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1. 难度:简单

Restaurants in every corner of Mianyang not only provide job opportunities but___ lots of taxes as well.

A.bring in

B.bring about

C.result in

D.result from


2. 难度:简单

—It’s reported that over 1billion people watched the live opening ceremony of___ 2010 South Africa World Cup on TV.

—Yes, news came as____ shock to me.

A.the; the

B.x; a

C.the; a

D.a; the


3. 难度:简单

—I wonder why Sara looks worried today.

—I'm not sure,but she      a small accident driving here.

A.could have

B.might have

C.might have had

D.must have had


4. 难度:简单

—How long      in Shanghai?

—Just the weekend. I've to be back for an important meeting to be held next Monday.

A.have you stayed

B.are you staying

C.did you stay

D.do you stay


5. 难度:简单

The advantage human beings have to    the sun is worth discussing.

A.take of

B.play with

C.have on

D.do with


6. 难度:简单

Life is hard at present. Hardly    by    some price or other going up.

A.a day goes; with         

B.a day goes; without

C. does any day go; with

D.does any day go; without


7. 难度:简单

The Spanish football team won the South Africa World Cup on July 13th, ______ it the 8th country to have won the World Cup.



C.to make

D.to have made


8. 难度:简单

Some equipment as well as a number of maps and books      to Zhouqu since the mud-rock flow occurred.

A.has been offered

B.have been offered

C. are offered

D.is being offered


9. 难度:简单

You can use a larger plastic bottle, ____ is cut off, ___ as a pot to grow flowers in.

A.of which the top; with it’s top

B.whose top; with its top

C.whose top; the top of it

D.the top of which; with it’s top


10. 难度:简单



Mary had her own special kind of joy, and she knew exactly how to spread it around. She lifted children from  31  into laughter, love, and belonging. Each time she found a new  32  for a child, she gave the family one of her little homemade paper roses. It had become a  33  for her, and the families didn't ever forget it.

One evening, Mary was  34 a meeting for adoptive parents. One of the  35  fathers stood up to introduce himself. But before he spoke, he reached into his coat pocket and held up a  36 , red paper rose.

“Twenty years ago today, I felt alone and  37 . I didn't know the talents inside me or what was possible for me.

Then Mary  38  two wonderful people into my life. They taught me what it was like to feel  39 . They not only loved me  40 . They opened a world of  41  that I didn't know existed. My new parents told me, ‘Reach for your dreams!’

I did, and today I'm  42  to be giving that chance to a child who  43  just like me. My mother gave me this little rose. By now, all of you  44  where she got it so long ago.

Mary sent me a new rose just yesterday. And my new rose  45 a new spring, a beautiful new  46  for my own little girl. It  47  me to show her what unconditional love is, and to teach her to reach for her own beautiful dreams.

Thank you, Mary, for the special little things like roses that  48  our lives together. And thank you for all you've done for me and so many families over the years!”

One brief even can send our spirits soaring or  49  us in quiet to ponder a new beginning. 50  it is also the very small things, like Mary's roses, that tie together the meaningful things.

31.A. poverty                    B. loneliness              C. misery                   D. suffering

32.A. home               B. place             C. school             D. life

33.A. glory                B. favor              C. habit              D. tradition

34.A. organizing      B. planning                C. hosting             D. attending

35. A. new                 B. grateful                 C. kind               D. active

36. A. broken              B. faded                         C. treasured           D. dried

37.A. tasteless             B. powerless                C. priceless             D. worthless

38.A. directed             B. introduced             C. brought            D. accepted

39.A. loved            B. protected          C. cared             D. cheered

40.A. silently              B. continuously             C. unintentionally      D. unconditionally

41.A. necessities         B. possibilities                     C. beauties            D. riches

42.A. eager            B. willing                  C. proud             D. lucky

43.A. started out        B. came up                 C. turned out          D. grew up

44.A. understand         B. guess                     C. tell               D. know  

45.A. replaces           B. symbolizes               C. equals            D. creates

46.A. chance           B. mystery                    C. challenge           D. beginning

47.A. reminds              B. helps                        C. accompanies        D. drives

48.A. fix              B. close                C. tie                  D. gather

49.A. cause              B. push                        C. put                           D. leave

50.A. Yet               B. Besides                    C. Otherwise          D. Therefore


11. 难度:简单



A handsome middle­aged man walked quietly into the cafe and sat down. Before he ordered,he couldn’t help but notice a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was obvious they were making fun of something about him and it wasn’t until he remembered he was wearing a small pink ribbon(丝带) on the lapel of his suit that he became aware of what the joke was all about.

The man pretended not to notice it,but the whisper and laughter began to get to him. He looked one of the rude young men straight into the eye,placed his hand beneath the ribbon and asked,“This?”

With that the young men all began to laugh out loud. The man he spoke to said,“Hey,sorry,man, but we were just commenting on how pretty your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!”

The middle­aged man calmly invited the joker to come over to his table, and politely seated him. As uncomfortable as he was, the young guy had to, not really sure why. In a soft voice,the middle­aged man said, “I wear this ribbon to bring awareness about breast cancer. I wear it in my mother’s honor.”

“Oh, sorry. She died of breast cancer?”

“No, she didn’t. She’s alive and well. But her breasts nourished me as a baby,and were a soft resting place for my head when I was scared or lonely as a little boy. I’m very grateful for my mother’s breasts, and her health.”

“Umm,” the young replied “yeah.”

“And I wear this ribbon to honor my wife” the man continued.

“And she’s okay, too?”the young guy asked.

“Oh, yes. She’s fine. Her breasts have been a great source of loving pleasure for both of us,and with them she nurtured and nourished our daughter 23 years ago. I’m grateful for my wife’s breasts,and her health.”

