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1. 难度:简单

第二节语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

One day, Henry Adam, an American businessman, sailed out of the bay.    11   (luck) he was carried out to sea by a strong wind. Just when hope was about gone, he was picked up by a ship for London. In the ship he earned his passage by   12  (work) without pay, as a common sailor. When he got to London he was almost   13  .(penny)

On the following morning Henry was wandering on the pavement, when a window behind him was raised, and a gentleman asked him to step in. He   14  (show) into a room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting. A couple of days   15   these two old and wealthy brothers had been having a hot argument what might happen to a stranger in London without a friend, and with no money   16   a million-pound bank-note. One said he   17  (starve) to death; the other said he wouldn't. So they agreed to decide it by a bet. They wrote a   18   with the million-pound bank-note in it. Then the two brothers sat at the window a whole day watching for the right man to give it to until Henry came along.

After they had his story, one of   19   handed Henry an envelope, and said he would find the explanation inside. After promising   20   to open it until 2 o’clock, Henry took his leave.


2. 难度:简单



36. (Part One) Once your plants are growing you will need to keep them happy. How do you do this and what sorts of tools will you need? Plants need water and food, but when and in what sort of quantities? This module explains the cultivation techniques necessary to keep your plants in fine fettle. There are simple basic steps you can take to ensure you cut the right stem, at the right time, in the right place.

37. (Part two) Plants lose water through their leaves all the time. It is essential to ensure there is enough to replenish the roots, otherwise they will die. In warm weather water is lost from the soil by evaporation, so watering will need to be done more often.

38. (Part Three) To keep them growing healthily, plants absorb through their roots about 30 different nutrients and minerals dissolved in water.

39. (Part Four) Pruning is basically cutting off carefully selected parts of a plant to restrict its size, persuade it to grow in a particular shape, encouraging more fruit, flowers or stems, or to remove dead or diseased material. But pruning is neither difficult nor complicated; in fact a lot of it is applying common sense! You just have to follow a few guidelines and check in a book what kind of pruning the particular plant needs. The removal of dead, diseased, broken, crossing and crowded branches is often sufficient for many plants.

40. (Part Five) A spade is your basic digging implement; use it to make holes and to dig sandy or loamy soil. Fork is perfect for digging soil that’s stodgy, such as clay, or full of stones; moving and spreading organic matter; and breaking down clods of soil…


It tells us how to take care of our garden to make the plants and flowers fairly good.

It tells us that in order to grow well, plants also need all kinds of nutrition, and so how to feed the plants is also important.

That part tells gardeners how to do pruning that can remove the unneeded parts of many plants.

It tells the importance of watering in gardening, especially in hot summer seasons.

That part introduces the tools and different functions of various tools you may use in gardening.

This section presents where you can buy good seeds and it also offers the regular price for you.

有关章节                           主题内容  

36. Part One                       

A.how to take care of garden

37. Part two

B.how to feed the plants

38. Part Three

C.how to prune

39. Part Four

D.the importance of watering

40. Part Five                      E. introduces different functions of tools

F. where you can buy good seeds


3. 难度:简单

Jane Eyre preferred      to school rather than         at her aunt’s.

A.to be sent; stay

B.to sent; to stay

C.being sent; stay

D.sending; to stay


4. 难度:简单

Towards nightfall I found myself        out to sea by a strong wind.


B.to carry




5. 难度:简单

The latest information        my belief that he is the very person that I’m looking for.  






6. 难度:简单

I was about to leave the office      an unexpected visitors came.






7. 难度:简单

This depends upon      he is interested in doing this kind of work.






8. 难度:简单

We______ the old scientist _____his contribution ______the country.

A.admire; for; to

B.admire; at; to

C.respect; on; for

D.respect; on; at


9. 难度:简单

第五部分:单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


61. The b_______ of Dr Sun Yet sen is in Zhongshan, not far away from Guangzhou.

62. The girl only eats vegetables and fruit in order to keep s_______.

63. Do you know when India gained______________ (独立) from Britain?

64. Yao Ming is a very strong and_______________(精力充沛的) basketball player.

65. Children are always             (好奇的)about everything.

66. My vocabulary is so ________( 有限 ) that I can’t explain the word.

67. She has _________( 原谅 ) me for what I said to her yesterday.

68. The store has more _________( 顾客 ) than it can take care of.

69. Last week a typhoon hit the area __________( 猛烈地 ), causing great damage.

70. Wood _________ ( 漂浮 ) on water, but a stone will sink.


10. 难度:简单

第六部分:完成句子或句型转换 ( 共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

71. 学生应该把他们在学校学到的知识和实际相结合。

Students________ ________ what they have learned at school ______ real practice.

72. 一场可怕的疾病发生在这村庄了。

A terrible disease _________ _________ in this village

73. 这或许能解释他的懒惰。

This might ___________ ________ his laziness.

74. 地上很湿;昨夜一定下雨了。

The ground is wet, so it                            last night.

75. 在我们办公室不允许吸烟。

We don’t ___________ ___________in the office.

76. 当你回答学生问题是别失去耐心。

Don’t         when you answer the students’ questions.

77. 你认识那个衣衫褴褛的人吗?

Do you know the person who          ?

78. 我们看到远处有灯光。

We saw a light            .

79. His discovery has not been proved yet.

          he         has not been proved yet.

80. We must do something to prevent people from polluting the river.

Something must           to prevent the river from                .

81. Tom’s sister is a successful doctor, and she is good at dealing with patients.

Tom’s sister has                 working with sick persons.

82. We live in such a warm climate and the trees here are very tall.

It is           wet here         the trees are extremely tall.

83. He lay on the ground and at the same time stared at the sky.

He lay on the ground                    the sky.

84. The prisoner tried to escape from the jail and he succeeded at last.

The prisoner           escape from the jail.

85. We are not certain whether there is life on the Mars.

It is             life          on the Mars.


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