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1. 难度:简单

       moment he saw Zhao Benshan’s funny performances, he burs into      laughter.

       A.A;不填               B.A;the                C.The;不填             D.The; a


2. 难度:简单

--- I am sorry to have       much of your spare time.

    --- That’s OK, and I am glad to help you.

       A.taken up              B.taken on              C.taken off             D.taken in


3. 难度:简单

Although you have traveled to many scenic spots before,      of them are as attractive as the one I visited this summer vacation.

       A.any                     B.none                   C.neither                D.all


4. 难度:简单

--- I am always feeling nervous before an exam.

    ---        .Do believe your hard work will surely pay off.

       A.Take your time                                    B.Take a good rest

       C.Take it easy                                         D.Take your turn


5. 难度:简单

—Your grandfather is always full of       .What’s the secret?

       —Playing Taiji every morning.

       A.taste                    B.energy               C.relief                    D.credit


6. 难度:简单

—What happened to the ancient town?

       —          .

       A.It destroyed in the flood                      B.The flood was destroying it

       C.The flood was destroyed it                   D.It was destroyed in the flood


7. 难度:简单

Can you still remember the farm          we enjoyed plenty of fresh fruit half a year ago?

       A.that                     B.when                 C.where                   D.what


8. 难度:简单

—The film Tangshan Earthquake will be at 7:30 pm.Shall I pick you up at 6:40 pm?

       —OK, I       you at that time.

       A.was waiting for                                  B.shall be waiting for

       C.have been waiting for                         D.shall have waited for


9. 难度:简单

Have you heard the news      a high-speed railway between Huangshan and Hangzhou will be under construction soon?

       A.that                    B.which                C.whether                D.whatever


10. 难度:简单

—I wonder whom you are waiting for.

       —The policeman       the traffic accident.

       A.dealt with            B.to deal with        C.will deal with       D.to be dealt with


11. 难度:简单

        tomorrow, we will set sail for Canada.

       A.However the weather is like                 B.However is the weather like

       C.Whatever is the weather like               D.Whatever the weather is like


12. 难度:简单

I        the wonderful World Cup final of 2010 live on TV, but this summer vacation I missed it.

       A.could have watched                            B.might watch

       C.must have watched                              D.need have watched


13. 难度:简单

Make full use of your time      you can achieve what you desire.

       A.so                      B.or                     C.but                       D.and


14. 难度:简单

The coal miners     in the coal mine for 10 hours before we came to their rescue.

       A.had trapped                                       B.had been trapping

       C.had been trapped                                D.would have been trapped


15. 难度:简单

—Was it in April, 1970          China succeeded              sending its first satellite into space?

       —Yes, that’s right.

       A.when; in             B.that; on             C.which; on             D.that; in


16. 难度:简单


       This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a  36  effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know  37  but whose actions gave a new  38  to the words — kind and generous.

       I was walking down a busy street on a cold, windy day in early  39  , A homeless man, probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes , was  40  for change on a street corner.

       A BMW car  41  on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about  42  years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked  43  across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything, he first gave him a lot of  44  and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves( 手套), beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he    45  them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a/an  46  mouth.

       As he drove off, I couldn’t   47  thinking that it was probably the first time he had  48  the pedal( 踏板)of that top-brand BMW car with a   49   foot! I stood there and the looks of   50  appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.

       Two men of about the same age  51  very different lives had met and the one who was  52  in materials had offered  53  than his shoes.He had left this BMW car and   54  down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,   55  and real generosity.

1.A.strong                     B.bad                     C.light                   D.slow

2.A.officially                 B.personally           C.similarly             D.generally

3.A.benefit                    B.attitude               C.meaning              D.award

4.A.spring                     B.summer               C.autumn               D.winter

5.A.searching                 B.making               C.blaming              D.begging

6.A.called up                 B.broke up             C.pulled up             D.sped up

7.A.40                          B.50                      C.60                      D.70

8.A.directly                   B.usually                C.unwillingly          D.fluently

9.A.money                    B.water                  C.sand                    D.oil

10.A.posted                   B.handed                C.kicked                 D.threw

11.A.closed                    B.full                     C.open                   D.empty

12.A.stand                     B.delay                  C.forget                 D.help

13.A.bended                  B.cut                      C.repaired              D.pressed

14.A.relaxed                  B.large                   C.bare                    D.single

15.A.excitementB.astonishment                    C.sadness                D.pride

16.A.but                        B.or                       C.and                     D.before

17.A.successfulB.careful                              C.useful                 D.helpful

18.A.rather                    B.more                   C.other                   D.better

19.A.broken                  B.fell                     C.stepped               D.rolled

20.A.surprise                 B.disappointment    C.anxiety                D.kindness


17. 难度:简单

When Christina Brouder was five years old, a drunk driver ran over her as she and her father were crossing the street in front of their home.Hurt badly, the young girl was forced to spend a long time in a full-body cast( 石膏) to recover from her injuries.Mostly, she traveled between the hospital and her home.Once out of the cast, Brouder sat in a wheelchair for almost a year.

