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1. 难度:简单

Are you all right? ______

A. That’s OK   B. I think so    C. Take it easy     D. It’s very kind of you


2. 难度:简单

______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.

A. An; the     B. The; the     C. An; 不填     D. The; 不填


3. 难度:简单

I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times______.

A. as much    B. as many    C. so much    D. so many


4. 难度:简单

______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.

A. Anyone     B. The one     C. Whoever     D. Who


5. 难度:简单

I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book — I ______it to you this morning!

A. would lend   B. was lending    C. had lent     D. lent


6. 难度:简单

Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ______ their parents speak at home.

A. what       B. that       C. which      D. one


7. 难度:简单

——What’s that noise?

——Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.

A. was tested     B. will be tested      C. is being tested       D. has been tested


8. 难度:简单

Yesterday she sold her car, ______ she bought a month ago.

A. whom      B. where      C. that       D. which


9. 难度:简单

——I’d like some more cheese.

  ——Sorry, there’s ______ left.

A. some     B. none      C. a little     D. few


10. 难度:简单

______that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

A. Not realized     B. Not to realize     C. Not realizing   D. Not to have realized


11. 难度:简单

You ______ be hungry already — you had lunch only two hours ago!

A. wouldn’t       B. can’t       C. mustn’t         D. needn’t


12. 难度:简单

There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country.

A. present        B. available       C. precious        D. convenient


13. 难度:简单

It is one of the funniest things ______ on the Internet so far this year.

A. finding     B. being found       C. to find      D. found


14. 难度:简单

American Indian ______ about five percent of the U.S. population.

A. fill up       B. bring up      C. make up       D. set up


15. 难度:简单

Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.

A. sense       B. view      C. means       D. idea


16. 难度:简单

Don’t promise anything ______ you are one hundred percent sure.

A. whether      B. after     C. how     D. unless


17. 难度:简单

Everything was perfect for the picnic ______ the weather.

A. in place of      B. as well as      C. except for      D. in case of


18. 难度:简单

Running a company is not ______ a matter of hiring people — they also need to be trained.

A. simply      B. partly      C. seriously       D. equally


19. 难度:简单

Why are you so anxious? It isn’t your problem ______.

A. on purpose       B. in all      C. on time      D. after all


20. 难度:简单

—Shall we go out for dinner tonight?


A. You are right        B. It must be funny      

C. That sounds great       D. Have a nice time


21. 难度:简单


In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call __21__and love.

I don’t remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did __22__the water. Any kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure. __24__he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.

But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being __25__the water, moving through it, __26__it all around me. I was not a strong __27__, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my __28__. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father’s office and __29__those summer days with my father, who __30__ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the __31__person not in swimsuit.

After swimming, I would go __32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me __33__anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk __34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn’t be playing with his _35__. But my father always __36__and said easily, “Oh, no, it’s __37__.” Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get __38__ an ice cream…

A poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood,; the rest is __39__.” And I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but __40__, in that childhood, look at us.  

21.A. desire      B. joy         C. anger         D. worry

22.A. avoid       B. refuse      C. praise        D. love

23.A. boat        B. bus         C. train         D. bike

24.A. But         B. Then        C. And           D. Still

25.A. on          B. off         C. by            D. in

26.A. having      B. leaving     C. making        D. getting

27.A. swimmer     B. rider       C. walker        D. runner

28.A. hopes       B. faiths      C. rights        D. fears

29.A. spending    B. saving      C. wasting       D. ruining

30.A. should      B. would       C. had to        D. ought to

31.A. next        B. only        C. other         D. last

32.A. away from   B. out of      C. by            D. inside

33.A. put up      B. break down  C. play with     D. work out

34.A. the moment    B. the first time   C. while            D. before

35. A. fishing net   B. office things    C. wooden chair     D. lab equipment

36. A. stood up      B. set out          C. showed up        D. turned out

37. A. fine          B. strange          C. terrible         D. funny

38. A. the student   B. the assistant    C. myself           D. himself

39. A. memory        B. wealth           C. experience       D. practice

40. A. which         B. who              C. what             D. whose


22. 难度:简单


1.Dear Molly,

      I have a problem. My parents are always talking to me about studying. They want me to study harder so I can go to a good school. I know studying is very important, but my parents put too much pressure on me. How can I explain to my parents that I need some free time?

                                                             ------ Overworked

2.Dear Molly,

       My best friend Tony is a nice young man, but he has a bad habit. He is always late. No matter where he is going to what he is doing, he is never on time. Once he turned up thirty minutes late for a meeting! What can I do to break him of this bad habit?

                                                         ------ Worried

3.Dear Molly,

       I have a new roommate named Louis. He is a good friend of mine, but he is driving me crazy because he is very untidy. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed. I am extremely neat. What can I do?


4.Dear Molly,

      My cousin plays computer games a lot and he keeps on talking to me about various games. I don’t have any interest at all, but I find it difficult to stop him without hurting his feelings. Would you kindly give me some advice?

                                                                 --- Shy

5.Dear Molly,

      I’m feeling upset these days because the result of my last English exam was not as good as I had expected. My teacher comforted me, saying “Don’t worry. You can do better next time.” But I’m still feeling bad. I need your help.  



























23. 难度:简单


1.This cake t     delicious. Would you like a try?

2.Lucy was badly hurt in a traffic a      last week.

3.Yesterday Michael a       to his boss for being late.

4.These books b      to Sarah--- I must give them back to her.

5.Mum is cooking in the k      while Dad is watching TV.

6.About 71 percent of the earth’s surface is e      by water.

7. I u     go to bed at 10:00 p.m., but I stayed up till 11:00 last night.

8.Plants and a      , including humans, need food and water to survive.

9.He was p      of the Olympic Gold Medal he won for his country.

10.Each student is allowed to borrow two books at a time from the school l       .


24. 难度:简单

短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


    此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。



    注意: 原行没有错的不要改。

Last winter vacation, some of my classmates decide to                76.           

travel with their friends, while I chose to take par-time job        77.           

to gain experience and earn some money. I learned from my       78.           

 teacher that a nearby company was looking after students          79.           

 with good handwriting to write address on envelope. The          80.           

 pay were 10 cent per envelope. I headed for the company,         81.           

 feeling sue I would easy finish 300 envelops in five hours and      82.           

 to earn the money. Actually, I only finished 200. Now, I         83.           

fully understand how hard is to earn money. Getting out          84.           

of the classroom is indeed necessary for we all.                    85.            


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