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1. 难度:中等

The driver was at       loss when      word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding.

       A.a; the       B./; /    C.the; the     D.a; /


2. 难度:中等

Until about 1850 most wine in France, which is one of the oldest wine producing regions of Europe,        locally.

       A.is consumed            B.was being consumed

       C.was consumed         D.has been consumed


3. 难度:中等

It is written clearly in the requirements that all passengers        check onto board thirty minutes before the plane takes off.

       A.may  B.can    C.will   D.shall


4. 难度:中等

Last week he was caught robbing the bank opposite the station.           his youth, the police have decided not to charge him.

       A.In spite of B.In view of C.In charge of     D.In case of


5. 难度:中等

—Will $ 1000       the cost of the trip?

       —I’m afraid not, Perhaps I need another $ 400.

       A.pay   B.charge      C.cover D.afford


6. 难度:中等

No one believed his reason for being late        he was caught in a traffic jam,      made him embarrassed.

       A.that; which      B.why; which      C.why; what D.that; what


7. 难度:中等

When asked whether he could come over and have dinner with us,          .

       A.she said nothing             B.nothing was said by him

       C.Tom nodded his head      D.they shook their heads


8. 难度:中等

Have you read the book,        concerning the story of Song Dandan?

       A.it      B.one   C.which       D.the one


9. 难度:中等

“Only two centimeters higher,         break the world record.” encouraged the coach.

       A.you will   B.and you will     C.or you will       D.will you


10. 难度:中等

The incomes of skilled workers went up.        , unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.

       A.Moreover B.Therefore  C.Meanwhile       D.Otherwise


11. 难度:中等

The manager said that they had an        plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepted.

       A.ordinary   B.afternative       C.absolute    D.elegant


12. 难度:中等

Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it shopping and eating.

       A.refers to   B.speaks of  C.focuses on D.comes to


13. 难度:中等

—You see how thin Ann is!

       —She       gain some weight but she        too little.

       A.would; eats     B.will; eats   C.would; ate       D.will; ate


14. 难度:中等

The systemn has been designed to give students quick and easy     to the digital resources of the library.

       A.access       B.passage     C.way   D.approach


15. 难度:中等

—You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.


       A.Oh, don’t you like it.      B.That’s all right.

       C.I’m glad you like it so much.  D.You’ve a gift for music, don’t you?


16. 难度:中等


       Yesterday I totally changed my views about life after a talk with one of my friends. He told me despite being  36  , he was happy and   37   that it was because of something he saw in India.

       A few years ago he was  38  feeling sad and was touring India.He said right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother 39 her child's right hand with a knife.The helpless  40  in the mother's eyes and the painful scream of the 41 four-year-old child still remained in his mind.

       The 42 mother made the child handicapped (disabled)  43  he could go out on the streets to beg.  44  by the scene, he dropped a small piece of bread he was eating.And almost at once, several children  45  around this small piece of bread covered with sand,   46 bits from one another.It was the 47  reaction of hunger.He then went to the nearest bakery and bought every single loaf of bread.  48   he gave out the bread to the children (mostly handicapped), he  49   cheers and bows from these  50   children.For the first time in his life, he understood  51  people could give up their  52  for a loaf of bread.He came to   53   how fortunate he was to be able to have a sound body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to  54   about food that didn't taste good, and have the many things that these people in front of him   55   dreamed of having.Perhaps life wasn't bad at all.

