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1. 难度:中等

---So you are running __ clothing shop?

---Yes, but I don’t want to make it ___ shop only for rich people.

A.the, the

B.a, a

C.a, the

D./, the


2. 难度:中等

John ___ such a thing about you. He never speaks ill of you behind your back.

A.can't have said

B.might not have said

C.couldn't say

D.mustn't have said


3. 难度:中等

Her husband earns ____ she while they do the same amount of work.

A.twice as many as

B.as twice much as

C.twice more money as

D.twice as much money as


4. 难度:中等

This dictionary is _____ to me, but that one is _____ .

A.great help; helpful

B.a great help; of little use

C.important; of few importance

D.very helpful; of no any use


5. 难度:中等

The students discussed the experiment that they would like to see ____ next year.

A.carry out

B.carrying out

C.carried out

D.to carry out


6. 难度:中等

Not until I was standing on the edge of death ____ how much I wanted to live.

A.I realized

B.did I realize

C.I had realized

D.had I realized


7. 难度:中等

 we must ___ to the public the simple fact that drug are dangerous.

A.get across

B.get away

C.get back

D.get behind


8. 难度:中等

 Road accidents victims____ almost a quarter of the hospital patients.

A.make off

B.make up

C.make out

D.make for


9. 难度:中等

 Everything he _____ to his country.

A.had was contributed

B.had been contributed

C.had to be contributed

D.had contributed


10. 难度:中等

The army has _____ grain. They are in a very difficult situation.

A.run down

B.run out of

C.run off

D.run into


11. 难度:中等

____ the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others.

A.But for


C.Apart from

D.Except that


12. 难度:中等


SHANGHAI---The 12th International Processing, Packaging & End-Line Printing Exhibition opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 13)

Tel: 021 6209 5209

HONGKONG---The Hong Kong International Textile and Garment Machinery and Technology Fair 2006 opens at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre ( to July 14).

Tel: +852 2584 4333


SHANGHAI---The China(Shanghai) International Wedding Photographic Equipment Exhibition (Autumn) opens at Shanghai Mart ( to July16 ).

Tel: 021 6272 2828

HARBIN, Heilongjiang Province---The Ninth Harbin International Automobile Industry Exhibition and Sports Centre ( to July 17 ).

Tel : 0451 5363 5464

FRIDAY, July 14

HONG KONG---The Hong Kong Wedding, Banquet & Wedding Accessories Expo 2006 opens at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre ( to July 16 ).

Tel: +852 2367 8385


SHANGHAI---The 14th Shanghai International Advertising Technology & Equipment Exhibition / Shanghai International Media Technology & Equipment opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 22 ).

Tel: 021 6328 8899

SHANGHAI---The Shanghai International Outdoor AD Illuminating Technology & Equipment Exhibition, Outdoor Media Promotion Exhibition opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 22 ).

Tel: 021 6321 7522

SHANGHAI---PAPERTECH Shanghai 2006 opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 22 ).

Tel: 021 6328 8899

1.More exhibitions are held in _______

A.Shanghai New International Expo Centre

B.Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

C.Shanghai Mart

D.Harbin International conference, Exhibition and Sports Centre

2.How many exhibitions can you attend on July 15______





3.The text is likely to be a (an)________

A.business diary

B.product advertisement

C.private timetable



13. 难度:中等

Animals are more like us than we ever imagined.They feel pain, they experience stress, they show affection, excitement and love.All these findings have been made by scientists in recent years---and such results are beginning to change how we view animals.

Strangely enough, some of this research was sponsored by fast food companies like McDonald’s and KFC.Pressured by animal rights groups , these companies felt they had to fund scientists researching the emotional and mental states of animals.

McDonald’s, for instance, funded studies on pig behavior at Purdue University, Indiana.This research found that pigs seek affection and easily become depressed if left alone or prevented from playing with each other.If they become depressed, they soon become physically ill.Because of this, and other similar studies, the European Union has banned the use of isolating pig stalls from 2010.In Germany, the government is encouraging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact a day, and to provide them with toys to prevent them from fighting

Other scientists have shown that animals think and behave like humans.Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, for instance, has been taught sign language.Koko can now understand several thousand English words, more than many humans who speak English as a second language.On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

Before such experiments, humans thought language skills were absent from the animal kingdom.Other myths are also being overturned, like the belief that animals lack self-awareness.Studies have also shown that animals mourn their dead, and that they play for pleasure.

These striking similarities between animal and human behavior have led some to ask a question: “If you believe in evolution, how can’t you believe that animals have feelings that human  beings have?”

Until recently, scientists believed that animals behaved by instinct and that what appeared to be learned behavior was merely genetically-programmed activity.But as Koko the Gorilla shows, this is not the case.In fact, learning is passed from parent to offspring far more often than not in the animal kingdom.

