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1. 难度:中等

        is known to all that the Amber Room belongs to the Russians.

A. As                B. Which             C. It                D. What


2. 难度:中等

Bad habits are not always easy to        ; it needs your determination.

A. remove            B. be removing       C. be removed        D. be moved


3. 难度:中等

No other countries could        , nor could slaves         women.

A. join; or          B. join in; or       C. join; and         D. join in; and


4. 难度:中等

She’ll never forget her stay there         she found her son who had gone missing two years before.

A. when              B. where             C. that              D. which


5. 难度:中等

The number of people who         access to their own cars         risen sharply in recent years.

A. has; has          B. has; have         C. have; have        D. have; has


6. 难度:中等

About four meters long, the room         a small reception hall.

A. served for        B. was served for    C. served as         D. was served as


7. 难度:中等

Some scientists believe that         is no doubt         a cure for AIDS will be found.

A. it; that          B. it; whether       C. there; that       D. there; whether


8. 难度:中等

The worker you had been thinking highly         selfish.

A. of proving        B. of proved         C. of to prove       D. of being proved


9. 难度:中等

 We have new work         tomorrow, so we should have all this work        .

A. done; done        B. to do; done       C. done; to do       D. doing; done


10. 难度:中等

Atlanta, a Greece princess, made as many men as she could         her pain.

A. shared            B. sharing           C. to share          D. share


11. 难度:中等

---- He admitted         in the examination.

   ---- That’s why he was not admitted         universities or colleges.

A. cheating; to      B. cheating; by      C. to cheat; to      D. to cheat; by


12. 难度:中等

She came back with her two friends,        .

A. neither of them are doctors           B. neither of them is a doctor

C. neither of whom are doctors           D. neither of whom is a doctor


13. 难度:中等

They told me that the museum was well worth        .

A. visiting          B. being visited     C. to visit          D. to be visited


14. 难度:中等

I lived in         you call “ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.

A. that              B. which             C. what              D. where


15. 难度:中等

It was in the office         my sister works         I met the new manager.

A. that; that        B. where; where      C. that; where       D. where; that


16. 难度:中等

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Year after year my brothers, sister and I would lie in bed awake on Christmas morning. We were just  36    to hear my father’s voice saying it was all right to    37    . Usually I was the first one jumped out of bed. I can still    38    my growing eagerness(渴望) for the    39    every year.

Even now as I    40    the boxes of Christmas decorations(装饰品) I can see the familiar ones: the presents with our birth years on them, our five stockings, four for the    41    , one for the dog. It used to be easy for us to    42    when to put up the decorations. But now since we all have    43    and social lives, it is usually a hurried activity.

As we get older, the season almost brings a    44    to a little place in our hearts. The worst was year after my grandparents had    45    . We couldn’t go to their house to celebrate the holiday anymore.    46    , we just had a get-together in my house. Now when I    47    to it, I miss the special    48    my grandfather gave me for Christmas. I even miss him    49    me “Jessie”, even though I can’t    50    when people call me that.

Things change, not always for the good,    51    not always for the bad either. And the things that don’t    52    have the most important meaning to us, and I am sure they will be there for the    53    of our lives. After all, every time I hear my father’s    54    “All right you guys, come on down, nice and slow” and we go down the stairs, first my brother, then me, then my sister, then my older brother, I still    55    the true Christmas spirit.

1.A.advising        B.starting          C.wishing           D.forgetting

2.A.come up         B.come down         C.come on           D.come out

3.A.discover        B.understand        C.receive           D.remember

4.A.year            B.season            C.habit             D.result

5.A.throw away B.set down               C.look through      D.give up

6.A.kids            B.girls             C.boys              D.babies

7.A.wonder          B.get               C.record            D.decide

8.A.toys            B.balls             C.jobs              D.candies

9.A.surprise        B.pain              C.joy        D.disappointment

10.A.died           B.failed            C.succeeded         D.married

11.A.Possibly       B.Indeed            C.Instead           D.Luckily

12.A.move back B.turn back              C.step back         D.think back

13.A.gifts          B.news              C.replies           D.tools

14.A.bringing       B.calling           C.telling           D.introducing

15.A.follow         B.listen            C.watch             D.stand

16.A.and            B.so                C.but               D.thus

17.A.change         B.grow              C.appear            D.happen

18.A.beginning B.rest                   C.truth             D.happiness

19.A.letters        B.dreams            C.promises          D.words

20.A.need           B.hate              C.feel              D.doubt


17. 难度:中等

Paula and Rory have fives kids, three dogs, and a rabbit. When the house is very noisy, Megan, one of the children, is quietly inventing. A year ago, the 10-year-old had to design an anti-smoking poster, she came up with the idea of creating something that shows the average amount of tar(尼古丁) a smoker collects from just four packs of cigarettes.

“I like people to play with things more than read and write,” she says. So she researched her idea on the Internet, found a company in China that could make it, saved up her pocket money and got her idea made.

