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1. 难度:中等

It rains very heavily in this area, which has _______ annual rainfall of 7,000 mm, _______

ideal environment for forests.

A. the; an       B. an; 不填       C. an; an          D. 不填; the


2. 难度:中等

I think he’s determined that he won’t give in — see if you can _______the stubborn man.

A. get round     B. wipe out       C. take over       D. see through


3. 难度:中等

The islands developed on their own for 80 million years and _______ have many rare

animals found nowhere else.

A. soon          B. so             C. early           D. yet


4. 难度:中等

I was just going to move away the heavy case but someone _______ it. Was it you?

A. has done                        B. would do        C. had done        D. will do 



5. 难度:中等

_______ she was standing and waiting for a bus that she caught sight of the former President Clinton.

A. It was while                    B. As soon as            

C. While                                             D. During the time when



6. 难度:中等

—How much is _______ for a schoolbag?

   —Experts say students should carry_______ more than 10 or 15 percent of their body weight.

A. far more; no B. too much; not  C. very much; any  D. many more; much



7. 难度:中等

At less than $100 this smart and digital camera is good _______ for money.

A. value         B. offer          C. price           D. currency



8. 难度:中等

—How do the shops make money if they sell at such low prices?

—Manufacturers, it seems, are willing to bring down prices _______ big volume purchases.

A. under the name of                   B. on behalf of     

C. in return for                           D. in preparation for



9. 难度:中等

Liu Xiang won the gold medal of men’s 110m hurdles at the 16th Asian Games, _______ the title of the event with 13.09 seconds.



10. 难度:中等

Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton will marry next year in Westminster Abbey, _______ Princess Diana’s funeral was held.

A. when            B. which           C. where           D. as



11. 难度:中等

According to the school rules, no student _______ go out of school without the permission

of the teachers.

A. will            B. must            C. may             D. shall



12. 难度:中等

This is the second time I _______ the Himalayas as a college student.

A. climb        B. had climbed      C. climbed      D. have climbed


13. 难度:中等

—Jenny, what would you like to eat for lunch, pizza, pasta or sushi?

—_______ I have a good appetite.

A. Sounds good.                       B. You’re so considerate. 

C. It’s up to you.                   D. It depends.



14. 难度:中等

Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of computers _______ to ten Hope

Schools in South China.

   A. were sent           B. was sent           C. have sent           D. had been sent



15. 难度:中等

_______ you call me to say you’re not attending my birthday party, I’ll see you at it.

A. Whether         B. Though          C. Until           D. Unless



16. 难度:中等



While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. All day Andrew felt nervous.   36   Mr. Larchmont refused to   37   his request? Andrew had   38   so hard in the last 18 months.  39  , he deserved a wage increase.

The thought of walking into Larchmont’s office left Andrew weak   40  . Late in the afternoon he finally gathered the   41   to approach his superior. To his   42   and surprise, the ever-frugal (一贯节省的) Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a   43  !

Andrew arrived home that evening,   44   their dining table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal   45   his favorite dishes. Immediately he   46   someone from the office had tipped her off!

Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered   47  . It was from his wife, which read: “  48  , my love! I knew you’d get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I’m so   49   of your accomplishments!” He read it and stopped to   50   how sensitive and caring Tina was.

After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen   51   he observed a second card had slipped out of Tina’s pocket. He picked it up. It read: “Don’t worry about not getting the raise! You do deserve one! I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you   52   you didn’t get the increase.”

Tears   53   in Andrew’s eyes. Total acceptance! Tina’s support for him was not   54   upon his success at work.

The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us   55   our success or failure.

1.A. What about     B. How come     C. How about            D. What if

2. A. grant         B. admit            C. submit               D. guarantee

3. A. managed       B. studied      C. worked           D. conducted

4.A. Finally            B. Absolutely       C. Successfully     D. Effectively

5. A. for the weight    B. at the knees     C. in the heart         D. for the leg

6. A. thoughts      B. force            C. strength         D. courage

7.A. shock          B. enjoyment        C. delight              D. amazement

8. A. praise            B. award            C. reward               D. raise

9.A. to find            B. to appreciate    C. to notice            D. to decorate