“Uh, huh. And I guess you wear it to honor your daughter, also?”

“No. It’s too late to honor my daughter by wearing it now...”

Shaken and ashamed,the young guy said, “Oh, I’m so sorry,mister.”

“So, in my daughter’s memory, too, I proudly wear this little ribbon, which allows me the opportunity to enlighten others. And here...”With this,he reached in his pocket and handed the young man a little pink ribbon. The young guy looked at it, slowly raised his head and asked, “...?”

51.The young men joked about the middle­aged man’s________.

A.looks       B.ribbon      C.attitude     D.clothes

52.What may have happened to the man’s daughter?

A.She died of breast cancer.                B.She was ill with cancer.

C.She had gone abroad.                    D.She got married.

53.What will the young man probably ask at the end of the story?

A.May I give it to my mother?           B.Can you help me put it on?

C.Will you please forgive me?            D.Shall we have some drink together?

54.What is the best title for the passage?

A.An Unusual Meeting               B. An Impressive Lesson

C.Be Grateful to Your Beloved     D. A little Pink Ribbon


12. 难度:简单

Both my parents came from towns in Mexico. Then I was born in E1 Paso,Texas and when I was four, my family moved to a housing project in East Los Angeles.

Even though we struggled to make ends meet, my parents stressed to me and my four brothers and sisters how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities. They influenced us with the concepts of family, faith and nationalism.

I got my first real job when I was ten. My dad injured his back working in a cardboard­box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist. He rented space in a little shopping mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr.Ben’s Coiffure.

The owner of the shopping center gave Dad a discount on his rent for cleaning the parking lot three nights a week,which meant getting up at 3 a.m..To pick up rubbish, Dad used a little machine that looked like a lawn mower. Mom and I emptied garbage cans and picked up litter by hand. It took two to three hours to clean the lot. I’d sleep in the car on the way home.

I did this for two years,but the lessons I learned have lasted a lifetime. I acquired discipline and a strong work ethic(道德), and learned at an early age the importance of balancing life’s competing interests-in my case,school,homework and a job. This really helped during my senior year of a high school, when I worked 40 hours a week flipping burgers at a fast­food joint while taking a full load of college preparation courses.

The hard work paid off. I attended the U.S.Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degrees in law and business from Harvard. Later, I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California State Assembly(州议会).In these jobs and in everything else I’ve done, I have never forgotten those nights in the parking lot. The experience taught me that there is dignity in all work and that if people are working to provide for themselves and their families that is something we should honor.

59. Before my father got injured,we________.

A. didn’t like living in the USA                   B. lived a poor but happy life

C. were lucky to move to the USA                 D. had many ways to make money

60. When he recovered,to make a living my father________.

A. ran a small shopping mall                  B. did a part­time job

C. worked as a barber                        D. became a street cleaner

61. Working in the parking lot for two years had taught me________.

A. how to obey school discipline             B. how to do two things well at a time

C. that discipline and work were of equal value 

D. that I must do as many things as possible at a time

62. The author tells us in the last paragraph that we should be proud of those who________.

A. have done all kinds of jobs                      B. are cleaning the parking lot

C. have achieved a lot in their lives               D. are bearing their responsibilities


13. 难度:简单

ALBANY,New York—Students who rely on working at night to improve their

grades might want to sleep on that strategy: A new survey in the US says those who never study all night have slightly higher grades than those who do.

A survey of 120 students at St.Lawrence University found that students who had never pulled an all­nighter on average had higher grades than those who had. The survey found those who did not study through the night had a grade point average of 3.2 compared to 2.95 for those who did.

The study, by assistant professor of psychology Pamela Thacher, is to be included in the January issue of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

“It's not a big difference,but it's pretty striking, ” Thacher said, “I am primarily a sleep researcher and I know nobody thinks clearly at 4∶00 in the morning. You think you can do,but you can't.”

Many college students, of course, have inadequate or irregular sleep, for reasons ranging from excessive caffeine to poor time management.

“A lot of students were under the impression that all­nighters were a very useful tool for accomplishing work, and that caffeine intake was very useful in meeting deadlines and stuff like that, ”said Mr Chatani, who had a 3.4 grade point average last term.

Dr Howard Weiss, a physician at St.Peter's Sleep Center in Albany, said the study results made sense.

“Certainly that data is out there showing that short sleep duration absolutely interferes with concentration and performance on objective testing, ”he said.

“Some night owls do get good grades, of course,which may be explained by circadian (昼夜节律的,生理节奏的) rhythms, ”Weiss said, “Some people have different 24­hour body clocks from others, and may do better depending on classes and testing time.”

63.The purpose of the passage is to tell us     

A. the bad effects of pulling an all­nighter

B. pulling an all­nighter leads to sleep problems

C. Thacher's doubt about all­nighters

D. all­nighters influence students' grades

64. According to Thacher's study,around 4 o'clock in the morning is a time when     .

A. one can think more clearly

B. one has his/her best memory

C. one can't learn efficiently

D. one's brain falls into a period of deep sleep

65.What can we know from Dr Howard Weiss' words?

A. Thacher's study is not convincing enough.

B. He believes in Thacher's study.

C. Thacher's study makes no sense.

D. Thacher should take exceptions into consideration.


14. 难度:简单

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共20分)








 Isabella is one of my best friends. She had taught                     66.    

us English when I attended training course two                            67.    

years before. Isabella always made good preparations                      68.    

for the lessons, she tried her best to make her                              69.    

classes lively. I used to being poor in English,                         70.    

especially in written English. But now, I'm able                           71.    

to write English letters and reports correct.                               72.    

I still remember how she helped me for my English                       73.    

patiently. Teachers’ Day is approached. I'm going to                     74.    

send to her a card and give her my best wishes.                           75.    


15. 难度:简单



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