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1. 难度:中等

The scientific research on how to protect the rare animals is ________. Many scientists are working hard to find new way to raise the animals by man.

  A. in danger                        B. in control                  C. in order                     D. in progress


2. 难度:中等

Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of _____ she spoke fluently.

  A. who                                B.whom                         C.which                          D.that


3. 难度:中等

As an employee, I couldn’t help but ______ still for hours as the boss told me to.

  A. stood                              B.stand                          C.to stand                     D.standding


4. 难度:中等

Ashes from the fire fall on the ice surface and _______ more radiation from the sun.

  A.take in                             B.bring in                       C.put in                          D.go in


5. 难度:中等

A great idea suddenly _______ to me that I might use the pocket money to buy a tie for my father’s birthday.

  A. passed                           B.happened                  C.struck                         D.occurred


6. 难度:中等

More highways have been built in China, _____ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

  A.making                            B.made                          C.to make                    D. having made


7. 难度:中等

----Where can we get your latest children’s story?

 ----Soon. It _______ and will come out next week.

  A. has printed                   B.is being printed        C.has been printed     D.has been printing


8. 难度:中等

If you are _______ about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.

  A.interested                      B.anxious                      C.upset                          D.curious


9. 难度:中等

It was so cold that they had the fire _____ all night.

  A.to burn                            B.burn                            C.burning                      D.burned


10. 难度:中等

He hurried to the booking office only _____ that all the tickets had been sold out.

  A.to find                             B.found                          C.finding                        D.find


11. 难度:中等

We feel _____ our duty to make our country a better place.

  A. it                                      B.this                              C.that                             D.one


12. 难度:中等

My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice


  A.as                                     B.so                                C.too                              D.very


13. 难度:中等

_____ the days and months went by, things were getting worse and worse.

  A.With                                 B.As                                C.When                          D.While


14. 难度:中等

Only when I left my parents for Italy ______ how much I loved them.

  A. I realized                       B.I had realized           C. had I realized          D.did I realize


15. 难度:中等

He came all the way to China for learning it better ______ for making money.

  A. other than                    B.more than                 C.better than               D. rather than


16. 难度:中等

When the news came _______ the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army.

  A. since                               B.which                          C.that                             D.because


17. 难度:中等

Seeing the bad results of the exams, she was rather upset and felt _____ about her future.

  A.surprising                       B.puzzling                     C.puzzled                      D.surprised


18. 难度:中等

----He seems to be lost in thought. Why?

  ---Because the film _____ his memories of his childhood.

  A.calls up                           B.picks up                      C.brings up                   D.takes up


19. 难度:中等

---Isn’t that your teacher over there?

  ---No, it ______ be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

  A.can’t                                B.must not                    C.won’t                          D.may not


20. 难度:中等

 –What are you going to do this weekend?

--________.If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

A.Don’t mention it      B.It doesn’t matter    C.Forget it               D.It depends


21. 难度:中等

When my twin sons, Chad and Brad, were born, I was concerned about everything. Five years later, our little girl, Becky,   21   our family.I wanted everybody to be healthy and happy.I worked hard to see that they  22

As the kids grew older, I worried about headaches, throat infections and many other 23   childhood illnesses.I didn't like it when the boys spent time "warming the bench (板凳)" during Little League football games.I worried about Becky when she   24   the ball while playing softball.Before long, the teen years were upon us.I stayed   25   late t night waiting for the boys to return home.Many times the  26  crossed my mind that I would call the police if they weren't home on time._27_, they always arrived home safe and sound  28  I had to take such measures.

"Please don't ever call the police," one of the boys said when I  29   him after a late arrival.The day the boys moved away to college was a   30   day indeed.I worried about their being able to take care of themselves.Would they starve?

A few months after the boys left college, our  31   rang in the middle of the night. It startled (惊醒)us when we looked at the clock.It was 3 o'clock in the morning." 32   must be wrong," I shouted to my husband, Roy, as we both jumped up.We ran to the door, opened it, and there   33   a police officer

"You need to  34   your sons," he seriously announced.I picked up the telephone, but unfortunately, it was  35 .A line outside had been accidentally (偶然) cut.Roy and I jumped into the car and  36   to the nearest telephone.My stomach ached.My husband was   37   so badly that he could hardly dial the number.

