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1. 难度:简单

They are getting things together in______ preparation for ______ journey we have planned.

A.the; the

B.a; the

C./; the

D.the; a


2. 难度:简单

I’m sure that if you make good use of your ____ time, your English will be improved in a short time.






3. 难度:简单

Your behavior won’t be _____ in our house, so you have to be careful!






4. 难度:简单

I have advised him not to do like that, but he still insists on doing it that way. I think he has his own opinion _________.

A.above all

B.first of all

C.in all

D.after all


5. 难度:简单

 She _______ to go traveling this summer, but some extra work took up all her time.

A.had been planned

B.has planned

C.was planned

D.had planned


6. 难度:简单

In the supermarket foreign names of the products got_______, and I was confused about what to buy.

A.picked up

B.showed up

C.mixed up

D.fixed up


7. 难度:简单

Students used to_____ information from newspapers or magazines, but now they are used to ______ for it on the Internet directly.

A.get; search

B.getting ; search

C.getting ; searching

D.get; searching


8. 难度:简单

It was an exciting moment for these fans this year, _____ for the first time in years they saw their favorite singers.






9. 难度:简单

 I_______ while reading the English textbook. Luckily , my roommate woke me up in time!

A.fell asleep

B.had fallen asleep

C.have fallen asleep

D.fall asleep


10. 难度:简单

Mr. Tang enjoys writing in his spare time. His works have ______ him many good friends.






11. 难度:简单

----Has the teacher who was hurt in the earthquake been taken good care of?

----Ever since she was sent to the hospital, she has never been _______.

A.put out

B.left alone

C.looked after

D.fallen into


12. 难度:简单

 Safety in school has been of great concern (关注) because of recent reports about accidents _____ students got injured or killed at school.

A.for which



D.in which


13. 难度:简单

After a short ________, I got my bag from the thief’s hand successfully.






14. 难度:简单

----Sorry to say I can’t play basketball with you this afternoon, for I’ll have to prepare for the coming examination.

-----________. Have some fun!

A. Don’t be a wet blanket   B. It’s a no-brainer

B. Don’t pull my leg        D. We’re all ears


15. 难度:简单

The computer doesn’t work well and it requires _____ but the manager requires me _____ to use it.

A.to change; to continue

B.changing; continuing

C.changing; to continue

D.to change; continuing


16. 难度:简单

The foreigner was talking to the children in the park ______ he was familiar with them.

A.even though

B.in case

C.so that

D.as if


17. 难度:简单

We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, ______ my parents and some relatives.

A.where lives

B.which lives

C.who live

D.where live


18. 难度:简单

Martin Van Buren was the eighth president of the United States and the first ______native language was not English but Dutch.






19. 难度:简单

In the police station, I saw the man from ______room the thief had stolen the TV set.






20. 难度:简单

_______ the manager came to Beijing on business, he would visit his old friends there.

A.Every time

B.Many times

C.In no time

D.All the time


21. 难度:简单

-----I’m afraid I can’t finish the novel you lent me this week.


A.Please go ahead

B.That’s all right

C.Take your time

D.Not at all


22. 难度:简单

The other day, I had to go to a meeting, which lasted past my daughter’s bedtime. I __46___ home and was brushing teeth when I___47____ , and there on the bedroom mirror was a note in the of a ____48___. It said, “Hi, Mom! I Love You. Laurel.” ____49__, I also cut a heart out of a piece of paper and taped (粘)a ___50___ next to hers, saying, “ I Love You, Too. Mom,” which she _51___ the next morning.

Our family has ___52__ that by integrating (交互式的)writing into our ___53___ activities, we become more thoughtful of each other. Meanwhile, our daughter is learning to ___54____ writing and becoming a skilled writer.

While teaching in a primary school, I ___55____how influential(有影响力的) parents can be as children learn to write. ___56____when our daughter first began to scribble (涂鸦), I became __57___by her work. I offered praise(表扬) for her __58_____, for I found that scribbling is far more complex(复杂的) and important than I had ____59___. It was clear that her scribbles, ____60___ being lovely art objects(艺术品), showed a lot about her____61___ of the world of writing.

