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1. 难度:困难

 One should have a _______ of right and wrong.

A. feeling               B. knowledge           C. sense                D. idea


2. 难度:中等

 Some companies are thinking of ways to save natural _____ by making better use of the water used in the bathroom.

A. resources            B. sources               C. power           D. energy


3. 难度:中等

 He came here without friends or ______and made his fortune.

A. possessions     B. possession         C. wealth      D. good


4. 难度:中等

 The Olympic _____ remind us of where the Olympics are held and the characteristics of the host country.

A. symbols          B. signals             C. marks              D. signs


5. 难度:中等

 I bought a dress for you only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real _____.

A. exchange          B. bargain        C. trade         D. business


6. 难度:中等

 What’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?

A. sense       B. matter       C. case        D. opinion


7. 难度:简单

 The young man made a _________to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.

A. prediction     B. promise    C. plan     D. contribution


8. 难度:简单

 I can’t say which wine is beat—it’s a (n)          of personal taste.

A.affair    B.event    C.matter   D.variety


9. 难度:困难

 My morning               includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.

A.drill     B.action      C.regulation    D.routine


10. 难度:中等

 To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____ and weaknesses.

A. strengths       B. benefits         C. techniques      D. values


11. 难度:困难

 My ______ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.

A.idea               B.opinion              C.mind                D.thought


12. 难度:简单

 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his       was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A.temper                B.appearance          C.talent                  D.character


13. 难度:简单

 In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a ______ for everyone to stand up.

A. signal        B. chance          C. mark            D. measure


14. 难度:中等

 The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any        when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.

A. delay              B. effort              C. schedule          D. consideration Ks

A. girl’s; Tom’s    B. girls’; Toms’   C. girls’; Tom’s     D. girl’s; Toms’


15. 难度:简单

 —He says that my new car is a ____________ of money.

—Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes?

A. lack        B. load         C. question         D. waste


16. 难度:中等

 From their _____on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city.

A.stage   B.position C.condition    D.situation


17. 难度:中等

 Shelly has been preparing carefully for the driving test so that she can be sure of passing it at her first ______.

A.intention                 B.purpose                         C. attempt                           D. desire


18. 难度:中等

 The selfless village doctor treated any poor patient who came to his house without any _______.

A. cost                         B. charge                      C. price                        D. payment


19. 难度:中等

 一What do you think of the project put forward by the Blacks?

一Considering its real       ,it will be well worth putting into practice.I suppose.

A.reward    B.prize    C.cost    D.value


20. 难度:中等

 一$1,300, but that’s my last offer.

一OK. It’s a ______.

A. cost                  B. price                      C. reward                          D. deal


21. 难度:困难


1.There are some outstanding             (相似点) between the two plays.

2.Can I rely on you to behave ________(负责任地) while I’m away?

3.Meeting my cousin who had been abroad for six years is really an______(难忘的) experience.

4.Hundreds of thousands of people died in the natural _______(灾难) on May 12th, 2008.

5.Given her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right____(事业)for her.

6.Her latest book discusses the problems of the_________(残疾人).

7.According to John, the college doesn’t make enough _________(准备) for future challenges.

8.The new technology allows the _________(紧急的) services to provide a video link with a hospital or doctor for patients who need special care.

9.The majority of those present expressed a strong          (偏好) for the first proposal.

10.Except for an old desk, he doesn’t have much________(家具) in his room.



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