On the first   38  , Chad answered the telephone."What's wrong?" Roy shouted into the receiver (听筒).

"We were worried about you," Chad told him."We've been trying to call you all night, but you didn't   39   We called the police and asked them to go and check on you."

For the first time in their lives, the boys were worried about us.And they were the ones who   40   had to call the police.

1.A.completed        B.visited              C.tested          D.appreciated

2.A.did              B.had                C.were               D.would

3.A.serious            B.common            C.unusual              D.incurable

4.A.hit            B.threw                C.got                D.missed

5.A.down            B.up                            C.out                 D.in

6.A.plan                B.advice              C.worry               D.thought

7.A.Strangely          B.Probably              C.Luckily               D.Exactly

8.A.after            B.when              C.before              D.since

9.A.threatened        B.told                C.surprised            D.reminded

10.A.nice          B.embarrassing           C.happy               D.sad

11.A.phone                  B.clock               C.alarm                  D.doorbell

12.A.Something       B.Anything                        C.Everything     D.Nothing

13.A.stood         B.greeted            C.turned               D.came

14.A.call                     B.email              C.see               D.educate

15.A.gone                   B.useless             C.dead              D.stolen

16.A.rushed        B.headed             C.went                D.moved

17.A.looking                  B.shaking             C.suffering       D.seeing

18.A.night                   B.arrival       C.try                 D.ring

19.A.talk            B.answer        C.wake             D.care

20.A.frequently     B.suddenly    C.actually        D.rarely


22. 难度:中等

"Get out of the plane!" Justin shouted.Teddy and he dropped to the ground,...

When Kathy and Victor reached the edge of the meadow (牧场)flames of the fire were shooting more than five meters into the air.

Kathy couldn't believe what she was seeing.One glance told her they needed medical attention immediately.She questioned Victor, "Are you able to find someone nearby for help?"

"There are no farmers, nor villagers nearby," he replied.

"I'm a distance runner, and I'll go for help." Looking at the seriously injured men, Kathy said to Victor, "It may take me several hours to get out." She started out.

When she was 23, Kathy set a women's record in a Marathon of 42 kilometers.But now she was running the race of lifeShe had nearly 30 kilometers of hard wilderness to cover to get help.

Kathy had been running for two hours.This was far back into the wilderness.The country path was growing vague (模糊).She stopped to take a quick compass (指南针) reading.Yes, she had run almost for more than 20 kilometers.Her heart fell, her muscle aching.And finally she saw her car in the distance.

She jumped into the car and sped away.She reached a holiday house and called the police.

During the wait, she walked around, relaxing her legs and drinking water.It took almost two hours for a police helicopter to reach her at the trail (小路) end.They needed her for one more task.

1.Who actually had the airplane accident?

A.Justin himself                                   B.Kathy and Victor

C.Justin and Teddy                                  D.Kathy herself

2.The underlined part "Now, she was running the race of life" means that ____.

A.Kathy would set up a new record

B.Kathy was running for the lives of others

C.Kathy would run a race alone

D.Kathy couldn't rely on Victor this time

3.Kathy stopped to have a look at her compass because ____.

A.the country path was getting vague              B.she had completely lost her way

C.she wasn't sure of her own memory               D.there was only the wilderness

4.What do you think Kathy's final task would be?

A.Giving the injured food and drinks.               B.Taking the injured to the hospital.

C.Going back to put out the big fire.              D.Showing the police the crash site.


23. 难度:中等

How many coins do you have in your pocket right now? Three? Two? Or one? With a phone card, you can make up to 200 calls without any charges at all.

★What do you do with it?

Go to a telephone box marked "Phone-card".Put in your card to start, make your phone call and when you have finished, the screen will tell you how much is left on your card.It costs no extra for the cards, and the calls cost 10 p(便士) per unit, the same as any other pay-phone call.You can buy it in units of 10, 20, 40, 50, or 100.

★Appear in a shop nearby.

Near each card-phone place, you will find a shop where you can buy one.They are at bus, train or metro stations.At universities, hospitals, clubs, restaurants and shopping centers, you can also buy it.