Gradually, our family began writing a great deal. I sensed that writing helped Laurel learn ___62___ to read. In fact, by___63____ my own child and her friends and by reading professional (专业的) books, I became more and more ___64___about how writing develops and how ____65___can help children become eager writers.

A               B          C           D

1.left             returned     missed      forgot

2.turned up        turned on    looked up    gave up

3.hand            mouth      smile        heart

4.Immediately      Suddenly    Finally      Politely

5.picture           story       note         page

6.felt              wrote      read         drew

7.found           insisted     planned      guessed

8.strange          useful      daily         funny

9.take             consider    hate         enjoy

10.learned          agreed     considered    discussed

11.Unless          Though     But          So

12.disappointed     attracted    surprised     worried

13.wishes          efforts       suggestions    ways

14.cared           wanted      realized       proved

15.besides          for         of           among

16.advice          effect       understanding  dislikes

17.when           how        what        whether

18.correcting       discovering  testing       watching

19.special          clear       surprised     careful

20.teachers         friends     books        parents


23. 难度:简单

I am an English teacher, with over 15 years’ experience of teaching in London. I started the DailyStep audio email lesson service because I noticed that when I started their English course, my students’ speaking and listening skills were much weaker than their reading and writing skills. In my view, this is because education in school does not focus enough on communication skills. DailyStep is designed to remedy this situation by offering more practice in speaking, listening and vocabulary.

I am crazy about the English language and it is a real pleasure for me to see the development of my students’ language skills.

I majored in (以….为专业)law at university and then worked for three years as a researcher and journalist for Sky television and BBC magazines. I decided to change to English teaching because of my love of the English language and my wish to move into more satisfying work.

Then I qualified (取得资格)as an English teacher in 1992. My first teaching job was at a language school in Covent Garden, London, where I taught examination classes and Business English . After two years, I moved to the Nippon Club where I taught General English and Business English courses for 9 years. I also developed a unique course called British Society & Culture, covering all areas of British life, such as politics, law, education & music. At the same time, taught Business, Financial& Law English in the financial centre of London. My students included staff (工作人员)from banks and law firms.

As well as running the DailyStep website, I also provide in-company English speech training for companies in London. If you have an important speech coming up and would like some information about how I can help you, please email me at jane@dailystep.com.

1.DailyStep audio email lesson service __________

A.is an in-company service

B.teaches English communication skills

C.is designed for working people

D.provides English training for free

2.What does the underlined word “remedy” in Paragraph mean?





3.What’s the CORRECT time order of the following events?

a. The author qualified as an English teacher

b.The author taught at a language school in Covent Garden

c.The author worked as a journalist for Sky television

d.The author taught in the Noppon Club.





4.We can learn from the passage that_______.

A.the author enjoys teaching English

B.all of the author’s students are adults

C.the author majored in English at university

D.the author knows little about how to make a speech


24. 难度:简单

  The whole morning we just checked our own things. We were looking for items to give away. We thought of blankets, food and clothing. Our aim was not to find things we no longer wanted, but things we use every day and would be useful to others.

We made up boxes with the things and added some small toys. Inside the boxes a simple letter was placed, reading:

“Please take these items and know that your life is important. Times are difficult but they will pass. We share what we have, believing it will matter. Use the blanket to stay warm. Be safe and know that the human spirit can overcome anything. Don’t hold your head down. Someday please do the same when you can. How you do it and when, your heart will tell you.

This kind act was not because the phone rang or for any reason. It was simply because it was the right time to do. We have often seen homeless people at the park where we left the belongings. The city would say that it isn’t a problem but I see the lives walking to and from it.

I noticed that my wife had put her favorite green coat into one of the boxes. I asked if she was sure about it and she simply replied that it had a hood (风帽). She liked the coat but knew the hood could shelter (遮挡)someone from the rain.

We don’t know where these gifts of compassion(同情)will go. We never go back and see what happens. It’s unimportant. The right things will find the right people and that is all that counts. On the way my wife started to cry. When I asked why, she said because some things felt so right.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph about the couple?

A.They had deep feelings of their work

B.They often threw the useless daily items away

C.They liked helping others by sharing their things

D.They often gave away the daily items they didn’t use

2.The couple placed the letter inside the box mainly to_______________.