1.A.in poor health       B.on a diet      C.in debt               D.out of work

2.A.explained          B.recalled     C.mentioned           D.insisted

3.A.certainly          B.really       C.seriously              D.absolutely

4.A.took off           B.carved from  C.scratched on          D.cut off

5.A.expression         B.despair      C.impression            D.anger

6.A.guilty            B.tiresome     C.innocent              D.numb

7.A.merciless          B.upset        C.desperate             D.crazy

8.A.unless             B.so that       C.in case               D.because

9.A.Puzzled           B.Attracted     C.Disgusted            D.Shocked

10.A.gathered        B.looked       C.sat                 D.turned

11.A.sharing          B.taking           C.offering            D.giving

12.A.mental           B.physical      C.natural              D.emotional

13.A.Since            B.Until          C.If                  D.As

14.A.received         B.accepted       C.heard               D.rejected

15.A.polite           B.unfortunate   C.energetic            D.greedy

16.A.whom           B.what           C.how                D.when

17.A.honor          B.identity      C.morals              D.dignity

18.A.acknowledge     B.realize         C.conclude            D.recognize

19.A.complain         B.comment       C.argue               D.decide

20.A.even            B.ever            C.never               D.hardly


17. 难度:中等

Robert Fredy was general manager of a large hotel in Ashbury park. New Jersey. One cold day two years ago when he stopped his car at a traffic light, Stephen Pear man, an out-of-work taxi and truck driver, walked up to Fredy’s car hoping to earn some change by washing his windshield.Like many motorists who try to keep the beggars off, Fredy turned on the wipers to show he wasn’t interested.

       Pearman put his head close to the window.“Come on, mister.Give me a chance.I need a job,” he said.Something in Stephen Pearman’s voice moved Robert Fredy.In the seconds before traffic started moving again, Fredy handed a business card and told him to call if he was serious.

       “My friends told me he was just pulling my leg, ”said Pearman.“But I said, “ No, he’s a

businessman.I need to give it a shot.”

       Two days later,29-year-old Pearman appeared in the manager's office of the big hotel.Fredy gave him a job and housing and lent him pocket money while training him.

       Today, Pearman works full time setting up the hotel's dining halls for business meetings.In the past two years, he has found a flat, married and repaid Fredy’s loans.

       “Mr.Fredy gave me a second chance, “says Pearman, ” And I took advantage of it.I could have just come here a while, eaten up and left.But there is no future in washing windshields.”

       Ordinarily, Fredy keeps away from the street people.“But Pearman seemed so honest and open, asking for a chance rather than just money,” Fredy says, “I don’t hand my business card to just anybody.But I’m glad I did in this case.”

1.When Pearman first appeared before Fredy, .

       A.Fredy took him as a beggar

       B.Pearman was told to do it later

       C.Fredy gladly agreed to let him do it

       D.Pearman knew Fredy was a kind man

2.When Fredy told Pearman to call if he was serious, he meant if          .

       A.Pearman was really hardworking

       B.Pearman was really looking for a job

       C.Pearman’s conditions were truly scrious

       D.Pearman was really interested in washing windshields

3.By saying “he was just pulling my leg (paragraph 3)”, Pearman’s friends meant.

       A.Fredy knew Pearman intended to ask for a job

       B.Fredy was making fun of Pearman

       C.Fredy wanted to help the poor

       D.Fredy was tired of being stopped

4.Pearman is now            .

       A.in charge of Fredy’s loans

       B.still washing car windshields

       C.full – time employed at the hotel

       D.arranging dinner parties for the hotel

5.What can we learn about Fredy?

       A.He helps those who will work hard themselves.

       B.He likes to give his help to anyone in need.

       C.He always gives help to the unemployed.

       D.He is easily moved by poor people.


18. 难度:中等

8:30 PM


Outlook is back with a new series of reports to keep you up date with all that’s new in the world of entertainment . Stories go all the way from the technical to the romantic , from stage to screen . There will be reports of the stars of the moment , the stars of the future and the stars of the past.  The director with his new film , the designer with the latest fashion , and the musician with the popular song are part of the new Outlook . The program is introduced by Fran Levine .

9:00 PM


When a 10-year-old boy gets a first class degree  in mathematics or an 8-year-old plays chess like a future grand master, they are considered as geniuses . Where does the quality of genius come from ? Is it all in the genes (基因) or can any child be turned into a genius ? And if parents do have a child who might become a genius in the future, what should they do ? In this 30-minute film , Barry Johnson , the professor at School of Medicine , New York University, will help you discover the answer .