★No more broken pay-phones.

It is possible that many pay-phones don't work because they have been damaged. There are no coins in a card-phone to excite the thieves' interest in it.So you are not probably to find a broken one.

Get a phone-card yourself and try it out.Or get a bigger wallet.

1.The passage is most probably ____.

         A.a warning                             B.a notice

         C.an advertisement                      D.an announcement

2.The underlined word "one" means ____.

         A.a shop            B.a coin            C.a pay-phone      D.a phone-card

3.It is suggested in the passage that you buy a phone-card because ____.

         A.you have got a bigger wallet than others

         B.it's convenient to make calls with a phone card

         C.the phone box might have been damaged

         D.there are many different kinds of phone-cards


24. 难度:中等

Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy.After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy.

Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy.However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason.Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.

Do you know what a "territory" is? A territory is an area that an animal, usually the male, claims as its own .Only he and his family are welcome there .No other families of the same species are welcome.Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome.If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout.Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.

If so, you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him.A bird does the same thing.But he expects an outsider almost any time, especially at nesting (筑巢) season.So he's screaming (高声尖叫) all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not.This screaming is what we call a bird's song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.

Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs.You can see that birds have a language of their own.Most of it has something to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.

1.Some scientists believe that most of the time birds' singing is actually

A.an expression of happiness                        

B.a way of warning

C.an expression of anger                          

D.a language of their own

2.What is a bird's "territory"?

A.A place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice.

B.A place where other bird families are not accepted.

C.An area for which birds fight against each other.

D.An area which a bird considers to be its own

3.Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?

A.Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away.

B.Because their singing helps get rid of their fears.

C.Because they want to find outsiders around.

D.Because they want to invite more bird friends.

4.How does the writer explain birds' singing?

A.By comparing birds with human beings.            B.By reporting experimental results.

C.By describing birds'daily life.                    D.By telling a bird's story.


25. 难度:中等

With five breakout (破纪录的) games, Jeremy Lin has become the NBA's newest star.

In the New York Knicks' 92-85 won over the Los Angles Lakers last Saturday, Lin had a career-high 38 points.A day later, he led the Knicks to their fifth victory, 100-98 to Minnesota Timberwolves.In his previous games, Lin, 23, had 23 points against the Washington, 25 points against New Jersey and 28 against Utah in his first start.

Lin is smart.Before graduating from high school in California, he had sent his application to all the Ivy League Schools (常青藤联盟).He only got into Harvard and Brown, and he chose Harvard.In 2010, Lin graduated with a degree in economics.

Lin is the first Chinese-American player in the NBA.He was born in the US and his family is Asian.Although not born in China, Lin has attracted nearly all Yao Ming's old fans, who see him as a powerful role model.

He started off on the Golden State Warriors.Lin first signed with the Warriors in July, 2010, but seldom played in games before the start of the fourth quarter.His first time on the court for the Warriors earned him seven points, three rebounds (篮板球) and two assists in just 11 minutes.

He is really perfect for the Knicks.The New York Knicks has been in need of a reliable point guard and to Mike D'Antoni, the Knicks coach who's going through a difficult season, Lin is a most unexpected figure."Lin just does everything easy and the rest of the guys around him are playing the way we want to," D'Antoni said."I think it's for real, and it can only get better."

1.In which team did Lin start his career in NBA?

         A.the New York Knicks.                    

         B.The Golden State Warriors.

         C.Minnesota Timberwolves.             

         D.The Los Angles Lakers.

2.From the passage, we learn that ___.

         A.the New York Knicks has never been defeated

         B.Lin is an American-Chinese basketball player

         C.most of Yao Ming's fans take Lin as a great role model

         D.after graduation from Harvard, Lin signed with the Knicks

3.From the passage, it can be inferred that ____.

         A.Lin is the team leader of the Knicks

         B.the Knicks' success only depends on Lin

         C.the Knicks'coach puts strong hopes on Lin

         D.the Knicks is sure to win the season this year

4.The author's purpose of writing the report is ____.

         A.to show his support for the Knicks

         B.to express his love for Jeremy Lin

         C.to report the progress of the Knicks

         D.to introduce a newest rising NBA star


26. 难度:中等

Making Our Team Work Best

Learning in school, we often work in small groups.But why? Is it necessary to work with others? What if you feel comfortable doing a job by yourself ? In reality, however, after leaving school, you will find out that almost all work in many fields is done in teams.


