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1. 难度:简单

--I think Nelson Mandela is a great man. Do you think so?

   --______ I feel that he is a true hero, too.

   A. I’m with you.    B. I don’t think so.     C. Pardon?        D. Really?


2. 难度:简单

At present,_____ number of students are near-sighted and, what’s worse, _____number of them is increasing.

A. a; the         B. a; a           C. the; the            D. the; a


3. 难度:简单

--Do you know the man _______ I shook hands just now?

--Yes, I know him. He is a famous actor.

A. whom            B. who            C. with whom           D. with who


4. 难度:简单

Only in this way_______ finish the work ahead of time.

A. they can        B. they can do    C. can do they         D. can they


5. 难度:简单

Though he failed in the experiment again and again, he didn’t______, and at last, he made it.

A. lose his heart                    B. lose heart   

C. break his heart                   D. make up his mind


6. 难度:简单

Look out! Don’t get too close to the house________ roof is under repair.

A. which           B. its            C. whose                D. who


7. 难度:简单

They told me that the museum was well worth________.

A. to visit        B. visiting       C. of being visited   D. to be visited


8. 难度:简单

She has some difficulty in starting the car, but she doesn’t know whom to______.

A. turn to         B. point to       C. see to            D. listen to


9. 难度:简单

We must believe in ourselves,_______, I think, is the most important in our life.

A. where           B. what           C. which             D. that


10. 难度:简单

With his work______ on time, he felt very excited.

A. to be finished      B. to finish       C. finishing        D. finished


11. 难度:简单

After the accident, no one_____ except a few people who were badly injured.

A. saved               B. rescued         C. survived         D. selected


12. 难度:简单

There is no doubt______ one day the medicine for AIDS will be made.

A. that                B. whether         C. if               D. so


13. 难度:简单

 --How is your grandfather now?

--Oh, he _______for two weeks.

A. died                B. has died        C. dead         D. has been dead


14. 难度:简单

I can’t finish the experiment by myself, so the honor____ to all the members in our team.

A. is belonged         B. belongs         C. is belonging     D. belonged


15. 难度:简单

Peter isn’t______ at all; he always pays the bill when we eat in a restaurant.

A. generous            B. unfair          C. selfish          D. mean


16. 难度:简单

Time is very important in our life. It  36  our everyday moments. However, time never had any importance in my life until I   37   a watch from my father, which organized my life and made me more   38   . It’s round(圆形的) in the center with two silver bands(带,条) that go   39  my wrist(手腕) and all of it is made of silver.

I received this   40   on a gray-sky day. I had to go to the airport at 9:00 a.m. to   41   up my uncle Ali and take him to my father’s house.   42   , I was late because I was  43  with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 a.m., I  44  my uncle, but I was very late for him. He had   45   the airport and taken a taxi to my father’s house.

I got to my father’s house at 2:00 p.m. that day and felt  46  of myself at that moment. After I said hello to my  47  father and tired uncle, my father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch as a gift from him. Then he said, “Peter, did you have  48  with your friends today?” I answered, “Yes, father, and  49 

apologized for not meeting my uncle Ali.” He said, “What you  50  was not very nice and you should feel sorry for your  51   .” I was ashamed and said, “Father, I’ll never do it again. I promise.” He said, “I hope today you learned something important, and this watch will be a   52   for you.” He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my  53   .

I learned a very important lesson from my father: to  54  time and never to be late to get someone. This watch is  55   to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

