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1. 难度:简单

---The boy looks ____.

---I know.He failed the exam, and now he is looking_____at his father.






2. 难度:简单

_______ basketball, the girl students are also encouraged to play football.

A.As good as

B.As long as

C.As many as

D.As well as


3. 难度:简单

In the garden there are a lot of flowers ______ I don’t know the names.

A.of which

B.from which

C.to which

D.about which


4. 难度:简单

I was greatly ______ at how he worked out the ______ problem in a creative way.

A.amazed; confused

B.amazing; confusing

C.amazed; confusing

D.amazing; confused


5. 难度:简单

During the race many cars ______ while my new solar car came out first.

A.broke out

B.broke away

C.broke down

D.broke up


6. 难度:简单

The taller children should stand at the back _____ everyone can see.

A.so that

B.in order to

C.so as to

D.now that


7. 难度:简单

We were cut off from the outside world by the sudden flood; what’s worse, our food ______.

A.was run out

B.was running out

C.has run out of

D.has been run out


8. 难度:简单

You will ____ those books one day.

A.be benefited


C.benefit from

D.be benefited by


9. 难度:简单

We try to find a table for seven, but they were all______.

A.given away

B.kept away

C.used up

D.taken up


10. 难度:简单

---Excuse me, is the cinema at the third crossroads down this street?

--- ____ It’s easy to see the sign.

A.Good luck.

B.I’m sorry.




11. 难度:简单

二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in her life, she might go home and write in her diary. Now, a teenager with   16   problems might go onto the Internet and write about his problems in a blog. In many ways a diary and a blog are very   17  . So, what makes blogging different from writing in   18   diary?

The biggest difference is that blogging is much more   19   than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats his diary like a book full of   20   that she does not want to   21 

It’s interesting that someone who writes in a blog   22   a diary will probably write nearly the same information.

I have a little sister, and sometimes I go online to read her   23   . She writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test.  24  I was her age, I wrote about the same things, but   25   in my diary. Then, after I had finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was   26   that my sister might read it!

The biggest   27   with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend during high school and wrote something   28   about her in my diary, she would never know!   29, if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend, that friend   30  read her blog and get a “cry”.

There are also   31   to blogging, of course. If I felt sad one day and wrote in my diary: “Nobody cares about me.”   32   would know about it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friends would   33   respond(回应)and tell her how much they  _34   her. Blogs help people   35   in contact with their friends and know what the people around them are doing.

16. A. the same      B. troublesome       C. difficult      D. daily

17. A. familiar          B. special              C. similar            D. different

18. A. a personal    B. an ordinary     C. a common   D. a traditional

19. A. attractive     B. public         C. convenient   D. quick

20. A. thoughts      B. puzzles          C. mysteries     D. secrets

21. A. tell         B. share          C. publish        D. solve

22. A. instead of     B. as well as      C. in favor of   D. in spite of

23. A. blog        B. diary          C. report       D. web

24. A. Although     B. Since         C. When       D. Because

25. A. only        B. already          C. still          D. never

26. A. angry      B. concerned      C. glad         D. worried

27. A. problem          B. doubt         C. trouble            D. mistake

28. A. boring     B. wrong         C. unpleasant   D. funny

29. A. Beside     B. However       C. Therefore    D. Then

30. A,. should     B. will           C. must        D. might

31. A. reasons     B. disadvantages     C. shortcomings D. advantages

32. A. everyone      B. no one              C. anyone        D. someone

33. A. happily     B. especially      C. quickly       D. immediately

34. A. like         B. miss           C. need        D. help

35. A. lose         B. stay           C. get           D. find


12. 难度:简单



On a cold winter morning in the late 1930s, Bobby awoke early. It was a day that Bobby would never forget. Bobby, his brother and his mother were once again abandoned(抛弃) by his father. When times got hard, the man left home. Bobby wasn’t surprised. He must take the responsibility for caring for his family.

He put on the warmest clothes he had and pulled on his old socks and torn shoes. After thinking of a way to keep his feet dry, he went outside looking for work.

