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1. 难度:简单

Keep _______ when I take your photograph.






2. 难度:简单

All of your hard work will_________.

A.pay for

B.pay back

C.pay up

D.pay off


3. 难度:简单

It is obvious to the students ______they should get well prepared for their future.






4. 难度:简单

When and where he came here _______ yet.

A.isn’t known

B.aren’t known

C.has not known

D.have not been known


5. 难度:简单

When he awoke, he found himself ______ in the hospital and ______ by an old woman.

A.lying…being looked after

B.lying…be looking after

C.lie…be looked after

D.lie…being looked after


6. 难度:简单

These days he has made _____ in his studies by working hard.

A.many progress

B.a lot of progresses

C.much progress

D.many a progress


7. 难度:简单

------The house cost me nearly 300,000 yuan.

------ My God! Is such a flat worth _______ much?






8. 难度:简单

The laboratory was_______ until three o’clock that afternoon and I waited for four hours.

A.of use

B.for use

C.into use

D.in use


9. 难度:简单

The public were deeply _____ the safety of the miners in the mine disaster.

A. concerned about   B. interested in   C. amazed at   C. disappointed by


10. 难度:简单

The noises of the aeroplanes almost _____ the people living near the airport mad.






11. 难度:简单

During that time, Mr. Li was wondering why she dropped chemistry and ____ medicine.

A.took over

B.took out

C.took up

D.took off


12. 难度:简单

Two hundred people showed up for the wedding, about 50 more than we had ____planned.






13. 难度:简单

My sister has been feeling ______ since she started her first job. She can’t sleep well.






14. 难度:简单

The parents waved and _____ the train until it was out of sight.






15. 难度:简单

The girl was badly hungry. When she saw the food on the table, she looked around and___her hand for it.

A.brought out

B.came out

C.reached out

D.gave out


16. 难度:简单

More and more American parents, students, educators, political and business leaders have come to see the importance of Chinese on the world stage. As a result, Americans hoping to learn Chinese are growing in number though they face a lot of difficulties.

Liu Chuansheng, chairperson of the University Council at Beijing Normal University, talked about this situation. “There have been 300 million Chinese learning English, and I know that there are more and more Americans beginning to learn Chinese. I remember when I came to the U. S. there were only 250 schools offering Chinese classes; when I left in 2005, there were already 2,400 schools hoping to offer Chinese classes. Today more than 700 schools are offering Chinese classes, and 4,500 are planning to do so.”

“This is an important time in America. We have suffered from an economic crisis; there is swine flu(猪流感) ---- all part of our lives. We need to be competitive to deal with the world and make an effort to understand each other,” said Shuhan Wang, head of Chinese Language Initiatives at Asia Society. “The number of Chinese language teachers remains the key bottleneck,” she said. “And the need for specialized teachers becomes greater, as there is increasing popularity of early language learning ---- kindergarten through 8th grades.”

Jon M. Huntsman Jr., governor(州长) of Utah, has led his state to the front in teaching Chinese. “While math and science remain main studies,” he said, “language is going to be an important drive in education. Next year 82 schools will offer Chinese to 6,000 students.”

64. It is implied in the passage that the number of Americans learning Chinese is growing mainly because _______.

A. more and more Americans face a lot of difficulties

B. the number of Chinese learning English is growing

C. Chinese is widely used by actors all over the world

D. China is playing a more important role in the world

65. Liu Chuansheng’s talk mainly shows us _______.

A. how Americans are learning Chinese      B. why Americans are learning Chinese

C. that Chinese becomes popular in America  D. that China offers more Chinese classes there

66. The biggest problem with Americans learning Chinese is that _____.

A. the Chinese language is too difficult for them to learn

B. they don’t have enough teachers of Chinese in the USA

C. American children are not good at learning languages

D. teachers won’t work in kindergartens or primary schools

67. The proper title for the passage is _______.

A. Americans show great interest in learning Chinese

B. Americans show less interest in math and science

C. Chinese teachers get new chance to work in America

D. Chinese is widely used in some states of America


17. 难度:简单




1. I want to tell you ______________(亲自), “Sorry, I have hurt you.”

2. The word “not” are ____________(发言) differently in the UK and the USA.

3. The road signs were very ___________(令人迷惑的) and we ended up getting lost.

4. There are a lot of _____________(相似点) between the twins.

5. Do you dare to walk in a ___________(空无一人的) street at night?

6. In our school, not only the teachers but also the students have free a_______ to the library.

7. We suggest r__________ the present chairman with a younger and more energetic person.

8. With the climate becoming worse and worse, people g_______realize the importance of protecting forests.

9. There’s an e____amount of information on the Internet. That’s why many people like surfing the Internet.

10. This article is so complicated that readers can not make s_________ of it.


18. 难度:简单


1. The doctors are collecting all the treatments _________(relate) to this kind of illness.

2. Can I have this parcel ________(weigh) here.

3. All of them wanted to be the first ____________(get) a close look at Mount Vesuvius.

4. In front of the house _________(sit) an old woman.

5. It’s no use _________(cry).

6. Professor Zhang’s speech made us all _________(laugh).

7. That it keeps raining ___________(worry) the tourists.

8. With all his homework __________(finish),he felt quite relaxed.

9. When she entered the room, she found Jack _________(sit) on his desk.

10. The young man rushed out of the room, _______(get) into his car and started it hurriedly.


19. 难度:简单


1. Our class is made up of sixty students.

Our class _________ ______ sixty students.