1.A. makes        B. organizes           C. orders         D. supplies

2.A. received      B. accepted            C. won           D. achieved

3.A. confident     B. independent         C. efficient        D. responsible

4.A. around       B. in                 C. on             D. with

5.A. card         B. thing               C. gift            D. letter

6.A. call          B. pick               C. put            D. bring

7.A. Otherwise     B. Fortunately         C. However       D. Therefore

8.A. going        B. leaving             C. standing        D. shopping

9.A. forgot        B. remembered        C. saw            D. visited

10.A. arrived       B. recognized          C. left            D. found

11.A. ashamed      B. frightened          C. disappointed    D. shy

12.A. nervous       B. happy             C. angry          D. doubtful

13.A. lunch         B. quarrel            C. appointment     D. fun

14.A. I             B. he                C. they           D. we

15.A. said          B. did                C. thought        D. forgot

16.A. idea          B. word              C. action          D. movement

17.A. wonder       B. hope               C. requirement     D. reminder

18.A. life           B. day               C. way           D. thought

19.A. waste         B. respect            C. ignore          D. enjoy

20.A. useful         B. necessary         C. helpful          D. important


17. 难度:简单

We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There’s no real word for it yet, so we’ll call it e-talk. People don’t like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters (called acronyms). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms(聊天室). Some of them are:

BTW(by the way);  BRB(be right back);  LOL(laughing out loud);  IMO(in my opinion)

People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations are:

info(information);   puter(computer);    pic(picture);     sec(second)

We ususally don’t see people when we communicate on the Internet, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keyboards to draw “feelings”, such as:

:-) (happy);     ;-)(joking);        :-((sad);       :-O(surprised)

These days, many forums(论坛)have picture feelings. For example:

6ec8aac122bd4f6e     6ec8aac122bd4f6e    6ec8aac122bd4f6e   6ec8aac122bd4f6e

(happy)              (sad)               (angry)               (cool)

There are even whole new words, like ”newbie’s” (someone who is new on a chat board or forum). When you write something bad about someone else, it’s called “flaming” the person.

It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbie’s sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.

1.Why do people type acronyms?

A. To show their feelings.      B. To make jokes.

C. To save time.                D. In this way newbie’s won’t understand them.

2.What does “BTW, my computer is not working well, :-( ”mean?

A.The person is happy about getting a new computer.

B. The person has to go away from his/her computer.

C. The person is angry at somebody.

D. The person is sad that his computer is having problems.

3. If someone is angry, what may he type?

A. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e     B. BRB          C. LOL        D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

4.E-talk will probably_______.

A. keep changing                       B. stay the same

C. be used by people on the telephone       D. be easy for newbie’s to understand.


18. 难度:简单

If you live in the United States, you can’t have a full-time job until you are 16 years old. At 14 or 15, you work part-time after school or on weekends, and during summer vacation you can work 40 hours each week. Does all that mean that if you are younger than 14, you can’t make your own money? Of course not! Kids from 10-13 years of age can make money by doing lots of things.

Valerie, 11, told us that she made money by cleaning up other people’s yards. Lena, 13, makes money by knitting(织) dog sweaters and selling them to her neighbors. Reisa said she had started taking art classes and showing her works to people. People ask her to draw pictures for them and they pay her for them. Jasmine. 13, writes articles for different magazines!

Kids can learn lots of things from making money. By working to make your own money, you are learning the skills you will need in life. These skills can include things like how to get along with others, how to use technology and how to use your time wisely. Some people think that asking for money is a lot easier than making it; however, if you can make your own money, you don’t have to depend on anyone else. The five dollars that you make will probably make you feel a lot better than the twenty dollars you ask for.

1. Kids can have full-time jobs at the age of______ in the USA.

A. 17        B.15           C. 14           D. 13

2. If you are 15 years old, you can’t work part-time______.

    A. after school             B. on weekends

    C. during school time       D. during summer vacation

3. Riesa makes money by_______.

   A. cleaning up other people’s yard               B. drawing pictures for others

   C. writing articles for different magazines        D. knitting dog sweaters.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The writer thinks kids from 10-13 years of age can make money too.

   B. Kids can learn how to use their time wisely by making money.

   C. Kids don’t need to get along with others when making money.

   D. Kids can learn skills if they try to make money on their own.


19. 难度:简单

A young woman was driving through the lonely countryside. It was dark and rainy. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, holding up her hand as if she wanted a lift(搭便车).

“I can’t leave her out in this weather,” the young woman said to herself. She stopped the car and opened the door.

