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1. 难度:简单


第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


People joke that the number of pet dogs in Beijing is more than the urban population. It is an exaggeration to some but Beijingers seem to  21      their pets more than most.

Over the past 15 years, the number of pet dogs in the city has  22  dramatically, right after the local government lifted a ban. Now Beijing is home to more than 1 million  23      according to recent statistics.

Day or night, if you walk into any residential area, it will be easy to spot someone  24     their dog. Often, there is no lead attached to the puppy, which makes it more like a  25      companion rather than an animal. They  26     stroll (漫步) at the same leisurely, carefree pace.

If they meet their neighbors with dogs too, then two  27    emerge(出现)at once: One is for people to engage in gossip, the other is for dogs to career madly around the playground. That is one of the most  28    things I have seen in the city.

But some Beijingers spoil their dogs too much.  29    during winter, when they dress their pets up as living toys with colorful vests and even pairs of homemade  30     . I pity these dogs deeply, and realize how  civilized they have become.

21. A. feed                   B. love                        C. hate                D. play

22. A. risen                   B. raised                C. reduced                   D. got

23. A. people                B. animals                    C. schools                     D. dogs

24. A. walking                     B. training                    C. playing                    D. feeding

25. A. man                   B. woman                     C. human                     D. child

26. A. never                  B. always                     C. seldom                     D. once

27. A. groups                B. classes               C. men                        D. dogs

28. A. excited               B. boring               C. important                 D. interesting

29. A. Beautifully          B. Specially                  C. Especially         D. Strangely

30. A. hats                    B. boots                       C. clothes                     D. toys


2. 难度:简单

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


In today’s competitive world, the ability to work happily with other people is a good way of marking yourself out from everybody ___31_____. While teamwork may offer the chance to blame others ___32_____ your mistakes, you can never blame __33____ for your failings as a teammate. Get to know one another, so you can build up a group and combine your advantages. Find out each other’s values, weaknesses, and past __34________ (achieve).

Don’t shy away form disagreements __35____ work out how __36____ (deal) with them. Humor can be a good way, so have a laugh together.

Before getting down to business, it’s important to establish ground rules. First, make sure you all share the same idea of time. Will 9:30 am meetings take place at midday? Then, work out how you are going to make decisions. These are probably __37______ (well) made at a formal meeting and communicated by e-mail. You must also agree with your teammate __38______ will be responsible for making decisions. Even if you have decided __39______ decisions don’t have to be agreed on, it is important that every team member __40________(keep) active.


3. 难度:简单

Four in 10 Chinese complain about the great gap between large investments in education and its returns, a recent nationwide survey has showed.

The Horizon Research Consultancy Group polled 3,355 residents aged 16 to 60 in both urban and rural areas, including Beijing and Shanghai.

The survey found that only 16 percent of respondents believed their investments on education gave good returns.

Those with higher education voiced greater disappointment at the quality of education received, the survey showed.

People in the rural areas generally gave more positive feedback(反馈)on the quality of education than those from the cities, the survey found.

"Our education has been focusing on an examination-oriented system," Huo Qingwen, the deputy director of language education testing service center under the Beijing Foreign Studies University, told China Daily yesterday.

"The survey result doesn't surprise me, as I had heard complaints not only from the students, but also from the teachers who have been asked to focus more about the exam-passing rate," Huo said.

"The job market is still hungry for talented staff, but many graduates are not competent(胜任的) because the posts require more practical experience and creative ability of workers," Huo added.

Most university graduates prefer jobs in large cities, causing an imbalance in human resources between urban and rural areas, Hong said.

The graduates would get better job options if they chose to work at the grassroots (基础的) level because of the government's preferential policies, including the waiving of tuition for those willing to work in the country's rural and western regions, he added.

About 580,000 graduates last year found county- or village-level jobs, and more than 550,000 got jobs in the central and western regions, Ministry of Education figures showed.