10:00 PM


    Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs ? The answer is “yes”, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins  and three other medical centers . After a study of 800 persons with high blood pressure , they found that after 6 months , those devoted to weight loss—exercise and eating a low—salt , low-fat food lost about 13 pounds and became fitter . Plus , 35% of them dropped into the “normal” category. This week , Dr Alan Duckworth will tell you how these people reduce their blood pressure to a level similar to what’s achieved with hypertension drugs .

1.The main purpose of writing the passage is to        .

       A.invite people to see films

       B.invite people to join in topic discussions

       C.attract more students to attend lectures

       D.attract more people to watch TV programs

2.From Outlook , you can get a great deal of information about          .

       A.story tellers      B.famous stars    C.film companies       D.music fans

3.Who will be most probably interested in Discovery ?

       A.Parents who want to send their children to a school of medicine .

       B.Children who are good at mathematics .

       C.Parents who want their child to become an Albert Einstein .

       D.Children who are interested in playing chess .

4.“Johns Hopkins” is             .

       A.a famous university        B.a medical center

       C.a well-known doctor      D.a drug company

5.According to the third text , which of the following has almost the same effect as hypertension drug ?

       A.Exercise plus a healthy diet .           B.Loss of thirteen pounds in weight .

       C.Six months of exercise without drugs .   D.Low-salt and low-fat food .


19. 难度:中等

Researchers found that compared with teens who spent much of their free time in front of TV sets, those who were physically active often had higher self-respect, better grades and were less likely to have risky behavior like taking drugs, smoking, or drinking.The findings, based on a national survey of nearly 12,000 middle and high school students, were published in a journal.

       "Across the board, children who engaged in any kind of activity were belier off than kids who watched a lot of TV," said study co author professor Penny Gordon Larsen of the University of North Carolina.

       Other studies have linked certain content of television programs, such as violence and sex, to children's behavior.But beyond this issue, Gordon-Larsen said that kids who spend hours watching TV "miss opportunities" to develop skills, learn teamwork and have other experiences that their more active peers benefit from.

       That doesn't mean, however, that kids have to be on the football team. The study found that some activities like skating and skateboarding——which adults sometimes frown upon——were also related to better self respect and less risk taking.

       That skaters were better behaved than TV watchers might come as a surprise to some adults who consider these teens to be bad, according to Gordon-Larsen.Skateboarding is forbidden in many public areas, and some communities oppose building skating parks.But if kids who like to skate have nowhere to do it, "it's a shame," said Gordon-Larsen.

       Not only should parents encourage their kids to engage iii the physical activities they enjoy, she said, but schools and communities should also do more to create opportunities for children to be active.

1.From the passage we know that          .

       A.physically active kids get into less trouble

       B.more skating parks are being built

       C.kids who spend hours watching TV benefit a lot

       D.kids who have nowhere to skate tend to take drugs

2.If your kid is a football player, he is more likely to ____

       A.get into the habit of smoking or drinking

       B.develop teamwork spirit

       C.have risky behaviors

       D.fail in the schoolwork

3.This passage is mainly written to ___      .

       A.offer some information to teachers and parents

       B.persuade kids not to watch a lot of TV

       C.urge the public to help children be active

       D.show the author's concern about children's growth

4.What does the underlined sentence "which adults sometimes frown upon" in the 4th paragraph mean?

       A.Some adults don't understand the sports.

       B.Some adults are impatient with kids.

       C.Adults consider it dangerous to go skating or skateboarding.

       D.Some adults think them related to bad behaviors.

5.It can be inferred from the passage that          .

       A.kids are not expected to be active by some parents

       B.professor Penny is a famous writer and journalist

       C.skateboarding is popular in schools and communities

       D.kids are not encouraged to join the football team


20. 难度:中等

The saying that children don’t like reading any more has been proved untrue. A new study finds that 75 percent of kids between five and 17 say that although they love technology, they still want to read books.