Paula says her daughter “think differently”: Ideas jump into her mind. After she got sunburnt on holiday, Megan invented a small plastic bracelet(手镯) that changes colors in the sun, telling you when to put on sunscreen(防晒霜). Several sunscreen companies have expressed an interest in the idea. She also came up with an idea to make a ball filled with water to stop the dog from feeling thirsty. “But we didn’t do anything with it,” says Paula.

Then she pulls out a picture of a special fishing rod(钓鱼竿) she had designed. “There is a camera on the hook(钩),” she explains, “and the screen is on the handle, and it shows if you’ve caught a fish or not.”

Megan doesn’t want to go to university. She keeps her pink-and -cream bedroom tidy. Paula is amazed and a bit confused by her daughter. “Everything has to be in a certain order,” Paula says. “Her brothers and sisters go with the flow, but with Megan, it’s ‘What time will that be happening?’ or ‘Where am I being picked up from today?’”

1.From Paragraph 2, we can infer that Megan             .

A. is not willing to go to school        B. likes to play with her brothers and sisters

C. prefers making something by herself   D. is good at reading and writing

2.What did Megan invent after she got sunburnt on vacation?

A. The anti-smoking poster

B. The ball providing water for thirsty dogs

C. The fishing rod telling whether you’ve caught a fish

D. The bracelet telling when to put on sunscreen

3. The underlined phrase “go with the flow” probably means “            .”

A. do what the most people usually do    B. follow the fashion closely

C. set an example to others              D. do something differently from others

4.According to the passage, which of the following about Megan is true?

A. She has fives kids, three dogs, and a rabbit.

B. She designed an anti-smoking poster when she was nine.

C. She founded a company in China to get her idea made.

D. She invented a small plastic bracelet to change the color of sunscreen.

5.The passage is mainly about             .

A. how Megan helps people give up smoking

B. a little girl’s dream to be a world-famous inventor

C. a 10-year-old inventor’s story

D. Megan’s relationship with her family members


18. 难度:中等

Jesse Owens is recognized as a hero not just because he is fast. Some people might say that they know him for just that reason. However, there are lots of fast people who are not known. Jesse Owens is known because Chancellor Adolf Hitler did not shake the hand of Jesse Owens or even recognize his feat of winning four gold medals, because Owens was an African American.

    Jesse Owens owed much of his success to his coach Charles Riley, who probably was the most important one making him have the career that he did. Owens came from a background that required him to work after school in a shoe shop. He couldn't attend the regularly scheduled track practices organized by his school. However, Charles Riley saw the boy had both a passion(热情) and a talent for running, and so arranged for him to be able to practice before school instead.

Jesse Owens achieved this success despite(尽管) his racial background, which at the time was a huge limitation to him. He could only eat in certain restaurants and sleep in certain hotels, as could all African Americans of the time. He was also never offered a scholarship for school despite setting records for NCAA(美国全国大学生体育协会) championships.

The Berlin Olympics in 1936 is where his star rose as high as it would ever be able to. These Olympics were during the height of Hitler’s rule. It took courage to race in front of Hitler and many other racist(种族主义者). It took time, determination, and perseverance(坚持不懈) to race like him. He won four gold medals at those Olympics. It would take almost fifty years for someone else to walk away from the Olympics with four gold medals. He passed away at the age of 66 from lung cancer.

1.The underlined word “feat” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “            .”

A. chance            B. happiness         C. success           D. hope

2. We know from paragraph 2 that Jesse Owens             .

A. did not need to work after school    

B. took part in the regular track practices

C. did not get along well with his coach

D. was arranged to practice before school

3.Jesse Owens was well-known around the world mainly because he             .

A. sets records for NCAA championships

B. was brave enough to race in front of Adolf Hitler

C. didn’t want to shake hands with Hitler

D. is recognized as a hero of the white Americans

4.According to the passage, which of the following about Jesse Owens is true?

A. Hitler recognized his feat of winning four gold medals.

B. He was offered a scholarship for setting records for NCAA championships.

C. He could only eat in certain restaurants like many other African Americans.

D. It took him almost fifty years to walk away from the Olympics with four gold medals.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Sport hero ---- Jesse Owens           B. The Berlin Olympics in 1936

C. Charles Riley ---- Jesse Owens’ s coach    D. Jesse Owens’s childhood


19. 难度:中等

Health insurance can be very expensive. Some working people do not make enough money to pay for it. In the US there is a program called Healthy Families. This program offers people health insurance at a low cost.

Families are charged about $7.00 a month for every child, and $10.00 for every adult. It costs much less than any other kind of health insurance. Having health insurance is very important. With this insurance, people can see a doctor when they are sick or hurt.

The program is not expensive at all, but many people are still not enrolling in it. People say that it still costs too much money. They need all of their money to pay for things like food and rent.

    It would be great if everyone could have health insurance. People are working hard to come up with ways to make this happen. One idea is to make the Healthy Families Program free for some people.

    It is important for people to see a doctor when they need to. The Healthy Families Program makes it possible for more people to do this. Many ideas are being considered. Hopefully some of them will allow even more families to get health insurance.