Coming across some men working on the road, he joined in and worked hard for hours. Suddenly, rain poured down. “Go home and get out of this weather,” the men shouted, giving him a few coins.

Bobby used the money to buy as much food as he could afford in the nearest store. While holding a small bag of food ,Bobby stopped to adjust(调整) the thick paper in his shoes.

A man, who was a member of the Salvation Army, saw Bobby’s problem. He bought Bobby a new pair of shoes.

I wasn’t there on that cold day. But I’ve heard the story many times and can always imagine my father, as a child, dancing and wearing a pair of new shoes home.

Several years later, Bobby joined the navy. He continued to support his family and meanwhile worked for the Salvation Army so that another little boy somewhere might receive a new pair of shoes for Christmas.

The tradition lasted until my father became too ill. Daddy died six years ago. While the new shoes kept his feet warm in the 1930s, Daddy’s act of giving back for tens of years warmed his heart in a greater way.

36. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Paragraph 1?

A. It wasn’t the first time that Bobby’s father had abandoned the family.

B. Bobby’s father was irresponsible toward his family.

C. Bobby was glad that his father left home. 

D. Bobby was an independent and strong-minded boy.

37. How did the men working on the road treat Bobby?

A. They didn’t care for him               B. They gave him some money

C. They refused to let him work with them   D. They laughed at him

38. By putting thick paper in his shoes, Bobby wanted to ___________.

A. keep his feet dry                                         B. protect his socks

C. make himself walk faster                          D. hide his poverty

39. According to the passage, people from the Salvation Army__________.

A. are the members of the army                  B. are willing to help the poor

C. serve at the local church                         D. are local shop assistants


13. 难度:简单


Snow can be very beautiful. When snow covers everything around you , the world looks like a “Winter Wonderland”. That is the name of a very popular song about winter. Richard Smith and Felix Bernard wrote the song in 1934.

But winter is not always such a beautiful and happy time. It is cold outside.The wind blows and makes it even colder. The days are shorter and darker. The sun rarely shines. The leaves on the trees are brown or have fallen to the ground. The flowers are mostly gone. It is not surprising that some people are sad in winter. And some people dream about being somewhere else where it is warm and pretty——like the state of California. The Mamas and the Papas recorded their famous song, “California Dreaming” in 1965.

During the 1960s, many other famous rock groups sang songs about winter. Here is a song by Simon and Garfunkel called “A Hazy Shade of Winter”. They sing about life and hope.

In 1968, the group Blood, Sweat and Tears recorded this gentle, sad song about winter. They sing about a lost love and forgotten memories in “Sometimes in Winter”.

Gordon Lightfoot wrote and recorded another sad and lovely song about winter in 1975.Sarah McLachlan recorded “Song for a Winter’s Night” for an album in 2006.She sings about reading a love letter and wishing the writer were with her.

Finally, on a lovely note, we leave you this sad song by Wayne.

40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. “Winter Wonderland” is a song written by two brothers.

B. Most people feel very sad in winter.

C. “California Dreaming” is the most famous song about winter.

D. Winter is not always a happy time.

41. What do we learn about the song “Sometimes in Winter” from the passage?

A. It was written for Sarah McLachlan .

B. Gordon Lightfoot made some changes to it.

C. It is a gentle and sad song about winter.

D. It first came out in the 1970s.

42. What can we infer from the passage?

A. It is usually warm in California in winter.

B. “Song for a Winter’s Night” is a very happy song.

C. Blood, Sweat and Tears are the names of three singers.

D. Simon and Garfunkel often felt sad.

43. Where is this passage most probably taken from?

A. Newspaper      B. TV news         C. Radio program   D. Magazine 


14. 难度:简单


Any introduction to Peking Opera would not be complete without telling of Mei Lanfang. Traditionally only men performed in Peking Opera, including the female roles. And Mei Lanfang was the very best master of the miss. During his stage life, he combined the traditions of the past with his own creations, shaping a style of his own and giving birth to “The Mei Lanfang School”. He was also the first artist to introduce Peking Opera to an overseas audience, making it popular to the world. For half a century, Mei Lanfang was a household name in China.

