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1. 难度:简单


How long do you think ______ the Ford company launches a new model?

A.it will be before

B.will it be until

C.will it be when

D.it will be that


2. 难度:简单


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we've become used to suddenly disappears.  36 , for example, the neatly-dressed woman I 37  to see -- or look at -- on my way to work each morning.

For three years, no matter  38 the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 am. On   39   days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime  40   out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses.  41   , she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I  42   all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how  43  I expected to see her each morning. You might say I   44   her.

“Did she have an accident? Something  45 ?” I thought to myself about her  46  .  Now that she was gone, I felt I had  47  her. I began to realize that part of our  48   life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar 49 : the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who  50   walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are   51   markers in our lives. They add weight to our  52   of place and belonging.

Think about it.   53   , while walking to work, we mark where we are by  54  a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though  55  , person?

36. A. Make          B. Take         C. Give      D. Have

37. A. happened       B. wanted       C. used      D. tried

38. A. what           B. how         C. which     D. when

39. A. sunny          B. rainy         C. cloudy    D. snowy

40. A. took           B. brought       C. carried    D. turned

41. A. Clearly         B. Particularly    C. Luckily   D. Especially

42. A. believed        B. expressed     C. remembered  D. wondered

43. A. long            B. often          C. soon     D. much

44. A. respected       B. missed        C. praised      D. admired

45. A. better          B. worse        C. more         D. less

46. A. disappearance   B. appearance   C. misfortune      D. fortune

47. A. forgotten       B. lost          C. known         D. hurt

48. A. happy          B. enjoyable      C. frequent      D. daily

49. A. friends         B. strangers      C. tourists     D. guests

50. A. regularly        B. actually        C. hardly     D. probably

51. A. common        B. pleasant      C. important      D. faithful

52. A. choice          B. knowledge    C. decision      D. sense

53. A. Because         B. If            C. Although     D. However

54. A. keeping         B. changing     C. passing       D. mentioning

55. A. unnamed        B.unforgettable  C. unbelievable   D. unreal


3. 难度:简单


“The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful,” says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses (冲动) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral (道德上的) freedom.

A single angry word has lost many a friend. When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself. If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger. Many a person has dropped dead in great anger. Fits of anger bring fits of disease. “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.” “Keep cool”, says George Herbert, “for fierceness (狂怒) makes error a fault.”

To be angry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself. “Anger,” says Pythagoras, “brings with folly(愚蠢) and ends with regret.” You must measure the strength of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers, not by the power of those which conquer him.

Self-control is man’s last greatest victory.

If a man lacks self-control he seems to lack everything. Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself; he can have no self-confidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling. If he lacks self-control, the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking also.

64. What does the reader learn from the first paragraph?

A. The greatest victory for a man is to conquer everything except himself.

B. One’s moral freedom is based on the control of himself.

C. To control oneself is the most difficult in one’s life.

D. If a person is too stubborn, he will feel most shameful.

65. What is the correct interpretation of “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” ?

A. If the gods want to kill you, they make you crazy first.

B. If you always lose your temper, you will soon be finished.

C. If you cannot control yourself, you will become crazy.

D. If you are mad, you will be punished by the gods.

66. If a man lacks self-control, he lacks all of the following EXCEPT _______.

A. the very backbone and nerve of character 

B. the patience and power to control himself

C. strong feelings

D. self-confidence


4. 难度:简单






In addition to self-awareness, imagination, and conscience, it is the fourth quality — independent will — that really makes effective self-management possible. It is the ability to make decisions and choices and to act in agreement with them. It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon, to actively carry out the program we have developed through the other three qualities.

The human will is an amazing thing. Time after time, it has overcome unbelievable difficulties. The Helen Kellers of this world give dramatic(给人深刻印象的) evidence to the value, the power of the independent will.

But as we examine this quality in the context of effective self-management, we realize it’s usually not the dramatic, the visible, the once-in-a-lifetime, up-by-the-bootstraps(自立自强的) effort that brings lasting success. This special ability comes from learning how to use this great quality in the decisions we make every day.

The degree to which we have developed our independent will in our everyday lives is measured by our personal honesty. Honesty is, fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It’s our ability to make and keep promises to ourselves, to “walk our talk.”

Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what “first things” are, it is management that puts them first, day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Management is discipline (training to be self-controlled), carrying it out.

Discipline obtains from belief—belief in a set of values, belief in an overriding(最主要的) purpose, to a long-term or short term goal that must be carried out.

In other words, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a follower of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the quality to control your feelings and moods rather than depend on others or have your work half done.


The power of independent will


Independent will makes self-management (71)       .


·The example given to (72)        power of independent will is amazing.

·Power of independent will helps to make one’s (73)       every day.

·(74)       is very important to develop our independent will.

·It’s our ability to have our promises made and (75)       .


·Effective managers should know (76)      should be done first.

·Effective managers with discipline should (77)        to their  promises.


·You (79)        your deep values.

·Your feelings and moods are able to be (80)       .


5. 难度:简单


第五部分书面表达  (满分25分)





城市,让生活更美好        “Better city,Better life”









注意:1 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥。

2 词数:150左右。短文开头已经写好,不记入总词数。

3 文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urben life in the 21st century.It starts__________________________________________________


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