A.help the poor go through the difficulties

B.let the poor know who gave away the things

C.tell the poor how to use the items correctly

D.tell the poor to pass on the spirit to others

3.The couple liked this kind act because _______.

A.they thought it was the right thing to do

B.they had a good habit of saving things

C.they often received telephone calls for help

D.they hated being troubled by homeless people

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Boxes filled with compassion

B.Good behavior leading to happiness

C.The most important thing in our life

D.Happiness coming from sharing things


25. 难度:简单

Psychology(心理学)tells us that many people hate to take risks. But it is good for us to take risks, especially (尤其)when the risk is to achieve a desired result. In that way, we become stronger and braver.

Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didn’t have the fear(恐惧)to move on. This is because of one or two failures in their lives. Please step out and don’t let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest. Move forward and move on!

In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides(提供) us with the desire (渴望)to experiment and take chances.

Risk taking is a great benefit(好处)that allowed our ancestors(祖先) to become stronger and stronger day by day. By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new territories(领土). This attitude has become a part of our modern culture. Riding a roller coaster is a common risk taking activity that even the average person seems to enjoy although they have the understanding that it is dangerous. This psychological and biological (生物学上的) connection (联系)creates an interesting connection between what is unsafe and what humans enjoy.

Getting in a car each day is a risk. Getting out of bed is a risk. There is such thing as perfect safety. We need to take risks so that we can complete (finish) many things. Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket; however, the things they achieve are great. Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a company. However, without doing that, they could not make more money.

We need to take risks so that we can gain something. It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else without taking a risk. It is all part of the game. It’s one of the most important parts of life.

1.Some people don’t want to take risks, mainly (主要)because ___________.

A.they are too lazy to move on

B.they feel pleased with the present life.

C.they have experienced some failures before

D.they show little interest in the strange world outside

2.What does the underlined part “This attitude” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Taking risks

B.Fighting off enemies

C.Discovering new territories

D.Becoming stronger and stronger

3. What can we infer from the passage?

A.Daily life is full of risks

B.The safest place has the greatest risk

C.People should take risks when they are young

D.We can always achieve our goals by taking risks

4. What would be the title for the passage?

A.Taking risks is easier said than done

B.On risks taken by ancestors

C.Live our life to the fullest(充分地)

D.No risk, no gain.


26. 难度:简单

Malnutrition (营养失调)remains a serious problem for India. But a new study shows that India’s leading causes of death now also include diseases related to obesity (肥胖)such as heart disease.

India’s National Family Health Survey shows that more than twenty percent of Indians living in cities are overweight or obese. And in the northwestern state of Punjab, that is true for almost forty percent of women.

Aradhna Tripathi is a business professional in New Delhi. She said, “ Eating is the most important thing in any Indian household and how you show your love and gratitude(感激) for a person is through the kind of food you serve him. And the kind of lifestyle we are leading is one of the reasons why we have the number of obese people increasing every day.

But Aradhna Tripathi says she has decided to lose weight. Her mother and grandmother are also diabetic(患糖尿病的). In fact, the International Diabetes Federation says India is now the diabetes capital of the world. Researchers say Indians store more body fat per kilogram than Europeans. That means obese Indians are even more at the risk of diabetes than other people.

Doctor Anoop Misra at Fortis Hospital in New Delhi says the risk of diabetes is crossing social and economic lines. Five years ago, he says, obesity and diabetes were limited to India’s richest people, but now things have changed.

But Doctor Misra is hopeful that the spread (蔓延,传播)of obesity can be slowed. And he says it must start in schools by giving all Indian children the same instruction on physical activity and diet.

The World Health Organization says China is also moving up in obesity rates. The estimate (估计) has reached about five percent countryside and as high as twenty percent in some cities.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A.Obesity has become a big killer in India.

B.Heart disease is troubling people in India.

C.People in India live a very unhealthy life.

D.Malnutrition remains a serious problem in India.

2.According to Aradhna Tripathi , one of the causes of the obesity problems is_________.

A..the development of economy

B.the change of Indians’ lifestyle

C.Indians’ attitude (态度)towards eating

D.Indians’ attitude towards obesity.

3. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5?

A.Most wealthy people in India are overweight.

B.Five years ago, few people in India were overweight

C.Few poor people are diabetic for economic reasons.

D.Now even the poor in India suffer from obesity.


27. 难度:简单


Many animal lovers would like to do more to help animals, but aren’t sure where to start or feel like they just don’t have the time. The good news is that there are many simple things you can do to help protect animals.

Think twice before you decide

The decisions you make when it comes to eating meat or other animal products can go a long way toward stopping the killing of animals. Consider eating a vegetarian(素食的) diet. If you aren’t ready to make this change, there are still things you can do. Do not buy animal products from companies known to use practices that go against the law such as using drugs to increase milk production in cows.

Help get the word out

Getting the word out about the problems faced by animals can be as easy as putting up a notice on your car. Also, talk to your friends and family members about important issues that are related to animals. Give some simple advice to a friend with a new pet about the serious pet over-population problem we’re facing. Turn to some books on the subject if you are not so clear about the advice you give your friend.

Write a letter

We’ve all heard the saying, “ The pen is more powerful than the sword”. Put this idea to the protection of animals. If a company has practices or rules that are harmful to animals, write them a letter to let them know you are angry about them, and that you won’t buy their products until they make some changes. Write letters to state and local legislators(立法者) to let them know how important it is that they support legislation that protects animals. Make them know that their actions will have a great effect on your vote.

Be more loving

If you’re considering adding a dog or a cat to your family, think about getting one from a homeless-animal house rather than buying a pet. There are many wonderful animals just waiting for a home. By taking back an animal from there, you will be helping in the fight against pet over-population, as well as giving your money to those who are responsible for taking care of pitiful animals.

Let your actions be an example to others

It may sound simple ,but one of the best ways to help animals is to let your actions speak to the world. You should do the following things first by yourself: Treat all living creatures with respect. Care about your pets and look after them well. Avoid (避免)entertainment places that use animals to perform. Support legislation (立法)that protects animals. All of these things set an example for others to follow.

Title: Ways of ___1.____ animals

Think about your _2._____ carefully

●Don’t eat meat or animal products.

●____3.__ to buy animal products from companies

that have illegal practices

Get the word out

●Put up an animal-protection _4._____ on the car

●Talk to your friends and family members about

important animal issues

●Give your friends some simple__5.____on the pet

over-population problem

●Get help from books if necessary

Write letters

●Let those companies that are doing harm to animals

know about your __6.____

●Let legislators know the __7.___ of their support for

legislation that protects animals

Be more loving

●Get a pet from a homeless-animal house

Act as an example to others

●Treat all living creatures with respect.

●Take good _8.____ of your pets

●Do not go to places where animals ____9.____

●Support legislation which is ___10.____ for animals.



28. 难度:简单


1. Keeping calm is the most important thing you should remember in time of e_______.

2. Tom d________ the gold medal in the speech competition as he had made so many efforts that hardly could anybody imagine.

3.Medical teams were ________(准备)to leave Sichuan Province to treat the survivors(幸存者)from the earthquake.

4. He said that he p________ to stay at home rather than go with us.

5.It’s going to be some time before I ______(恢复)my strength.

6.Most parts of African countries have s________ from drought(干旱) in recent years.

7.When I began to sing, he laughed and made me e____________.

8.City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something ______(挑战性的)

9. He ______(赞成) the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member.

10.Since teenagers have difficulty ________(平衡)these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society.


29. 难度:简单



He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to _______  ________ to study and __________high grades.


I found that the homework was not ______ _______ _______ _________ I used to get in my old school.


________ ________his studies, he started travelling in China.


Many teenagers feel lonely, _______ ________ no one understands them and the changes they are ________  __________.


Boys and girls  _______ ________ __________ different in this regard.


The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water .  I________ to look at the children, but there were not any_______ __________.


Jasper has_______ _________ “No Parking” signs outside his gate, but these have not any_______.


It’s one of the ugliest faces I ______ _______ _________.


The stream _______ its________ across the field and then flowed right under their tent.


We like them in _______ ________ ________ _________ we like pretty curtain materials.


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