10.A. as                B. through      C. including            D. for

11.A. understood        B. recognized       C. figured          D. predicted

12. A. letter           B. note         C. envelope         D. mail

13.A. Best wishes       B. Good news        C. Congratulations      D. Wonderful job

14. A. cool         B. admirable        C. cheerful         D. proud

15. A. call on          B. reflect on       C. feed back            D. remind of

16. A. while            B. before           C. until                D. when

17. A. as though        B. even though  C. whether          D. unless

18. A. welled up        B. flowed over      C. rushed out           D. streamed down

19.A. qualified     B. restricted       C. conditional          D. concerned

20. A. despite          B. without      C. either               D. regardless of



17. 难度:中等

  Where do most writers get their ideas? For Yoshiko Uchida, it all began with Brownie, a five-month-old puppy. So excited was Yoshiko by Brownie’s arrival that she started keeping a journal, writing about all the wonderful things Brownie did and the progress he made.

Soon she was writing about other memorable events in her life, too, like the day her family got their first refrigerator. She also began writing stories, thanks to one of her teachers. Yoshiko wrote stories about animal characters such as Jimmy Chipmunk and Willie the Squirrel. She kept on writing, sharing the kitchen table with her mother, who wrote poems on scraps of paper and the backs of envelopes.

Yoshiko grew up in the 1930s in Berkeley, California. Her parents, both of whom had been born in Japan, provided a loving and happy home for Yoshiko and her sister. They also provided a stream of visitors to their home who later found their way into Yoshiko’s stories. One visitor who later appeared in several of Yoshiko’s stories was the bad-tempered Mr. Toga, who lived above the church that her family attended. Mr. Toga would scold anyone who displeased him. The children all feared him and loved to tell stories about how mean he was and how his false teeth rattled (咯咯响) when he talked.

Yoshiko also included in her stories some of the places she visited and the experiences she had. One of her favorite places was a farm her parents took her to one summer. The owners of the farm, showed Yoshiko and her sister how to pump water from the well and how to gather eggs in the henhouse. They fed the mules that later pulled a wagon loaded with hay while Yoshiko and the others rode in the back, staring up at the stars shining in the night sky. Yoshiko, who lived in the city, had never seen such a sight. As Yoshiko gazed up at the stars, she was filled with hope and excitement about her life. The images of that hayride stayed with her long after the summer visit ended, and she used them in several of her stories.

The experiences Yoshiko had and the parade of people who marched through her young life became a part of the world she created in over twenty books for young people, such as The Best Bad Thing and A Jar of Dreams. Because of such books, we can all share just a little bit of the world and the times in which this great writer grew up.

1. The author tells about Mr. Toga’s false teeth in Paragraph 3 in order to ____________.

A. show health care was not good enough in Berkeley during the 1930s

B. provide an interesting detail in Yoshiko’s life and stories

C. show Yoshiko’s young life was difficult and frightening

D. tell about a beloved relative who helped Yoshiko learn how to write

2.In Paragraph 4 “the stars” probably refer to ____________.

A. family relationships                  B. terrors in the night

C. limitless possibilities                   D. sacrifices to benefit others

3. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?

A. Yoshiko loved to write about parades.

B. Yoshiko met many interesting people.

C. Yoshiko liked to go for long walks with others.

D. Yoshiko preferred to talk to her pets instead of to people.

4.What is the main idea of this story?

A. People who live in the city should spend as much time as they can in the country.

B. Writers like Yoshiko Uchida must communicate with as many writers as possible.

C. Those who move to the United States often miss their homelands for many years.

D. Writers like Yoshiko Uchida look to the richness of their lives for material.


18. 难度:中等

If you want to improve your child’s results at school, you could do a lot worse than ensuring that they do plenty of exercise. Scientists have already shown that physical activity can make you brainier. But a team in America has used scans to show that an important part of the brain actually grows in children who are fit. These youngsters tend to be more intelligent and have better memories than those who are inactive.

  Scientists also found that one of the most important parts of their brains was 12 percent larger than those of unfit children. They believe that encouraging children to take exercise from a very young age could help them do better at school later. Researchers from the University of Illinois, in the U.S., studied the brains of 49 children aged nine and ten using a magnetic resonance imaging scan (核磁共振摄影扫描), a technique which provides very detailed pictures of organs and tissues in the body.