2. They had a wonderful holiday despite the bad weather.

They had a wonderful holiday _______ _____ ______ the bad weather.

3. There is no doubt that he will pass the English examination.

It ______ ______ ______ he will pass the English examination.

4. Tom didn’t finish the experiment yesterday and John didn’t either.

______ Tom _______ John finished the experiment.

5. I was lucky because I was able to find a good job.

I was lucky ______ ______ I was able to find a good job.

6. We sometimes find it difficult to decide which words or phrases to use.

We sometimes _______ _______ _______deciding which words or phrases to use.

7. That our teacher left without a word surprised us very much.

_______ surprised us very much is ________ our teacher left without a word.

8. It is possible for parents to be invited to this year’s New Year party.

Parents ________ _______ _______ be invited to this year’s New Year party.


20. 难度:简单


1. She________ ______ __________ when she saw Xiao Shenyang’s performance on the stage.


2. I’m sure your suggestion will _______ ______ __________the problem.(有助于解决)

3. She and her brother are twins, but she _______ ________ him in the color of eyes.(不同于)

4. He sometimes makes mistakes, but ______ _____ _______, he is a good student. (整体看来)

5. He saved a lot for the company; the company gave him a flat ______ _____.(作为回报)

6. ___ _____ ____ the Americans who died in the attack, a national memorial was built. (为了纪念)

7. The party began to ________ _________ after that program.(热闹起来)

8. All living things ________ _______ the sun for their growth. (依靠)


21. 难度:简单


1. Polly found herself ______ _____ _____ a man standing with his hand _________ on her arm.

2. In 1066, the Normans conquered English and _______ ______ ______ the country.

3. Unfortunately, all the people were _______ _______, and _______ was the city.


22. 难度:简单



A big part of being an effective team member is being a good listener, so listening carefully is very important. Do you think your listening skills need improving? Simply remember the ladder to become a better listener.

Look at the person who is speaking to you. If you make eye contact, the speaker feels like he has your undivided attention. If an individual comes into your office to talk, stop what you are doing. When you continue typing or staring at your computer screen, the person talking to you feels insignificant.

Ask questions. This shows you’re interested and that you are hearing what he is saying.

Don’t interrupt. When you interrupt, the speaker feels you’re not interested in what he is saying and will be frustrated(沮丧的) by the inability to finish a complete thought. Take the time to listen---just relax and open your ears!

Don’t change the subject. Changing the subject indicates that your mind is elsewhere. It shows you’re not concentrating on what’s being said at that moment, and this makes the speaker feel uncomfortable. If you change the subject, the speaker could also get the impression that you’re avoiding the topic and may be hesitant to bring it up again.

Empathize(有同感). When someone shares information with you, put yourself in his shoes. Doing this will allow the two of you to discover solutions more easily and will also help you appreciate a perspective(观点) different from you own.

Respond verbally(口头地) and non-verbally. Using an enthusiastic tone shows you’re interested in what the speaker is saying. Smiling helps too! Avoid crossing your arms since this can be interpreted(解释) as being closed off. If you’re speaking with someone who’s sitting, you should sit too. Standing over someone is too official and may make the other person feel uncomfortable.

If you are unsure whether you are a good listener or not, simply take the following test. In your next meeting or conversation, make a mental note, even better, write down on a piece of paper the number of times you interrupt. The fewer marks there are on your paper, the better listener you are! This seems like a silly test, but you may be surprised by the quantity of marks on your paper. After all, the worst listeners usually aren’t aware that their listening skills need some attention or improvement.


To be a good listener


Listening carefully helps a person to be an (2)_________ team member.


(3)___________ to improve listening skills

Look at the person (4)______________ to you.

Ask questions to show that you have (5)________ in what a person is saying.

Don’t interrupt. Let the person finish his talk, or he may be filled with frustration if they aren’t (6)_________ to express themselves completely.

Don’t change the subject, or else the other may think you are not paying (7)___________ to what he is saying.

Show empathy to the speaker. That may make it (8)__________ for you to discover solutions and help you appreciate a different view.

Responding verbally and non-verbally, such as speaking enthusiastically, smiling, etc.



(9)____________ the number of times you interrupt others.

Those who don’t have an awareness of the importance of improving their listening skills are the (10)______________ listeners.


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