“ Do you want a lift?” she asked. The old woman nodded and climbed into the car. After a while, she said to the old woman “ Have you been waiting for a long time?” The old woman shook her head. “ Strange” thought the woman. She tried again. “ Bad weather for the time of the year,” she said. The old woman nodded.

Then the young woman noticed that the old woman’ s hand, which were large and hairy(多毛的). Suddenly she realize that “she” was a man!She stopped the car. “ I can’t see out of the rear screen(后挡风玻璃),” she said. “ Would you mind cleaning it for me ?”

“The old woman” nodded and opened the door. As soon as “she” was out of the door, the frightened young woman drove off as fast as she could.

When she got to the next village, she stopped. She noticed “ the old woman ” had left “her” handbag behind. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a gun.

1. When the young woman talked with “her”, “ the old woman” only nodded or   shook “her” head because “she”______.

A. didn’t want the young woman to hear “her” voice

B. didn’t want to trouble the young woman any more

C. was so tired that “she” didn’t want to talk with her

D. was worried that the young woman had seen “her” hands

2.The young woman asked “the old woman” to clean the rear screen in order to_________.

A. see more clearly           B. drive fast and well

C. make “her” speak         D. throw “her” out

3.From the story we can see that the young woman was______.

A. kind and clever            B. beautiful and bright

C. foolish and shy            D. strong and helpful

4.What do you think “the old woman” was?

A. A policeman.               B. A basketball player.

C. A robber(抢劫犯).           D. A poor villager.


20. 难度:简单

A growing number of students in the United States are studying Mandarin(普通话). It is the official language of China. More and more people speak Mandarin than those who speak other languages in the world.

Schools that teach Mandarin want to prepare students for a future in which they are likely to work with people from China. Business in China is booming(繁荣的), and that trend(趋势) is expected to grow.

The US government is trying to encourage even more public schools to teach Mandarin. Officials are considering spending about $1 billion on Mandarin programs in schools. China is getting involved(参与) too. The Chinese government has donated

Mandarin textbooks to US schools. Some schools are also taking part in teacher exchange programs with China.

“It is important for students to learn Mandarin and Chinese culture,” said Mary Patterson, a school principal(校长) in Portland, Oregon. “Students who do so will have wider opportunities when they become adults.”

1.Why are US schools teaching Mandarin?

A. To help students communicate with Chinese students.

B. To encourage students to move to China,

C. To prepare students for the future.

D. To get students interested in business.

2.The underlined word “donated” (in Paragraph 4) can be replaced by “______”?

A. provided          B. kept           C. made          D. found

3. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Why US students learn Mandarin         B. Schools in China

C. How to speak Mandarin                  D. China today


21. 难度:简单


Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty(调皮的) and the school principal(校长) is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here.    1. 

The trouble started last night when I was smoking in bed. This is against the rules, of course. 2. 

As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away.


There was a curtain(窗帘) near the waste-paper basket which caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning.

 4.  The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.

The principal said that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage.  5.  

The principal phoned the fire department.

She doesn’t want me to smoke here.

We are not allowed to smoke at all.

She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.

She does not want me in her school any longer.

Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire.

G. The fire spread to another room


22. 难度:简单





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词


John is a tall man weighing as much as 100 kilogram(公斤). Though he is large, but he fears dogs. One day he was take a walk when a dog suddenly appeared nowhere. He became such nervous that he ran as fast as he could. The dog kept run after him and it was getting closer. In the dangerous situation, John decided climb up a tree to avoid the dog. Unfortunate, it was not a easy job. He hadn’t gone up very high when the dog stood right under the tree. The dog jumped up and bit it’s teeth into his bottom. John fell right onto the dog’s head, that killed it immediately.   


23. 难度:简单


生词:  网上购物 online shopping (n.);

方便的convenient (adj.), convenience(n.);        保证ensure (vt.)





注意:1. 内容应包括表格中的要点,并发表自己的看法;

      2. 词数100左右;

      3. 文章开头经给出,不记入总词数。

With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people prefer going shopping online because of its advantages.


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