience       C.strength       D.attention

9.A.given            B.picked         C.held           D.made

10.A.persuade        B.agree          C.allow          D.tell

11.A.filled          B.struck         C.caught         D.attracted

12.A.chances         B.conditions     C.wishes         D.ways

13.A.progresses      B.goes           C.changes        D.improves

14.A.study           B.1ife           C.society        D.nature

15.A.supplied        B.connected      C.fixed          D.faced

16.A.available       B.desirable      C.considerable    D.enjoyable

17.A.turned          B.transferred   C.paid           D.drawn

18.A.gives way to    B.gives rise to                    C.gets through to    D.gets close to

19.A.remarks         B.sayings        C.slogans        D.comments

20.A.behavior        B.action         C.choice        D.attitude


18. 难度:中等


A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms, though my teacher emphasized the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown in an amusing experience.

One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be astonished gently shaking his head, shrugging his shoulders, saying, “You don’t say!”“You don’t say!” I was puzzled. I thought, perhaps this is not an appropriate topic. “Well, I’d better change the topic. ”So I said to him, “well, shall we talk about the Great Wall?” By the way, have you ever been there? “Certainly, everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing it. It was magnificent(壮丽的).” He was deep in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are proud of it.” Soon I was interrupted again by his order “You don’t say!” I couldn’t help asking .I said, “Didn’t you say you don’t say?” Hearing this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to explain, “You don’t say actually means really? It is an expression of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention to English idioms.” Only then did I make a fool of myself. Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expression.

1.A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms because     .

   A. English idioms were too difficult to master

   B. I cared little about the teacher’s instruction

   C. my teacher didn’t emphasize the importance

   D. I had no interest in English learning

2.When I first heard “You don’t say!” I thought     .

   A. the Englishman was not interested in my English

   B. the Englishman was only interested in the Great Wall.

   C. I had talked too much

   D. I had to stop talking at once

3.Which of the following is true?

   A. The Englishman was leaving China without seeing the Great Wall.

B. The Englishman wanted to see the Great Wall after I talked about it.

   C. The Englishman wanted me to act as his guide.

   D. The Englishman visited the Great Wall and thought it worth visiting

4.After the Englishman explained the idiom, ___   .

   A. the Englishman made me a fool

   B. the Englishman made a fool of himself

   C. I felt very silly

   D.I felt proud of my understanding


19. 难度:简单


 Finally, this week’s comedy “Tomorrow’s Another Day” at the Cambridge MGM cinema, is another one in the long line of successes from director Peter Hamin.

This one has an unusual story line. Just imagine this; one day Mickey Style , a TV reporter, goes off to make a program about an exciting film festival in Canada. On his first morning there he wakes up, the sun is shining, the birds are singing , and life just couldn’t be better. He works through the day , goes to bed; wakes up the next morning… to find it’s the same day! The same sun, the same birds singing in the same tree, the same people saying and doing exactly the same things, day after day, He is caught in a place where time has simply stood still, where there will be no tomorrow.

 This could be very serious, but it’s not. It’s an extremely funny film, which made everyone, including your reviewer (评论家) , laugh out loud. It has the silliest ending , and the audience loved it! Sabetha Tayior is great as the generous bank manager, yes, really, although Hollywood probably won’t give her any prizes. So if you want to forget your troubles, this is the film for you.

1.What is the writer trying to do in the text? _________

 A. To give his or her opinions about an actor.

B. To give his or her opinions about a film.

C. To describe a Canadian film festival.

D. To describe his or her strange experience.

2.Why would somebody read the text? ___________

  A. To enjoy the extremely funny jokes.

 B. To find the answer to a problem.

  C. To find out more about a cinema.

 D. To choose their evening’s entertainment.

3.What is the writer’s opinions of “Tomorrow’s Another Day”? ___________

   A. It’s serious     B. It’s exciting    C. It’s successful     D. It’s terrible

4.Where was Mickey Style when something strange happened to him? _________

 A. On a working trip               B. At the office

  C. On holidays                    D. At the movies


20. 难度:中等


What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?

Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream. Just ask John Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 21 years. Testing helps manufacturers(制造商) to be sure of a product’s quality. During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice cream— as well as for developing over 75 flavors .

Some people think that it would be easy to do this job; after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No— there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a career in this “cool” field.

In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice-cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up about 12℉. Harrison explains, “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir it, creating ice-cream soup.”

While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself, “Does the product have the color expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!

Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy— working at one cool job.

1.According to John Harrison, to be qualified in the “cool field”, it is helpful to __________.

   A. keep a diary of work

   B. have a degree in related subjects

   C. have new ideas every day

   D. find out new flavors each day

2.What does Harrison do first when tasting ice cream?

   A. He stirs the ice cream.                          B. He examines the color of the ice cream.

   C. He tastes the flavor of the ice cream.           D. He lets the ice cream warm up.

3.Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?

   A. Tasting with Eyes     B. Flavors of Ice Cream

   C. John Harrison’s Life D. One Cool Job


21. 难度:中等


There are several reasons for hair loss in women. However, in most cases, treatment is quite effective. Female hair loss patterns in women are not as easily recognizable as they are in men. A woman may experience it temporarily(暂时地) due to pregnancy or illness, although they may experience it for other reasons.