Mei Lanfang began his stage life at the age of 8. His teacher said he showed little hope because of his boring eyes. To improve this, he exercised them day after day. He would fly kites and look at them moving slowly in a blue sky. He also kept pigeons in order to look at them soaring higher and higher until they disappeared into the clouds. Thanks to his efforts, he managed to transform his dull eyes into a pair of bright and expressive eyes and win national fame before the age of 20.

In over 50 years on the stage, Mei Lanfang played no less than 100 different characters in the traditional Peking Opera performance. He completely changed both stage make-up and costumes, and enriched characters' gestures, expressions and poses. He also wrote many new plays, designing the dances himself. The many dances he created form part of the great legacy that he left to Peking Opera.

In 1930, Mei Lanfang started on a successful US tour. There his brilliant performances fascinated the audience, making them realize that Peking Opera was a theatrical form of great literary and artistic value.

44. Mei Lanfang was the first artist to introduce Peking Opera to ______.

A. China                B. Beijing                    C. the world                 D. schools

45. When did Mei Lanfang begin his stage life?

A. At the age of 8.   B. At the age of 20.      C. In 1930.                  D. In 1950.

46. What is the meaning of the underlined word “legacy” in paragraph 3?

A. Someone well known all over the world.

B. Someone considered to be an art treasure.

C. Something traditional combined with modern dances.

D. Something valuable passed down from generation to generation.

47. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The history of Peking Opera.

B. Mei Lanfang’s early stage life.

C. The creations of Peking Opera by Mei Lanfang.

D. Mei Lanfang’s great contributions to Peking Opera.


15. 难度:简单


Here are three notices on the school bulletin board.

Chinese Prints

This exhibition starts on January 3 and ends on January 21.

At 6:00 p.m. on Friday, 4 January, there will be a talk on Chinese painting by Professor Li Yan in the Yingdong Gym.

Opening times: Mon — Fri, from 8: 00 am to 5: 00 pm Place: the School Library  Ticket:  Free

The Day after Tomorrow

American movie    Director: Roland Emmerich

Cast (in credits order):  Jack Hall, Laura Chapman, Jason Evans   Place:  the Hua Xing Cinema

Time: 10: 00 am, 6: 30 pm; Saturday, December 21    Ticket: ¥ 20

Piano Concert

Chinese pianist: Li Yundi — the winner of the Fourteenth International Chopin Competition in Warsaw

Place:  the Centre Theatre   Time:  7: 00 pm, January 25, 2008  Ticket: ¥150, ¥250, ¥350

For more information, please come to Students Union.

48. Students can visit the Exhibition of Chinese Prints on _________.

A. January 3              B. December 21          C. Saturday                  D. Sunday

49. If you want to see the American movie The Day after Tomorrow, you will pay ________.

A. ¥ 20             B. ¥150                      C. ¥250                     D. nothing

50. If you want to attend Li Yundi’s piano concert, you will go to _______.

A. the School Library                              B. the Hua Xing Cinema  

C. the Centre Theatre                           D. the Yingdong Gym


16. 难度:简单

四、完成句子      (共10小题;每小题1.5分;满分15分)

51. The girl was ________ by the ________ accident. (frighten)

52. The Olympic Games are held _______ ________ ________. (每四年)

53. I have almost _______ _______ _______ my money. (用完)

54. ______ ______ your help, I finished the task in time. (多亏)


Don’t ______ ______ him ______ that matter!

56. (完成句子) 你明天开始工作方便吗?

Will it be ________ for you to start work tomorrow?

57. (完成句子) 双方谈判已经破裂。

Negotiations between the two sides have ________ ________.

58. (完成句子) 她依旧恪守说过的每一句话。

She still ________ _________ every word she said.

59. (完成句子) 她(在大学)主修数学和物理。

She ________ ________ maths and physics (at university).

60. (完成句子) 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。

________ ________ the Bible, Adam was the first man.


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