"Because many graduates focus only on jobs with high salaries and that are directly relevant to their specialties, they miss other good work opportunities," Kong Xiang, a Beijing graduate who works as an English teacher in a college located at a remote area in Yunnan province, said.

The recent survey showed that education costs form one-quarter of an urban family's income, while it forms one-third of a rural family's income.

46.According to the passage, most people think that _______

A. the investments in education gave them good returns.

B. the investments in education don’t bring them good results.

C. college students are satisfied with their the education received.

D. People in the cities are more satisfied with the quality of education than those in the rural areas.

47.Which of the following is NOT mentioned?

A. China’s education has been focusing on an examination-oriented system .

B. Both the teachers and students are asked to pay more attention to the exam-passing rate.

C. The job market now does not lack university graduates.

D. Most university graduates enjoy hunting jobs in large cities.

48. What would happen to the graduates if they chose to work at the grassroots level?

A. They would get higher salaries.                        B. They would get lower salaries.

C. Their tuition would be free.                           D. They would get better job choices.

49. How much does the education cost according to the survey ?

A. One-third of a family's income.

B. one-quarter of a rural family's income.

C. 25% of an urban family's income.

D. Three in ten a rural family's income.

50. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage.

A. The gap between investments in education and its returns

B. Education and university graduates

C. China’s higher education

D. Education costs


4. 难度:简单

Billy Joe Saunders is aiming for boxing gold at the Beijing Olympics but may have created history already.

As far as he knows, the 18-year-old welterweight from Hatfield is the first person from the Romany Gypsy community to qualify for an Olympic Games.

Billy Joe clinched (最终获得)his place at a qualifying event in Italy earlier this month and is one of seven boxers to make Team GB for Beijing.

Billy Joe Saunders is not the only British boxer with genuine(真的)medal prospects for Beijing, but his background has to be the most fascinating.

He comes from the Romany Gypsy community and lives on a caravan site near Hatfield in Hertfordshire.

Boxing runs deep in the Saunders family, who are immensely proud of their heritage.

His brother Tommy is a professional(职业的), while his Dad Tom was an amateur and his great, great grandfather, the wonderfully named Absolom Beeny, now aged 96, used to make his living fighting in the old boxing booth at fairgrounds.

Billy Joe admits he has heard all the stories a hundred times, but once he and his brother had visited the local boxing club, he was hooked.

"Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking and gives me something to do", he said.

His background may be colorful, but make no mistake, Billy Joe Saunders is one very special boxer.

As a boy he wasn't the most naturally gifted, but had an inner toughness that set him apart from other fighters.

His trainer, Danny Hoy, said: "When I saw him have to dig down into his boots against much older boys, I thought this kid is not the same as anyone else. There is something with this kid".

It is that something which made Billy Joe a real prospect for London 2012, so qualification for Beijing means he is effectively four years ahead of schedule.

He remembers watching Amir Khan win silver in Athens four years ago, and wants to go one better. "I'm aiming for gold, simple as that", he said.

51.Where did Billy clinch his place as a boxer to make Team GB for Beijing.

A. At Beijing                                 B. At Romany Gypsy community     

C. In Italy                                                D. In Britain

52.The underlined word " amateur" (in Para. 3) here means ________

A. a person who takes part in boxing only for pleasure    

B. a person who takes part in boxing as his job

C. a coach who teaches boxing

D. a player who takes part in baseball

53.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Billy’s brother is a professional boxer.   

B. Absolom’s son is not a professional boxer.

C. Billy was very interested in the local boxing club.

D. Billy was the most naturally gifted when he was still a very young boy.

54.It can be inferred from the passage that________

A. His coach thought Billy was gifted to be a boxer when he saw Billy’s boots against older boys.

B. It was Boxing that has kept Billy off the streets.

C. Billy won a silver medal in Athens Olympic Games..

D. Billy will compete in Beijing Olympic Games four years ahead of his trainer’s schedule.

55.What is Billy hoping to win in Beijing Olympic Games?