   Hair loss can be due to a variety of factors, including a genetic tendency ( which is not genetically linked to just one parent—both parents contribute to the tendency to lose hair).

   Women who are experiencing hair problems seem to have more limited choices than men. There are some female hair loss treatments that are available such as the Tricomin System which is a topical treatment that is nutrition based. Shen Min for Women is another natural treatment that contains herbs (草药) that are said to stimulate(刺激) hair growth and even restore hair that is graying to its natural color.

   The majority of the popular, proven hair loss treatments are only intended for men and are not suitable for women. True, a woman’s hair issue is different from a man’s. The biological makeup is different and the needs are different. Women have different needs and their bodies react in different ways to environmental changes, physical illness and even the treatments that are available. There are many natural treatments such as vitamin and mineral supplements that are said to stimulate hair growth, but, for the most part, these claims are currently unproven.

   One of the first and most important factors to effectively treating is to get a diagnosis from a doctor. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be experiencing in addition to the thinning hair. Stress, weight loss or gain, illness and depression, all of these can be contributing factors.

1.It can be learned from the 1st paragraph that ___________.

A. usually hair loss is hard to heal

B. female hair loss is more common than the men’s

C. women tend to suffer from hair loss during the pregnant period

D. only illness contribute to hair loss

2.Which of the following statements matches the text about the two treatments?

A. Both are to solve the problem of male hair loss.

B. Tricomin System is effective in speeding the growth of the new hair

C. Shen Min is an updated way of treating hair loss

D. The former is nutrition-based, while the latter is medicine-based.

3.The reasons for the differences between the female and male hair loss problems do not include ______________.

A. The biological structure and composition of the hair

B. The wants and needs

C. The reactions and responses to the outside changes

D. The approach to taking exercise

4.The natural treatments __________.

A. include vitamin and mineral supplements

B. are applied to keep the hair healthy

C. have been proved useful

D. are the most commonly-used ways


22. 难度:中等


(Wang goes to Boston by train. Now he is at the inquiry咨询 offices.)

  Clerk: May I help you, Sir?

  Wang: Yes, I’d like some information about the trains to Boston.

  Clerk:   1.Wang: Tomorrow. I have to be there well before lunch time.

Clerk: There’s a train at 6 am.  It’ll get you there at 11am.  2..

  Wang: And I have to get up very early too.  3.

Clerk: Yes, There’s one at 8:30 am train. That arrives in Boston at 11:40 am.

  Wang: I think the 8:30 train will be my best choice.  4.

  Clerk: Do you want to buy a single fare(车费) or round trip ticket?

  Wang: What’s the difference?

  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 15 percent of the fare.  5.

  Wang: A second class.

A. Where do we pay the fare?

B. But there are many stops along the way.

C. What’s the fare?

D. When do you want to go?

E. Do you prefer a first class ticket or a second class?

F. Are there any non-stops to Boston?

G. I’ve got plenty of pocket money.


23. 难度:困难


1.Is there any_______ (可能性) for you to win the match?

2.It is not enough to have ________ (同情) for the disabled people.

3.He was a________ of cheating in the entrance exam.

4.The manager says the idea is ________ (值得的) of consideration.

5.He has never _______(羡慕)the rich luxurious pleasures.

6.I’m _________ (意识到的) that great changes will take place soon.

7.The police found a large q ________ of illegal drugs in his home.

8.As is known to all, it is important to know your own strengths and w__________.

9.On a ________, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

10.Since she is good at b _________, she can always get things at the reasonable price.


24. 难度:困难


1.Xiaowen was born without the _______ to use her legs and has no _______ below the waist.

2.Today there are many o _________ for disabled people to develop their _________ , live a rich life and make a __________ to society.

3.__________ is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart. _________, it seems that creative thinking, ___________ is one of the most ________ skills in society, is a _________ of habits.


25. 难度:中等


One day I took several pairs of shoes to the shoemaker

to be mending. A week later I got them back and put them away.    1._______

Four months after that, I invited to dinner. I took out a pair of         2.______

shoes I haven’t worn them since they were repaired. I put one        3.______

shoe on my right foot, and the others on my left. But it felt as          4.______

if it was on the wrong feet. I took both shoes off for a closer           5.______

look. They were exact the same design, color, and size, but           6.______

each is for the right foot. Then I thought of the shoemaker.              7.____

Though I was sure he wouldn’t remember me before such a          8.______

long time, I called him. “Thank goodness, you finally called!”          9.______

he said excitedly, “The angry woman has been troubling me        10.______

for months.”    


26. 难度:中等


你们班组织全班同学以“ Should we give money to beggars?” 为题,开了一个讨论会.



一些同学认为 应该给

1 大部分乞丐都是假装的;


3 会助长懒惰;


1. 孤寡老人不能自食其力而乞讨;

2. 有些学生因家境贫困,付不起学费而乞讨;

3. 有些残疾人也只能以乞讨为生;



注意:1. 文章的开头已给出另一些学生认为 不应该给

2.词数120 左右 ( 不计已给的开头语)

3  参考词汇: inferior group 弱势群体

 We have had a heated debate today on whether we should give money to beggars and we have different opinions…



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