  They also tested the fitness levels of the children by making them run on a treadmill (跑步机). The scientists found that the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, was around 12 percent larger in the fitter children.

  Professor Art Kramer, who led the study published in the journal Brain Research, said the findings had important implications for encouraging individuals to take part in sport from a young age. “We knew that experience and environmental factors and socioeconomic status all impact brain development,” he said. “If you get some terrible genes from your parents, you can’t really fix that, and it’s not easy to do something about your economic status. But here’s something that we can do something about.”

1.If you want to improve your children’s result in school, ____________.

A. it is worse to ensure that they do plenty of exercise

B. you can have their brain scanned

C. it could be better to make sure that they do a lot of exercise

D. you can do a lot except ensuring that they do exercise

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The fitness level of the children is linked to their intelligence.

B. Children who have a larger hippocampus will probably have better memories.

C. You can do something about the genes from your parents.

D. Unhealthy children will probably have a smaller hippocampus than others.

3. All the following factors that have some influence on one’s brain are mentioned EXCEPT ____________.

A. genetic factor    B. economic status   C. physical fitness  D. economic development



19. 难度:中等

STRANGERS parties go wild these days. The main idea of them is to never let the people know who their matches are until the last minute. These are some popular practices that are storming the world’s youth on this V-day.

Speed dating

It’s exactly what the name implies. Complete with a timer, a whistle and 50 willing singles, speed dating is not the traditional dinner and a movie type of first date. Singles pay US $35 for three minutes with more than two dozen future dates. They ask questions and try to get to know each other. At the sound of a whistle, they do the same thing all over again―25 times in all.

Lock and key party

Women are given a lock and men are given a key, upon arriving at the party. Each key and lock has several matches. One can hunt for his/her later-to-be sweetheart in various groups, and try out the key or lock. Each time a lock and key match the pair are entered into a ballot (票数) for top prizes!

Dinner in the dark

Waiters wearing night vision glasses guide the guests through the pitch-black dining room. They are seated at the table and familiarized with the wine glass and plate. Food is handled with the fingers. People will not see the food they are eating or the guests at their table until the dessert course. At that moment, dining partners will appear.

Message party

Have A Cocktail, Leave A Message! When you arrive, you get a tag with a number and a pad of post-it notes. If you see someone you like, write a message on the message board. But wait… You’ve got a message… Go and collect it! You can make new friends and win lots of gifts. The more messages you leave on the bulletin board, the more chances you have of winning prizes.

1.What do you think the similarities of these parties are?

   A. All the parties have very strict rules for their members.

   B. If you want to go to any of the parties, you have to buy a ticket.

   C. All the parties are aimed at strangers who want to be lovers.

   D. All the parties are suitable not only for the young but for the old.

2.In which party does a participant have to be careful with the time?

A. Speed dating.                          B. Lock and key party.    

C. Dinner in the dark.                    D. Message party.

3.If you go to the Dinner in the dark, ____________.

   A. you have to wear night vision glasses    

B. you have to eat with your hands

   C. guests eat all the courses in the darkness

   D. your dining partners will help you choose the food

4. How many of the parties offer gifts or prizes?

   A. 1.                  B. 2.              C. 3.              D. 4.



20. 难度:中等

Today, almost everyone has heard of Harry Potter. The books detailing his experiences at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have aroused passion, creativity, and interest in reading throughout the world.

But have you ever considered why you are a fan of the Harry Potter series?

JK Rowling has created a list of characters and an environment for them to inhabit that appeals to both adults and children. 

The fantasy aspect of the wizarding world expands the imagination, and takes the mind to new and exciting places. Anything could happen there. Her stories contain parts of the believable and unbelievable, changing the predictability that readers commonly come across and bear in fiction. 

The main theme of the series, including good versus evil, prejudice, love, death, sacrifice, friendship and loyalty, in actuality contributes to the ever-lasting nature of the stories. At the same time, these themes remind us of classic literature, offering mature readers tales that wear like a comfortable pair of shoes, while introducing younger readers to concepts they will meet throughout their lives. 

Much of the appeal also comes from the characters. In each book, JK Rowling introduces and describes the characters in such a way that we wonder not only about their futures, but also about their pasts. Even supporting characters are suddenly more than just extras in the background. And what of Harry Potter himself? We care about Harry, because we watch him grow from an innocent boy to a powerful wizard. We see him as both Hero and Victim. He experiences endless love and extreme pain, and as readers, we experience them with him.