Actually, a team is a group of individual people brought together in order to complete a task which cannot be efficiently finished by any member of the group alone.The group may be temporary or it may stay together for a long period.


A type of team that we are familiar with are sports teams, which are made up of a certain numbers of players.They work together to win a match.In fact, different numbers have different skills in a team.A team can only work well when all their members cooperate.The atmosphere in a team affects the performance of the team, so the social relations within the team are important.


Teams require leaders, and people who create ideas, who develop ideas, and people whose role is to comment and help improve plans.People who identify problems and suggest solutions are needed in a team, too.Every team member works in their most efficient way to make the whole team work best.


Regulations and rules help teams work well.But be careful.Working in a team, we have to take into account how each individual member can work best.Some may work best on task alone; others work best in groups.How the group task is divided depends on the personalities and abilities of the individual in the group.


In a dynamic (充满活力的) team, people with quite different personalities work well together.Actually, their differences are the strength of the team.To make the best of working with our classmates, or to make our team work best, it is important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each individual of the group.

To know someone's personality type and ability is to know a great deal about that individual person, or to understand that person.To understand means that we can build strong relationship between members of a team, and make the best use of each others' talents.

         A.Knowing about Team Members

         B.Functions of Rules and Regulations

         C.Team Members and Their Roles

         D.How a Team Works

         E.A Sports Team

         F.The Definition (定义) of a Team


27. 难度:中等

It is easy for many people to catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can’t they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. There are actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn’t a cure for each one.

         When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and cause a block in it. You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature goes up and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells. You may feel very uncomfortable, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.

         Different people do different things to deal with colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to make themselves feel better. Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicine to stop various symptoms (症状) of colds.

         There is one interesting thing to note —some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesn’t have a way to fight it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on their own. There is a joke, however, on taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this:

         It takes about one week to get over a cold if you don’t take medicine, but it takes only seven days to get over a cold if you take medicine.


How Much You Know About the Common Cold


◆People catch a cold 61.         in spring or fall.

◆A 62.         of cold viruses exist everywhere.

◆It is hard to find a cure for each cold.

The symptoms of the

common cold

◆The body’s blood as well as its temperature 63.        , causing a fever.

◆You will find that you have some difficulty 64.      .

◆You have a runny nose, which makes you feel miserable.

Some 65.       of

dealing with the

common cold

◆Drinking chicken soup to help you 66.       .

◆Taking hot baths and drinking warm 67. ________.

◆Taking some medicine.

68.       by

some scientists

◆Taking medicine when having a cold will do 69.      to the body.

◆Taking medicine or not will take you one week to 70.       the common cold.


28. 难度:中等






         Mrs.Brown was an old lady with just one son who lived far                           71.        

away from her. On her 80th birthday, she was sure that even if                                72.        

her daughter could not come for a visit, but she would at least                                73.        

receive a present to her daughter.After all, eighty was a special  74.        

birthday, one should not be forgotten.The old lady waited so                                 75.         

eager that she stood at the front door for a whole day.Her                                    76.        

daughter didn't show up.However, the old lady got the parcel                               77.        

in which there were a printed card along with a cheque.She                                  78.        

felt very disappointed and she tears the cheque into pieces.                                  79.        

Everyone but a caring daughter or son could write a cheque.                                 80.        


29. 难度:中等



1.He tried so hard to stay awake, but ______________he fell asleep.

2.If we plant trees every spring, in a few years’ time the mountain ____________________trees.

3.I found your pen _____________ when I was cleaning the room.

4.In business, success not only__________________ what you say but also how you say it.

5.I am surprised that a quarrel _______________ between the two neighbours because   they used to be close friends.

6.The police are still _____________ the lost boy though it is midnight.

7.The village among the mountains was ___________because of the heavy rain.

8.---I suppose your student doesn’t understand you.

          ----____________, he understands me very much.

9.It’s getting dark;___________, it is beginning to rain.

10.______________, I’d like to thank you for all you’ve done for me.


30. 难度:中等

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