A. A silver medal for boxing                      B. A gold medal for boxing  

C. A piece of gold                              D. A copper medal


5. 难度:简单



A.Yiyang, Man, 19 Years old



My Native Tongue


Interested In

Listening to Music, Playing Sports, My Family & Friends, Going to the Movies, Reading, Watching Sports, Local Travel, National Travel, Gaming

B.Julia, Man, 23 Years old



My Native Tongue


Interested In

Dining , Listening to Music , Playing Sports , Television , Swimming , Reading

C.Brighton, Woman, 21 Years old



My Native language


Interested In

Television, My Family & Friends, Reading, Gaming, Chatting Online, Volunteering

D.Lydia, Woman, 26 Years old




My Native language


Interested In

Writing, having Published quite a few books of novels

E. Senela, Woman, 20 Years old



My Native language


Interested In

Listening to Music , Writing , Cooking , Television , My Family & Friends , Reading , Watching Sports , Chatting Online

F. Roman, Man, 25 Years old



My Native language


Interested In

Listening to Music , Playing Sports , Television


56. Ling Tao, man, 18 years old,a student, interested in sports, He’d like to find a pen-friend who is also a student and has the same interest with him in order to discuss sports through the Internet.

57.Mary, woman, 22 years old, interested in writing very much. She wants to become a writer and prefers to make friends with a person who can give her some guide in writing.

58. Wang Ping, woman, 19 years old, interested in music and chatting. She is now a college student majoring in secretary and would like to find a pen-friend who can give her some help her with his major.

59. Peter, man, 23 years old, engineer, interested in sports and watching TV plays. He is now studying Chinese and wants to make friends with a man who can help him with Cantonese.

60. Yang Lin, man, 24 years old, engineer, interested in making friends and volunteering. He’d like to find a pen friend who has the same interest with him and can teach him English.


6. 难度:简单


第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)



1. 我们是文明古国,有着传统的文化传统;

2. 讲文明从多说文明话语做起,即使是一声简单的“谢谢”也会发挥重要作用;

3. 不随地扔垃圾,不在公共场所大声喧哗;

4. 常保持微笑是我们表达友好的最佳身势语;

5. 主动向有需要的人伸出援助之手。


1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;      2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

[评分标准]    句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。


7. 难度:简单

第二节 读写任务(共l小题,满分25分)


Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.

We often focus on building relationships with others that we forget the essential first step: being friends of ourselves. That is the crucial first step if we are to have good relationships with others. How can we have good relationships with others if we don’t even have good relationship with ourselves?

Here are some tips:

1. Forgive yourself

You may have made those mistakes in the past, but is there anything you can do about them? I don’t think so, except learning from them. It’s true that you are not perfect, but neither is everybody else. It’s normal to make mistakes, so do yourself a favor by giving yourself forgiveness.

2. Focus on your strengths

Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths. You always have some strengths which give you a unique combination nobody else have. Recognize your strengths and build your life around them.

3. Stop comparing yourself with others

You are unique. You can never be like other people, and neither can other people be like you. The way you measure your success is not determined by other people and what they achieve. Instead, it is determined by your own life purpose. You have everything you need to achieve your life purpose, so it’s useless to compare yourself with others.


假设你的同学总觉得自己学习不如别人,因而产生自卑心理,请你写根据上面所提供的材料写一篇短文,用E-mail 发给他(她):



(1) 分析他(她) 产生自卑心理的原因;

(2) 找出他(她)的优势;

(3) 提出合理建议。

[写作要求]            1.作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;       2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;  3.文章开头和结尾已写好。



Dear Li Ping,

I’m glad that you trust me so much and tell me your true feeling, now I’ve read an article which says that                                                 

_____________________________________________________________________With the best wishes!

Yours truly,

Wang Yan


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