       The Kids & Family Reading Report also says that 62 percent of kids prefer reading printed books rather than those on a computer.At the same time, those who search an author’s website or use the Internet to find books by a particular author, are more likely to read books for fun every day.

       The study also once again proves that the time kids spend reading books for fun decreases after the age of eight and continues to drop through the teen years.The report is a follow-up to a 2006 study.But this time the focus is on the role of technology and when kids’ interest in reading starts to drop.

       “Despite the fact that after the age of eight more children go online daily than read for fun daily, high frequency Internet users are more likely to read books for fun every day,” says Heather Carter, a writer of the report.

       One in four kids between five and 17 say they read books for fun every day and more than half of kids say they read books for fun at least two to three times a week.One of the key reasons kids say they don’t read more often is that they have trouble finding books they like - a requirement that parents underestimate(低估).

       The study also finds that parents have a strong influence on kids’ reading, but only about half of all parents begin reading to their kids before their first birthday.The percent of children who are read to every day drops from 38 percent among five-to eight-year-olds to 23 percent among nine-to 11-year-olds - exactly the same time that kids’ daily reading for fun starts to drop.

       “Parents’ engagement in their child’s reading from birth all the way through the teen years can have a great influence on how often their children read and how much they enjoy reading,” adds Carter.

1.What can we learn from the text?

       A.Children don’t like reading any more after the age of 8.

       B.Most children like reading as well as going online.

       C.All kids like reading e – books instead of printed ones.

       D.Most children like going online instead of reading.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that        .

       A.the study of kids’ reading has been made before

       B.most parents begin reading to their kids from their birth

       C.all kids like to get information using the Internet

       D.nowadays all children still like to read books

3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

       A.The kids who often go online don’t like reading books.

       B.Parents should teach their kids reading from an early age.

       C.Sometimes it is difficult for kids to get the books they like.

       D.When kids get older, parents spend more time with them.

4.According to the text,        contributes a lot to children’s interest in reading.

       A.the Internet             B.parents’ engagement

       C.short supply of books      D.new technology

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

       A.Do kids still like reading?       B.Kids’ interest in reading drops

       C.New technology on kids’ reading    D.Parents’ influence on kids’ reading


21. 难度:中等




       "Wow, you got an A without even studying."

       "Your drawing is wonderful --you're my little Picasso."

       If you're like most parents, you offer praise to your children believing it is the key to their success.But according to a new study, praise may do more harm than good.

       For the study, after a simple IQ test, one group was told it did really well and must be very smart.The other group was told it did really well and must have worked hard. One group was praised for intelligence,                  .

       Asked if they wanted to take a slightly harder test, the kids praised for their intelligence were unwillingly.Of those praised for their effort, however, 90 percent were eager for a more challenging task.And on a final test the effort group performed significantly better than the group praised for its intelligence.

       Many of the kids who had been labeled "smart" performed worst of all.The "hard workers" got the message that they could improve their scores by trying harder, but the "smart" kids believed they should do well without any effort.Thus, kids who get too much praise are less likely to take risks, are highly sensitive to failure and are more likely to give up when faced with a challenge.

       Tips for Parents:

       ◆Avoid labels.Praising for effort sends the message that your child has the power to improve and change.Be mindful of labeling yourself and others.

       ◆Teach kids from an early age that the brain is a muscle that can be strengthened with practice.This sends the message that kids can directly affect their intelligence.

       ◆Parents often praise their kids to make themselves feel good, or to protect their kids from failure.But it's vital for parents to help their kids to learn to deal with setbacks and to help them focus on ways to improve.

1.What is the best title of the passage? ( Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

       As a result of much praise, kids will lack enough courage to risk and face failure and a challenge.


3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.If your parents praise you too much, what should you do7 Why7 (Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


22. 难度:中等

你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的英语文章,你打算以“Post – 90’s Generation”为题,用第一人称给《二十一世纪英文报》写一篇文章,内容包括:















Post – 90’s Generation


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