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1. 难度:简单

.- Can I smoke here?

- Sorry. We don’t allow _____ here.

A.people smoking

B.people smoke

C.to smoke



2. 难度:简单

.- Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

- Yes. I’ve never been to _____ one before.

A.a more excited

B.the most excited

C.a more exciting

D.the most exciting


3. 难度:简单

.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles to the east of the city, _____ all on board.




D.to kill


4. 难度:简单

.When _____ if he had seen her, Mattew just shook his head.



C.being asked

D.being asking


5. 难度:简单

第二节单词拼写 根据所给的汉语提示或单词, 补充完成下列句子,注意语法正确、语义通顺。(共10小题,满分10分)

31.Their ________ (behave) toward me shows that they don’t like me.

32.It was ________ (consider) of you not to play the piano while I was asleep.

33.The system will have to be tested before it goes into ________ (produce).

34.All ________ (fly) have been cancelled because of the heavy fog.

35.Only a small ________ (minor) of students are interested in studying abroad nowadays.

36.Xiao Li works very hard. ________ (fortune), he fell ill and missed the final exams.

37.According to official ________ (统计数据), the H1N1 virus killed over 2,000 people altogether.

38.The university attracts thousands of students of various ________ (国籍) every year.

39.He gave no ________ (解释) for what he had done that night.

40.I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a ________ (纪念品) of my tour to Paris.


6. 难度:简单



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m very pleased   56   (see) all of you here because you are my special guests. Welcome to our company’s museum. My name is Brown, George Brown. I’m the general manager of the company. As you all know, we   57   (main) make computers in our company, as well as some other electronic products. But we are also quite interested in   58   (educate). That’s why we have founded this museum,  59   children can learn how computers have been developed, how they are made   60   how they are used in industry, agriculture, scientific research and many other areas. Children can operate the computers, they can push the buttons and listen to stories   61   computers, and they can enjoy video shows. I know you are all teachers and you know  62   schoolchildren really need. So I hope you can give me suggestions after you   63   (show) around. I want my museum to be the best of its kind   64   it opens to all schoolchildren. This is Mr Tom Silver, my assistant. He will be your guide now. I’ll be with you in an hour and a half. Enjoy   65  . See you.


7. 难度:简单



A.Literature Camp: A group of famous writers will be present at the camp, offering studies in the development of Chinese literature from 1919 to 1949.You will visit seven museums relating to contemporary (当代的) literature.

B.Exciting Holiday Camp:You can enjoy yourself climbing, sailing and swimming taught by trained adults in a camp near a lake. All meals are provided. The camp is open throughout June, July and August, and each session lasts for two weeks. It aims at boys and girls aged 9 to 14.

C.Seagull (海鸥) Sailing Holidays: Suitable for all ages. You can learn to sail in three weeks. We offer teaching from qualified staff. Flats or apartments are provided in a beautiful, quiet fishing village. Breakfast, dinner and a packed lunch are included in the price of the holiday.

D.Grace Island Hotel: Short stays (3 — 4 days) available. Famous for its excellent cooking, the hotel provides opportunities to relax and enjoy the heated swimming pool, beautiful music and top class bars and restaurants, with entertainment every night. All rooms have a sea view.

E. Students’Working Holidays: A really cheap but healthy holiday. You can enjoy picking fruit in the heart of France. Accommodation (住宿) provided in farmhouses. All meals included. Free transportation is also provided. Why not write for further details?

F. History Tours: We offer tours to Egypt with guides. The tour includes lectures about the history of Egypt and visits to museums. Travel by coach or riverboat. Accommodation in top hotels. Tours last 2 — 3 weeks.


81.____ Mike and Susan are university students. They want to take a holiday this summer, but they don’t have much money. They are dreaming of going to France.

82.____ Bill Smith is a businessman. He is tired and needs a rest, but he does not have much time for a holiday. He wants to get away from city life and stay somewhere near the sea. He is interested in cooking.

83.____ Susan has three weeks to spend on holiday. She doesn’t like sports, and she doesn’t like relaxing on the beach either. She enjoys sightseeing and learning about foreign countries’ history.

84. ____Kelly studies Chinese in Beijing. She is interested in Chinese literature. She has some free time and would like to attend some kind of activity to learn about Chinese modern literature.

85. ____Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their three sons like outdoor holidays. They have never tried sailing, but they would like to learn. During their three-week holiday, they want to enjoy themselves in a beautiful, quiet fishing village.


8. 难度:简单




86. 为何不放松下来享受这种氛围呢?

Why _________  __________  and enjoy the atmosphere?

87. 他们花了很多钱给这个学校配备新电脑。

They spent a large amount of money ________ the school ________ new computers.

88. 他行动起来就像他认识你很久一样。

He acted as though he ________  ________ you for long.

89. 他宁愿站着死也不愿跪着生。

He __________ to die standing  __________ than live kneeling down.

90. –去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡怎么样?   - 行!

- ______  ________  having a cup of coffee in the nearby coffee shop?

- All right.

91. – 你到家时一定给我电话!   - 一定。

- ______  ______ to ring me when you get home.

- Certainly I will.

92. 他今晚可能来参加我的生日聚会。

He ______  ______ to join in my birthday party tonight.

93. – 他既聪明,又勤奋,还喜欢提问。

- 难怪他总是班上最好的学生之一。

-He is clever and hardworking. Besides, he is fond of asking questions.

- ______  ______ he is among the top students of his class.

94. 只有当人们看见河面上的死鱼时,他们才意识到污染是多么严重。

Only when people saw the dead fish in the river ____ they ____ how serious the pollution was.

95. 据说下周他要去美国。那样的话,我就不能像以前那样经常见到他了。

It is said that he will go to America next week. ____  ____ , I won’t see him as often as before.


9. 难度:简单


假设你是李华,你的朋友Alice给你写信决定今年来上海旅游,同时向你了解上海世博会(Expo 2010)的概况。请根据以下提示用英文给她写一封回信。开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总句数。







城市,让生活更美好(Better City, Better Life)


吸引200个国家和国际组织参展, 约7,000万国内外参观者; 将它办成一届成功、完美、难忘的世博会。







Dear Alice,

I’m very happy to know that you’ll travel to Shanghai.______________________________


Looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible.                 


Li Hua


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