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1. 难度:简单

—I am taking my driving test tomorrow.


A.Cheers  B.Good luck  C.Come on  D.Congratulations


2. 难度:简单

 We would rather die than ______ difficulty.

A. give up to   B. give in to    C. give way to   D. give back to


3. 难度:简单

Tell us about the people and the places _____ are different from ours.    

  A. that      B. who           C. which        D. whom


4. 难度:简单

These shoes look very good. I wonder _______.

A. how much cost they are    B. how much do they cost

C. how much they cost       D. how much are they cost


5. 难度:简单

The teacher spoke very slowly ____the students could understand everything

 he was saying.

A. in order to    B. so as to   C. so that   D. such that


6. 难度:简单

Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _____.

A. takes off   B. is taking off   C. has taken off   D. took off


7. 难度:简单

________from his looks, he is a kind man.

A. Judging     B. Being Judged   C. judged      D. Judge


8. 难度:简单

The problem ________ at the meeting yesterday.

A. came to   B. came across    C. came up    D. came up with


9. 难度:简单

She pretended to be calm but _______she was more than nervous

at the time she was being questioned.

A. in actual    B. actually   C. as matter of fact    D. in a fact


10. 难度:简单

It was in 1969 ______ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.

A. when               B. that      C. at that time               D. just then


11. 难度:简单

To the parents’ worry, some middle school students are ______ computer games and completely forget their studies.

A. crazy about    B. fond of     C. concerned for       D. serious about


12. 难度:简单

__________for the bus, I heard a noise,

A.     While  waiting  B .While I waiting  C.I was waiting  D. Waited


13. 难度:简单

Have you really realized the part computers have ____ in the daily life?

A. made            B. given          C. caused     D. played


14. 难度:简单

The hunter insisted that he _____ a tiger and that a searching team ______ to hunt for it.

A. has seen; be set up               B. had seen; be set up 

C. saw; would be set up             D. should see; should be set up


15. 难度:简单

That was the first time ______ I ______ face to face with the president.

A. when; had come    B. that; have come   

C. when; came        D. that; had come


16. 难度:简单

I was very fond of hunting when I was a young man. In the autumn of 1915, I was __16__ in the northwest of India. One evening, after hunting in the forest all __17__, I was returning alone to the place where I had __18__ up my tent. I was tired __19__ hungry. It was getting __20__ and darker, and I was walking slowly __21__ a narrow path. On my right was a wide river; on my left, a __22__, dark forest. All of a __23__ I saw two green eyes looking at me from among the trees. I knew it __24__ be a man-eating tiger. The tiger was getting ready to __25__ on me.

My heart __26__. What could I do? Should I jump __27__ the river and hope to save my life __28__ swimming? I looked to the __29__. In the river there was a __30__ crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth __31__ open. I was so  __32__ that I shut my eyes. And I thought it would be the end of my __33__. I heard branches moving __34__ the tiger roared (咆哮) and jumped. __35__ then I opened my eyes. What do you think had happened? The tiger had jumped right over me and now in the jaws (嘴) of the crocodile.

1.A. practicing     B.studying   C.planting          D.travelling

2.A. day           B.night     C.the time           D.the year

3.A. turned          B.put       C.made              D.brought

4.A. but            B.and       C.or                  D.nor

5.A.colder            B.warmer    C.brighter        D.cooler

6.A. by                       B.beside     C.along             D.on

7.A. thick            B.strong     C.tall                D.short

8.A. shock           B.joy        C.sudden          D.surprise

9.A. could            B.can        C.must             D.should

10.A. live            B.depend     C.look             D.jump

11.A. beat            B.sank       C.ached            D.jumped

12.A. across                B.over       C.into              D.from

13.A. on                     B.of         C.with             D.by

14.A. front           B.back       C.left               D.right

15.A. big             B.tiny        C.dead            D.dying

16.A. long           B.short       C.wide            D.narrow

17.A. tired           B.excited     C.frightened     D.surprised

18.A. work          B.study       C.day              D.life

19.A. though            B.as          C.but              D.or

20.A. Just            B.Even        C.Still            D.Only


17. 难度:简单

The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light,I looked sadly before me at a huge pile of that troublesome stuff they call “books”.