       In spite of the horrible accident, Christina was grateful for her recovery.She was so grateful, in fact, that she and her four talented siblings( 兄弟姐妹) ( three sisters and a brother) started a music group, Gilbride.The group performed at local hospitals and nursing homes, performing for the patients.Among them, the children could sing, dance and play about 20 different musical instruments.At their first show in 1988, held at Montefiore Hospital, the kids were 2,3,6,8 and 9 years old.That year alone, the group made over a hundred appearances.

       From the local public entertainment places, the group expanded to charity performances.They also entertained people at Disney World, Radio City Music Hall, and even the White House.

    Christina balanced her happy and successful musical career with academics.First graduating from New York City’s High School of Music and Art,and then from Fordham.In 2000,as t he youngest graduate from Fordham,1 8一year—old Christina and her siblings went on tour for a year.Not pleased with the applause she received from the audience, she entered Pace University Law School.On May 19,Christina Brouder realized part of her dream when at only 22,she received Health Law Certificate( 文凭).

1.What happened to Christina when she was five years old?

    A.She was coldly deserted by her father.

    B.She got a strange and serious disease.

    C.She had to give performances to make a living.

    D.She was seriously injured in a traffic accident.

2.According to the text,Christina was         .

    A.thankful and hardworking                    B.a little shy but gentle

    C.a 1ittle stupid and 1azy                         D.sad and bored with her 1ife

3.According to the passage,the siblings           .

    A.were talented in music

    B.were interested in sports

    C.were enthusiastic about writing

    D.had the ability to draw very well

4.In terms of time,what is the correct order of the things Christina did?

    a.She graduated from Fordham.

    b.Christina received Health Law Certificate.

    c.Their first show was held at Montefiore Hospital.

    d.She and her siblings entertained at the White House.

A.d,a,b,c    B.d,c,b,a      C.c,d,a,b        D.c,b,d,a


18. 难度:简单

Although Thomas Edison created the technologies behind three major 21st century industries  electrical power,recorded music and movies—his greatest invention may have been the modern method of inventing.He basically came up with the modern system of research and development.Edison was not the only scientist doing research in his garage but someone who gathered around him a team of creative scientific minds.Edison’s 1aboratories were the forerunners( 先驱)of Apple,Google and Microsoft.

Yet for a11 his scientific gifts,he was no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.He once said,“Anything that won’ t sell,I don’ t want to invent.” But Edison,unlike Jobs or Gates,had no real sense of what the public wanted or how to change his discoveries into products that might sell.It took him years to understand that the phonograph( 留声机)was not a business tool but an entertainment invention.He helped create movies but resisted the idea that people might want to go into a theater to watch one.

We chose Edison this year because we need his example now more than ever.Though we live in a time of great reformation,the U.S.is in danger of losing its advantage in science and technology.American investment( 投资)in research and development has not increased as a percentage of GDP since the mid一1980s,while the government’ s share has been dropping.And this is at a time when China is rapidly increasing its money on research and development.The U.S.was once among the 1eading nations.Now it ranks near the bottom of the 23 nations that collect such data.We hope that Edison’ s story might not only encourage reformation but also inspire more

young Americans to study science and engineering.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about         .

    A.the number of Edison’ s great inventions

    B.Edison’ s special personal characters

    C.Edi son’ s modern system of research

    D.Apple.Google and Microsoft and their forerunners

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.A11 the things Edison invented sold well.

    B.Edison wanted to invent things that sold well.

    C.Edison’ s inventions were not valuable for being unpopular.

    D.Edison had a gift for changing his discoveries into best sellers.

3.The author’ s main purpose is to   

      A.inform US of the danger the USA is in

      B.get young Americans to study science

      C.be in honor of Edison for his contributions

      D.tell US how important Edison’ s inventions are

4.We can infer from the text that   

    A.the USA is no 10nger advanced in science and technology

    B.the USA falls behind China in research and inventions

    C.more and more young Americans will be interested in science

D.China is spending more and more money on research and development


19. 难度:简单

What’ s the fastest way to learn a language?