    The Healthy Families Program is made to help those who don’t have welfare (社会保障金) and cannot earn enough to pay for private health insurance. It is an important program, but officials say that too many people are signing up for it and then dropping out because of the Healthy Families Program’s cost.

1. The aim of the Healthy Families Program is to __________.

A. help people earn more and pay for the program

B. help more families get health insurance

C. make it free for people to see a doctor

D. help families pay for private health insurance

2.If a couple has two children, how much would health insurance cost every month in the family?

A. $24.              B. $28.              C. $34.              D. $40.

3.Why is it very important for people to have health insurance?

A. They can afford to see a doctor when they need to.

B. They can get special medical care.

C. They can see a doctor free of charge.

D. They can go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

4.In the passage we can learn all of the following EXCEPT that __________.

A. health insurance is very important for ordinary people

B. the program is still too expensive for many people

C. people should make more money to pay for private health insurance

D. many people don’t make enough money to pay for health insurance

5.The passage is mainly about __________.

A. health insurance at a low cost        B. the benefits of health insurance

C. the cost of health insurance          D. the Healthy Families Program


20. 难度:中等

The Mississippi is the major river system in the United States. The Yangtze is China’s longest river.

Although a world apart, the two waterways share conservation concerns that provide a cultural bridge between students in the United States and China, as well as from around the world.

The Mississippi flows almost 3,800 kilometers from a small lake in Minnesota, gathering the waters of 250 other rivers and streams before reaching the Gulf of Mexico.

In mid-May, as spring flowers began to open, about 41 students from a dozen colleges, mostly in the Midwest, explored a section of the river in Wisconsin and Iowa, to learn about the environment, and each other.

The students, from the U.S., China and around the world, came to join the River Spirit Exchange program.

The cross-cultural educational experience - set up by the University of Wisconsin, Madison-based Environment and Public Health Network for Chinese Students - focuses on the Mississippi and China's longest river, the Yangtze.

This three day get-together featured story-telling, hiking, camping and canoeing, all part of a larger lesson about conservation projects that can be used on both the Yangtze and Mississippi.

While the students learned about the problems challenging the Mississippi and Yangtze, Jeb Barzen, a wildlife biologist, explained they should also learn about the importance of bridging each other’s culture.

The president of the Environment and Public Health Network for Chinese Students, Xiaojun Lu, said the Mississippi and Yangtze Rivers are uniting these students from opposite ends of the earth.

Organizers say the success and spirit of this first gathering of students will lead to other trips, including one down the Yangtze.

1.Where is the source of the Mississippi?

A. Minnesota        B. the Gulf of MexicoC. Wisconsin         D. Iowa

2. According to the passage, the get-together             .

A. lasted a week   B. took place in May

C. was held in China D. was organized by students

3. According to Paragraph 8, Barzen believes that             .

A. China and the U.S. should work together to protect the environment

B. the Mississippi is more important than the Yangtze to the world

C. cultural exchange between different countries is of great importance

D. the program encourages technical cooperation between China and the U.S.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. A major river system in the United States.

B. The differences between the Mississippi and the Yangtze.

C. An educational program about tourism.

D. An international cultural exchange program.

5.Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A. A personal diary                      B. A news report

C. An official document                  D. An advertisement


21. 难度:中等

阅读表达 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


[1] Teenagers who spend hours in front of the television may have a poorer diet as young adults, a new study suggests. It's not clear, researchers say, whether television itself is the reason, but it is possible that things like snacking(吃零食) in front of the TV or seeing ads for junk food influence young people's diets.

[2] The study included nearly 1,400 high school students. It showed that those who watched TV for five hours or more everyday had less-healthy diets than their students five years later. As a group, they ate fewer fruits and vegetables, but ate more fast food, snack products and fried foods.

[3] "We're not able to tell why," lead researcher Dr. Daheia J. Barr-Anderson said. "But we do have some speculations." People who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, especially teenagers, may have more snacks. It may influence their long-term diet quality. It's also possible that TV ads for fast food, sweets and snacks make teenagers eat more of those foods. TV time might also replace exercise time for some kids.

[4] The researchers found a clear relationship between TV time during high school and diet quality of the young. The heaviest TV viewers              , and those who'd watched fewer than two hours everyday had the most fruits, vegetables.

[5] According to Barr-Anderson, the findings support experts' advice that children should watch no more than two hours of television everyday. "Parents should cut the TV time," Barr-Anderson said. She advised that parents set a good example by eating right, being physically active and controlling their own TV time.

1. Complete the following sentences according to the underlined one in paragraph 3. (no more than 5 words)

Some children may spend much time watching TV instead of                             .

2. What does the underlined word “It” in paragraph 2 refer to? (no more than 3 words)


3.According to Barr-Anderson, what should parents do to set a good example for their children? (no more than 15 words)


4.Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)


5.What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 12 words)



22. 难度:中等


作为一名中学生,假设名叫李涛,你对部分同学沉迷于玩电子游戏(video game)的现象很着急,在此你向一家英文报社编辑部写一封信,阐述了玩电子游戏的害处及你的建议。


Dear editor,







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