I was going to have my examination the next day. “When can I go to bed?”I asked myself. I didn't answer, in fact I dared not.

The clock struck twelve. “Oh, dear!”I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!”We pupils are the most wretched creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.

The clock struck one. I was quite desperate (绝望的) now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “Oh, God, please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.

1.When the author was going over his lessons, all the others in the house were ________.

A.asleep                      B.working in bed

C.outside                     D.quietly laughing at him

2.Reviewing his lessons didn't help him because ________.

A.it was too late at night

B.he was very tired

C.his eyes lids were so heavy that he couldn't keep them open

D.he hadn't studied hard before the examination

3.What do you suppose happened to the author?

A.He went to a church to pray again.

B.He passed the exam by sheer luck.

C.He failed in the exam.

D.He was punished by his teacher.

4.The best title for the passage would be ________.

A.The Night Before the Examination

B.Working Far into the Night

C.A Slow Student

D.Going Over My Lessons


18. 难度:简单

No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It’s important to make the right impression (印象) from the first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are seven tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job:

1. First impression is important. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code. If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what you wear, always be neat (整洁) and clean.

2. Get to work on time. Employers value workers who come to work on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.

3. Pay attention to introduction. One of the first things that your supervisor (主管) may do is to introduce you to co-workers. These co-workers will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss isn’t around.

4. Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what your are expected to do. If he or she has not told you your job duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.

5. Don't make personal phone calls. You should never make personal phone calls to your friends and family unless it's an emergency.

6. Don’t take too long for lunch. What’s the lunch-hour policy at your new job? You can find out from your supervisor or your company’s personnel department(人事部门). For example, do people eat at their desks or does everyone take a full hour outside the workplace?

7. Never be the first one to leave. Observe how your co-workers behave around quitting (离开) time. It does no good for you to be eager to leave.

1.Which is the best title for the passage?

  A. Tips On First Days At a New Job    B. How to Do a Job Well

  C. Be the Last to Leave              D. Ways to Find a New Job

2. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer that the most important rule we should follow is ______.

 A. to have lunch outside the workplace   B. to do as other people do

 C. not to be the first to leave after work   D. to pay attention to introductions

3.The underlined phrase “a dress code” (Para. 2) means ______.

A. a beautiful dress        B. a place where a dress can be placed 

C. a neat and clean dress    D. a rule about what you can wear to work

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. You should not make personal calls unless very necessary.

B. Co-workers will be important to you when the boss is out.

C. You shouldn’t ask any questions in case you trouble others.

D. Leave an extra 15 minutes earlier to make sure you won’t be late.


19. 难度:简单

A star usually is someone who has become famous in sports, film, or pop music, someone like singer Michael Jackson. In the middle nineteen eighties, Michael Jackson successfully made a famous record, which quickly became the most popular recording in the history of music. This made Michael Jackson a bright star.

One of the famous sports bright stars in the United States is Mohammed Ali. When he was a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olympic Games as a boxer. Then, he won first place in the world heavy weight boxing match. Before long, he was known as one of the greatest and most famous boxers in sports history. Everyone knows his name.

Like the stars in the sky, a bright star will lose his brightness as time passes. He is loved by millions of people today, but will be forgotten tomorrow.

1.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. Michael Jackson                                B. Mohammed Ali

C. pop music and boxing                     D. bright stars

2.Michael Jackson is famous for            .

A. his songs                         B. his film            

C. his sports                  D. his heavy weight

3.What does “boxer” in the passage mean in Chinese?

A. 盒子         B. 装箱者  C. 拳击手      D. 制作人

4.What will happen to the bright stars at last according to the passage?