Learning a new language seems hard and frightening as

we look back on the years of grammar and translations in

school.Yet babies communicate t eighteen months and speak

the language fluently before they go to school.

Firstly and most importantly, a child’ s natural language-learning ability exits only in a speech environment free of translations and explanations of translations and explanations of grammar.Secondly, a child’ s language learning speeds up by constant feedback(反馈)from family and friends.Thirdly, children learn through play.

At Rosetta Stone, you know adults can recover the native language-learning ability they once had as children.At every step and in every skill, you receive immediate and actionable feedback, including speech recognition(识别), advice and attention.

Every act is an act of play for children and there’ s no reason why it should be different for learners of any age.With Rosetta Stone programs, you rediscover the joy of learning languages.Clever, puzzle-like activities produce sudden “aha!” moments and astonishing language discoveries, we see it all the time.A slow of recognition, as though the brain suddenly realizes what is like to learn a language as a child.

Visit our website and find out how you can make your own language-learning ability active with Rosetta Stone.It’ s the fastest way to learn a language.

1.Which of the following as is TRUE about Rosetta Stone?

      A.You can learn only a few languages.

      B.You will get some advice in time during learning.

      C.You may take part in the language school today.

      D.You can get your money back after seven months.

2.The main purpose of the text is to         

    A.tell adults how to 1earn a language well

    B.present readers to buy CDs of Rosetta Stone

    C.present some problems of learning languages

    D.compare adults and children 1earning 1anguages

3.If there’ s a$499 program,you order it today and pay        .

    A.$479                B.$459              C.$449                    D.$439

4.The passage is most 1ikely to be a( n)           

    A.education paper                               B.review on 1anguage

C.science report                                    D.advertisement for a product


20. 难度:简单

 In terms of history, Australian cuisine(烹饪)was on the basis of traditional British cooking brought to the country by the first settlers.Modern Australian cuisine,however.has been heavily influenced by Australia’ s Asian and Southeast Asian neighbors.The trend,encouraged by long-term government health programs,is towards low-fat healthy cookery including low-fat meat and lightly cooked,colorful,steamed or fried vegetables.Besides,1ike many English families,in many Australian homes,a widespread tradition of having roast turkey,chicken,and ham for Christmas 1unch or dinner still remains.

    Generally breakfast is light in most parts of Australia.but in the colder regions porridge or meals similar to the full English breakfast may be consumed.In recent years,however,most Australian people prefer light breakfast in order to control their weight.The 1ight breakfast commonly consists of cereals(谷类),toast and fruit.A heavier breakfast will frequently include fried bacon,eggs,mushrooms,etc.Drinks taken at breakfast include tea,coffee,milk or juice.

    The evening meal is the main meal of the day for most Australians,and when consumed at home,it is often eaten with members of the immediate family.The dishes served will vary widely according to the tastes and background of the family.A typical Australian restaurant might offer sandwiches,chicken or other meat-based dishes and cakes.

In recent years,take—away food is becoming popular in Australia.American-style chain restaurants are common including Subway,KFC,and Mcdonald’s.They a11 come from America.Most of these restaurants sell high quality food at reasonable prices.

With the high 1evels of immigration(移民)from the Middle East.South and Southeast Asia.Korea.China and other countries from a11 over the world to Australia.many authentic(正宗的)and high-quality restaurants are run by first-and second-generation immigrants from these areas.

1.According to the first paragraph,what does the Australian government encourage its people to do?

    A.To try to eat 10w—fat healthy foods.

    B.To have roast turkey for Christmas dinner.

    C.To use traditional British cooking methods.

    D.To 1earn from Asian neighbors to cook foods.

2.The main idea of the second paragraph is         

    A.what breakfast is 1ike in Australia

    B.w hat Australian people drink at breakfast

    C.that Australians often have a heavy breakfast

D.that most Australian people don’ t have breakfast to lose weight

3.The underlined part the immediate family in Paragraph 3 probably mean people who      .

       A.have the same family names

       B.do some cooking together at times

       C.live next to one another in the same area

       D.are very directly – related members of a family

4.From the passage, we learn that        .