So what implications does this knowledge have for humans? Because of this, should we ban hunting and animal testing? Should we close zoos? Such questions are being raised by many academics and politicians.Harvard and 25 other American law schools have introduced courses on animal rights.Germany meanwhile, recently guaranteed animal rights in its constitution---the first country to do so.

1.McDonald’s and KFC give money to support scientist to do research on animals, because_____

A.they are international big companies.

B.they love animals.

C.they are pressured by animal right groups.

D.they earn a large amount of money and want to do some good deeds.

2.The research on pigs at Purdue University shows that______

A.pigs love being alone.

B.pigs easily become physically ill.

C.pigs need affection.

D.pigs don’t like to play with each other.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Animals behave by instinct.

B.Animals have self-awareness.

C.Animals have feelings and love.

D.Animals do not have language skills.

4.Should we ban hunting and animal testing?



C.Not certain

D.Not mentioned


14. 难度:中等

Even facts “forgotten” by people during a busy day may be retrieved if this is followed by a good night’s sleep.

Researchers from the University of Chicago asked volunteers to remember simple words.Many found their memories letting them down towards the end of the day, but the following morning, those who had slept well could recall much more.

Researchers, writing in the journal Nature, said the brain could “rescue” lost memories during the night.

When the brain is first asked to remember something that memory is laid down in an “unstable” state, meaning that it is possible that it could be lost.At some point, the brain consolidates those it deems important into a “stable”, more permanent state.However, the Chicago researchers suggested that it was possible for a “stable” memory to be made “unstable” again.This would mean that memories could be modified then filed away again in the face of new experiences.

The 12 volunteers tested in the experiment were played words created through a speech synthesizer which were purposely difficult to understand.Initially, the written version of the word  from the audio version only.Tests revealed that the ability to recall the right word tended to tail off as the day ended.

However, when the volunteers were retested after a good night’s sleep, they were able to recall some words that they had “ forgotten” the previous evening.

Dr Daniel, one of the study authors, said: “Sleep consolidates memories, protecting them against subsequent interference or decay.Sleep also appears to “recover” or restore memories.” He said: “If performance is reduced by decay, sleep might actively recover what has been lost.”

Dr Karim Nader, from the Department of Psychology in McGill University in Montreal, said: “Memory research is undergoing a transformation---no longer is memory thought to be a hard-writing of the brain, instead it seems to be a process of storage and restorage.”

Sleep helps some memories “mature” and also prunes out unimportant memories.

1.What does the first paragraph implies?

A.A busy day makes people forget things easily.

B.People need a good night’s sleep after a busy day.

C.A good night’s sleep helps memories.

D.A good night’s sleep helps people forget a busy day.

2.The words the 12 volunteers played in the experiment were not ____

A.created through a speech synthesizer

B.hard to understand

C.available at the beginning

D.designed to test people’s ability of understanding

3.According to the passage, memory_____

A.is a hard-writing of the brain

B.is not a process of storage

C.is not a process of restorage

D.will be mature with the help of sleep

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.When people first remember something, the memory is in an “unstable state”.

B.The brain will change those important unstable memories into stable.

C.Once the memory become stable, it will never become unstable again.

D.Sleep can protect memories from being harmed.


15. 难度:中等

The need for love is deeply rooted in the human psyche(灵魂). __1.__ Separateness, according to psychologists, means to be cut off, helpless and alone in the world. It is the source of all anxiety.

_2.____ It can be selfish and possessive, or unselfish and giving. Abraham Maslow distinguishes between two kinds of love: B-love or “being love” means love for another person: unselfish love not dependent upon your own needs. D-love or “deficiency-love” is a selfish possessive love which is based upon someone else’s ability to satisfy your needs.

D-love is conditional. It depends upon whether personal needs continue to be met…But B-love is unconditional. _3.__ Furthermore, as it depends upon who you are, it is possible only when you allow yourself to be known to the other person.

The psychologist Erich Fromm also distinguished between two types of love._ 4._ Symbiotic union is an immature love based upon the satisfaction of needs and is similar to Maslow’s concept of D-love.

Mature love, on the other hand, is a relationship that allows individuals to retain(保持) their independence, their identity, and their integrity. In mature love people can overcome their sense of separateness yet continue to be themselves. The mature lover would say , “I love you because I need you,” but the mature one: “_5._”

A.There are two types of love.

B.I need you because I love you.

C.Love is a way of overcoming the feeling

D.Every one of us needs love.

E. It depends not upon what you do, but who you are.

F. They are immature love, called by him symbiotic union(共同体), and mature love.

G. These two types are quite different from each other.


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