A. They will be remembered by millions of people.

B. They will be loved by people for ever.

C. They will be the most important people in history.

D. They will lose their brightness and be little known.


20. 难度:简单

“Someday, there’ll be no Americans left in the NBA,” said 12-year-old Xing Tao, who joined his school team two weeks ago after watching Yao Ming in a televised NBA game. “The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”

To China, Yao is a home-grown superstar who helped make the world’s first basketball league closer to Chinese players. To the NBA, the 2.23-meter center offers an opening of a different sort into the world’s largest new market. Yao’s NBA first appearance against the Indiana Pacers in October reached 287 million families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao’s fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds (抢篮板球) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10 rebounds. “This is one of the most exciting games I’ve had,” Yao said after Houston’s 95-83 victory. The NBA has to be excited about his on-count success. In all his games, he’s averaging 12.7 points and 7.7 rebounds, quite good for a new star. “Yao Ming has brought the NBA closer to the Chinese,” said NBA spokeswoman Cheong Sau Ching, “That makes the dream seem practical for other people in China and proud to be Chinese.”

Yao is not the country’s first player in the NBA, but Yao’s combination of modesty and skills makes him a favorite back home.

1.What’s the direct reason for Xing Tao to join the school basketball team?

A. He watched an NBA game.                   

B. He liked basketball.

C. He hoped to play for NBA.

D. He had a dream that he would become a basketball star.

2.How many points did Yao Ming win in his first game in NBA?

A. 0.                            B. 2.              C. 29.                          D. 10.

3.What does the underlined word “letdown” in the second paragraph mean?

A. failure       B. surprise            C. disappointment         D. sadness

4. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Middle school students want to play basketball.

B. Yao Ming makes NBA closer to China.

C. There’ll be no Americans left in the NBA.

D. There are many new stars from China in the NBA.


21. 难度:简单

A businessman had two sons. While he gave the younger son a lot of love and gifts, he neglected (忽视) the elder son. It was completely puzzling (令人费解) and no one knew why.

When the boys grew up, they were asked to manage the father’s business. The elder son was absorbed in the business. From morning till late in the evening, he was busy working. Within a few years, he ran the business very well and even expanded (扩大) it.

What about the younger son? He didn't have much to do except have a good time. But the father believed that his favorite son would be a success. If the elder son could be a successful businessman, surely the younger one, with a higher education, would do much better.

A few years later, the results of his decision became clear. Uninterested in business, the younger son continued spending his time enjoying himself. And he went out of business. But the elder son’s far smaller share (份) of business had expanded and he had proved himself to be a good decision maker.

Ashamed at the turn of events, the father met the elder son and was angry with the younger one. The elder son, who was listening to all this quietly, suddenly said he wanted to set up an independent business and live on his own.

“Why?” asked the father.

“I blame (责备) one person for the way my brother has turned out, and it’s not him. You can’t blame children for the faults (过失) of their parents, can you?” asked the elder son.

1.Before the younger son went into the father’s business, he______.

A. was interested in business          B. had achieved great success

C. often looked down upon his brother  D. was well-educated at school

2. Why did the father treat the two sons differently?

A. the elder son didn’t work hard      B. no one knew why he did it

C. the younger son was hardworking   D. he wanted to do an experiment

3.Which is NOT the reason for the younger son’s going out of business?

A. he himself didn’t work hard

B. his father didn’t educate him properly

C. he was not interested in business at all

D. he was busy working every day

4.What does the text really want to teach us?

A. Parents are responsible for children’s development.

B. Once something is done, you should do it well.

C. Interest is the most important for success.

D. One has responsibility for what he himself has done.


22. 难度:简单






  Jim is learning what to drive a car. A                            1._______

week ago he had his first lessons. Yesterday                    2._______

his teacher took him out of on a busy road.                    3.______

It was full with cars and people. He drove                      4.______

very slowly and carefully, and he felt                               5. _______

afraid whole time. At last the lesson                                 6.______

finished and he went home. He felt tiring.                       7._____

Jim make sure that he will be able to                             8. _______

drive a car soon. Though it is difficult                               9._____

to drive it, but it is interesting indeed.                            10._____  


23. 难度:简单

假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文. 请你根据下列要点写回信.

要点: 1. 参加中文学习班; 2. 看中文书刊、电视;

3. 学唱中文歌曲;4. 交中国朋友。 

注意:1.词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。

June 8, 2008

Dear Peter,

I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.


Best wishes,

 Li hua


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