       A.fewer and fewer immigrants enter Australia every year

       B.Subway is a chain restaurant and it is from the USA

       C.home cooking is becoming more and more popular in Australia

       D.a typical restaurant mainly offers porridge and noodles for supper


21. 难度:简单

If, for some reason, you had 2,010 empty plastic bottles, what would you do? You’d probably sell them cheaply, right? But Xia Yu collected 2,010bottles and built a boat with them, As you read this, Xia is, in fact, on a river somewhere in Anhuai, slowly going towards his destination: the Expo Garden in Shanghai.2,010 plastic bottles was to celebrate Expo (世博会) 2010 Shanghai.On the opening day of the Expo, Xia, together with five friends, went on a 1,500 – km journey from Xiangtan to the Expo Garden, in spite of the doubt whether they’ll make it.After all, the boat they are on can hardly be called a boat.It cost only 2,000 yuan to build in a month.

What’s keeping Xia going is a major cause behind the trip.“We are examining water pollution through our journey and trying to promote a low – carbon (低碳) lifestyle.Before we started, no one believed we could sail the boat to the Dongting Lake.But we made it.” But as they expected, the journey has not always been smooth.Of the six from Xiangtan, four gave up.As of the press time (到发稿时), only Xia and his friend Huang Ying were on the boat.Huang suffered from a disease when they reached Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, Xia said, “There are so many things that can stop up from making it to Shanghai, like the weather, health, and sometimes swift rive water.”

“The boat was produced in a factory according to our design, and perhaps it’s not in a very good condition.But,” Xia said, “we are wearing life jackets”.“Some boats passing by offered help.” What is more of a reward for Xia and Huang is that the Yangtze Rive truned out much cleaner than they had expected.Although Xia and Huang are uncertain about the journedy ahead, they are “quite happy” with what they have already achieved.“After all, it’s not the destination that counts.It’s always the course that matters the most.”

1.Xia Yu doubts the success of the journey because of        .

    A.such a 1ong journey on the river

    B.the poor boat and the bad weather

    C.few people taking part in the journey

    D.the seriously polluted river in some parts

2.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the journey?

A.To examine water pollution.           

B.To celebrate Expo 2010 Shanghai.

C.To win a race on the water.               

D.To promote a low-carbon lifestyle.

3.From the text we know that       .

    A.They stay on the boat at night.

    B.Three people gave up due to their bad health.

    C.Xia Yu and his mate have arrived in Shanghai

    D.Huang suffered from a disease on the journey.

4.The last paragraph tells us Xia Yu and Huang Ying         .

A.pay more attention to the process.

B.are sure to arrive at the destination.

C.helped turn the Yangtze River cleaner.

D.are happy because of their final success.


22. 难度:简单


Of all the emotions(情感)that flow through your head when you go back to college, shyness to be one of the biggest emotions present.Shyness and fear can stop you from becoming the active lcarner that you wish to be.You may be too shy to volunteer to lead a group or too filled with fear to raise your hand when you know the answer to a question.Here are some things you should pay attention to.

Don’t let your mind go elsewhere.You cannot be an active learner if you don’t know what’s going on in your class.There will always be a student or two that can disturb your focus because they are talking while a lesson is going on or their phone is going off constanty.Don’t let this trouble you.

Your voice matters.During class discussions it’s important to become active in the group conversations.Ask questions when proper, but not if they are unnecessary.For example, don’t ask a question that you know the answer to or can find the answer to easily just to become involved (参与)in a group discussion.Answer questions if you can.Try not to guess at the answers.if you get it wrong.you will feel embarrassed.If you feel embarrassed, you will be less likely to keep contributing.Stay involved with the discussion and voice your opinion on a debate.

Don’t just do the least.Check your curriculum and see what’s on it for your next class.Do some extra research that is not required to prepare yourself for possible discussions.Having extra input(输入)that was not in the text book will impress your tutor and your classmates.

Remember that if you are a shy person.it is going to be harder for you to become an active learner in class, but you determine your own level of involvement of involvement.in your education.You are in charge of how much you learn and when you learn it.


I Iow to be an active1.              


If you are 2.       and fearful, you can’t be an active learner.


◆Pay4.       while a lesson is going on.

◆Take part in group discussions5.               .

Don’t ask too easy questions or 6.      answers to questions.

7.       your opinions when neccssary and proper.

◆Prepare yourself for possible discussions 8.     of time.


Whether you can be an active learner10.        on yourself, not others.



23. 难度:简单






Dear Peter.

I’m so glad to learn that you and your family are coming to visit China.












Looking forward to seeing you!                                     


Li Hua


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