This perfect combination of emotion, suspense and fantasy, together with the fact that JK Rowling is a superb storyteller is the reason why we are Harry potter fans. People are fond of Harry Potter series. With books like these, it’s hard not to be.

1. Harry Potter series become popular partly because ____________.

A. they remind us of the childhood and environment we had in the past

B. they take us to a world beyond our imagination and expectation

C. they offer us ever-lasting nature of the stories

D. they set an example of hero for us to follow

2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. The supporting characters are not necessary in the story.

B. Readers care only about Harry but not those supporting characters.

C. Even the supporting characters are attractive in the story.

D. Those supporting characters only appear all of a sudden.

3. The themes of the Harry Potter series do not contain ____________.

A. prejudice and love                B. good and evil

C. death and sacrifice               D. safety and peace

4. People care for Harry Potter because ____________.

A. they think of classic literature when reading the story

B. they find different experiences from theirs on Harry

C. they share the experiences with Harry

D. they like JK Rowling’s description very much


21. 难度:中等


    1.      But science may have just proved them right – because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts, according to a study.

As parents tend to pass on genes that determine looks, this could result in handsome men becoming rather thin on the ground.    2.     For example, Yasmin Le Bon is signed to the same modelling agency as daughter Amber, and Jerry Hall’s daughters Elizabeth and Georgia Jagger have both taken to the catwalk.  

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, of the London School of Economics, analysed data from a survey of 17,000 babies born in Britain in March 1958 and tracked them throughout their lives.      3.     When they reached 45, they were asked about the gender of any children they had.

Those rated as attractive were equally likely to have a son or daughter as their first child – but the unattractive sorts were more likely to have a son.      4. 

Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own features.   5.     So it pays for attractive women to have daughters. But couples blessed with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.

A. Women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have

more children than plain ones.

B. Single girls have always complained that good-looking men are difficult to find.

C. Beauty is of more benefit to a woman than a man.

D. At the age of seven, their attractiveness was rated by their teachers.

E. Put another way, the beautiful women were more likely to have daughters.

F. And it may also explain why many models have daughters who follow in their fascinating footsteps.

G. Famously good-looking parents like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are more likely to have girls than uglier couples.



22. 难度:中等

单词拼写(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


1. In Pride and Prejudice five sisters overcome __________ (障碍) to their happiness and marriage.

2. If you want to know how to study____________ (高效率地), come and join our club.

3. As Mr Darcy continued in his __________ (傲慢自大的) way, Elizabeth forgot his feelings.

4. During an interview, all questions should be asked in a logical __________ (顺序).

5. My brother attended practically every lecture and __________ (研讨会) when he was a


6. All my household goods are __________ (保险) against accidental damage.

7. He joined the army for a time as a ____________ (外科医生) and went on an expedition to


8. Hiring a car will allow you to be __________ (灵活的) about where you visit and how long you stay.

9. This land is used by local people for __________ (放牧) their animals.

10. He is __________ (跛的) in one leg and walks with the help of a stick.



23. 难度:中等



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧ ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。




Great changes have been taken place in my village. Ten years ago, the small and low houses, which lie on the north of a lake, produced much waste. As the result, the lake was serious polluted. To the west was a sandy field, that was the source of dust. Better still, a brickyard on the southwest side of the lake used up a great deal good soil. Now the poor house have been replaced by green trees and the brickyard by tall buildings. The sandy field that the villagers used to ploughing has been covered with fruit trees. On the lake the villagers often spend his spare time boating and fishing.



24. 难度:中等


假设你是李华,你的朋友Luck要来长春参观,请你用英文给她写一封邮件,简要介绍长春, 要点如下:

1. 长春坐落在中国东北部,是吉林省的省会城市;           

2. 是经济、文化中心, 被誉为汽车城;

3. 城市干净整洁、人民热情好客、交通四通八达。


1. 可根据要求加以必要发挥,但不要逐字翻译;

2. 词数为100左右;

3. 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

参考词汇: 汽车城 City of Automobile 

Dear Lucy,

I’m so happy that you will come to Changchun.                                  


Looking forward to seeing you here in Changchun.

                                                      Sincerely yours,



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